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Titler griefing, TROLLING and Picture's of his victims

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Months ago Till now A guy  juss pop up on the place
where we used to chill , good time and have fun, then suddenly he's started insultin us by puttin a bad
title over our head and i think he's using some sort of title HUD from MP
we already reported him on land owner and SL but were still waitin for thier action bout it ,
and now hes using more alt so he can put title on more people head ..he thins hes Unstoppable
i dont have much to say..
i just let the pictures speak for themselves

btw name's are erased to protect thier privacy

Have a Wonderful day to all


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Ignore him and block/mute him.  If an alt comes back, block that one, too.  Do NOT interact with him.  Do NOT respond in any way.  If you are not fun to harass, he will find someone else.

I don't know how many times I have given out this advice.  It works. Do not respond no matter what idiotic title you are given.  If the harasser is muted, you won't be able to read anything he says in public chat and you will not receive any private messages from him either.  Make yourself boring - really boring.  I am going to repeat the advice one more time - Do not respond in any way.  Block.  Ignore.

You lose if you ignore once and respond the next time an alt logs in.  Just roll your eyes and block the alt.

If you want this post to stay, you will need to remove his name from your original post.  It is against community standards to name and shame.

Enjoy your second life.

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The really sad part is that the hud thats being used puts a forced message over a person's head and you can not remove it. Trolls are really messed up people. Its horrible that first this type of hud is allowed by LL and second that people will do this to get their jollies. They get continually reported and nothing is done. This needs to be addressed and changed!

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Wow...Freebie Galaxy still exists?

Ok easy solution: Stop hanging out at places like this one. Places full of outdated crap that newbies flock to are like heaven for anyone who wants to troll and grief people, because newbies are the most helpless victims on the grid.

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the person to deal with this is the landowner

to put a a title over your head that follows you when you move, then the person has to be able to rez an object on the sim. An object that is scripted to follow you

there is a alternative way to do this also. However the person has to follow you, for the title to stay over your head


if you have mentioned this to the land owner and they have not responded to you (like not done anything about it) then:

a) they are not seeing your messages (bc delivery capped)

b) they dont see them bc they havent logged in for months

c) they have seen them and dont care. That the activity the person, you and your friends, are constantly engaging in (seems like), willingly or not, is relatively harmless in their (the landowners) opinion

d) they have seen them and the value of the green dots on the parcel is valuable to them, in terms of traffic numbers boosting. That more green dots are better than less, particular given they are not bots

e) or is both c) and d). The presence of green dots who are not bots and who provide entertainment as a sideshow for other people who come is considered to be valuable to the landowner also, in terms of attracting even more visitors/customers


seems to me that you and your friends have found yourselfs in a little social war on somebody elses land, willingly or not. And you would like a greater power to resolve it in your favour

LL wont resolve it for this reason. The LL enforcers dont involve themselves in social disputes/wars between people who are having the dispute on somebody elses land

If the person was crashing the sim then the LL enforcers would get involved for sure. Involved for social then nah!

the (LL enforcer) response to this is typically: If you are upset socially and the landowner does nothing about it and it is within the power of the landowner to do something about it, and you have a power to something about it also, then we (LL enforcers) will not get involved 


you are being trolled for sure by that person. but you can do something to prevent this by: Dont go there

if this person is trolling everyone on the sim and the traffic numbers go way down  bc nobody comes (or leaves quickly when they do come) then the landowner will notice, and do something about it

not going there, is the power you have over the landowner. You can exercise this at any time


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I don't think he is rezzing anything, he pretty much follows you. If you go far enough from him, it disappears. I stopped going there, not that I went there a lot in the first place, but yeah. I sent the owner a notecard and so have other people.

I made the mistake of reacting to him the first time, so I always get a sign over my head lol.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:

of course nobody can forbid you , but wth do you go to freebie hells ...

I have to second that. The place you showed pictures of is particularly known as a griefer place and not somewhere you'd usually want to just hang out at.

In any case, as far as I know there are only three ways to put a title above somebody else's head. I take it you didn't wear any suspicious object yourself and the place won't let anybody rez, so the only explanation is that the griefer was wearing an object scripted to follow you. That means it would only work as long as you stayed within a 50-or-so m distances from him.

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You will notice immediately the lack of sympathy and apathetic acceptance of the fact that LL gave up long ago tackling griefers.  There is not a great deal of profit in tackling griefing, you see, in fact it is costly; it can actually often involve Lindens having to - gasp - go inworld!

LL could, quite easily, make available tools to assist the average resident when griefed.  They don't have the desire, it seems.  Which should really tell you everything.

As for these forums they are haunted by the dispossesed: beings allergic almost to actually getting inworld.  The catch all smart alec response to your post to 'ignore and move on', etc, etc you can safely bet they never did themselves when first in SL.

       Which is maybes why they hang around for hours and hours and hours and hours, and months and years in these forums.  Why frolic in a multi colour, amazing virtual world when you all you want is a word processor connected to like minded others?  The numbers of posts tells you pretty much all you need to know proportionate to the date of joining SL.

I sometimes come here and switch my torch on, but not for long. I mean reading fonts on a screen was wondrous in 1980, but pales when compared to wandering the most boring sims in SL, awash with mesh and all manner of goodies, many for free.

BTW, I wonder how Ebbe is doing?  He handed a few pairs of ears out to some Lindens when he first arrived (which they looked at strangely as he pointed to the residents and then the ears) but dunno what's been going down of late.

That said, glancing through these corridors of the undead I see - gasp - the 'Prok' has surfaced again!   At least she hung in there till cleared, unlike the 'Pep' who couldn't wait and had to make many an alias to get his fix. :smileytongue:

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

You will notice immediately the lack of sympathy and apathetic acceptance of the fact that LL gave up long ago tackling griefers.  There is not a great deal of profit in tackling griefing, you see, in fact it is costly; it can actually often involve Lindens having to - gasp - go inworld!

LL could, quite easily, make available tools to assist the average resident when griefed.  They don't have the desire, it seems.  Which should really tell you everything.

As for these forums they are haunted by the dispossesed: beings allergic almost to actually getting inworld.  The catch all smart alec response to your post to 'ignore and move on', etc, etc you can safely bet they never did themselves when first in SL.

       Which is maybes why they hang around for hours and hours and hours and hours, and months and years in these forums.  Why frolic in a multi colour, amazing virtual world when you all you want is a word processor connected to like minded others?  The numbers of posts tells you pretty much all you need to know proportionate to the date of joining SL.

I sometimes come here and switch my torch on, but not for long. I mean reading fonts on a screen was wondrous in 1980, but pales when compared to wandering the most boring sims in SL, awash with mesh and all manner of goodies, many for free.

BTW, I wonder how Ebbe is doing?  He handed a few pairs of ears out to some Lindens when he first arrived (which they looked at strangely as he pointed to the residents and then the ears) but dunno what's been going down of late.

That said, glancing through these corridors of the undead I see - gasp - the 'Prok' has surfaced again!   At least she hung in there till cleared, unlike the 'Pep' who couldn't wait and had to make many an alias to get his fix. :smileytongue:

about anti-grief tools

you mean like Block for example. Like parcel controls for example. Like Freeze and Eject and Ban for example. Like grey goo throttling for example. Like mesh munt blocking for example. Like physics munt blocking for example. Like prim content overloading for example. Like Group banning for example. Like Push throttling for example. Like estate level IP address banning level for example. and more even

all tools that are available to assist the average resident when griefed


why frolic in a multi colour amazing virtual world and not know about these things. Feeling haunted and dispossessed, or allergic even to knowing that these tools do exist already

better to frolic it seems ?! ignorant of all the available tools, and demand that other tools that are apparently easily made, be made

which tools would these others be exactly ?

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One way to mitigate this sort of grieving is by using a hud that displaces both the camera view and the avatar such that the titles are no longer above your avatars head. I am not sure I would want that added to the viewer though as the setting would be more likely to cause confusion than help.

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Hold on, "average" residents don't get freeze, eject, ban. Those need land rights which you won't have at a welcome centre or in fact everywhere except your own land.


I don't think anyone has a problem with griefers on land they have rights to.


They do still have the ability to TP elsewhere, which is one of the best anti grief tools.

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

You will notice immediately the lack of sympathy and apathetic acceptance of the fact that LL gave up long ago tackling griefers.  There is not a great deal of profit in tackling griefing, you see, in fact it is costly; it can actually often involve Lindens having to - gasp - go inworld!

LL could, quite easily, make available tools to assist the average resident when griefed.  They don't have the desire, it seems.  Which should really tell you everything.

As for these forums they are haunted by the dispossesed: beings allergic almost to actually getting inworld.  The catch all smart alec response to your post to 'ignore and move on', etc, etc you can safely bet they never did themselves when first in SL.

       Which is maybes why they hang around for hours and hours and hours and hours, and months and years in these forums.  Why frolic in a multi colour, amazing virtual world when you all you want is a word processor connected to like minded others?  The numbers of posts tells you pretty much all you need to know proportionate to the date of joining SL.

I sometimes come here and switch my torch on, but not for long. I mean reading fonts on a screen was wondrous in 1980, but pales when compared to wandering the most boring sims in SL, awash with mesh and all manner of goodies, many for free.

BTW, I wonder how Ebbe is doing?  He handed a few pairs of ears out to some Lindens when he first arrived (which they looked at strangely as he pointed to the residents and then the ears) but dunno what's been going down of late.

That said, glancing through these corridors of the undead I see - gasp - the 'Prok' has surfaced again!   At least she hung in there till cleared, unlike the 'Pep' who couldn't wait and had to make many an alias to get his fix. :smileytongue:

"Apathetic Acceptance?"

What exactly is it you think we should do?

A Million Avatar March on Linden Lab?  Or everyone refuse to log in till they fix the problem?  Or maybe we should all bombard the Lindens with IM's.  

Our responses regarding griefers are based on facts, the biggest one being that LL has given us tools.

We gave solid advice.  All you gave is criticism.  Maybe it is you who needs to get a Second Life.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Hoshi Kenin wrote:

You will notice immediately the lack of sympathy and apathetic acceptance of the fact that LL gave up long ago tackling griefers.  There is not a great deal of profit in tackling griefing, you see, in fact it is costly; it can actually often involve Lindens having to - gasp - go inworld!

LL could, quite easily, make available tools to assist the average resident when griefed.  They don't have the desire, it seems.  Which should really tell you everything.

As for these forums they are haunted by the dispossesed: beings allergic almost to actually getting inworld.  The catch all smart alec response to your post to 'ignore and move on', etc, etc you can safely bet they never did themselves when first in SL.

       Which is maybes why they hang around for hours and hours and hours and hours, and months and years in these forums.  Why frolic in a multi colour, amazing virtual world when you all you want is a word processor connected to like minded others?  The numbers of posts tells you pretty much all you need to know proportionate to the date of joining SL.

I sometimes come here and switch my torch on, but not for long. I mean reading fonts on a screen was wondrous in 1980, but pales when compared to wandering the most boring sims in SL, awash with mesh and all manner of goodies, many for free.

BTW, I wonder how Ebbe is doing?  He handed a few pairs of ears out to some Lindens when he first arrived (which they looked at strangely as he pointed to the residents and then the ears) but dunno what's been going down of late.

That said, glancing through these corridors of the undead I see - gasp - the 'Prok' has surfaced again!   At least she hung in there till cleared, unlike the 'Pep' who couldn't wait and had to make many an alias to get his fix. :smileytongue:

A Million Avatar March on Linden Lab?  


I would pay good Linden to see that. Get CNN on the phone. Cooper could do his 360 show from S.F..

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Hold on, "average" residents don't get freeze, eject, ban. Those need land rights which you won't have at a welcome centre or in fact everywhere except your own land.

yes agree


on other peoples land we also got: particle blocking, dialog overload throttling, media blocking, facelight from doom blocking and also attached particles, media and lights blocking

what we dont have is attached prim text blocking. As purrkitten noticed. So that could be something for LL to do


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