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Sales.. Dead.

Zhoie Zimermann

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I will keep this short. Customers not signing into marketplace before browsing will not "happen upon" and decide to buy mature products as before, this accounts for a HUGE amount of sales, anywhere from 1/2 - 2/3 of my sales. Since March 8th marketplace change, my sales have died. period. This has not just affected my marketplace sales, but also my in world sales as a lot of people are directed to my inworld store from marketplace.

My fingers are crossed that something happens to change this situation fast. A month from now I will not be able to substain my business on the current sales.

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I feel ya on this...

Its effected everyone i know,  and as i sell to what LL depict as ADULT aka ..  the RP markets even if it has no sex, nudity or choice words its automatically depicted as adult..

If LL INSIST that kids should be intergral to all the areas that adults are,  then would it not be wiser to make sure that the marketplace is part of the login process in order to make sure that you can only view those items.  I know that many people search and only login when it comes to purchase.  

I have lost 80% of my sales over the last 4 days.....

Its easier to view porn on the net with no restrictions than it is to buy a dress on marketplace.


so the solution...

Linden Lab ..  Please make the marketplace only acceable after log on,  or else all your methods of it remembering what your choice was ...  is useless if you exclude 95% of your vendors because general is the default.

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Here Here !!! .. Lindens please consider making it obligatory to log into the Market place, this may be a resolution for the dramatic downturn in sales  on what is considered 'Adult items'  to which i still dont really understand the criteria  for having an item listed as adult , i truly hope that we are being listened to out here, because as of the last 4 days it hardly seems worth the effort to list anymore 

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Blasphemy! Nothing has changed, simply because we were told that nothing would change once the teens are here. It can't be. Everything is just like before. It's just the SL adult industry that floats belly up, and we are no longer wanted here anyway.

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Braydon, thank you for replying. It is refreshing to hear other people make these suggestions, your suggestion is a good one and one that I have also made (forcing log in). I just hope LL realizes really fast how important impulse sales are, the browsers not looking for anything in particular but finding things they like and opening their wallets make up such a huge amount of sales.

I am so sadened to see my successful SL business going down the drain, it breaks my heart. i built my business and invested a lot of rl dollars into it based on how things "were" and to have it die like this over teens...who were never allowed here before, is very frustrating. 

On another note, i know that Brooke is trying her best to make things happen and turn things around. I really have to give her credit for what she is doing.

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my marketplace sales are around 50% of what they were this time last month and 25% of what they were this time of the month last november. 

This month is the worst for me on the marketplace since probably mid 2007 when I first started listing back in the slx days.

I doubt anyone with non pg goods will ever see a return to what we had - simply because people don't usually think to change the filters and the way it's designed it's virtually impossible for them to change it just to look at your stuff (go on, try it - flip to general and then go to your webpage and try to change to mature - you can't - not without doing a marketplace search with the rating you want and then going back to your page..  how many people are going to think to do that or even if they do, the chances or remembering you well enough to get back there is miniscule.  and we won't even go down the latest hurdle - adult doesn't stick when you do a search.)

if they want to drive both creators and consumers away I say let them.  We can't keep trying to work around their latest cockup - the quality of the deployments on the marketplace is getting worse each time (and I truly didn't think that was possible) and with the to do list they're threatening to deploy, this isn't over by a long shot.

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In response to Couldbe's post...I feel your pain my dear..my sales have fallen to that of what I used to make 3 years ago when I first started my business. Also, with regards to PG products. I want to just say this...mature products are where the money is...how do I know?... I sell furniture and i sell it in 3 different levels. PG, mature, bdsm. All my furniture sets look the same except you can choose to buy them with any of my three menus. My PG furniture is in "general" category, guess what...(LOL cause if i don't i'll cry) IT DOESN'T SELL. It's my mature products that sell, well....since these marketplace changes....not anymore.

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Zhoie Zimermann wrote:

In response to Couldbe's post...I feel your pain my dear..my sales have fallen to that of what I used to make 3 years ago when I first started my business. Also, with regards to PG products. I want to just say this...mature products are where the money is...how do I know?... I sell furniture and i sell it in 3 different levels. PG, mature, bdsm. All my furniture sets look the same except you can choose to buy them with any of my three menus. My PG furniture is in "general" category, guess what...(LOL cause if i don't i'll cry) IT DOESN'T SELL. It's my mature products that sell, well....since these marketplace changes....not anymore.


I know.  I always thought I'd be in sl until it closed its doors but now I'm looking forward to them putting me out of business.  I wanted them to just get rid of us during zindra but nooo they had to drag it out and two years later I can say they've won.  I still have a shop that doesn't return in search at (let alone anywhere near pg1 it should be) and pretty well hasn't since may last year , others that are less than 3k sqm so they never get returned in search because of the weighting, the issues around visibility of adult lands and now this.I've jumped (usually unwillingly I grant you - there's only so much anyone can take) through all their hoops but it's just too much now.  LL has been the biggest griefer in my sl life down the last 2 years, they make the woodbury et al crowd look like amateurs.


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Why not have the dropdown menu or checkbox, whatever in your avatar's preferences and apply it globally to the marketplace, search etc., one click and forget about it, personally i always want adult included not just this one time and not the next. The majority of post i saw were strongly opposed to letting the teens in, there is no reason the vast majority of users should be inconvenienced to accommodate a handful of most likely, empty wallets.

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Iva, you said it right when you said empty wallets. Seriously, who believes the teens have the money to spend? Seeing how my main product is furniture, I'm really SOL, they won't really be buying it...because they probably can't afford the prims to rent a place to put it in the first place. 

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I don't have any M or A stuff on the MP and the last few days things have been pretty dead for me, too. Today is the deadest day I have seen in months. So it might be that everyone has spring fever and is out picnicking, who knows?


However would like to concur about the way the MP malfunctions when searching, both MP and inventory. YOu would think that online shopping software was some brand new invention they were pioneering.

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I don't have a single mature/adult item listed on the Marketplace and my sales are totally down as well, both on the Marketplace and in world - I made about the same 3-4 years ago when my stock was really, really small and I can say that the last 2-3 weeks have been the worst in years for me, by far.

Usually enhancements help to some extent with slow sales, but not this time.

I don't know if it's really related, but I do indeed see a connection with the recent turmoil regarding the various alt detection systems. While I've never used one of these systems myself I hear people talking about holding back from investing in new stuff / buying L$ - this whole mess obviously took away the fun for a lot of people once they realized what had been going on all this time.

My own spending habits always depend on how much I make, needless to say I've hardly spent any L$ myself recently apart from my tier for 2 sims. Plus I wasn't in a shopping mood because SL wasn't exactly fun in recent weeks.

Take away that "easygoing" SL feeling from people and they have less reasons to spend.


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Clever Ghost wrote:

I don't know if it's really related, but I do indeed see a connection with the recent turmoil regarding the various alt detection systems. While I've never used one of these systems myself I hear people talking about holding back from investing in new stuff / buying L$ - this whole mess obviously took away the fun for a lot of people once they realized what had been going on all this time.

My own spending habits always depend on how much I make, needless to say I've hardly spent any L$ myself recently apart from my tier for 2 sims. Plus I wasn't in a shopping mood because SL wasn't exactly fun in recent weeks.

Take away that "easygoing" SL feeling from people and they have less reasons to spend.



Whenever there's any kind of issue - be it grid instability or pr issues like this, spending does drop off.  I'm putting some of the decline down to the scanner issue on top of the issues with the marketplace.

There has seemed to be a pretty direct correlation with the marketplace changes and subsequent sales - yes, I'm a saddo and note the dates when things are implemented and then watch what happens.  The january deployment of the ratings did impact sales enough that Brooke made mention of it in the Feb office hour.  They note but they're not going to put themselves out doing anything by the look of it.

All we can really do is wait for them to finish making their changes an work with whatever is left. The old saying "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" could be apt here ;)

and I changed my figures in my first post - it was late last night when I posted and obviously I had brain failure when I looked at my stats.


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I only sell 1 adult item on the MP out of about 1200 'G' rated products across multiple accounts. Sales in the last 7 days have been down about 50% on SLM and about 25% inworld compared to the last 4 weeks.

Judging by other merchants comments in this thread, it's clear that the latest change to the Marketplace cannot be solely to blame for this recent decline in sales.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

I only sell 1 adult item on the MP out of about 1200 'G' rated products across multiple accounts. Sales in the last 7 days have been down about 50% on SLM and about 25% inworld compared to the last 4 weeks.

Judging by other merchants comments in this thread, it's clear that the latest change to the Marketplace cannot be solely to blame for this recent decline in sales.


I had a look at some concurrency stats for the last month - peak concurrency is down around 10% over the last 4 weeks and I've seen a lot of people in groups saying they've stopped shopping because they just don't know which shops are safe and of course that detector hud isn't 100% accurate so if you share your region with someone using it then you'll be tainted because it will alert them when they land.

I'm putting my decline of inworld sales down in part to the fact there are more than a few adult content providers using the things and it's tainted the rest of us.  Adult has such a tawdry repuation that very few people want even the slightest risk being identified as having been in an adult area with their alt.

The whole thing is a mess.  I just wish LL would fix it before people give up altogether.

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I understand what some people are saying about not selling any M or A products and still their sales have been down. This is just my opinion but I still firmly believe a great deal of this is due to changes in marketplace maturity settings. Everything is related whether you sell mature products or not. It's a snow ball affect. People who sell mature products (and there are a lot of us) see a drop in sales, we as consumers curb our spending, I myself stop spending when my sales are low. I make furniture, when my sales are down I stop spending too. I stop buying clothes and other items I would normally shop freely for, clothing designer sees drop in sales, they curb spending, etc, etc. Anytime a large group of merchants is affected it affects the economy as a whole.

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I'm sure that the Marketplace changes won't be beneficial to sales when in comes to adult items, but I think there's more going on in addition, e.g..  Marketplace relevancy which has also changed not long ago and which doesn't help either.

My sales have been surprisingly good until about the third week of February and I've even had my very best sales day ever in February, then all of a sudden sales dropped majorly. Around the same time the alt scanning issue became known among a lot more people who had been previously unaware. 2 of my best customers who had bought from me for years even sent me a notecard, letting me know that they really like my new releases but won't buy anything in SL for as long as the issue isn't resolved, even though they knew I wasn't using one of these systems. Another long standing customer sent me a "good bye" IM, letting me know that this (the scanning issue) was the last straw that broke the camel's back and that he would move on to another virtual world. I'm sure there are a lot more people that are feeling the same way right now. If it stops being fun then people are not really willing to part with their money any longer, or at least they're holding back for now.



There are / have been so called security systems with a "feature" that let people look up other people's alts. People felt / feel violated in regards of privacy, plus because of how these systems work they are highly unreliable and people were linked to accounts that didn't belong to them, which could easily ruin one's reputation. If you have a few hours to spare then the Jira about this problem might be a a good place to start and see what the issue is about:



Edit: Usually when I release one of my rather rare group gifts the store fills up nicely for days in a row, this time even that was totally different, I guess it only was a third of the usual visitors.


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You're welcome, Zhoie! The turmoil has already resulted in a change of Community Standards but the creators of these systems are constantly looking for ways around it, so even though it's been a great step in the right direction it's not really resolved and it will take quite a bit of time for people to regain some trust - very unfortunate situation when considering the other problems like search, maturity filters and such and the very last thing the economy needed.


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Maybe the "meet your friends at Facebook" tactics are starting to produce results? :smileyhappy:

... why would you buy anything in-world or in the market place if you gonna spend your time on FB.

/ sarc off

Seriously, I don't get the business logic behind driving in-world shopping to a 2D website. it is bound to have consequences for tier paid by merchants to LL and I doubt commission on SLM can make up for the loss. 

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I have the same drop in sales in this week and was kind of thinking it was due to the changes in the Marketplace on Monday, but I only sell G rated items.  I did notice that for some reason, I dropped in search relevancy when the changes took place and I had one of my best weeks ever on the Marketplace last week.  So, more sales on the Marketplace should mean you inch up, right?  I sure as heck did not. 

In world has been consistent for me, though Monday - Wednesday were down a bit.

Hang in there everyone and good luck. 

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