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A week of Restarts?

Ayesha Askham

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Caveat: I know this forum is basically peer-to-peer for users, but it is the one thread that Lindens do watch so I am hoping for a definitive response.  I say HOPING. :smileyfrustrated:

The Grid Status Page tells us that next week will be a week of restarts, every sim/region affected, some multiple times.  Does this mean that each sim/region will be restarted at least once every day, or will there be a sort of Mexican wave through SL over the week, and servers will be inspected on a rolling basis?

I am trying to get info since I may be organising events that span several hours, over several days next week and knowing if one sim might be undisturbed for the rest of the week if the warning is received on one day (unless we are warned of multiple restarts on that region, of course) would be helpful. 

I know getting that sort of info is a long shot but one has to try!:smileyhappy:

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Thanks for calling attention to this.

Posting the notice for all to see:


Scheduled Maintenance

Posted by Status Desk on November 14th, 2014 at 10:00 am PST

[Posted 10:00 AM PST, 14 November 2014] Beginning Monday, November 17, we will be undertaking a full week of scheduled maintenance.  This maintenance will take place at approximately 7:00 AM each day next week. Each region will be subject to one or more restarts, as its host takes its turn for inspection.  A five-minute warning will be broadcast for each restarting region. Additional warnings will be broadcast to regions where multiple restarts are necessary. Please be cautious about going AFK for extended periods in the middle of build sessions or handling no-copy objects, as you may miss the shutdown warnings. Please keep an eye on this blog for further updates.



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Ayesha Askham wrote:

Caveat: I know this forum is basically peer-to-peer for users, but it is the one thread that Lindens do watch so I am hoping for a definitive response.  I say HOPING. :smileyfrustrated:

The Grid Status Page tells us that next week will be a week of restarts, every sim/region affected, some multiple times.  Does this mean that each sim/region will be restarted at least once every day, or will there be a sort of Mexican wave through SL over the week, and servers will be inspected on a rolling basis?

I am trying to get info since I may be organising events that span several hours, over several days next week and knowing if one sim might be undisturbed for the rest of the week if the warning is received on one day (unless we are warned of multiple restarts on that region, of course) would be helpful. 

I know getting that sort of info is a long shot but one has to try!:smileyhappy:

If i were a gambling sim patron, i would bet that they don't even have these answers. At a guess it looks like they are doing serious maintenance to the grid in preparation for something. Perhaps a new viewer with major bug fixes? Who knows.

Personally, I would schedule your events and let patrons know there may be restarts.

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That is a concern, since You have your virtual ear to the ground better than most. 

It rather gives the impression that the Linden left hand does not know what the Linden right hand is about to do! :smileysurprised:

More importantly we still do not know whether this bout of maintenance merely starts ay 7am SLT on Monday and runs continuously all week or whether it is a daily start with an uncertain end - not to put to fine a point on it - we know nothing other than something will be happening! :smileyfrustrated:

Edit: No of course the post does say EACH weekday doesn't it! :smileyembarrassed:

Edit later to add:  From inworld reports of odd issues with teleports and huge sim lag spikes, it's a good bet that some network work has already started.:smileysurprised:

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The "host" "inspection" wording suggests to me that this maintenance is driven by Operations rather than any development change. That it incurs downtime has me thinking "hardware" -- like some poor schlub physically touching all the host boxes and/or cables.

The techs would be highly motivated to touch each thing as few times as possible, but even if all this speculation is correct, it doesn't really answer the question, particularly if the work involves network gear or cabling.


Edit to replace a naughty word with "schlub" because the bleeper doesn't know Yiddish.

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loose conection.jpg


Qie Niangao wrote:

The "host" "inspection" wording suggests to me that this maintenance is driven by Operations rather than any development change. That it incurs downtime has me thinking "hardware" -- like some poor schlub physically touching all the host boxes and/or cables.

The techs would be highly motivated to touch each thing as few times as possible, but even if all this speculation is correct, it doesn't really answer the question, particularly if the work involves
gear or cabling.


Edit to replace a naughty word with "schlub" because the bleeper doesn't know Yiddish.

Somewhere they have a loose connection................ ;)

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This is bringing back memories of the days of Kremlin-watching, though nothing has much changed, and this bear is not admitting anything in connection with any particular other bear.

The point was that, in the Cold War, you had to look very closely at what little was said or admitted by any government. You can see it with the news from North Korea. What does it mean? And how do these people explaining it to you know what they are talking about.

We can infer from the announcement of the work that it starts when physical thingummies arrive on scene, since it starts at 7am each day, and unusual words such as "inspection" suggest uncommon events. We have near-weekly work on the software, so it this hardware.

But if you go by the status message, they started just after 7 am Monday, though past experience suggests that the status message timing can depend on when somebody starts work, because software rolling restarts have usually been announced as due to start several hours before the starting message is posted.

We have had the Monday morning start pretty well as expected. But there has been no pause or halt announced.

It could just be the usual slipshod reporting of maintenance work, or it could really be that there is no safe period.

What's the betting that the maintenance stopped on Monday, and nobody left on the premises had the access needed to post to status? That does make sense. You don't want all and Torley posting to status. But it's not so hard to set up a shell script that can be run by a named individual, and will do a particular job.

And if you don't have somebody you can trust to report that, everybody must be on salary, not an hourly rate.

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According to simon Linden, speaking at the Simulator User Group on Tuesday, November 18th, the work on the servers requires each box being taken down, opened-up and physically inspected, and parts (unspecified) possibly being swapped-out.

Exactly what amount of work (if anything) is required on each server may vary, making the process something of a piece of string when it comes to how long it will take per box.

What prompted the work isn't clear, but there was muted speculation that some servers may need a physical update of some description to avoid the potential of failing due to a defect. Whether this means one of the Lab's suppliers altered them to a problem or not or something else has come up, isn't clear.

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Seriously, people. The reactions here are just completely over the top.

Every week, there are sim restarts. This is no  different other than the fact there is no set day for your sim to restart. They said "a week of restarts".  So that means, instead of restarting on Tuesday, or Wednesday, it will restart on any day between Monday and Friday. Mine restarted on Tuesday, which is unusual since it's an RC sim. Other than that, things went exactly as they always do, every week for years.

And that's all there is to it.  Whoop-de-doo.

It never ceases to amaze me how people try to turn every tea-kettle into a tempest.

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Darien Caldwell wrote:

Seriously, people. The reactions here are just completely over the top.

Every week, there are sim restarts. This is no  different other than the fact there is no set day for your sim to restart. [...]

Except that in fact it's very different. It has no particular effect on my own SL experience this week. but one would have to be exceptionally uninquisitive not to wonder what occasioned this oddity.

I don't see any great "over the top" hand-wringing about it in this thread. The OP thought to ask about it because a detail of interpretation could mean it would be more disruptive, or less, to a particular endeavor, and others found it interesting.

Someone reading the posts in this thread might well identify an "over the top" outlier. But which post? Hmmm....

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I was around when a region I frequent was restarted.

I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few spare servers, and the region was restarted on new hardware. It wasn't down for very long.

I noticed the restart warning in the SL Viewer, but it's not exactly prominent. People could miss it.

Both before and after the restart, I couldn't TP out of the affected region without a viewer crash. Coincidence?

I'll be honest, after all the time watching how Linden Lab does stuff, I reckon that if they published an edition of Moby Dick you would be hard pressed to decide if it was a book about whaling.

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Oh Dari

So my asking what was a perfectly reasonable question about a GSP  post is over the top?

Look, as it is apparently panning out it is no big deal, but at the time I posted it that was BY NO MEANS clear.

Just look at the other posts and, for once, THINK.  You used to do it, so just try a little harder.  I know it is necessary and I made that clear.  I know Linden Lab have a lot on their plate and I made THAT clear too.

I just bayed at the moon a bit in expecting a measured response.  :smileyfrustrated:

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Ayesha Askham wrote:

Oh Dari

So my asking what was a perfectly reasonable question about a GSP  post is over the top?

Look, as it is apparently panning out it is no big deal, but at the time I posted it that was BY NO MEANS clear.

Just look at the other posts and, for once, THINK.  You used to do it, so just try a little harder.  I know it is necessary and I made that clear.  I know Linden Lab have a lot on their plate and I made THAT clear too.

I just bayed at the moon a bit in expecting a measured response.  :smileyfrustrated:

Darien replied to Wolf, who was using Kremlinesque metaphors. Granted, this was your thread. Just like all those others...

Incidentally, baying at the moon usually means all the wolves within earshot will also start baying. (I visited a wolf shelter once.)

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Thank you Inara for the link, and thank you Linden Lab for the explanation! It makes a huge difference to hear about the reasons behind maintenance, especially such a very extended one. It makes us appreciate the work that your hardware team is doing to keep the grid up and running! Good job!


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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Ayesha Askham wrote:

Oh Dari

So my asking what was a perfectly reasonable question about a GSP  post is over the top?

Look, as it is apparently panning out it is no big deal, but at the time I posted it that was BY NO MEANS clear.

Just look at the other posts and, for once, THINK.  You used to do it, so just try a little harder.  I know it is necessary and I made that clear.  I know Linden Lab have a lot on their plate and I made THAT clear too.

I just bayed at the moon a bit in expecting a measured response.  :smileyfrustrated:

Darien replied to Wolf, who was using Kremlinesque metaphors. Granted, this
your thread. Just like all those others...

Incidentally, baying at the moon usually means all the wolves within earshot will also start baying. (I visited a wolf shelter once.)

We go to Wolf Hollow a few times a year.. When they all started howling it was quite chilling.

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Thanks to Inara for that link.  Thanks also to Linden Lab for that explanation, which makes what I already suspected clear for all to see. 


As others have said, what a breath of fresh air! :smileyhappy:


NB Note to self...pay more attention to the Blog as well as fora! :smileyembarrassed:

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