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How to write a review

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Just would like some opinions on how to write a review on a products purchased. Sounds silly I know but hear me out. I purchased this beautiful pair of shoes. They are just like they are shown. My issue is that when I put them on my feet they look horrid. So the idea of the shoe was pretty however it didn't really work when actually put on. They are hideous on the feet. So as I am writing my review I am wondering what to do. Do I give 5 stars because the work is beautiful or do I knock a star off because they look hideous on the feet? I don't anyone to shy away but I want to be honest as well. What would you do? Thanks for the input. 

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I always give objective reasons why I like or dislike something.  Subjective reasons really aren't appropriate as they are opinions and everyone has them and probably a lot of them will disagree with mine.  When I give a review, unless the item was truly bad all the way around, even if I criticize it and knock some stars off I also mention good things about the item that I did like.  After all I did buy it, so I must have seen good things in the item.

If there is an objective reason that you think they looked bad other than just personal taste, such as they were too big, the textures were poorly done etc, then you should say that in your review.   But also say what you find that is good about the shoe.  A review that is constructive, criticism or praise, helps the creator improve their product.  There has been more than one occasion when I pointed out something to a creator that they were grateful I did.  Not only did the fix the problem and send me the new version, but many gave me my money back or gifted me with another of their products.

If you want to give a subjective opinion be honest that it is only an opinion not fact.  For instance, "These shoes have great workmanship, however when I put them on I didn't like them on my feet because I wanted a higher heel.  It is just as a matter of personal taste."

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Just would like some opinions on how to write a review on a products purchased.

Using a grammar checker on your review will lend it more credibility than allowing egregious errors to suggest that you have limited cognitive capability and an inability to express yourself coherently, thus contaminating and diluting any opinions you might wish to communicate.

As is the case with your OP.

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You liked the shoes as portrayed in the vendor picture, and when you bought them you saw that they were accurately portrayed, so it can’t be that they were hideous per se. What was it, then? They were too big or too small for your feet, and didn’t have a good resizer script? This would be indeed worth mentioning and knocking off a certain number of stars. Or perhaps they were stated to be designed for a specific model of mesh feet and didn’t properly fit yours? And if so, why? If it’s because you don’t have that model of feet, then it wasn’t a fault with the product and wouldn’t merit either a mention or a lower number of stars, but if you did make sure that they were designed for your particular feet, then they just were improperly designed and that is a fault worth mentioning and star-penalizing. Or, maybe none of this is the case and you just failed at “visualizing” how well they would look once worn by you; this happens very often to me, which is why I consistently shy away from such stuff if it doesn’t have a demo (sometimes even if the demo doesn’t have a resizer or is too poorly textured compared to the full version –I’m that bad at “visualizing”); at any rate, the worst fault you could objectively point out in the product then is that there was no demo –assuming there wasn’t, because if there was and you just didn’t bother trying it, that too would be your fault and not cause for a bad review.


My point with all of this is, if you’re in doubt about how to review based perhaps on what you think are subjective and/or unfair things, then simply make it about fair and objetive ones, as Amethyst suggested: focus on why they didn’t look good once worn on you and whether this reason points out at a fault on the purchaser –you– or the creator. You will be on surer footing (pardon the pun) if you can give reasons you can defend.

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My point with all of this is, if you’re in doubt about how to review based perhaps on what you think are subjective and/or unfair things, then simply
make it
about fair and objetive ones

some people always ask others before taking any action, they have such lack of confidence they can;t make their own opinion. Shoes that look good on pictures, looks good in real, but is not ok as soon you put it on?...sorry... but thats just weird.

Buy a furry avatar and you don't need shoes... problem solved

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Have you tried contacting the creator about the issue first.  If there's something wrong with an item, the part of a review I'm most interested in is how/if the creator deals with the issue.  In your case I'm wondering if it's some thing like the photo of the item use advance lighting.  If that's the case then knowing that using advance lighting is needed to make them look good would be an important part of a review, and all so the item description.

This may not apply to your review, but since I'm on the subject of reviews.  For clothing demos I think it's silly for people to give something a bad review for not fitting them, that's the whole point of a demo.  At that point, why not give it 5 stars for saving you L$ or just don't review it.  Really the only time I think a demo should get a bad review is when it fails to demo well. 

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Alwin Alcott wrote: Some people always ask others before taking any action, they have such lack of confidence they can;t make their own opinion [...]

I, too, am often puzzled by such people. However, I’m not sure that there’s any relation with Sephina’s case... as far as I can see, it all boils down to the actual reason why the shoes don’t look good once worn; as I suggested, one possible reason would be that they are indeed as portrayed in the MP picture, but lack any proper fitting methods (resizing, correct rigging to particular mesh feet... whatever), something that wouldn’t show in the picture; in that case, it would be a question of whether this was at least indicated in the product’s description, whether there was an usable demo, etc. Seph hasn’t yet elaborated on this, so I can’t judge.

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Agree with what others have stated. The purpose of a review is to inform prospective buyers about the quality of the item, whether it is as described, and customer service.

Telling ppl something "doesn't look good" does not give any information. As already said, you need to give the reasons WHY it doesn't look good - just your opinion, or something actually wrong with the product. 

And if there is a demo available and you do not try it first, then there are no grounds to criticize fit. 

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My first question is why didn't you demo the shoes first?  If someone does not offer a demo, I don't buy it.  So, my view is that the onus is on you for not having tried a demo first.

If, however, you tried the demo and it looked fine but the purchased product did not, that is something you can tell the creator in an IM or notecard (whichever way they prefer to be contacted).  I told a creator recently that the alpha for their hair demo wasn't right and they sent me the correct alpha for the demo.  I did not end up purchasing the product but I was impressed with the customer service.

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Alwin Alcott wrote:


My point with all of this is, if you’re in doubt about how to review based perhaps on what you think are subjective and/or unfair things, then simply
make it
about fair and objetive ones

some people always ask others before taking any action, they have such lack of confidence they can;t make their own opinion. Shoes that look good on pictures, looks good in real, but is not ok as soon you put it on?...sorry... but thats just weird.

Buy a furry avatar and you don't need shoes... problem solved

Several times in my posts you have made mention about my confidence. My question has NOTHING to do with my confidence what so ever.  I said the show looks beautiful in the picture but when I put them on they were not. What exactly does that have to do with my confidence. In the future please note that my confidence is well intact. I just simply wanted to know how to write a review so that I am being fair to the maker. That is all. Its weird you keep talking about my confidence level. 

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I like to read reviews and so I tend to leave them too. The star rating doesnt effect me as much as what people have said.

So, yes...put down your thoughts and if you unsure how they be received, well you could always just send notecard to the designer explaining things instead. 

If Ive loved something and then put it on and then think it looks all wrong, I figure its my loss and not something to complain about. Sometimes it happens. And as you say, the product is ok ......well you cant say anything bad because its the product you are reviewing not your tastes. 

Did you hate it so much?  Did you try it on and ask someone elses opinion. Maybe it wasnt so bad as you first thought!


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Why is this thread, full of boring inanities attempting to educate the boringly inane, in General Discussion?

It should be in Commerce, where Merchants can whinge and grizzle about the accuracy or otherwise of reviews and what THEY demand unhappy customers, or even merely fickle or undiscerning ones, should write to laud their overpriced and clumsily executed products, misleadingly advertised with photoshopped images.

Just like the real world.

And buying anything is rather pointless, since the expenditure is going to be wasted when SL gets closed down and the stuff can't be migrated to SL V2.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

Indeed I did. As for your previous post, If we are so boring why are you here? Why even comment?

I an here because this is the General Discussions forum.

This is obviously the wrong place to be boring. That would be over in the Commerce section.

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You might slip a polite note to the seller suggesting they offer demos.  It's not hard to do and I do not understand it when sellers decline to offer demos.  Missed opportunities for a sale.

Since you have liked the quality in the past, you might slip them a note telling them so and how the recent purchase seemed so unlike what you have bought previously.  And then suggest they provide demos :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi there   here is how i see it 

you thought the shoes looked pretty  so you bought it 

if they fit on your feet   nothing wrong there 

if the are the same  item as in the picture  nothing wrogh there

So it really comes down to your taste 

why right a review at all

If the shoes are tranferable  contact the seller  and say you changed you mind about them  and asks for a refund

The seller might do it  for goodwil to keep you as customer  then again he might not and your stuck with them or ask for an exchange.

if the shoes are not transferable then you are stuck with shoes and nother else

wrting a review to warn people the shoes are ugly is unfair to seller 

we have bought stuff that we go after  why on earth did i buy that

movie critics  will go on and on about how bad a movie is  yet many people enjoyed the movie 




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