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LargeScreen Television

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Everything posted by LargeScreen Television

  1. I know this doesn' t really help you, But since everything in SL is just an entry in a stonking big database, they is no damn excuse for LL to ever allow "Inventory Loss" to happen. In any good database you do not delete items, you mark them as not active, so that after a suitable period, say a year you can archive them and then delete them. Imagine if your bank suddenly lost all records of your deposits. There is no difference between your bank records ands items in SL. They are both at the computer end, just a bit stream.
  2. "Weekly Deploys" aka LET's BUGGER UP WHAT PREVIOUSLY WORKED Computer Teminology 101 Software Update : Replace one set of reasonably well unstood bugs, with a completely new and unknown set.
  3. Been doing pretty much that for years. Use Googles Advanced Search page though http://www.google.co.uk/advanced_search?hl=en Scroll down a bit and you get the site/domain restriction also the phrase and exclude these words options are pretty useful too
  4. I have Chrome Version 27.0.1453.116 m as my browser and "AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper" and LL pages seem fine to me, no ads what so ever, mind you that's because i have used the helper to block some adverts on the whole secondlife.com domain ** edit for those that want more control over what gets through to their browser I recommend http://www.proxomitron.info/ **
  5. Sadly Chess and go are too primmy unless you're a benevolent sim owner and/or gaming emporium Fortunately those and card type games can be played online in many places. One game i really like is Boogie, think 5x5 Boggle with used letters removed, Every play gets the same grids so it really is skill. Sadly almost nobody plays it anymore. It's up in Everland. Another is cahoots, again boggle based, Its new by Aargle (Sim is Zyngo) multiplayer only, but i've yet to see anybody else play it other than beta testing. It really needs a host to organise tourneys.
  6. Literally dozens of sims havent come back up, been over an hour too, simple view of the map shows that. Happens all the time, LL are so damned efficient at that, pity they are not as efficient at correcting the problem !! Linden owned sims on their continents, if all of us in this predicament said sod it and abandonded the land and didnt pay tier would they even notice ?
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