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The Ladies who Lunch Club


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Here here Dil. I totally agree. It is these unsung heroes that open to the world masses the unjust hardships placed upon small organizations who's sole purpose is to promote friendship and fun.

Thank You Ms S___R___ the time will come when we are actually able to say your name out loud:P

Nail colour Dil, what do you think?


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DQ Darwin wrote:

Here here Dil. I totally agree. It is these unsung heroes that open to the world masses the unjust hardships placed upon small organizations who's sole purpose is to promote friendship and fun.

Thank You Ms S___R___ the time will come when we are actually able to say your name out loud:P

Nail colour Dil, what do you think?


On my monitor it looks pink, Dee, so you know it's winner with me.:smileywink:

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I got a bunch Lillie no problem and it is so pink Dil.

I was glad when P_p left this forum, that style of childish aggravation to one and all was nice to see gone. So now we have his wannabe dummy poking every where with a pointed stick.

To be honest I'm done with this crap, Maddy is the smart one. I am really fearful of becoming what I most despise in this arena.


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If you ladies are going to do something subversive, I would like to throw my support behind you 100%.  Just send me the secret time and LM of this meeting and I will be there to continue whatever plot you have going on.  :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  Like I have said previously, if it is rebellious or anti-authority, I will be there to encourage and motivate.  I am a very good role model...  Promise....


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@Dillon: Your response does not do much to dissuade those who believe it was the LWL themselves who persuaded the powers that be to remove a threat to their cosy existence nor does the offhand response of the cofounder and I am not just saying this because my application to join your terpsichorean oenophile coven seems to have been consigned to File 13.

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Well I don't ever recall seeing a request, but considering your opinion that's a mute point now. Any member in LWL can invite another person it is not up to any one person. That we are not wide open is no surprise considering the comment made in other threads, does it?

Have a nice day, or not:)

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

If you ladies are going to do something subversive, I would like to throw my support behind you 100%.  Just send me the secret time and LM of this meeting and I will be there to continue whatever plot you have going on.  :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  Like I have said previously, if it is rebellious or anti-authority, I will be there to encourage and motivate.  I am a very good role model...  Promise....


I love this post Cinn.  That's the spirit!  

ETA @All aspiring, and the well entrenched LWL - this girl gets it!

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Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

If you ladies are going to do something subversive, I would like to throw my support behind you 100%.  Just send me the secret time and LM of this meeting and I will be there to continue whatever plot you have going on.  :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  Like I have said previously, if it is rebellious or anti-authority, I will be there to encourage and motivate.  I am a very good role model...  Promise....


Cinnamon, you should probably have said this to one of us in a PM. We've been attempting to keep our nefarious plans for World domination—Yes! Not just the Second Life Forums, the World!—under wraps. Now that the lolcat is out of the bag I'm afraid you've placed yourself in terrrible jeopardy with your post. Trust no one. Least of all me.

On the other hand if you like good music and a lot of really foolish conversation, stop on by. We only talk about the domination stuff when we're meeting in the official Coven Room.

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Cato Badger wrote:

@Dillon: Your response does not do much to dissuade those who believe it was the LWL themselves who persuaded the powers that be to remove a threat to their cosy existence nor does the offhand response of the cofounder and I am not just saying this because my application to join your terpsichorean oenophile coven seems to have been consigned to File 13.


Hey, Cato...I just checked my email...and I have an invitation to join the LWL!  (and I didn't even solicit an invite in any way, shape, or form) 

So, if I get in...I *could* send you an invite. 

But, I was thinking of creating a new group...called "Men Will be Men"...and sending You, Storm and a Particular Erudite Poster (albeit a former poster) invitations to the new group.   Since I'm not actually a man, I'd just be the official group hostess.  We won't have meetings, or shop, or hangout, unless it's to exchange information about some kinky sex place on the grid or a fantastic build. Who knows, we might even discuss politics or religion, you know those topics that piss everyone off.

Oh, and I have some skills (feel free to fill-in appropriate innuendo with the word *skills ; ) so, I could even make us way-cool shirts, hats, or other MWM garb.  Hmm, thinking now about what the logo should look like...

Send me ideas for the MWM group logo!  


Sidenote: Just between you and me, I'll make a lousy LWL's member, but would excel at being a hostess...for the MWM. 


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Told you we are open to anyone, come on in the waters fine or don't as if it means much. But you do seem excited;)

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Cato Badger wrote:

@Dillon: Your response does not do much to dissuade those who believe it was the LWL themselves who persuaded the powers that be to remove a threat to their cosy existence nor does the offhand response of the cofounder and I am not just saying this because my application to join your terpsichorean oenophile coven seems to have been consigned to File 13.

Hey, Cato...I just checked my email...and I have an invitation to join the LWL!  (and I didn't even solicit an invite in any way, shape, or form) 

So, if I get in...I *could* send you an invite. 

But, I was thinking of creating a new group...called "Men Will be Men"...and sending You, Storm and a Particular Erudite Poster (albeit a former poster) invitations to the new group.   Since I'm not actually a man, I'd just be the official group hostess.  We won't have meetings, or shop, or hangout, unless it's to exchange information about some kinky sex place on the grid or a fantastic build. Who knows, we might even discuss politics or religion, you know those topics that piss everyone off.

Oh, and I have some skills (feel free to fill-in appropriate innuendo with the word *skills ; ) so, I could even make us way-cool shirts, hats, or other MWM garb.  Hmm, thinking now about what the logo should look like...

Send me ideas for the MWM group logo!  


Sidenote: Just between you and me, I'll make a lousy LWL's member, but would excel at being a hostess...for the MWM. 



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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

Cato Badger wrote:

@Dillon: Your response does not do much to dissuade those who believe it was the LWL themselves who persuaded the powers that be to remove a threat to their cosy existence nor does the offhand response of the cofounder and I am not just saying this because my application to join your terpsichorean oenophile coven seems to have been consigned to File 13.


Hey, Cato...I just checked my email...and I have an invitation to join the LWL!  (and I didn't even solicit an invite in any way, shape, or form) 

So, if I get in...I *could* send you an invite. 

But, I was thinking of creating a new group...called "Men Will be Men"...and sending You, Storm and a Particular Erudite Poster (albeit a former poster) invitations to the new group.   Since I'm not actually a man, I'd just be the official group hostess.  We won't have meetings, or shop, or hangout, unless it's to exchange information about some kinky sex place on the grid or a fantastic build. Who knows, we might even discuss politics or religion, you know those topics that piss everyone off.

Oh, and I have some skills (feel free to fill-in appropriate innuendo with the word *skills ; ) so, I could even make us way-cool shirts, hats, or other MWM garb.  Hmm, thinking now about what the logo should look like...

Send me ideas for the MWM group logo!  


Sidenote: Just between you and me, I'll make a lousy LWL's member, but would excel at being a hostess...for the MWM. 


Celestiall, I have always enjoyed your opinions on politics.  I have always enjoyed reading you.  I told Maddy some 15 months ago taht I enjoyed your words.  

There is no need for you to get my cocktails - I am quite capable of pouring my own.  Perhaps I could pour one for you?

I have a friend in the LWL group.  She tells me they wear barrels.  I, too, don't see you as a good 'fit'.   

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With both Maddy and your scripting talents I think you guys could have had a lot more fun inviting me to a LWL party and dropping a barrel on my avatar - take a few hundred snapsots and post them to the forum, flickr, and any other blog or web of your choice.  Wouldn't we all laugh so hard.  Too bad LWL can't laugh at themselves.  I can.  


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awww. See Sig. Unfortunatley your obsession began long before we realised it. Those who assist you have a proven webwide history of similar behaviour. No one or mods cares for the disruption of civil threads and look! you're doing it yet again.

There is so much to do inworld. You must try your hand at creativity! In the last few days I have uploaded tons of textures and made quite a few new outfits had time to spend with friends and try to help on the forums too :) Helping is good fun! I don't mean idle comment, banter or gamed kudos, actual constructive help.

Is your friend in LWL aware of your more destructive comments? I doubt it. Funny how even those outside of LWL seem to doubt your integrity just a teeny bit. Chickens coming home to roost perhaps?

"Terpsichorean oenophile" ooo now that rings a bell! I wonder how Pep is these days? Some do miss him :) He would of course claim the LWL as his own and probably be a little miffed if he couldn't comment in some way shape or form I suspect.

There isn't a need to taint every thread with negativity, as a matter of fact there are these things called rules! They apply to all in the new fora funnily enough. Have a read sometime perhaps? This could save you a lot of future angst and despair when the moderators take action. It is their job you know *winx

BTW: Great you are getting your own club! \o/ That might even pass for creativity in some quarters. Well done and Hugz from 1 creator member of the LWL! Lovely to see things take a positive turn for your new group. ♥¿♥

and nuuu I wont respond to your baiting in the next two posts. 2 in a row! 1/2 a kudos for creativity 8^) We will make a positive contributor of you yet Storm! The only one who ever counted you "out" was yourself :P


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