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How to hide money from being seen...

RumbleR Boa

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Hey guys, I tried to find if there is some way how to hide money in a viewer, but only i found Tips & Tricks how to hide money from Tax office

So, is there some way how to do it? To hide money so that it cant be seen at all, or at least to have stars ******* instead of numbers...

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22 answers to this question

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I don't think it is possible to hide that on the browser.
what you could do is to create a bank account alt.

At least that is what I did when I was a merchant and money came in.
Not to hide it for anyone, but to spread the risk of pssible crashing the account for whatever reason.

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hehehe "she". I dont want to split hairs but actually it is "he"


Anyhow, I was thinking about this option, because sometimes I would like to use my account (not alt) for some presentation (demonstration) and I would not like people to see the amount.


I know that it is possible to make one new avatar just for this purpose, but it is not what I prefer to do. Anyhow, it would be good to have this option in some future versions.


Thank you for all answers



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Good question! I make screen shots of my SL HUD and  image from time too time and wish I could hide it as well. Now I'm using Paint.net to edit it out before posting those images publicly but using it is time consuming and slow.


I don't believe it can be hidden unfortunately.

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RumbleR Boa wrote:

So, is there some way how to do it? To hide money so that it cant be seen at all, or at least to have stars ******* instead of numbers...

You bet. It's a hack, though, not an officially supported option. Also, Viewer 2 (and derivatives thereof) only.

  1. In the directory where you installed Second Life, find the skins subfolder.
  2. If you don't want to re-install the viewer later to display the amount again, backup the skins folder (or just the file(s) you'll modify in the next steps).
  3. For each user interface language for which you'd like to hide the amount, edit skins/default/xui/<language>/panel_status_bar.xml, (e.g. skins/default/xui/en/panel_status_bar.xml  for english) as follows:
    1. Find





      (lines 40-43 for the English file)
    2. Replace "L$ " by whatever you'd like to have displayed instead. (Can be empty for not displaying anything.)
    3. Save the file.
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You can always use Linden X as a piggy bank set a sell order at something stupid like 1Ls for exchange rate and it will sit there out of the way when you want it just cancel the order and it will go back to viewer n account If it did sell you would be quids in anyway if you set at a low rate I always stick some in Linden X just for the sake of it :}

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or ofcouse  banker alt or a bit of tape over the screen best one is that bug that sl had where cash vanished to minus lol thats the best dunno if that bug is still around but takes a log out or transaction to bring it back that was fun not had that issue for a while

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Ha! Really interesting approach. I didnt even think about editing XML files.

Ok i managed to find it in Viewer 2, but since i prefer to use old one (1.23.something) i tried to find it in a same way but XML file is totaly different

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Sabara Hotshot wrote:


You can pay it all to me and I will hold for how long you need. HEHEHEH  Just kidding....the other suggestions are better

Your suggestion is a real option :-)

Past year I made a presentation of SL at my University showing my account, and previously I gave all my L$ to a friend :-)

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I found another solution, which should work for 1.23.x, too.
In 1.23.5, the XML element to find is:

<text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
         bottom="-20" disabled_color="BalanceTextColor" drop_shadow_visible="true"
         enabled="true" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0"
         halign="right" height="18" left="-210" mouse_opaque="true"
         name="BalanceText" text_color="BalanceTextColor" tool_tip="Account Balance"
         v_pad="2" width="76">

Add visible="false" before the first >, like so:

<text type="string" length="1" bg_visible="false" border_drop_shadow_visible="false" border_visible="false"
         bottom="-20" disabled_color="BalanceTextColor" drop_shadow_visible="true"
         enabled="true" follows="right|bottom" font="SansSerifSmall" h_pad="0"
         halign="right" height="18" left="-210" mouse_opaque="true"
         name="BalanceText" text_color="BalanceTextColor" tool_tip="Account Balance"
         v_pad="2" width="76" visible="false">


Edited to add:
1.23.x has two skins (and also several languages), but you only need to do this in skins/default/xui/en-us/panel_status_bar.xml. All skins and languages that don't explicitly override the attribute with visible="true" will inherit from the English default skin.

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Ha! Excellent, Excellent job!

This is something what should be written in Tips&Tricks at the top together with your name!

I don't use so much this blog, but I see that I am able to give some points for the answer, and guess who will receive them.

Thank you for the answer!


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RumbleR Boa wrote:

This is something what should be written in Tips&Tricks at the top together with your name!

Dunno. If only some people want to disable display of their L$ amount on their screen, just direct them to this thread. If many people want it (I doubt that, but who knows?) it might be better to provide a proper option for that (e.g. in Snowglobe). Maybe a true presentation mode (or a someone-might-be-looking-over-my-shoulder mode) that suppresses other sensitive displays, too?

Thank you for the answer!

You're welcome. This was fun one to tackle, learned a lot myself. :-)

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