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unfavorable reviews for products being flagged and removed

Vic Pittman

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I purchased a certain "phone" on the marketplace for $2000L.

I realized you could neither place it to your ear, nor text on it. (animations of course)

I wrote a two-star review stating my displeasure (in a polite manner, I might add) and added that if the missing features were to be added, I'd improve the review.

Two weeks later, I realize my review is gone. It had been flagged and removed. Funny. Now I know why there are no reviews less than four stars.

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A review is to inform prospective buyers whether something is as described in the listing, among other things. If the listing stated that the phone had these animations, the review is justified. Otherwise, if you wanted these animations, it was up to you to inquire whether the phone came with it or not.

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I had this happen to me couple of times last poor review i did was for a Eye screen typing ao.. So I bought it and it didn't show the yellow screen that comes out the Avatar's eyes so i wrote a Poor Review gave it 3 stars and the owner Im'med blasted me for writing it and than i gave him proof of his own ad and he still removed my Review.. so i take it as he didn't want anybody read it and admit a mistake but its cool now

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Vic Pittman wrote:

Two weeks later, I realize my review is gone. It had been flagged and removed.

You paid 2000 L$ for a phone without animation??? Yes, I think you have reason to be mad. But as Pamela said, if the description didn't state the phone was animated, I'm afraid you have to be mad at yourself rather than the seller.

Even so, I find it hard to believe a two star review would have been removed for the reason you say. A seller can't remove reviews, only Linden Lab can and I don't think they're that easy to convince. It's mroe likley the seller relisted the item to get rid of the review (easy way to find out: check the link in your purchase history - if it takes you to the MP front page rather than the item listing, it's been relisted). If so, they've violated the MP TOS and you can flag them for ti if you want to.

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i bought a security system few months back, wrote a reveiw that it is useless, guy just kept saing it my fault and not reading the instructions.  I write scriptes, ten of us tried to get it to work, we all failed.Guy still selling it. Mine went in the trash can. Linden do not care what on the MP. Too much trash and ripped scripts on MP, needs a good clear out. It so bogged doown now with rubbish can not find stuff without spending hours trawling thru it. Feel better after that moan, lol.

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ChinRey wrote:

Vic Pittman wrote:

Two weeks later, I realize my review is gone. It had been flagged and removed.

You paid 2000 L$ for a phone without animation??? Yes, I think you have reason to be mad. But as Pamela said, if the description didn't state the phone was animated, I'm afraid you have to be mad at yourself rather than the seller.

Even so, I find it hard to believe a two star review would have been removed for the reason you say. A seller can't remove reviews, only Linden Lab can and I don't think they're that easy to convince. It's mroe likley the seller relisted the item to get rid of the review (easy way to find out: check the link in your purchase history - if it takes you to the MP front page rather than the item listing, it's been relisted). If so, they've violated the MP TOS and you can flag them for ti if you want to.

That is a possibility. Another possibility is that we are only hearing one side of the story. Someone gave one of my best selling dining sets one star because she said there were no eating animations. Of course there were eating animations, which started when a fork or some food was worn -- stated clearly in the listing and in the instruction notecard.

If she had contacted me I would have explained. I notice the OP did not mention contacting the creator.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

ChinRey wrote:

Vic Pittman wrote:

Two weeks later, I realize my review is gone. It had been flagged and removed.

You paid 2000 L$ for a phone without animation??? Yes, I think you have reason to be mad. But as Pamela said, if the description didn't state the phone was animated, I'm afraid you have to be mad at yourself rather than the seller.

Even so, I find it hard to believe a two star review would have been removed for the reason you say. A seller can't remove reviews, only Linden Lab can and I don't think they're that easy to convince. It's mroe likley the seller relisted the item to get rid of the review (easy way to find out: check the link in your purchase history - if it takes you to the MP front page rather than the item listing, it's been relisted). If so, they've violated the MP TOS and you can flag them for ti if you want to.

That is a possibility. Another possibility is that we are only hearing one side of the story. Someone gave one of my best selling dining sets one star because she said there were no eating animations. Of course there were eating animations, which started when a fork or some food was worn -- stated clearly in the listing and in the instruction notecard.

If she had contacted me I would have explained. I notice the OP did not mention contacting the creator.

I have a suspicion I know the 'phone' they are talking about.  I looked at it a while back.  It is what I personally would describe as a "useless bright and shiney."  Yes it is VERY bright and shiney.  But essentially IMHO useless.  There were no false representations made about it on the MP.  But wow did it look and sound nice.

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Damn... I feel your pain. Some merchants and their fanbases can be such scumbags at times. Had a kids stuff merchant do this to me awhile back because I left a 4-Star review on some clothing they made that praised some of the perks of the item but brought up some bugs and other little issues I had with it. The product was in beta so you would think that the creator would want feedback in their reviews, like how a script for retexturing the mesh would break after each use and the clothing which was meant to fit all mesh kid avatars, specifically Toddleedoos (which I have) didn't fit unless I made my avatar super model skinny.  The resizer was one of these really simple ones that resized all axises by 5, 10, or 15 percent increases.

So I log-on SL the next day and find an insulting bunch of remarks in broken kid-speak English and French about how I lied about their product, how I was retarded, not using the right avatar, her friends said it worked right, and that I was blacklisted, banned, and would be reported for defamation of her products. Responded back as calm and maturely as I could but things would become rather chaotic and almost banworthy for me, the merchant and one of her stooges over the next 30 mins.

Next day, the product was removed from the MP and re-posted hours later. I flagged the product and reported the merchant but don't think anything happened to them, but the product did do another disappearing/reappearing trick and I couldn't flag it again for reposting. Ugh...StLc

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steph Arnott wrote:

You are probably like me and are genuine and want customers to be happy, unfortunatly a vast amout do not give a hoot. My main issue with MP is that those that do not give a stuff are still there. A RL shop would have gone but MP still registers them.

And then there are those customers who do not give a hoot. I got a 2 star review recently because my stone steps make too much noise. This is SL collision sound. I contacted the customer 2 days ago telling him to read the notecard that came with it 'Changing Physic Shape Type' , and I also explained how to change steps to convex hull (smooth walking). I sent him a copy of the steps changed to convex hull. I have not heard back - my bet is that I won't, and the review will stand unless I flag it.

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Vic Pittman wrote:

I purchased a certain "phone" on the marketplace for $2000L.

I realized you could neither place it to your ear, nor text on it. (animations of course)

I wrote a two-star review stating my displeasure (in a polite manner, I might add) and added that if the missing features were to be added, I'd improve the review.

Two weeks later, I realize my review is gone. It had been flagged and removed. Funny. Now I know why there are no reviews less than four stars.

If you realized that why did you buy the phone?  Sorry but the review was unfair because you were complaining about something that you knew was not included when you bought the phone.  I'm not surprised it was flagged and removed by LL who has the final say about this. 

There is nothing wrong with requesting additional features but it shouldn't effect you review about what was actually advertised.

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come on now, it is a joke how people can sell anything as long they tell what it does...

I got a review removed from an updater which did what was told... Update from OpenCollar version 3.995 to CollarDB 5.001.

But the fact is that those scripts in the CollarDB 5.001 are slightly changed version of OpenCollar scripts below version 3.6...

So my review was a warning that actually the scripts get downgraded and to be very careful to use this because this was not an update but a migrate tool. And so, the fact that it migrates an OpenCollar with 2015 scripts to scripts dating from 2011 and also sending information without warning to a external database is simply not being told, so leaving info out is fine it seems.

Why not sell a pick-pocket wallet, "this will steal" in the description and sending money to myself from anyone who wears this... sounds like i discribed it correctly in LL terms to me.

I also wonder why my review can be removed without asking or even telling me about it.

So misguiding costumers with higher numbered versions but actually using lower version in the backbone is OK for LL but telling about this not.



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Garvin Twine wrote:


I also wonder why my review can be removed without asking or even telling me about it.

LL: "We're going going to remove your review because it's deemed to be unfair"

You: "I object!"

LL: "Tough!"  *deleted*

That's why they don't bother asking.  Being informed that a review is removed I can agree with.  Depending on the exact wording, your review sounds like it was objective and thus should have remained.

Just undertsand that the LL staff who attend to review don't really seem to pay much attention at all and just remove upon request.

By the way Gavin, a "costumer" in English has its own meaning, it means someone who makes, rents or sells costumes.  You wanted "customer".  I offer this as help because i'm trying to learn a couple of languages and welcome the corrections to my terrible attempts so I hope you accept this in the nature in which it is offered :)

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Once someone gave a set of mine a bad review because she wished the rug  was texture change. I get these kinds all the time. But the purpose of a review is not to dream up things you wish something had so you can give it a bad review. The PURPOSE of a review is to advise prospective buyers whether something looks and functions as described or not, and whether it is of good quality. It is not to come up with a laundry list of things you think would improve it.

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To me your review was legit and should have remained.  You weren't lowering the rating for features you wish it had but didn't.  What you did was warn people that the 'upgrade' may not be the 'upgrade' they think it may be. It also sounds like the listing was deceptive.

This is totally different from downgrading a product because it didn't have things that it stated in the description it didn't include.

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I have just flagged an unfavorable review on one of my items.  I am selling a mesh gown, complete with hair jewellry and ear cuffs, as an added extra I put in a pair of system gloves that I thought looked good with it.  I clearly state twice in the description that the gloves are system, not mesh, and no appliers were available.  The one star review said the customer was disappointed that i had forgotten to put in the appliers, ummm no, you, the customer, forgot to read the description.  So unfair to get a bad review on an excellent product that I worked hard on.  If a customer gave a bad review for a good reason, I would do everything to put it right or remove the item and refund the customer.  grrr sorry for the rant but I am angry.

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