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exploring SL after a long absence


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Multiple failures for today...

In-world search won't let me check the "adult" box, even after setting my preferences appropriately and re-logging. I've had to ask for help with even this very basic thing, and I'm awaiting response.

My Mac keyboard on my work computer has the windows and alt keys (option and command on the mac) swapped to work as I expect. I'd like to do that at home, but I don't remember how I did it, and I can't find an answer that doesn't involve allowing some damned website to run any damned scripts it wants to download some little app, something I'm sure I didn't have to do at work. Looking up keyboard scan codes to do my own registry edit is like stepping back in time thirty years. I can't even read Microsoft's damned bitmapped key map. Welcome to the twenty first century, guys.

I'd like to put payment info on file for this avatar. After much research I've decided it's futile to try to use a prepaid credit card. Not that I need to do that, but since I decided I wanted to do that and was denied, I'm kinda not feeling the Linden love.

Last time I tried to use my Windows 8 PC for Second Life, it kept getting graphics timeout errors and crashing my viewer. That was months ago. With so many people reporting success running SL in Windows 8 I thought maybe things had improved. Nope. I've tried a registry hack to increase the timeout tolerance. If that doesn't work I'm going to give up. This machine is so much more capable than my old Mac. I bought this stupid video card just for SL. If it doesn't work I'm going to give up on this silly SL idea altogether.

Also, I'm getting graphics artifacts. Distant objects, and whole regions, flash, as if there's a huge transparency sort order glitch going on. And, I don't know if it's intentional griefing, slow loading, or a graphics glitch, but every now and then an avatar turns into what looks to be megaprim sculpty barf.

Once again, I've spent my allotted SL time and not accomplished a damned thing.

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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

if your just returning after a long time away did you down load an up to date viewer?

You have no choice. Viewer updates are occasionally mandatory. In any case, I have a new viewer and new video drivers.

Here's a thorough description of the graphics problems I'm having:


I've now manually removed the SL files from the appdata folders, uninstalled SL in the control panel, and re-installed from a fresh download. Same graphics problems. Same maturity rating problems.


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Data wrote:

Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

if your just returning after a long time away did you down load an up to date viewer?

You have no choice. Viewer updates are occasionally mandatory. In any case, I have a new viewer and new video drivers.

Here's a thorough description of the graphics problems I'm having:

I've now manually removed the SL files from the appdata folders, uninstalled SL in the control panel, and re-installed from a fresh download. Same graphics problems. Same maturity rating problems.


Also you can try to download an alternate viewer, Singularity and Firestorm are good ones to try. As far as anything else, I'm sorry I can't help you with your Mac as I have an HP and use windows 8, which, btw, I have had no problems running SL. I hope you don't give up because of these problems. Oh, I use a prepaid bluebird card which has the american express debit. Maybe try one of those out. That is probably why you can't check the adult in preferences?

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Pamela Galli wrote:

To turn off flashing, try unchecking Basic Shaders in the Graphics prefs.

Turning off all but one cylinder does, indeed, make the car stop shimmying. It also makes it perform like a bicycle :smileysad:

Actually, it doesn't even completely stop the flashing. I still get a little bit of flashing around the edges of water. Water...land...water...land...water...land...

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Data wrote:

Also, I'm getting graphics artifacts. Distant objects, and whole regions, flash, as if there's a huge transparency sort order glitch going on.

this one affects many, many people. Ctrl+Alt+Q to reveal the Develop menu, then turn off Develop>Rendering>Object-Object Occlusion.

And, I don't know if it's intentional griefing, slow loading, or a graphics glitch, but every now and then an avatar turns into what looks to be megaprim sculpty barf.

for some people who have this problem, it can work to toggle Advanced Lighting off, then on again.

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Data wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

To turn off flashing, try unchecking Basic Shaders in the Graphics prefs.

Turning off all but one cylinder does, indeed, make the car stop shimmying. It also makes it perform like a bicycle :smileysad:

Actually, it doesn't even completely stop the flashing. I still get a little bit of flashing around the edges of water. Water...land...water...land...water...land...

For the water flashing far away, the following stops it.

From the menu, unselect: "Develop, Rendering, Object-Object Occlusion"

If you cannot see the Develop menu, then press Ctrl-Alt-Q


By the way, turning off Basic Shaders is a bad idea. The world will look like crap if you do that.



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Thanks, Coby and Obvious, turning off object-object-occlusion did the trick. No more flashing. Is there any downside to turning off object-object-occlusion?

FWIW, I also tried Firestorm, and it allows me to set the draw distance to 1024, which results in crazy crazy flashing of distant regions :) And at normal draw distances, it performs about like the SL viewer.

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I spent all yesterday evening and an hour this evening acquiring the tools and the code and the instructions for building the open source viewer. Building it is like getting a car running out of junk parts. It's messy. It makes a lot of noise (errors). It doesn't look like it's going to work (build fails, but produces an exe, anyway), but I got something that sorta runs out of way more effort than it's worth.

I had to copy some DLLs around since LL's instructions didn't land them where they could be found. I'm having the avatars-turn-to-jagged-barf problem way too often (not sure if it's my hacked viewer or coincidence), and I got an error a couple minutes after launch that said quicktime had failed, yet streaming music plays. Not sure about video, but I don't care about that for now.

I'm told I can clear the jagged-barf from my screen by turning the advanced lighting model off and back on, and that does work. Since I can build the viewer myself, maybe I should create a keyboard shortcut for that :smileyfrustrated:

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New graphics card. GTX 750 ti. I was just online for an hour without crashing. That's not unheard of, so it's not conclusive, but it is promising. On the other hand, my avatar did turn to jagged barf, twice.

ETA I've been online for several hours today without any crashes. I'm almost prepared to say a new video card fixed that problem. It has been suggested that overclocked cards are more prone to this crash, and the one I just bought was selected specifically for being not overclocked.

But my avatar, and other avatars, and objects, and perhaps even the terrain, keep turning to jagged barf.


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  • 1 month later...

Actually, the flashing isn't an erroneous artefact caused by partial driver incompatibility; it's an entirely accurate reflection of the virtual world's environment.

It's the vigiSLantes bombing Ebbe's home sim because they are annoyed at not being able to migrate most of their stuff to SL:TNG.

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I have heard of the avatar spike issue with rigged mesh clothing before, at least for some people disabling Hardware Skinning seems to fix that. In Firestorm the checkbox is in Preferences->Graphics. If you are running the official Linden viewer I'm not sure where it is, if not there it may be in the Advanced menu somewhere. If that doesn't work try unchecking "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" in the Graphics Hardware Settings. Usually the Vertex Buffer Objects fix is only applicable to non nVidia cards so I would try disabling hardware skinning first to see if it helps.

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