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Is missing the head of the avatar


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With google translate, typing in a sentence like: "Try a demo before you buy" should be possible to understand. Tentar uma demo antes de comprar!  

It is, as some say, not so hard for jwjaii to write "I want a refund" in good enough english. Besides, he has posted here as jwjai and he has been told to try a demo.



Skin creators should turn down graphics to show customers what it would look like on their poor performance computers. And of course, not use any poses besides Second Life default stands. Or any complementing products like hairs, even if the advertisement clearly say that hair is not included. Because who reads anything? /end sarcasm

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Whenever you see a shape or skin that appears with all the lights and shadows, definitely get the demo first.
Chances are it's been enhanced with Photoshop and doesn't show the reality look.

I'll never understand why some people will just presume this to be the case, simply because a creator has used ALM and Shadows to take their marketing photo.  While there certainly are some unscrupulous merchants who do indeed go that route in an attempt to hide the imperfection of their creations, I seriously doubt that someone who makes as good a quality of product as does the Aeros creator, would ever feel the need to resort to such a deceptive tactic.

As such, I'd say, with a great about of certainty, that the chances of that particular image having been enhanced with Photoshop are very slim.  But then, it's possible you may have never seen an Aeros avatar inworld, with all the bells and whistles... they're really very nice.


I don't think even advanced lighting will produce the "shiny" highlights on the skin in that picture - especially along the edge of the face - because avatars don't have any sort of reflectivity.

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I tried using the demo, but could not be successful.
So I decided to trust after reading the comments on the seller's page. All comments that are there are very positive.


But now I know why all the reviews are positive

And the answer is simple: all the negative comments are deleted and ignored

My comment was deleted




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Dresden Ceriano

"I'll never understand why some people will just presume this to be the case, simply because a creator has used ALM and Shadows to take their marketing photo.  While there certainly are some unscrupulous merchants who do indeed go that route in an attempt to hide the imperfection of their creations, I seriously doubt that someone who makes as good a quality of product as does the Aeros creator, would ever feel the need to resort to such a deceptive tactic.

As such, I'd say, with a great about of certainty, that the chances of that particular image having been enhanced with Photoshop are very slim.  But then, it's possible you may have never seen an Aeros avatar inworld, with all the bells and whistles... they're really very nice.


I do not believe it is possible to achieve the same result with special effects. Unless it is possible to use Photoshop...

This can only have a name: Misleading Advertising



I think it is possible to sell good products without resorting to dishonest tricks to deceive customers


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Why I HATE this avatar...  ???



Because he's too ugly, scary and bad guy... He looks like a psychopath


In the demo it is also clearly a bad boy. But it's not scary... He looks like a bad boy, but otherwise looks sweet and sad... and I identified with it a bit




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jwjaii wrote:

I tried using the demo, but could not be successful.

So I decided to trust after reading the comments on the seller's page. All comments that are there are very positive.


But now I know why all the reviews are positive

And the answer is simple: all the negative comments are deleted and ignored

My comment was deleted




I am going to attempt to post in your language. Please know my Portuguese is not very good.

Você não postar um comentário no lugar apropriado.

Você postou seu comentário na página dessa pessoa, e não a página do produto.

Isso não é o lugar onde uma revisão do produto pertence.

As pessoas podem remover os comentários de suas páginas pessoais.

Se você quiser um vendedor entrar em contato com você, ele iria ajudar a não ser tão rude quando você contatá-los.

Dizer a alguém o seu produto é feio pode ser a sua opinião, mas ainda é muito rude.

Se você quiser rever um produto, fazê-lo na página do produto de mercado.

Suas gráficas podem ser a razão pela qual o produto não parece o mesmo com você. Isso não significa que o comerciante usou photoshop para fazer as fotos com aspecto perfeito.

Gráficas diferentes vai tornar as coisas olhar de forma diferente para as pessoas. Isso não significa que o produto usado propaganda enganosa.

Você precisa ter um pouco mais de tempo para se acostumar com as secondlife e gráficos. Suas expectativas pode ser muito alto, porque você não entender como as gráficas funcionar corretamente, ainda.

Eu não estou tentando ser rude com você. Mas você está sendo extremamente rude com este vendedor, bem como a linha de produtos. Eu já vi esse avatar no Second Life e ele realmente parece muito melhor do que você parece vê-lo.

Isso me diz que suas gráficas são apenas diferente da minha, assim como o vendedor. Este vendedor tem boas, porque o produto é bom. Um vendedor não pode remover comentários negativos na página de mercado.

Seu comentário foi removido porque ele não pertence, onde você colocá-lo. Foi-lhes dito isto antes, no entanto.

Lamento que você não está satisfeito com sua compra, mas você não pode culpar um comerciante quando o resultado desejado não é o mesmo por causa das gráficas.

Estou certo de que o vendedor pode realmente ouvir você, se você encontrar uma abordagem muito menos rude para discutir o que é que você não gosta. O comerciante pode até mesmo ser capaz de ajudá-lo a garantir que o produto olha como você quer, se você contatá-los corretamente.

As pessoas vão parar de ajudar você, se você continuar com a abordagem que você está usando. Não é só rude, mas você não está ouvindo qualquer coisa as pessoas estão dizendo.

Esperemos que, escrito em seu próprio idioma, isso vai fazer mais sentido para você.

Tenha um ótimo dia.

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Sellers are not listening to me anyway. Yes, I'm being rude. And I apologize for that. But my rudeness is due to the fact I have never been able to talk to any seller. And it's my fault because I do not speak English, or because I have not read all the manuals???


No, no ... I think it is the fault of Second Life because it does not force sellers to offer good assistance to customers.

There had to be a very visible link to the customer assistance

When we open a package appears a link for customer support, but this link never works

Page not found

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Yes, you have tried to explain to me how to get contact the sellers (thanks for that), but it seems too hard to get it. And I still could not do it. And to make matters worse this website is too old and hard to navigate


 It is very easy to shop in Second Life
But if something goes wrong, we have a mountain to climb before we can speak with a seller

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As you have been told, there is nothing wrong with the avatar.

You can change the eyebrows, but that is too hard.

YOu can try a demo first, but that, too, is too hard.

You can contact the seller, but that is too hard.

If all this is too hard, then you are going to find the rest of SL impossible.

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jwjaii wrote:

I tried using the demo, but could not be successful.

So I decided to trust after reading the comments on the seller's page.

I really don't understand what you mean by "I tried using the demo, but could not be successful." Out of interest I took the demo. I was able to wear all the items in the demo and see how they looked.

Anyway, to avoid future dissappointments, always do this (if it's not too hard): :smileywink:

1. Don't trust what others say in the product's comments.

2. Therefore always try a demo first to see how it looks on you.

3. If you are satisfied with the demo, then it is safe to buy the full product.

4. If you are not satisfied with the demo, do not buy the full product - it will not be any better than the demo is.

Good luck for your future shoppings.

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Well, I tried. You still don't want to listen, even in your own language.

I am fairly certain you and Sl are not going to get along very well at this rate.

I do hope you soon learn how to log inworld and contact people that way, as you have been told. DO NOT use the website to contact people. You will find these issues, as very few people use the website to check for messages. We login to sl to look for messages, or even email, but rarely, if ever, check profile feeds for customer messages. If you go inworld, and send a NC to this creator, you will get help. If that is too hard, I do not believe there is anyone that can help you.

I am sorry my Portuguese just is not good enough to keep up an entire conversation of repeating instructions that you are not going to listen to anyway, otherwise, this would be in Portuguese.

This would not be so difficult, if you did not make it so difficult. Sellers are NOT that hard to contact. You are using the wrong method.

The avatar in question DOES look good, DOES look nice and is NOT ugly. Whether you like it or not, or whether your graphics will allow you to see it in the best manner or not, it is not ugly. I can show you ugly, if you really want to see some ugly skins, lol. That is not one of them. You're not even wearing the exact same pieces as the product ad picture shows, so of course it won't look exactly the same.


I should stop trying to help people that really don't want help. I'm going to find people that welcome the help they ask for instead. I am having an easier time explaining calculus, trigonometry and DNA sequencing to an 11 year old than I am in this thread, lol....and he's not fond of math ;)

Have a nice day.

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Por isso que menos de 20% das pessoas que experimentam Second Life voltam após o primeiro mês. E os que ficam são os mais resistentes. E eu também devo ser muito resistente porque ainda estou aqui... Mas isso não quer dizer que eu esteja disposto a aguentar tudo. E é um fato indiscutível que os vendedores em Second Life demonstram um grande desprezo pelos clientes. Eu já fiz muitas compras na internet (fora do Second Life) e nunca tive nenhum problema porque é sempre muito fácil entrar em contato com o vendedor.

Na minha primeira compra no Second Life eu também não fiquei satisfeito com o produto. Mas quando recebi o produto havia um link para pedir o reembolso. Eu usei esse link mas nunca recebi nenhuma resposta, nem recebi o meu dinheiro de volta.


Sassy Romano

“On the right hand side of the advert it says "Sold by: Pi Rain" so what you do is open their profile inworld and send them an IM or a notecard.”

Eu já tentei tudo isso. Só não usei o Notecard porque não consigo usa-lo (não funciona). De qualquer modo nada pode justificar a falta de uma assistência fácil e acessível da parte dos vendedores. E eu acho que isso também seria muito vantajoso para os vendedores. Inclusive para o Second Live.

Google translation

So that less than 20% of people who experience Second Life back after the first month. And those who stay are the most resistant. And I must also be very tough because I'm still here ... But that does not mean I am willing to endure anything. And it is an indisputable fact that sellers in Second Life show great contempt for customers. I've done a lot of internet shopping (outside of Second Life) and never had any problems because it is always very easy to contact the seller.
In my first purchase in Second Life I was also not satisfied with the product. But when I received the product there was a link to claim a refund. I used this link but never received a response, nor received my money back.

sassy Romano
"On the right hand side of the advert it says" Sold by: Pi Rain "so what is open to you Their inworld profile and send em an IM or a notecard."

I've tried it all. Not only used the notecard because I can not use it (does not work). Anyway nothing can justify the lack of an easy and affordable assistance from the sellers. And I think it would also be very advantageous for sellers. Including the Second Live.


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Tari Landar wrote:


I should stop trying to help people that really don't want help. I'm going to find people that welcome the help they ask for instead. I am having an easier time explaining calculus, trigonometry and DNA sequencing to an 11 year old than I am in this thread, lol....and he's not fond of math

Have a nice day.

There is a huge difference between people who ask for help, and people who demand that others take responsibility for them. 

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jwjaii wrote:


I've tried it all. Not only used the notecard because I can not use it (does not work). Anyway nothing can justify the lack of an easy and affordable assistance from the sellers. And I think it would also be very advantageous for sellers. Including the Second Live.


That does not make any sense at all.

Exactly what steps do you go through to send a notecard to someone?

Maybe you aren't doing something correctly. Perhaps due to a language barrier.

It is driving me nuts that every single response you have is negative, and you do not actually address the problem, at all. You have not yet told people here how you have tried to contact the seller, except to post a screenshot of a message on the person's profile feed. We have told you that is NOT how you contact someone, that was the wrong way.

So, if you want help, then you need to help the people willing to help. That means you need to give us information. Tell me exactly what you have done to contact this seller, INWORLD. Do not tell me how you tried using the website, I have already explained that is not how it is done. So, what did you do inworld to contact the seller?


I will tell you exactly how to contact someone inworld. Again, do NOT use the website, you MUST be logged into sl in order to do this, NOT on a webpage.

Login to sl. 

Open your search. Click on the People tab

Type in the seller's name. In this case, that is Pi Rain.

You will see results in your search box. The seller's profile will be one of the results. 

Open the seller's profile.

Now, open your inventory. 

Right click on your "Notecards" folder.

Click create notecard (it may say create new notecard)

A new, empty notecard will be in your folder. If it does not open automatically, open it.

Type in your problem. If you need to use your own language, do so, but before typing anything in Portuguese, let the seller know that you are sorry but English is not your main language. I am certain this seller will not mind translating. If you CAN type your problem in English, please do so. If you cannot, just explain that. Sellers are not mean people, we understand language barriers.

Remember, do NOT be rude in your notecard, or you will guarantee no response, or worse, a negative response. There is no reason to be rude. I do not care how frustrated you might be, there is no reason to be rude.

Once your problem is typed out, save the notecard. Be sure to put your avatar name on your notecard. Also, be sure to give your notecard a name.

Now, you have your new notecard, properly named and typed out, in your notecards folder. 

Take this notecard and place it in the seller's profile, which you should still have open

There, now you have contacted the seller. You can now wait for a response.

Please know that NO seller is obligated to give you a refund, just because you do not like something. The seller MAY be able to help you understand how to set your graphics so that the avatar looks just like the ad. You need to be patient, as patient as we are being with you. I can guarantee you that those avatars, made by that creator, are indeed excellent avatars, and not ugly. But how your graphics are set, will change how things look. That is not the seller's fault.

If you did not go through these steps to send a notecard, then you did not do it correctly. If you continue to try and contact a seller using the WEBSITE, you are doing it WRONG. Stop doing that, and stop clicking buttons. Do not click the "contact seller" button. The website is useless for contacting people. You need to contact people INWORLD.

Now if that's not clear, I really can't help anymore. I was going to translate it, but, well, you frustrated me, so you can translate it if needed. It is not difficult to contact people in sl, you are making it difficult by doing it completely the wrong way, and not listening when people tell you the right way. There is no justification for how frustrated you are, and there is no justification for your rude nature. You are wrong when you say sellers show contempt for customers. Your lack of understanding, and unwillingness to listen is what is causing every single problem you have.

If my son can manage doing trig hanging upside down off a couch, I am certain you can figure this out too. If you continue to seek help, but drop the negativity, I will continue to help. If all you want to do is complain and not learn how to do things properly, you might as well let us know now, so we stop trying to help.

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jwjaii wrote:

I do not believe it is possible to achieve the same result with special effects. Unless it is possible to use Photoshop...

This can only have a name:
Misleading Advertising

I think it is possible to sell good products without resorting to dishonest tricks to deceive customers

I contacted Pi and nicely asked her if she uses Photoshop on her marketing photos.  I did so by sending her a notecard, which is her preferred method and I got a reply within 24 hours of sending it.  So you see, if you're polite and contact her in the manner she wishes, she will answer you.  Unfortunately, I wasn't very pleased with her answer.

She told me that she does minimally Photoshop her marketing images, but doesn't believe that doing so misrepresents her products.  I'm not in agreement with her on this, because, as you wrote, it's very possible to sell good products without resorting to that.  And that avatar is definitely a good product.

So yeah, I admit it... I was wrong and am now rather disappointed in the practices of a creator for whom I had great respect.


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jwjaii wrote:

Why I HATE this avatar...  ???

Because he's too ugly, scary and bad guy... He looks like a psychopath

In the demo it is also clearly a bad boy. But it's not scary... He looks like a bad boy, but otherwise looks sweet and sad... and I identified with it a bit

Let me try to explain this to you one more time...

I only real difference, besides the Photoshopping and ALM, is the eyebrow shaper that you're wearing.  I'm including an image in order to illustrate the difference.


Do you see the difference?  Please try it on again with the straight eyebrow shaper... you might actually like it.

...Dres *did not Photoshop this image, except to crop and combine the images, then add text to them*

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I am a seller. I do make mistakes, especially since most of my clothing depends on huds for appliers. I will tell you I don't look at that feed thing. The only thing I've ever gotten on that was advertisements to buy cheap Lindens. I clearly state that if you want to contact me you can IM me, as my IMs go to my email, or you can drop a notecard in my profile or you can go to either of my shops and drop a notecard in my messager that also tells you if I'm online or not. I usually reply as soon as I get the message.

That being said, I have clear pictures of my stuff and models wearing it in the store. I've always known that for skin and shapes, you try the demo first.

I don't, as most people don't, respond well to rudeness. I will refund if you've purchased 2 of the same item. I won't, however, refund because you've decided you don't like the look of the outfit. My ad photos are clear and untouched as to the look of the outfit. I even have swatches of the textures used on the ad.

For no transfer items, which most skins and bodies are, you aren't going to get a refund because you decide you don't like the look of it, not when you had the demos you could try first.

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jwjaii wrote:

I tried using the demo, but could not be successful.

So I decided to trust after reading the comments on the seller's page. All comments that are there are very positive.


But now I know why all the reviews are positive

And the answer is simple: all the negative comments are deleted and ignored

My comment was deleted




Not only was your comment on her profile feed deleted, but so was your negative review in marketplace (along with two other people's positive ones).  How she did that, I can only speculate... but, whatever the case, it ain't pretty.  Did I mention I was disappointed?


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jwjaii wrote:

sassy Romano

"On the right hand side of the advert it says" Sold by: Pi Rain "so what is open to you Their inworld profile and send em an IM or a notecard."

I've tried it all. Not only used the notecard because I can not use it (does not work). Anyway nothing can justify the lack of an easy and affordable assistance from the sellers. And I think it would also be very advantageous for sellers. Including the Second Live.


Notecards work, IM's work (but as others have stated, Pi's preferred method is a notecard)  Others have given instructions once again as to how you send a notecard.

I do agree with you that there could be better ways to contact sellers but the blame there rests squarely with Linden Lab for failing to provide a single coherent inbox that doesn't cap, where all communications notifications are sent and from where replies can be made either inworld or via say a webpage or an email reply.

I would be quite happy for a "send message to seller" option to be presented on the Marketplace listing, where that message came to my choice of delivery, such as my email.  I'd like to be able to reply to that email and have it come back to the sender and know that the reply will NOT be capped by *their* 25 message limit. 

What a ****ing concept!! 

Yes, ONE central inbox for everyone for all the diverse methods that LL have dumped on us.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Not only was your comment on her profile feed deleted, but so was your negative review in marketplace (along with two other people's positive ones).  How she did that, I can only speculate... but, whatever the case, it ain't pretty.  Did I mention I was disappointed?


A merchant can request that a comment or review be deleted if it is not objective about the product.  Personal attacks for example, wouldn't be appropriate as a review.  (I didn't see it so don't know what it said and I don't assume that this was the case)

However, just as valid listings are nuked by the review team who clearly act without actually reviewing flagged items at times, probably more often than not, is probably the same team that willingly deletes comments or reviews that are valid and don't breach the guidelines.

(This is my speculation and my opinion is formed based upon personal experience.  I reserve the right to be completely and utterly wrong :matte-motes-inlove:)

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 Dres, do you think jwjaii is wearing the correct shape? His image is indeed not as nice as the advert, but you wear the demo and the face looks better in your images. Not just the brow shape, but look at the difference in the jaw line and how far set the eyes is in jwjaii's image.

I wonder if he uses the skin with another face and also another brow set. It is possible to change the jaw lines a bit with the eyebrow shaper. You use the beard opinion, and you can make the jawline more "chiseled". Hard to explain... hehe. I think you use the "facial - hair thickness and soulpatch". This way, playing with the numbers you can make the chin line more defined and square.

I do wonder if this is a guy setting us up, complaining and not listening, because he is trolling for attention....? I mean, how is it possible to not get a demo to work? (Oh. I just remember.. if jwjaii tries to only buy a 0 L item on the marketplace, he has to scroll down a page and click "Place your order" to complete the transaction. Maybe this is why he can't buy demos?)

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The demo came with three different (and I mean very different) shapes, so it's possible he is wearing one of the other ones that came with it... in which case, he could try another one and decide which one he likes more.  The one which I was wearing was named Warrior, if I remember correctly.

It's not difficult to figure out that you can try different options that come with a product, which leads me to believe that the OP isn't the least bit interested in helping himself and simply wants to have something else about which to complain.  I believe we've done about as much as is possible to help him, at this point, and any further effort expended by anyone trying to continue doing so would be entirely wasted.


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If you look up this avatar on MP, there is a picture that shows both the straight and peaked brow shape and says that it is modifiable,  it also shows three different shapes that come with it.

I have come to believe that the OP is not dumb nor is there any language barrier as he certainly communicates in the forums clearly and knows about Google Translator. 

A demo was available and in another thread someone explained to him he should try the demo before he buys it.  It has also been explained to him to remove his mesh head when using the classic avatar and indeed he knows this as pictures of his avatar since then have shown him not wearing a mesh head.  

After posting a picture where he is wearing a mesh head to make this avatar look bad, he was told again to take off the mesh head he then posted another picture of the head and never mentioned he changed the eyebrow shape and also took the picture in the most unflattering glaring light. The avatar is copy only so there is no way to return it for a refund and he could continue to use it.  I believe he bought this and is trying to get a refund because he doesn't like to pay for things. I think he posted this in the forum to get sympathy on his side and put pressure on the creator to refund him. 

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