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The image shows my current state. And before anyone starts saying it must be a problem on my side, let me tell you that yes, I'm using Google DNS. And there's a lot of people experiencing the very same issues, according to a few groups I belong to.

SL mess-up

System clothes (including alphas, of course) do not rez and most mesh doesn't, either (in that image I was supposed to be wearing a mesh dress.)

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Good Afternoon,

I have been experiencing an issue where things do not seem to be loading in world and when they do decied to load they load very, very slowly and people along with textures will mostly appear gray. My own avatar is gray or a beautiful puff of smoke. This has not been an issue up until around 30 minutes ago. Please could someone advise if they too are having the same or simalur issue to me.

There does not seem to be any updates on the SecondLife Status Page either. Something like this happened not too long ago with people who were connect in Europe, please tell me this is not the issue again, it's getting beyond a joke now.

Kindest Regards.

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ViscousSummer88 wrote:

Good Afternoon,

I have been experiencing an issue where things do not seem to be loading in world and when they do decied to load they load very, very slowly and people along with textures will mostly appear gray. My own avatar is gray or a beautiful puff of smoke. This has not been an issue up until around 30 minutes ago. Please could someone advise if they too are having the same or simalur issue to me.

There does not seem to be any updates on the SecondLife Status Page either. Something like this happened not too long ago with people who were connect in Europe, please tell me this is not the issue again, it's getting beyond a joke now.

Kindest Regards.

Problem has been posted on the status page now.

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This sounds and looks like another CDN fubar.  The communication between SL's main asset servers and the CDN seems to be on the flaky side a lot of the time.  It MIGHT be a DDOS attack, but it is still yet another vulnerability in the whole affair. :smileyfrustrated:

Umm, Lydia, I'm not blaming LL directly and I don't think I'm a barrage (balloon). :smileywink:

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Lydia Craig wrote:

It is happening all over sl and getting worse  Don't hold your breath waiting on LL to fix it or even acknowledge that there is a problem, and get ready for a barrage of post blaming this on anything but LL..

Considering how in almost every post you've ever made everything has been getting worse, worse, worse, we wonder how you even manage to use Second LIfe at all.

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I think it is clear that this issue, which I am fairly sure is a communication issue between LL's servers and the CDN, is both severe and ongoing, since every day we see more tranches of "scheduled Maintenance" announced.

I guess we must just ride this one out until LL gets the server-CDN communication glitch fixed.

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I don't know what the Lindens are trying to fix, it's a very standard message when they announce scheduled maintenance, and doesn't really tell you anything useful. But there are times it does feel like the CDN system still isn't working right. Or is it the SSA system?

When was the last time they tested how the service worked from anywhere other than San Francisco? Have they ever used hardware to simulate a less than perfect connection? Oh, they do tests from Phoenix, do they?

They're straining my seasonal goodwill to all men.

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I should calm down before you burst a blood-vessel!  To expect the Lindens to check out CDN functionality outside the USA is to bay at the moon, it won't happen!

As to whether the CDN plays well with the SSA system...I think the answer to that has to be....not all the tme and not that well for many.

It IS a good idea and it WILL be great for many...WHEN it works...it's the time-scale of the WHEN that's the rub! :smileyfrustrated:

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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

I don't know what the Lindens are trying to fix, it's a very standard message when they announce scheduled maintenance, and doesn't really tell you anything useful. But there are times it does feel like the CDN system still isn't working right. Or is it the SSA system?

When was the last time they tested how the service worked from anywhere other than San Francisco? Have they ever used hardware to simulate a less than perfect connection? Oh, they do tests from Phoenix, do they?

They're straining my seasonal goodwill to all men.

Whirly Fizzle was heavily involved in the initial testing of the CDN/mesh pipelining and she's from Britain and was using a civilian (i.e. non-LL) connection. I believe Oz Linden is actually based out of Boston; at least he was.



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WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote:

I don't know what the Lindens are trying to fix, it's a very standard message when they announce scheduled maintenance, and doesn't really tell you anything useful. But there are times it does feel like the CDN system still isn't working right. Or is it the SSA system?

When was the last time they tested how the service worked from anywhere other than San Francisco? Have they ever used hardware to simulate a less than perfect connection? Oh, they do tests from Phoenix, do they?

They're straining my seasonal goodwill to all men.

As Theresa indicated, Whirly Fizzle (UK) has been heavily engaged in testing the CDN and HTTP throughout. Further, the Lab has been wroking with a number of users who are geographically spread in order to try to further improve overall CDN functionality & HTTP code in the viewer (there is a further set of back-end CDN improvements that have been under test and which should be emerging early in 2015.

As to SSA / CDN - it is my understanding (from Oz Linden's statements at several TPVD and other meetings) that SSA has been utilising a CDN service for some considerable time; it was actually the overall success with it approach that enouraged the Lab to go further, CDN-wise.

That said, whether the CDN in question is Highwinds or not, I couldn't clarify; but I'd lean towards it being so.

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  • 3 months later...

I still have CDN failed Fetching and various texture, deformed mesh items etc only during SL peak times of 5:30pm SLT for about 3-4 hours.

Otherwise daily no issues at all.

Live in Gulf Coast, Pensacola Florida area.
Steady cable 56Mbps internet.No packet loss.

As I teleport around, or cam in and out things deform, disappear, or take FOREVER to rez as my logs show numerous attempts to contact CDN services and fetching retry timeouts. or report Item Doesn't Exist.

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