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The VaNiTy ThReAd

Wilhiam Hydraconis

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Great photos. We finally get a good look at that ponytail. I like that hair and the shirt. Nice detail with the bear. When in despair, hug your bear. The problem with stuffed bears though, is that they're not very good conversationalists.  It's like talking to someone who's head is stuffed with cotton.

@Jessica, you went straight from the pool table to the kitchen? You're wearing the same underwear. You shout put on an apron in case something hot splatters from the stove. Looks like a nice kitchen and dining table.



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Randall Ahren wrote:

Great photos. We finally get a good look at that ponytail. I like that hair and the shirt. Nice detail with the bear. When in despair, hug your bear. The problem with stuffed bears though, is that they're not very good conversationalists.  It's like talking to someone who's head is stuffed with cotton.

@Jessica, you went straight from the pool table to the kitchen? You're wearing the same underwear. You shout put on an apron in case something hot splatters from the stove. Looks like a nice kitchen and dining table.



Thanks, I had great fun taking them :)

Really glad it meets with your approval Randall.  /me grins and flicks her ponytail at you ;)

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Sapphire Hissop wrote:

Randall asked what my favorite piece of furniture was in my house.  My answer is most of it because I tend to buy furniture that has solo poses since I spend a really large amount of my SL time alone
  So I need furniture I can sit on by myself.  Like here

Nice photo. Your SL photographic skills have improved dramatically. Maybe I'll see you again at Fogbound this weekend if you can break away from being alone.



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Randall Ahren wrote:

Nice shoes Val. I'm guessing that's a dawn bonfire? Let me welcome you to gladness from the other side of sadness because it's Friday!  Party, fiesta...

Thank you Randall, lol the perspective of this shot makes my feet look so HUGE!!! I only realized it after posting. :smileyvery-happy:


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Raven1 Short wrote:

Saraya Starr wrote:

I love my new little friend, but he won't share his marshmallows with me :matte-motes-crying:





That is so cute! I like your expressions. You look like he just told you that you can't have any marshmallows.

Where did you get him?

Raven, you can get him on the Marketplace, he is free :)  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Direct-Delivery-Linden-Bear/3290638?utm_source=Marketplace&utm_medium=Banner&utm_campaign=DD_Bear_2012

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valerie Inshan wrote:

Saraya Starr wrote:

I love my new little friend, but he won't share his marshmallows with me :matte-motes-crying:

wtf??? I have the same problem: mine won't share either. :smileysurprised:


Sad isn't it Val?, these bears just don't know how to share :(

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You look stunnng Val, your shoes don't look too big at all lol.

Kylie, beautiful. I love that dress as well.

I went and visited Raven today :smileyhappy: Saw her new house, wich is very nice. It has wonderful texturing too. And, she is adorable. Her ava matches her personality so well! :smileyvery-happy: (hope you don't mind my posting your pic here Raven, I can't help it, I'm vain for you lmao)


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UncommonTruth wrote:

You look stunnng Val, your shoes don't look too big at all lol.

Kylie, beautiful. I love that dress as well.

I went and visited Raven today :smileyhappy: Saw her new house, wich is very nice. It has wonderful texturing too. And, she is adorable. Her ava matches her personality so well! :smileyvery-happy: (hope you don't mind my posting your pic here Raven, I can't help it, I'm vain for you lmao)


Thank you! It was nice finally having you over. You take great pictures, I don't mind!

Joey stole one of them :D

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