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Control Your OWN Second Life And Not Let Someone Else

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Ahoa (hello)

I just felt I needed to write this issue regarding others who try to control other peoples secondlife by saying which groups they can or can not be in. Mainly this is directed to the Gorean role play but I could not locate the right place to put it so am posting it here. Okay, I have been in SL for a while and in the beginning when I got into to Gor rp I have had people who try to tell me to not be in this or that group even if I like the group I chose to be in. For a while I thought it was maybe friends suggesting better alternatives until it became extreme. For example being told, "If you are in THAT group then I will ban you from THIS group," or, "In role play, You can not duel group with THAT village if you want to be in THIS village." I say, if you are so in to your role play then why are you perving my groups??? That is Metagaming right? lol. Okay but fact of the matter is that NO ONE controls anyone elses role play, nor group choices. It is within YOUR OWN power to do as you wish, even you do role play as a slave in SL Gor. DO NOT LET ANYONE DICTATE YOUR GROUPS. This goes out to the newbie roleplayers. SL is supposed to be about fun, exploration, excitement, and everything!! HAVE FUN AND BE FREE!!!



by Wakinyan

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going into and stay in Gor is a total free choice, being member of something implies some behavior and choices, but you still will be free to do what you do, and responsible for your own actions.

As soon you'r Out Of Character nobody can demand actions of you or put restrictions on your choices.

I know some are a bit... well bit.... very...  ... strict in their rp, but as long you'r having a healthy mind and healthy look at RP it's not needed to start a thread like this, as soon you'r to deep in and it controls you this bad you need some distance and get your feet in reality again..... you'r the boss of your own life .(or should be the boss)

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jofunne Avon wrote:

Ahoa (hello)

I just felt I needed to write this issue regarding others who try to control other peoples secondlife by saying which groups they can or can not be in. Mainly this is directed to the Gorean role play but
I could not locate the right place to put it so am posting it here
. Okay, I have been in SL for a while and in the beginning when I got into to Gor rp I have had people who try to tell me to not be in this or that group even if I like the group I chose to be in. For a while I thought it was maybe friends suggesting better alternatives until it became extreme. For example being told, "If you are in THAT group then I will ban you from THIS group," or, "In role play, You can not duel group with THAT village if you want to be in THIS village." I say, if you are so in to your role play then why are you perving my groups??? That is Metagaming right? lol. Okay but fact of the matter is that NO ONE controls anyone elses role play, nor group choices. It is within YOUR OWN power to do as you wish, even you do role play as a slave in SL Gor. DO NOT LET ANYONE DICTATE YOUR GROUPS. This goes out to the newbie roleplayers. SL is supposed to be about fun, exploration, excitement, and everything!! HAVE FUN AND BE FREE!!!



by Wakinyan

So when you loggedinto the forums and ran down the different sections and settled on People, you then had a choice between the categories within that section, one of which is Role Play. And yet you decided to post your rant here.

You shouldn't be posting a rant about RP in the GD section.


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You are going to discover the fultility of your rant when this thread is relocated to role play section, whether you like it or not.

Also, tonight, before you go to bed, for some reason which you are not going to fully understand, you will take off both your socks, and put them back on again, but inside out.

You may then consider this: Just because you occasionally have flashes of lucidity during which it occurs to you that you are being controlled by a higher power, does not mean that the higher power is not permitting you to have such moments of enlightenment; and he's laughing at you.

Also, why don't you try out the RL Viewer...

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I think that it's really really dumb, but unsurprising, that people can get a power high off of who does what in roleplay groups. I think people act this way online when they feel like a nobody in real life. I'm sorry this happens, but I am also aware the Gor roleplayers can have a reputation for being bat**bleep** crazy with drama and rules. Even moreso then regular roleplay.

Find one group of nice, considerate people and stick to them like glue.

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The level of freedom to decide one's own SL, is exactly what the group owners are doing. 

If someone owns a group, they can boot and bann for any reason they wish. 

Your solution might not be what others choose.  There are options:

1)   Join a group that has rules you find objectionable, and either quit, or get booted.

2)  Hide your groups on your profile, so there's no issue.

3)  Start your own RP group, and run it how you like.  (Usually those running a RP are also paying for land, builds, and RP stuff, and if putting out money, they can run their group how they like)

4) Capitulate, and drop a group due to pressure.


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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

The level of freedom to decide one's own SL, is exactly what the group owners are doing. 

If someone owns a group, they can boot and bann for any reason they wish. 

Your solution might not be what others choose.  There are options:

1)   Join a group that has rules you find objectionable, and either quit, or get booted.

2)  Hide your groups on your profile, so there's no issue.

3)  Start your own RP group, and run it how you like.  (Usually those running a RP are also paying for land, builds, and RP stuff, and if putting out money, they
run their group how they like)

4) Capitulate, and drop a group due to pressure.


Kudos on this reponse. You've pretty much covered it.

Now, Jofunne Avon: The subject line of your post gave you your answer: Control.

If you want to control as much as you can of your own Second Life, you have take control and do it all yourself. Own the land, own the group, create the devices, build the buildings, etc., etc., etc.. Then you can make the rules and control as much as you can in SL. You will never actually have total control because you do not own Second Life. Linden Labs does. They tell you what you can and cannot do here, where you can do things and where you can't, and do so in a fairly inconsistant way. *grins* They have the control. If we don't like it, we have the option to leave. Many have.

So, relax. Take a breath. Think about it and then decide if the group you are in is worth being in and if you can stomach the rules of it. If not, leave it. Do all the things that Celestiall Nightfire suggested.



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For any RP groups, one thing you have to consider ICly...is there the possibility that those 2 groups will come to blows/war? As I understand Gor, you have your "homestone". So wouldn't belonging to 2 village groups imply 2 different homestones? Yes you can control but , in this case, rather than being on the same avi in the same 2 groups, where, for RP purposes, you could be spying for one, I can understand the concern of the RPers. This would be true if you were in NoR, for instance, and tried to belong to 2 factions that were at war with each other. It's called conflict of interest.

This is when alts come in handy. You can belong to them on seperate avis and be seperate entities.

Basic RP...if you are dealing with in-character groups, you shouldn't belong to 2 groups that there is currently animosity or the possibility of animosity between. Trying to insist on doing so, you do yourself no favors if you are truly interested in roleplaying and not just pissing people off.

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It's not just in ropleplay that people try and dictate what groups you belong to.  I've only had it happen once, as follows.

A DJ at a club told me that if I didn't leave the group of another DJ he was in a feud with, he'd eject me from his group, which I'd probably only joined in the first place because he'd invited me!  So I immediately left his group before he could eject me, but stayed in the other DJ's group.  

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Alright. This is my first post on the forum, so it might as well be one full of education and opinion for others to considder. I've roleplayed for over a year now. I started out somewhere else and after a tow-and-drag competition I made the transition into SL. I haven't regret it ever since and I'm glad I got thrown into this vast community and world. I came for the RP and currently just do everything on SL. Meeting new people, Roleplaying or just general fun and chitchat (Hurrah for introverted shyness behind a PC screen.)

Joining a group in order to roleplay.

First off. I call utter bull**bleep** on the rule. It is your profile and you can indeed do what you want. Nobody can force you to join a certain group in order to play or RP somewhere. However! Here comes the catch: Some RP communities require it for reasons! For example, the community where I RP Attack on Titan requires you to be in the Military group if you want to be part of said military. The reason behind this is the Combat HUD. Certain elements will only work if you are in that group, and if its active as your main one. Now, we don't require you to wear it at all times, because that is just utter bull**bleep**. But if you want to use the HUD, you got to be part of it. The choice is then up to you, do you want to be part of that? But in general, there might be reasons behind getting forced to join a group. Stuff like rezrights on the sim ect and to send out notices about events or other information regarding your group of choice. You also have to take In Character (IC) Stuff into account. If you for example are part of a guild group inside a sim, and you're in both, but its against the IC rules, then you're just in violation of the rules the sim/RP requires you to abide to, making it non other but your own fault.

To conclude: No, Nobody has the right to force anything upon you. Both OOC and IC. However, if you wish to play somewhere and they have rules regarding groups, then its up to your own discretion if you would want to mingle yourself in it.

Go easy on my english. It ain't that great. :matte-motes-delicious:

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

PekeNL wrote:


Go easy on my english. It ain't that great. :matte-motes-delicious:

This is an English language forum. We don't do sympathy

This is the internet, requested sympathy will never be aquired. Its one of the unwritten rules.

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