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Major inventory loss, LL refuce to do anything anymore


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My friend lost most part her inventory, folders where she keep her building tools. Yes she is builder of many sims. We started to contact LL customer servise in 2 weks ago, they have only apologised and investigated but nothing refunded or send her back. All tricks LL asked to is done. 

 "Glad to hear that you were able to replace some of the missing inventory. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you further in re-obtaining the remainder of the inventory. So sorry we could not do more to assist you with this issue.""

Only some stores and sellers was so kind they send some of her stuff back.. But thanks LL she has now lost nearly 50 000L$ tools, landskaping items, textures, almost all her creating houses and other mesh made outside SL. Many items and tools are old, they are not even on sale anymore.

Seems there is no help for customers who pay alot their game but LL just can apologise and say sorry, your loss. How many of us there should be until they fix this? And yes we reopened case, even they closed it :) :cathappy:

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There was full perm textures, scripted building tools, and alot full perm objects worth alot L$. LL aswered it was their inventory bug that made part of inventory loss. They also said they are trying to fix it in future releses.. but how this help right now?

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Just a silly question - and please dont shoot me - but...it it possible to make a personal backup somehow? After all, everything is ON the LL servers, there is the rule of eight (Google's though, not mine) either a harddrive goes "kaputt" after eight minutes, eight days or eight months....bottom line, something breaks somewhere somehow. I for one hold my heart whenever I meet that disaster...my best feeling to the OP  for the losses...



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I feel for your friend, as I am a builder of sims too.  Unfortunately under the TOS, LL has no obligation to replace missing inventory or compensate her for it.  She agreed to this when she agreed to the TOS.

There is hope though that some or all of it may eventually show up.  I've 'lost' major chunks of my inventory in the past and had it reappear a month or more later.  Apparently sometimes inventory items become disassociated with an account and float around in the asset servers for a time before finally they figure out who it belongs to.


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Hayo Lionheart wrote:

LL is responsible for the safty of its own software, so if this was a bug leading to the missing of half the inventory, its only fair the refund the losses!



4.3  Likewise, except as set forth above, in any Additional Terms, or as required by applicable law, Linden Lab is not responsible for repairing or replacing your Linden Dollars, Usage Subscription, Virtual Land, Virtual Tender,  or Virtual Goods and Services, or providing you with any credit or refund or any other sum, in the event of: (a) Linden Lab’s change, suspension or termination of any Linden Dollars, Usage Subscription, Virtual Land, Virtual Tender,  or Virtual Goods and Services; or (b) for loss or damage due to Website or Server error, or any other reason.



9.2 Linden Lab provides the Service on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranties, and all Content, Linden Dollars and virtual goods have no guarantee or warranty of any compensable value.

Linden Lab does not ensure continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the Service, the Linden Software, the Websites, the Servers, or your Account, and you understand that you shall not be entitled to refunds or other compensation based on Linden Lab's failure to provide any of the foregoing other than as explicitly provided in this Agreement. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties and, to that extent, the foregoing disclaimers may not apply to you.



I agree, losing inventory sucks.  I've lost inventory also. We can discuss all day long whether this is right or wrong but it is what we agreed to.

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The ISP I use to host my business' www domain advertises the great care they take to protect customer data. Yet their terms of service absolve them of any liability if they lose it, and their knowledge base recommends that customers have an external backup policy.

Unfortunately, you cannot have an external SL backup policy. We all agreed to skate on ice of unknown thickness.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

The ISP I use to host my business' www domain advertises the great care they take to protect customer data. Yet their terms of service absolve them of any liability if they lose it, and their knowledge base recommends that customers have an external backup policy.

Unfortunately, you cannot have an external SL backup policy. We all agreed to skate on ice of unknown thickness.

We can get on a long side discussion here.

LL does back up it's data. You can after all do Region roll backs.

What we don't understand is why the Lab appears to be either reluctant or unable to restore Inventory.

If oEstellao's friend has followed all the Inventory Recovery Steps,



and Support cannot help, sadly I don't know any more that I can offer here.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

The ISP I use to host my business' www domain advertises the great care they take to protect customer data. Yet their terms of service absolve them of any liability if they lose it, and their knowledge base recommends that customers have an external backup policy.

Unfortunately, you cannot have an external SL backup policy. We all agreed to skate on ice of unknown thickness.

What we don't understand is why the Lab appears to be either reluctant or unable to restore Inventory.


Right. The same is true of my ISP. And their backups are easier, as the systems are not distributed. My website, SQL databases and all, sits entirely on one server. Yet they don't guarantee I can recover anything. And that's because Linux, MySQL, Intel processors and hard drives come with no guarantees that they'll actually work. And there's no way to assess the value of the data being hosted, so insurance companies aren't going to secure the service providers against customer losses.

Risk management doesn't get any easier in a digital economy.

My business backup plan allows me to sleep at night (even more so since I've retired and now create nothing of value to others), but I don't offer my clients a guarantee I won't lose their stuff. Nor, for that matter, do I guarantee my clients that I know what I'm doing. I don't actually guarantee anything. Talk about blind trust.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

The ISP I use to host my business' www domain advertises the great care they take to protect customer data. Yet their terms of service absolve them of any liability if they lose it, and their knowledge base recommends that customers have an external backup policy.

Unfortunately, you cannot have an external SL backup policy. We all agreed to skate on ice of unknown thickness.

What we don't understand is why the Lab appears to be either reluctant or unable to restore Inventory.


Right. The same is true of my ISP. And their backups are easier, as the systems are not distributed. My website, SQL databases and all, sits entirely on one server. Yet they don't guarantee I can recover anything. And that's because Linux, MySQL, Intel processors and hard drives come with no guarantees that they'll actually work.
And there's no way to assess the value of the data being hosted, so insurance companies aren't going to secure the service providers against customer losses.

Risk management doesn't get any easier in a digital economy.

My business backup plan allows me to sleep at night (even more so since I've retired and now create nothing of value to others), but I don't offer my clients a guarantee I won't lose their stuff. Nor, for that matter, do I guarantee my clients that I know what I'm doing. I don't actually guarantee anything. Talk about blind trust.


Chinese Firm Sells Virtual Property Insurance

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If oEstellao's friend has followed all the Inventory Recovery Steps,



and Support cannot help, sadly I don't know any more that I can offer here.


Sadly its true she did all they said, followed steps and so. We understand ToS and so but main reason why write this post is keep this problem known. If we stand and agree all LL say to as they never make great efford to chance things, if customer service apologize politely all time something happens but not find way to stop this happen, is that good service? So ppl just cros your hands  ( or what ever you do when you wish somethign to happen) and hope your inventory is there next time you logg in  :matte-motes-asleep-2:

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LLs sould have one of those big signs that says "we are not responsible for lost or stolen items". That said it sucks that your friend lost alot of her building stuff. LL's realy sould be responsible. One thing I do at least for my own textures and signs i make i keep and off sl copy so that if i loose the one on sl i can upload it again. Best of luck getting it all back. Perhaps this will teach your friend and everyone a leason to back up the backups.

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Unfortunately this is not new news. I have had at least five LARGE inventory losses including my complete "Home and Garden" folder AND "Backup" folder (well at least I tried).


ONE thing anyone can do for the future is making inventory copies of copy items in other folders (sometimes that helps). Also putting copy items in NEWLY REZZED boxes (that's important - don't try putting them inside a book for example that can "revert" to it empty state -- did that) and leaving them rezzed in world is a good plan.


I was devastated long ago (maybe four years now) when I lost so very much. It has happened several times after that time to a lesser extent but still to a very noticeable degree. 


Do what you can, keep the things you love most rezzed and move on if you need to. All the things I lost long ago are outdated and outmoded now. I try to keep that in mind when it happens again.



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I know this doesn' t really help you,

But since everything in SL is just an entry in a stonking big database, they is no damn excuse for LL to ever allow "Inventory Loss" to happen. In any good database you do not delete items, you mark them as not active, so that after a suitable period, say a year you can archive them and then delete them.

Imagine if your bank suddenly lost all records of your deposits. There is no difference between your bank records ands items in SL. They are both at the computer end, just a bit stream.

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I FOUND it. Ok, sorry for a repost, but this is my story and I'm sticking to it!:::


3 years ago I lost around  30K of inventory, I can't recall the exact amount now, but it just so happened it was a critical folders, all my building, full perms, etc. I was running a good size store. I want to explain what happened to me.

I used Phoenix viewer primarily. Another component to this is that day I'd decided to get organized and spend hours and hours moving folders around and deleting things I didn't need. I'd not logged off in hours, maybe 5 or more hours. So, when a friend contacted me to talk, for some reason the voice wasn't working, so I logged out and relogged with SL viewer. Meantime, I got into the habit of not emptying my trash. So I had a huge trash I'd not emptied for months, and being a builder, you can imagine how huge the trash had become, plus I'd spent all day adding to it. So now, logged into the SL viewer, and while talking to someone, thought, "I'll just delete the trash while I'm not doing anything." So, I start deleting and the viewer hung up. After 1/2 hour I had to do a hard boot. I didn't think anything about it, until the next day and started seeing I'm missing half my inventory.

The Lab spent a day actually logged into my avatar trying to help me resolve this. They were unable to help me even though they spent a long time trying. On a good note, back then you could go back to the beginning of your spending history on Market Place. (The ones I could redeliver I did) others, I notified the designers I'd bought full perms from, explained the situation, and 99% replaced them, no questions asked, which begs the comment that SL has an amazing design community. I also stopped using multiple viewers and letting my trash go unintended. 

I'm sure there are many schools of thought, and many say you can't lose inventory. All I know is this happened to me. I actually closed my inworld store because I was just devastated at the time and wasn't able to mentally put my head around all the problems I'd encounter everyday. Things I used regularly were just gone. Yes many things were replaced, but anyone who builds knows you go to find something and "it's not there" it's maddening. I couldn't feasibly ask everyone for replacements. I focused on the full perm mesh and sculpts. The rest was just a wash. I had so  many flex skirts I'd made and poof, gone...hours and hours of work. These were not uploaded to MP. Also, they weren't made with a loop rezzer. Well, regardless, plus all the TEXTURES. I was looking at having to spend a FORTUNE on reuploading all those years of textures I'd made.

Nothing was the same in SL for me after that. I re-evaluated everything, how I'd spent hours and hours, several years of my life building here on the back of a company that couldn't guarantee the safety of my items. You can spend a fortune on virtual items and lose them, and it's just your dumb luck. Of course there are many ways to protect your own designs, such as backing them up, which I do now (wasn't aware then how to do this) to my computer, but other items, things we use for pleasure, we can't back up by sharing to an alt or saving on our systems.

I really don't know what steps have been made to fix the old cache system, but inventory needs to be addressed, especially the inability to view items without taking them out of inventory. I know that's a dreamers dream.

Moral of this story. It happens.

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  • 4 months later...

There used to be a chance of getting it back through logging into the beta grid..

I forget how to do it,but the thread should be in the archives..

It worked for some people back then..Who knows with all the changes since then if it would today..


I'll see if i can find the thread and how it was done and post a link to it here if i can find it..


ETA: Well after searching the forum archives,there was information saying that doing it with the beta grid does not work anymore..

If manual uninstall and clean install or manual cache clean does not do it..I'm not sure what would work other than LL support maybe being able to do something..


I had a friend years ago that lost their whole inventory..LL got it all back for him..

It took like a month or so before he started getting stuff back..

But he got it all back..

Again,this was another time ,years ago..

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