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The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the Windows Time-O


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I'm still having this problem:

"The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver due to exceeding the Windows Time-Out limit and is unable to continue."

New SL viewer

New NVIDIA drivers

GTX 650, i5 3.4GHz, 16G RAM, Win 8.1


Here's NVIDIA's page on the matter. I've changed the timeout in the registry from 2 to 8 seconds. This crash happens randomly, sometimes after a minute in SL and sometimes after a couple hours, so it's hard to tell if changing the timeout helps, but it doesn't seem like it does:



Also note that I'm having other graphics issues. Distant objects, and sometimes whole regions, sometimes flash, like they're having the transparency sorting issue. I'm not sure if it's intentional griefing or graphics issues, but sometimes an avatar will turn into what looks like megaprim sculpty barf. And rarely, other objects will render very oddly, until I move closer to them. I don't mean like unfinished sculpties, I mean like total trash. Almost like megaprim sculpty barf, but simple. Just big, jagged, oddly-colored things...like magenta shards that turn into tan stone walls when I approach. The flashing thing is more common, though, and usually looks like an entire unrendered region is flashing between water blue and fullbright sky blue.

I've turned my draw distance down to 256, but it seems like a shame to do that...and it doesn't seem to help. I am getting good frame rates and smooth movement, and textures are loading just fine. This is, by far, the most capable SL machine I've used, except that it crashes.

I've played GTA on this machine no problem. I'm not really a gamer, so I've not done anything more demanding than that.


ETA: turning off object-object occlusion stops the flashing that is described below.


Here's an example of the flashing water. It's usually a region-shaped patch of water, like the upper right, but sometimes it's the water part of a region that has rendered, like the bit behind the rainbow in the upper left. If flashes between water texture and untextured bright blue a few times per second.



Here's some flashing land. You can see most of the differences in the upper middle, but there's also a disappearing canal to the left of that column thingy, and another canal that gets fatter/thinner. This flashes a few times per second.



Second Life 3.7.17 (294959) Oct  1 2014 10:55:30 (Second Life Release)
Release Notes

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (3400.01 MHz)
Memory: 16351 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit  (Build 9600)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 650/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.4411
OpenGL Version: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 344.11

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.37.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.8
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.0
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.31
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1600


ETA I tried the NVIDIA control panel 3D settings, power preference maximum performance. No change. Reduced graphics settings. No change. Made the RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit  etc anti-griefing settings. No change.  It's happened when I'm in Ahern and also when I'm out shopping for land in sims with no other avatars. The avatar exploding thing started happening with my own avatar today. No change in attachments or clothing.

Here's a thread with a several people with good descriptions:



ETA New graphics card. GTX 750 ti. I was just online for an hour without crashing. That's not unheard of, so it's not conclusive, but it is promising. On the other hand, my avatar did turn to jagged barf, twice.


ETA Here's what my avatar barf looks like. The large, dark grey things in the background are part of the building. The magenta and light grey stuff in front of my avatar are part of my avatar, I think. Note the shards cast shadows.


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I run the same nvidia driver (344.11) and I very rarely see the problem. I don't remember when I last saw it. It has been some time.

It may be you are running into a video crasher. You can tweak your settings to avoid that problem. 

  • Me—> Preferences—> Check Show Advanced Menu—>Debug—> Debug Settings
  • RenderAutoHideSurfaceAreaLimit 114
  • RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit 2100
  • RenderAttachedLights FALSE

Try those. I dount the RenderAttachedLights makes much difference to crashes... But, if these changes solve the problem, stick with them.

I would pay attention to whether your crashes are region specific.

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For the error message try this:

Go to NVIDIA Control Panel --> Manage 3D Settings --> Global Settings, and switch "Power Management Mode" to "Prefer Maximum Performance" Individual programs can also be set to "Prefer Maximum Performance but setting the global setting is the (possible) fix.

Other than that it is a sign that you are over taxing your card and just need to bring the draw distance and other graphics settings down a bit. If you try hitting the refresh button in the graphics settings it will change them to the recommended settings for that card

For the flashing sea see: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-11965 for more info. There is no other fix than than you have.

The other thing you are seeing, I think, is just stuff that is on the edge of your draw distance which is a kind of soft edge, some stuff will rez beyond the draw distance, normally land and trees some stuff will flicker in and out.

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