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freedom of speech . . . . religion, etc. within the platform

Anek Fuchs

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     Given all the recent hate of the southern flag, I have now had a listing revoked from marketplace, it never sold in the first place, but regardless I feel now that my own rights are violated, it was a mesh vest, with the southern cross flag on it, in  a line of 'dont tread on me" clothing  etc. It was yanked, no explanation of who or why other than it was offensive, and no way to contest this, why is this something I cannot protest?

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The Right To Free Speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say. (^_^)

It doesn't mean anyone else has to listen to your BS, or host you while you share it. (^_^)

The 1st amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. (^_^)

If you're yelled at, boycotted, have a show canceled, or get banned from an internet community; your free speech rights aren't being violated. (^_^)

It's just the people listening think you're an A-hole. (^_^)

And, they're showing you the door. (^_^)y


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Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

Right To Free Speech
means the government can't arrest you for what you say. (

It's a bit more than that of course.  It actually means that you're not subject to persecution from the government with regard to your political views.

Government here for example can quite happily have you arrested for using speech that incites hatred and terrorism.

Usually the ones who believe it means that they can say what they want are the very ones who should be denied from opening their gob in the first place!

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I have a rebel flag series of mesh cloths that have been on market place for over a year. Now all of a sudden, I'm in violation of IPA? Hmmm, well, if that’s how linden labs wants to do business, fine. 

Why wasn’t I notified before hand?

Is Linden Labs out to disrespect the very people who keep second life in business?

Does linden labs no longer respect the designers/builders in second life enough to notify them of a possible IPA violation?

They know as well as I do, when I put that series out, there was NO issue with the rebel flag. When an issue arose, I should have been notified instead of violated.

Linden labs has chosen the disrespectful way of approaching this and I’m offended!!!

Perhaps it’s time to pull my time and money from second life and invest my time and money elsewhere...

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i think is pure stupidity they are doing this. They let things like rp rape go on and people fly other flags that offensive why not point to that if your goign to remove a flag cause everyone else is then maybe you need to review it all and remove things that are unlawful like rape.We come here to escape the real but yet they stop use from createing with something thats been around well before.

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What i find offensive is the opportunists that are using the church murder to further their agenda of eliminating every shred of evidence that there ever was a Confederate States of America. 

 Eliminating the past to direct the future has a rather ominous Stalinist tone.

 Whats sad though, is that when you erase "White" history, you are also erasing "Black" history.

When you see what an out of control monster the federal government is today, you realize the southern states were right to try and break away.

May God have mercy on our souls.

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"When you see what an out of control monster the federal government is today, you realize the southern states were right to try and break away.

May God have mercy on our souls."


Yes with slavery as their lodestone I'm sure the South would have created a most wonderful system of government.


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Lets not forget, America was founded by slave holders as a slave holding country.

I guess its like smoking, when you decide its wrong and you quit, you expect everyone else to to quit too.

There is exactly one difference between the American Revolution and the war  to preserve Southern Independance. In the second one, the rebels lost.

And by the way, there is already a well established movement to paint our founding fathers as evil white supremacists and racists.

How long before we remove all those evil white dead men from our national conscience?



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You do realize Linden Labs is located in San Francisco, right?  It doesn't take much imagination to visualize the kinds of people living in that area and working for Linden Labs. :)

This should not come as any surprise, considering the actions of major retailers.  It's a bit ridiculous if you ask me, but it's no surprise Linden Labs has this stance.

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I too had items removed...and as a result I now just give them away for free to whomever wants them.

This is becoming absurd being censored over something that most people don't even understand.

Heritage Not Hate people...that is what the confederate battle flag is about.

Thank you,


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BilliJo Aldrin wrote:

What i find offensive is the opportunists that are using the church murder to further their agenda of eliminating every shred of evidence that there ever was a Confederate States of America. 

 Eliminating the past to direct the future has a rather ominous Stalinist tone.

 Whats sad though, is that when you erase "White" history, you are also erasing "Black" history.

When you see what an out of control monster the federal government is today, you realize the southern states were right to try and break away.

May God have mercy on our souls.

You want God to have mercy on your soul because Confederate States lost a war defending slavery,  good luck with that.  The federal government isen't voting to take down the flag at the South Carolina State House grounds, it's the state government doing it. 

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Actually my comment may God have mercy on our souls was in reference to the monster our federal government has become.

As for the other person saying the flag was flown in response to segregation, the truth is the southern state governments were asked to fly that flag as part of the *gasp* national celebrations and remembrances of the 100th anniversary of the Civil War.


Perhaps by the 200th anniversary all this PC madness wil be over with and each of us can be proud of our heritage without being labelled racist hatemongers.


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More than likely this listing was flagged by some loser troll who has nothing better to do with their time than to search for products to be offended about on the SL marketplace.


With sexual violence and rapes of college students on campus filling our newspapers each day. I am also amazed that the Confederate flag is considered broadly offensive but LL allows slavery and rape roleplay in SL that glorifies the degradation of women.

Even though these acts are roleplay, the people involved in this "broadly offensive" behavior must be a few cards shy of a full deck to even show interest in or have sexually violent fantasies.

People can flag items and have them pulled without a Linden even looking at the item in question. So someone sat down and purposely searched for items with the flag in order to make themself feel like they have some power or meaning to their empty life.


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BilliJo Aldrin wrote:

Actually my comment may God have mercy on our souls was in reference to the monster our federal government has become.

As for the other person saying the flag was flown in response to segregation, the truth is the southern state governments were asked to fly that flag as part of the *gasp* national celebrations and remembrances of the 100th anniversary of the Civil War.


Perhaps by the 200th anniversary all this PC madness wil be over with and each of us can be proud of our heritage without being labelled racist hatemongers.


So, this might come off as snarky, but I don't really intend it to be...

I'm just curious as to why the battle flag of the losing side of a civil war is seen as a symbol of pride? I truly don't understand. I mean no offense, but the connotations attached to that symbol for most of the rest of the world are pretty negative...

For what it's worth, I think the USA is focusing on the wrong thing. You had yet another mass shooting, and it seems like the flag was seized on as something to demonize because it was more comfortable than talking about the elephant in the room.

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Casey Caudron wrote:

Even though these acts are roleplay, the people involved in this "broadly offensive" behavior must be a few cards shy of a full deck to even show interest in or have sexually violent fantasies.


Quite the contrary in fact.

Studies indicate that the majority of women experience such fantasies and in an environment which lets them choose to explore them without consequence, it's not unusual for SL to be an avenue for such.

Shouldn't we also be worrying about the roleplay sims where people want to kill each other?

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Casey Caudron wrote:

 but LL allows slavery and rape roleplay in SL that glorifies the degradation of women.


That door swings both ways, you know.  Women are not always the victim in these scenes.  Tell me you have never had a fantasy about being kidnapped by a group of girls and forced to pay spin-the-bottle where you have to find the man in the boat with your tongue.  May be they tie you down and take turns doing ... well, something,  for 30 seconds each until one of the "wins the prize."  Hmm?  Are you a few cards shy of a full deck too?

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The Thought Police are always bad, evil, wrong, horrible, terrorists, unless they agree with you of course. In which case they become honorable, saintly, good, righteous, patriotic etc. ;-)


“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”


Orwell 1984 :matte-motes-wink:

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Actually, the Confederate Battle Flag is seen around the world as a protest flag against authority. 

It is only in America that it has been painted with the racist label by groups such as the NAACP, who won't be happy until every shred of evidence that there ever was a Confederate States of America is erased from existance, including the images on Stone Mountain Ga

By the way it wasn't a civil war. A civil war is fought by two factions trying to gain control of the central government.

The Confederate States had the legal right to leave the union. All they wanted was to be left alone. 

Did you know that an offer was made to the Confederate States that if they returned to the union voluntarily, the institution of slavery would have been guaranteed to the southern states forever? 

They refused, because it was oppressive taxes and tarriffs that caused the southern states to leave as much as the issue of slavery.

Hmmmm oppressive taxes and tarrifs, wasn't that the cause of the American revolution?

All Lincoln wanted to do was preserve the union, if not by bribery, then by force. Ending slavery had nothing to do with the North invading the South.










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BilliJo Aldrin wrote:


The Confederate States had the legal right to leave the union. All they wanted was to be left alone. 

Where exactly was this legal right listed? And how does it jibe with the following facts:

1) The "Thirteen Original Colonies" formed the "United States" through the Articles of Confederation as a "perpetual union." The preamble of the Constitution of the United States says its purpose was to "form a more perfect Union."

2) Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of procedures for a state leaving the Union.

3) Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana - states that "seceded" - never had existence as separate entities before they were created by acts of Congress. How could they "return to their prior status"?

4) Article I, Section 10 states that "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation."

5) Article I, Section 8 states that Congress has authority over military facilities on land purchased from the States. There's no process for returning them. The Confederacy acknowledged that the central government owned these military facilities, as they tried to negotiate for them. This was the situation leading to the Fort Sumter conflict.

6) Finally, in Texas v. White the Supreme Court said there wasn't a legal right to secession (not even for Texas, Mr. Perry.)

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IvanBenjammin wrote:


So, this might come off as snarky, but I don't really intend it to be...

I'm just curious as to why the battle flag of the losing side of a civil war is seen as a symbol of pride? I truly don't understand. I mean no offense, but the connotations attached to that symbol for most of the rest of the world are pretty negative...


You've probably heard the expression, "History is written by the victors." After the American Civil War/War Between the States/War of Northern Aggression/Late Unpleasantness there wasn't much of a crackdown on the Southern states and their leaders, allowing them to create a version of history that referred to the war as the "Lost Cause." People growing up in the South after the war were taught this as history, and people growing up in the North were taught a different version of history. These superficial "histories" were both spun to make that group look like the noble ones; neither was completely accurate.

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"4) Article I, Section 10 states that "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation.""

That is absolutely right as long as a state was a member of the union.

However, once a state removed itself from the Union thru articles of secession passed by the state legislature, it was free to make whatever treaties alliances or confederations it chose, as a free independant country.


AN ORDINANCE to dissolve the union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her under the compact entitled "The Constitution of the United States of America."


We, the people of the State of South Carolina, in convention assembled do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, That the ordinance adopted by us in convention on the twenty-third day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the Constitution of the United States of America was ratified, and also all acts and parts of acts of the General Assembly of this State ratifying amendments of the said Constitution, are hereby repealed; and that the union now subsisting between South Carolina and other States, under the name of the "United States of America," is hereby dissolved.


Done at Charleston the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty.




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BilliJo Aldrin wrote:

Actually, the Confederate Battle Flag is seen around the world as a protest flag against authority. 

It is only in America that it has been painted with the racist label by groups such as the NAACP, who won't be happy until every shred of evidence that there ever was a Confederate States of America is erased from existance, including the images on Stone Mountain Ga

By the way it wasn't a civil war. A civil war is fought by two factions trying to gain control of the central government.



I'm sorry, but that's just not accurate. The confederate flag has very little relevance to the rest of the world - about the only time its seen is in TV/Film where its associated with bigotry, racism, or general ignorance. It's been prominent in some of the coverage of protests against the Obama administration, but I'm sorry to say the connotations in those cases are about the same.

I'm pretty sure the definition of a civil war is "A war fought between citizens of the same nation." But I'm sure you could claim you weren't the same nation, so call it what you want.

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