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SS Galaxy has closed down

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I found it by chance (Apologies if I am not posting this in the right forum). SS Galaxy closed down yesterday; May 3th.

It's  very sad to see one of the most beautiful creations of SL gone.

I have found a  bit more info in Daniel Voyager's blog


More in this other blog:



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My god it sickens me that those responsible are getting away with this. So many sims lately are being attacked lately by griefers. Even Araxes has been forced to take extreme measures due to them. Something needs to be done about these recent bouts of grief attacks. They have been getting worse and worse.

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I am not accusing ANYONE of ANYTHING but I do find this matter very curious. Linden Lab has made no secret that they are concentrating all future resources to the new platform. But they have publicly said that the current platform would be allowed to remain up AS LONG AS IT WAS PROFITABLE. The griefers are causing Second Life to lose money as more and more high-tier residents are leaving. Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder why Linden Lab is not doing anything about the griefer attacks?

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Are you suggesting that LL are allowing people to sabotage a profitable business just so they can say it's unprofitable and then close it down?

I'm fairly certain that LL can close down SL any time they like, profitable or not. While it remains profitable, it's in their interest to keep it running. What do they have to gain by closing a profitable business? What do they have to gain by damaging the reputation of their own business? Why would they scare away current customers when they don't have the replacement business available yet?


(please write your own jokes about the current profitability of SL, future availability of a replacement, and competence of LL)

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I was wondering when Linden Lab would show up.


And for the record, while I don't think Linden Lab is actively behind the griefer attacks, yes, I believe Linden Lab is allowing people to sabotage their "profitable" business just so they can say it's "unprofitable" and then close it down. Before my retirement, I was a server programmer, and I know for an absolute STONE COLD FACT, that if they wanted to stop griefer attacks they could.



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Apathes wrote:

What an incredible-looking build. Why do I never hear about these places until after they close? I feel like I'm missing out on so much. :matte-motes-frown:

Far too few people find out about these places before they close. That's why they end up closing.

SL's biggest problem now is discoverability. The "Destination Guide" is well-intentioned, but not effective enough. God knows there are plenty of blogs that identify appealing destinations -- but those very blogs are largely undiscovered by new users.

The Next New Thing can be arbitrariy wondrous in every other way but without a step-function improvement in  discoverability (which is to say, community), it's doomed to fail miserably.

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It was a very old build, and from the pictures, it does not look like anyone had been doing the updating it badly needed. Other than being big, there was perhaps not much else to recommend it.  I imagine that is why it closed.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

It was a very old build, and from the pictures, it does not look like anyone had been doing the updating it badly needed. Other than being big, there was perhaps not much else to recommend it.  I imagine that is why it closed.


Seeing time pass with no improvements saddened me, because I loved the concept.  There was a time when it really seemed active, with different entertainments scheduled around the ship.  It was also one of the better looking destinations in its day.  I even took an sl "vacation" there.  That was over five years ago.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

It was a very old build, and from the pictures, it does not look like anyone had been doing the updating it badly needed. Other than being big, there was perhaps not much else to recommend it.  I imagine that is why it closed.


That's certainly one of the main reasons no matter what the owners say. They can claim it is because of the Linden's not caring or willing to work with them, because of greifer attacks that were destroying parts of the ship, and lots of other reasons too. They said that money didn't enter into their decision, but I think it did. They were not making what they used to make, not in the current SL economy. It undoubtedly was becoming harder and harder to have the feeling of it being worthwhile maintaining the SS Galaxy - especially after so many years of doing it.

There are a lot of reasons why the SS Galaxy closed. It all just came to a head after recent greifer attacks destroyed part of the ship and when asked for help Linden Lab basically said, "We'll help you this one time but then you are on your own." That did not sit well with the owner(s) who thought that they deserved more after so many years of providing content and activity for SL users. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back.

SL has always been this way. You build a place, people come, it gets popular, it thrives, then it slows down, people get bored, stop coming, and it closes down. Some people are die hard fans and want it continue, want the Lindens to save it, want it to be preserved for posterity, but that's not practical. If Linden Lab saved every place that was ever built in SL that deserved to be saved there would be whole continents of beautiful places that no one visits, ever.

It is up to us, the users and the builders, to maintain and sustain places we think are worthy. It costs us in effort, time, and money. The Lindens benefit from us doing what we want to do, but they don't owe us anything. If Second Life is not built and maintained by the users, then it has no purpose. There are other virtual worlds that are fully fleshed out enterprises that don't need users to build and design much or anything at all. Second Life was designed to be user maintained and supported. If the users won't do it, then Second Life needs to close down.

There are a lot of places in SL that should have been shut down a long time ago. Yadni's Junkyard for one. It serves no purpose and actually causes problems in Second Life because it gives away tons of old items and scripts. Yadni continues paying to keep it going, even though Yadni doesn't live here anymore.

The Lindens are no better. They keep lots of useless places around, but don't upkeep or maintain them. Linden Village is a joke, as is Governor Linden's Mansion. They'd be better served (and better serve us as well) if they got rid of those places and made a big historical museum with photos of all the places and events that were once popular in SL. They could include feature places like Yadni's Junkyard and the SS Galaxy, to name two out of hundreds if not thousands.

In the early days Second Life was great because it was new and interesting and something none of us had seen or experienced before. Now it is just another virtual world among many. And, what we used to love about Second Life is now boring. New users want to DO something, not just shop, dance, and sit around and chat. The SS Galaxy was great and interesting and amazing in its day, but for most modern day users it was really nothing more than a sightseeing day trip. They came, they saw, they left. Time spent there beyond that, boring for most people.

Linden Lab is not going to do anything because they've gotten into the habit of not doing anything. SL was designed that way, for them to do the underpinnings of the world and little else. It was always the users who made the best places, the best activities, the best equipment and items. When many builders and designers left Second Life for better ground Linden Lab did not step up because that was never their business plan. They do not have the staff or resources to provide all of the content, activities, and events in Second Life;

They can't do it anyway because then they'd be in direct competition with the users who build, script, and host events. They'd be sued on a daily basis if they tried to for loss of business, profit, and endless other anti-competition issues. They can't do it here, so they are making a new world with different rules.

WE have to build it, script it, set it up, and make Second Life interesting and appealing - otherwise it goes away. WE have to take the financial hit or risk. Linden Labs doesn't. If Second Life closes down they will continue on with other worlds and businesses. Sure, old users of SL won't trust them again, but new users will. They always do.

The truth of why the SS Galaxy went away is mainly because the owners lost their passion for maintaining it and were not willing to sell or give it away to others who might have been able to keep it afloat. It was not going to outlive them or their passion for it, so it would have gone away at some point anyway. It was never going to be an enduring Second Life attraction.

Let's hope some new people come in and build the next amazing place, hopefully this time with something for users to actually DO. If not, we are seeing the future of Second Life and it's eventually demise.

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ZoeTick wrote:

I thought it was closed because of drastically falling visitors once they had closed the Captain's Orgy Room and the BDSM Dungeon in the bulwarks.

...which reminds me of the old navy joke about the new sailor and the barrel with a hole. But I won't go there... literally.

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Markham Weatherwax wrote:

There are a lot of reasons why the SS Galaxy closed. It all just came to a head after recent greifer attacks destroyed part of the ship and when asked for help Linden Lab basically said, "We'll help you this one time but then you are on your own." That did not sit well with the owner(s) who thought that they deserved more after so many years of providing content and activity for SL users. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back.

Yeah, I read that on a blog. Color me skeptical.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

 Color me skeptical.



i just add something on here about trying to rent cabins, apartments, flats, cluster housing, etc

people dont rent them if they can be cammed, bc these relative tiny spaces are pretty much used as a dressing room mostly

so i dunno why people who make these things dont parcel up the land underneath the cabins, flats etc. Individual parcel visibility and restrict voice/sound/text/etc  works even when every parcel is set to same group. It also allows the tenant to have own parcel radio  


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Markham Weatherwax wrote:


There are a lot of places in SL that should have been shut down a long time ago. Yadni's Junkyard for one. It serves no purpose and actually causes problems in Second Life because it gives away tons of old items and scripts. Yadni continues paying to keep it going, even though Yadni doesn't live here anymore.

The Lindens are no better. They keep lots of useless places around, but don't upkeep or maintain them. Linden Village is a joke, as is Governor Linden's Mansion. They'd be better served (and better serve us as well) if they got rid of those places and made a big historical museum with photos of all the places and events that were once popular in SL. They could include feature places like Yadni's Junkyard and the SS Galaxy, to name two out of hundreds if not thousands.


i disagree with the sentiment

Yadni's continues to exist bc it means something to Yadni


how would nuking the Governor Linden mansion serve us better?

what would serve us better on that spot? A garden? A park? And a monument with a plaque that says "Here is the site of the olde worlde Governor Linden Mansion. Is not here anymore bc we nuked it. bc is better for you the person to read this plaque and go here to this website to see a picture of what it was we nuked"


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