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? Grid disruptions from Feb 19th 2015 onwards ?

Jimmi Rubble

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Only asking a question :

Over the weekend gone, has anyone noticed:

  • scrips freezing up,
  • group communications fail,
  • notices missing,
  • friends off line in both your friends list and common groups when they're standing in front of you talking in open chat,
  • unable to send a teleport invitation to a friend who is online,
  • unable to pass objects... note cards... or a simple land mark to on line friends?

In simple words, has the grid rebooted to 2007?

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Jimmi Rubble wrote:

Only asking a question :

Over the weekend gone, has anyone noticed:
  • scrips freezing up,
  • group communications fail,
  • notices missing,
  • friends off line in both your friends list and common groups when they're standing in front of you talking in open chat,
  • unable to send a teleport invitation to a friend who is online,
  • unable to pass objects... note cards... or a simple land mark to on line friends?

In simple words, has the grid rebooted to 2007?

I havent... What viewer are you using?

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Yes, I have.  I use Black Dragon, Replex, Catznip, and SL viewers.

Particularly annoying is the group communication and notifications/attachments...which has been ongoing for a long time.

Interestingly, the replies to your post that have no problems at all are from residents who have over 7000 posts on this forum between them.  Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?!   Wish I had their dayjobs.

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Yes, I have.  I use Black Dragon, Replex, Catznip, and SL viewers.

Particularly annoying is the group communication and notifications/attachments...which has been ongoing for a long time.

Interestingly, the replies to your post that have no problems at all are from residents who have over 7000 posts on this forum between them.  Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?!   Wish I had their dayjobs.

Dayjobs?!?!? Wow, i did not realize that you could only post on the forums during the day.. Wait a minute.. you posted at night.. I wish i had your nightjob..

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Interestingly, the replies to your post that have no problems at all are from residents who have over 7000 posts on this forum between them.  Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?!   Wish I had their dayjobs.

Perhaps those who are prolific posters have learned enough from the forums so that their SL parameters are set to optimise their experience, in conjunction with competent and reliable communications and computer setups.

Whereas those implicitly suggesting these committed participants "get a life" are frustrated by avoidable problems because their enjoyment of SL is compromised by their ignorance.

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Maybe I noticed, who knows.... my merchan outbox has been frozen with one folder inside for around 2 weeks, yesterday the folder was gone and outbox is stuck in initializing. IMs capped  but nothing more than usual. I tried to send a no copy object from my alt to my main, the pop up message said "unable to create inventory item", same after relog. And cut/paste no copy items on my main inventory makes them gone with no message. On top of all, my fps drop from around 60 to 40-30 and the viewer freezes to black screen. 

Are those disruptions you were thinking or just regular SL hiccups? You decide lol

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Since a few days, I'm having a weird problem. I receive IMs fom my best friend in SL but she doesn't receive my answers. When I try to contact her, she appears ever as being offline, but when I send her an IM, I don't receive the usul "resident is offline....".

But when I am offline and she send me an IM, I am able to answer by email, and she receives it.

This behaviour is only between we two, we can chat by IM with everybody ese, just she never receives my IMs (nor notecards, that I tried to send as a workaround.

We tried, SLviewer, Firestorm, Singularity and Radegast, all with the same behaviour.

Any ideas?

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Thank you all of you for your replies and comments. I can see some folk are experiencing similar. Let's me know I am not going nuts.

I should not have to defend myself ; however, knowing human nature (a few people could be upset if I don't respond to their deep queries) I'll have a go and answer a few. But this will be the only time I do so.

Q. What viewer are you using?

Firestorm Releasex64 (probably exactly the same as yours Mr Graves)

Q. Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?!

I cannot and will not comment on other folk. For myself, I first appeared in Second life 2nd Jan 2008 and I don't use Forums or Blogs to a huge extent, as you can tell by my post count. If some people like to post on threads and such, thats how they like to absorb themselves. I do read forums maybe once or twice a year to see if someone has a brilliant sloution to something thats been boggling me, so I do not undervalue the purpose of forums and blogs. Nice to have them when I need them, I would miss them if they were not here.

Q. Did you upgrade your PC since 2007?

Yes three times since i first rezzed in world... Now running:

  • CPU: Intel® Core i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz (3702.28 MHz)
  • Memory: 65478 MB
  • OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
  • Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series.

I doubt my hardwear or softweare is the cause of these issues I'm experiencing (and similar issues my friends are suffering, together with a selection of folk on this thread too). I can cancel out my connection as I've no difficulty with anything else except for Second Life (recently).

Miss Chaplin and others, you hit the nail on the head and describe the issues I'm suffering from. I've no idea what an out box is but my guess is, if I were using one, mine would be jammed up too.


Thank you folk, I don't feel alone (thats what a blog/forum is for). I think I can go onwards to the next stage and communicate to Lindens. I have stuck scripted household objects that havent moved or worked propperly for almost a week now and this is getting very frustrating.


Addition: Just quickly, I'm located on one of these things... Second Life RC Magnum ...is that a common factor?

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

[snip] ... Don't hold your breath waiting for any answers...

Like the OP, I too have had occassions when Lindens have jumped immediately into an issue I brought to their attention. Like you, I've had instances of exactly the opposite reaction. However if you have never had any satisfactory response, you might wish to consider the possibility that the problem rests not within LL .. but instead within the other partner in that "Takes Two to Tango" relationship.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


 if you have never had any satisfactory response, you might wish to consider the possibility that the problem rests not within LL .. but instead within the other partner in that "Takes Two to Tango" relationship.

I have usually achieved my objectives in my dealings with the Lindens.

Although they haven't enjoyed it much.

But nobody else goes about it quite the way I do.

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Yes, I have.  I use Black Dragon, Replex, Catznip, and SL viewers.

Particularly annoying is the group communication and notifications/attachments...which has been ongoing for a long time.

Interestingly, the replies to your post that have no problems at all are from residents who have over 7000 posts on this forum between them.  Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?!   Wish I had their dayjobs.

Well yes, I did have a day job that for a long time allowed me to post prolifically compared to many others.  But what does that have to do with anything?

I think I can say with a fair degree of safety that none of us uber-posters have ever said nor will ever say that the Grid never has problems.  We are not so naive. 



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Jimmi Rubble wrote:

Thank you all of you for your replies and comments. I can see some folk are experiencing similar. Let's me know I am not going nuts.

I should not have to defend myself ; however, knowing human nature (a few people could be upset if I don't respond to their deep queries) I'll have a go and answer a few. But this will be the only time I do so.

Q. What viewer are you using?

Firestorm Releasex64 (probably exactly the same as yours Mr Graves)

Q. Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?!

I cannot and will not comment on other folk. For myself, I first appeared in Second life 2nd Jan 2008 and I don't use Forums or Blogs to a huge extent, as you can tell by my post count. If some people like to post on threads and such, thats how they like to absorb themselves. I do read forums maybe once or twice a year to see if someone has a brilliant sloution to something thats been boggling me, so I do not undervalue the purpose of forums and blogs. Nice to have them when I need them, I would miss them if they were not here.

Q. Did you upgrade your PC since 2007?

Yes three times since i first rezzed in world... Now running:
  • CPU: 
    Intel® Core i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz (3702.28 MHz)
  • Memory: 65478 MB
  • OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
  • Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series.

I doubt my hardwear or softweare is the cause of these issues I'm experiencing (and similar issues my friends are suffering, together with a selection of folk on this thread too). I can cancel out my connection as I've no difficulty with anything else except for Second Life (recently).

Miss Chaplin and others, you hit the nail on the head and describe the issues I'm suffering from. I've no idea what an out box is but my guess is, if I were using one, mine would be jammed up too.


Thank you folk, I don't feel alone (thats what a blog/forum is for). I think I can go onwards to the next stage and communicate to Lindens. I have stuck scripted household objects that havent moved or worked propperly for almost a week now and this is getting very frustrating.


Addition: Just quickly, I'm located on one of these things... Second Life RC Magnum ...is that a common factor?

Magnum is a 'release candidate channel,"  that is a "test channel."

Problems on a release candidate are better reported via JIRA or in the most current Weekly Deploys thread:   http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/bd-p/SecondLifeServer

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:


 if you have never had any satisfactory response, you might wish to consider the possibility that the problem rests not within LL .. but instead within the other partner in that "Takes Two to Tango" relationship.

I have usually achieved my objectives in my dealings with the Lindens.

Although they haven't enjoyed it much.

But nobody else goes about it quite the way I do.

I can promise you that someone approaching me while yelling and swinging a baseball bat will receive a FAR different reaction than someone that is smiling and carrying a box of donuts.

Just sayin' ... 

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

Darrius Gothly wrote:


 if you have never had any satisfactory response, you might wish to consider the possibility that the problem rests not within LL .. but instead within the other partner in that "Takes Two to Tango" relationship.

I have usually achieved my objectives in my dealings with the Lindens.

Although they haven't enjoyed it much.

But nobody else goes about it quite the way I do.

I can promise you that someone approaching me while yelling and swinging a baseball bat will receive a FAR different reaction than someone that is smiling and carrying a box of donuts.

Just sayin' ... 

I don't really care about their feelings; it's getting my way that matters.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I only asked what viewer you were using as i do not and will not use the SL viewer, so if you were i would bow out and leave it to those that do.

On that note, before contacting LL who will tell you to try their viewer and see if there is an issue, i would try the Firestorm group inworld first.

Firestorm may very well ask him to try the official viewer also, especially looking at the description of the problem.

But I will add this.  The OP has changed the description of the problem:

"Addition: Just quickly, I'm located on one of these things... Second Life RC Magnum ...is that a common factor?"

A problem on an individual SIM is way different than "Grid Disruptions." 

My first question would be is it happenning elsewhere?

If there had been problems with the last Magnum Update by now I would have thought we would have heard more.  It is possible that the Region he is in is suffering from the "Broken Caps (capabilities)" problem described here which is fixed by a simple restart:

http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploy-for-the-week-of-2015-02-02/td-p/2891162   (Message 9)


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