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Linden Lab is building a NEW virtual world

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Gavin Hird wrote:

It is interesting I have found my mesh items on copybot sites that has been ripped from SL, but never, ever found anything I have given away for free on OSGrid there, or back here for that sake. 

If items can be bought from the Marketplace for use on OS grids, I can't see any way to prevent someone from setting up their own OS Grid, buying anything on the Marketplace that takes their fancy and then uploading the full-perms (not copybotted) original back to SL as their own.    At the moment, people have to go to the inconvenience of ripping off your SL content in SL and end up with a low-quality copy.   Do you really think it's a good idea to give them access to the original mesh, textures, scripts and so on via the Marketplace, and trusting to luck?   That's, in effect, what you're suggesting.

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In the process of buying anything you would get paid for something you otherwise most likely would not?.

You would also have to have console access on the opensim server to be able to make a fully owned copy. And even then you'd have to jockey around quite a bit to do so.

Further, and the most important. you would not set up the marketplace for delivery to some rouge grid. Only to grids where there was serious operator behind. Grids that would have set proper protection on the items stored in their asset servers so they would be hard to move to another grid in a fullperm state. 

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Gavin Hird wrote:


In the process of buying anything you would get paid for something you otherwise most likely would not?.

You would also have to have console access on the opensim server to be able to make a fully owned copy. And even then you'd have to jockey around quite a bit to do so.

Further, and the most important.
you would not set up the marketplace for delivery to some rouge grid
. Only to grids where there was serious operator behind. Grids that would have set proper protection on the items stored in their asset servers so they would be hard to move to another grid in a fullperm state. 

To answer myself, what Kitely has done on their marketplace is let the merchant decide for themselves which grids they want to trust. 

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Gavin Hird wrote:

Ambitions are there and it is a good start, but the problem with Kitely marketplace is you have to upload your creations to their asset servers, meaning you also must be a Kitely paid user, to trade on the marketplace. 

This is problematic for anyone who have their assets well established elsewhere, even on grids they operate themselves. A true marketplace for Hypergrid should be able to broker content without moving this from their original asset store. 

There is a lot of FUD about OpenSim and content protection, as you can tell from Innula's posts, and the Kitely guys have figured out a way to exploit that to their benefit. The fact that you have to upload your merchandise to their asset server is sold as a security feature. In the end they will control all the commercial content on the hypergrid, because every item and every transaction has to pass through their servers, and they can change their terms of service at any time, just like Linden Lab did.

You would think that content creators wouldn't fall for the same scam twice, but here we are. Kitely has managed to put itself into quite a unique position as the hypergrid's first and only vendor of commercial content, capable of delivering even to non-commercial grids without any local economy and currency. If they want to, they can even establish "Kitely Credits" as some kind of hypergrid Linden Dollar, a reserve currency for their marketplace -- and become the hypergrid's central bank. It's a bit like Philip Rosedale's "High Fidelity" business model, except that Kitely's platform is more mature.



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Many years ago I received a telephone call from a relative telling me she had joined this thing called Second Life but was having trouble with the graphics.  Could I help?  First thing I had to do was create an SL account and log in, wander around Help Island, find my way out and then tell her that I had arrived.  We compared notes of our screens over the telephone, and then it was clear, she had to upgrade her graphics drivers.  So simple and I should have thought of that, and she went happily on her way to rent a small parcel of land, buy a house, buy hair and clothes and goodness knows what.

My good deed done for the day... but I didn't log out, I stayed, and am still here.

I had no lindens, no idea they could be bought via the website, no idea where to shop or where to go, and building!!! No way, that was surely only for genius computer graduates.

Within an hour I had met someone who immediately offered me a wealth of advice (and we are still friends to this day).  My learning curve had begun, and progressed rapidly.  I bought linden dollars, I rented a chalet, then an apartment, then a house, then a parcel (you can guess the rest).  My inventory moved from a few freebies to a silly amount.  And then I began building, later meeting the person who would become my SL partner, SL business partner and RL friend (over 5 years now), and now we mostly build together or contribute ideas.

That is my SL, and it is surely no different to the SL others enjoy.  I am content with what we have now, I can create whatever I wish (although my partner is always bemoaning the fact that he cannot bring into SL what he sees in his mind).

SL is not my life, it is a part of my life, just like reading, watching a movie, creative writing and writing for (insert here any number of publications around the world).  I buy a book in RL, I read it, I give it away.  I buy a blu-ray in RL, I watch it, I give it away.  I buy a magazine, I read it, I put it in the recycle bin.  I buy a pc, then a graphics card, then another card, then another, then RAM, then another pc, the cycle is endless, I am always upgrading something for my own pleasure and my own satisfaction.  What I buy and recycle or give away is likely to be far more than I spend in SL but they are all a part of my RL existence, they are all important to me, and they all give me memories to treasure.

I am luckier than most, I can read all day if I wish, or watch movies all day, or log into SL and socialise or build all day.  The choice is mine.  I am one of those who still remember the old days when I would tp to a place and have to find my shoes which had detached during the tp and got lost in my butt.  Or when SL water was nothing more than a flat blue open space.  When Fridays I might spend an age "Ruthed".  It was all a part of the experience and it was all a part of the learning curve of SL itself.

Now we have heard of the announcement of another virtual world being created - I should say "yet another" because there are quite a few we can choose from if we wish.  My choice is SL and so I remain in SL and I enjoy and appreciate what SL has to offer.  But, unlike many "newer" Residents, I have been fortunate enough to see the development that LL has invested in over time.  Sure, there are still bugs, sure we get annoyed when the grid goes down or we can't tp or alpha layers refuse to go or... so many things really but that is also a part of the SL experience, and we all know that LL is working on a code base that is older than SL itself and patching here and patching there just to keep us all happy for a few hours.

I say my choice of virtual world is SL.  It has nothing to do with friends and associates and customers being in SL, it has to do with an emotion.  I enjoy being here.  But that does not mean I wouldn't like to savour a new and, as has been suggested, an improved SL experience.  To do that, and with new code and new features that have been hinted at, can only be done by creating a new world from scratch.  After all, none of us would want SL taken off-line indefinitely whilst the Lab does its work.

I take the point that, initially, the new world will be primarily for content creators.  That is only correct since LL have always said that SL is built by the Residents (or those who have the time to build).  The new platform can then be offered to Residents when it is appropriate, when there is something for them to see and do.  And looking at the rumours of time-scales, that could be 18 months or 2 years in the future, and then there will be a few years of building and ironing out bugs.

What will this new world be? Who knows for sure?  Since the Lab doesn't want "old" stuff imported, perhaps we can say it will be predominantly mesh based - but I expect primitives are still going to be required, after all, it is far easier to texture a prim than it is to texture a sculptie or mesh.  But it is all conjecture, we do not know other than a huge investment is taking place.  Yes, in the hope that it makes the Lab money but also an investment being made for present, future and perhaps past SL Residents.  The time has come for me to learn Blender, or to continue learning it, whichever.  Again, that is my choice because I can at least be prepared just in case the new platform is mesh based, and if not, then I will have gained a new skill that I can apply to many SL and new platform builds.

Both worlds, we are told, will operate side by side for some time.  Residents will have a choice which they log into.  Over time, the economics will be closely examined and if the present SL is not making money because people, in their shock and anger and worry have stopped buying and renting, then naturally the present SL will close.  Basic business sense will tell all of us that a non-profit making venture is useless, and the Lab is not a charity.

Will we lose our inventories?  Will we lose our avatars?  Will we lose our names?  Again, so many rumours and it is far too early to even worry about that.  The expectation appears to be that avatars and friends lists and groups will be migrated across.  As for inventory, who cares?  We have enjoyed what we bought (or picked up free), and we can still use it in the existing SL for a number of years.  Some of it, I wouldn't be surprised, will be allowed on the new platform but, at the moment, we do not know what.  I have an immense stack of builds that I would hate to lose but there will be nothing stopping me being in both worlds at once and copying from one to the other that way if it proves to be the only way (provided primitives and sculpties are permitted, that is).  Failing that, I can start over, build again, improve.

And, just like buying a book or a DVD or a magazine, most of which cost more than an average week in SL, should we choose eventually (eventually, mind you) to say goodbye to SL and spend all our time in the new LL world, we can start over and be in at the beginning, creating another world that, according to LL, will be far superior.

As it is, we just do not know.  Rather than worry about the distant future, enjoy what you have now.  Socialise, build, buy new shoes, a new house, a new pair of pants.  Enjoy SL.  That is the whole point of it.  Then, somewhere around 2016 when we are told the new platform can be opened, go visit, take a look, make an informated decision based on the facts at that time.  Until then, every debate, every worry, is nothing more than conjecture.

Remember though, SL is a business for the Lab and a hobby for us (well, it is also a business venture for many of us).  It has to be profitable otherwise it becomes a charity.  The only way to keep the present SL profitable is to rent land, buy houses, buy furniture and gardens, buy clothes - and, vitally, log in and have fun.  In the years to come we can look at everything again and make informed decisions.

A long post, my apologies, but I think we should remember that today is what matters, today is what we need to make us happy, let tomorrow take care of itself.  I and my partner will definitely visit the new platform when we are permitted, we will love to see what builders' tools are going to be available, and we will love to take the knowledge we have learned in SL to the new platform when the time comes.  Will we be there all the time?  I do not have a crystal ball.  As we have seen, the new platform will initially be attractive to content creators and then later for Residents.

I will see you all in SL, we will concern ourselves with a new world when it is ready.  I will still build, I will still buy new items from the Marketplace, I will still pay my tier fees - and I will continue to be grateful to the Lab for creating SL (in spite of endless new ToS and bugs lol but that is part of the charm) and I will continue to enjoy my time until there is a viable choice on the table.  So log in, go shopping, rent a nice parcel and put down some roots.  Two years is a long time, and just stop and think - that dress or hair or skin you bought 4 years ago, do you even know where it is in your inventory?  Will you ever wear it again?  Remember, emotions in SL are real, everything else is just a bunch of pretty pixels that disappear when we log out.  If we have to create new pixels for a new platform, that will be fun.  But we will not have to create new emotions or new friends, they will still be there.

Enjoy what we have and don't waste time worrying.  There will be time enough for us all to make decisions in the years to come and, for those we absolutely refuse to ever leave the present SL and go to a new platform, all you have to do is keep the present SL profitable.



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Hello, i totally respect your point of view and this is a very interesting story but i am sorry that i do not agree with you : 

" There will be time enough for us all to make decisions in the years to come and, for those we absolutely refuse to ever leave the present SL and go to a new platform, all you have to do is keep the present SL profitable."


I am worrying about my inventory, the future of my friends and mine. Keeping the present SL profitable ? for who ? Linden Lab ? you ? (your avatar says that you are not anymore in SL but you still have a marketplace shop) or me ?
This is only about common sense : i will buy far less and my main avi and friends too. Nowhere in real life, people continue to purchase goods when they know that it will be old fashioned soon. The second reason is that, without further informations, i am supposed to start a new life (no idea about the new prices (land, items and so on), also it is already time for saving money. Yes the new world will start maybe in two years but even i am forced to start again as newbie, i will not be really one (i am always a 4 years old in actual world) : i cannot imagine me using basic stuff and basic appearance for years like i did the first time. All will cost money (real money) especially if we get a  supposed to be fantastic new world !

 Your last sentence is for me like "Put one hand on your ears/eyes and the other one in your wallet"..I am not convinced. :-)


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okey... i edited the wording a bit, although i am not sure if it has become more readable now...

Possible scenarios:

scenario 1: Majority of users decide to leave now or to no longer invest into anything


  • SL will become non profitable at an instant.
  • LL will have no more budget to finish the not to be named
  • LL has to close SL
  • Everybody looses


Scenario 2: Majority of users keep in SL but market goes down (due to people waiting for the not to be named)


  • Creators build no more creations
  • Commerce stagnates, falls down
  • No profit
  • Builders leave
  • LL has no budget to finish the not to be named
  • LL has to close SL
  • Everybody looses


Scenario 3: LL gives up on the not to be named


  • The conservative fraction od SL feels much better because no significant changes ahead
  • Commerce goes on as usual
  • LL will continue to try improving SL
  • SL will fall behind more and more
  • Users get upset because of changes go soo slow
  • SL will no longer attract people
  • SL will die
  • Everybody looses


Scenario 4: Majority of users keep in SL and go and as usual


  • Commerce flows
  • Profit flows
  • LL has budget to go ahead with improving SL
  • LL has budget to go ahead with developing the not to be named
  • in 2 years (or 3, who knows) the not to be named is born and then we see how things move on


So... provided we (the users choose to select scenario 4):


Scenario 4.1 Majority of users keep in SL


  • the not to be named turns out to be a bad idea
  • LL has to shut down the not to be named
  • SL keeps up and running
  • all is well
  • Some time later step ahead to scenario 3 above


Scenario 4.2 Majority of users move to the not to be named


  • the not to be named turns profitable
  • SL phases out
  • most users are happy
  • Future is glorious (well... could be)


scenario 4.3 SL and the not to be named are equilibrium


  • creators have 2 markets
  • users have 2 choices
  • LL has 2 sources of profit
  • everybody wins

Now go and figure which scenario you prefer to see. And add all scenarios that i have missed to find :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

My personal hope is that the majority of SL Users will decide to keep patient and go on as usual.

And just to clarify this: I am not connected to LL in any way. The not to be named will hit me and my commercial activities just like it will hit everybody else as well.

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Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2. If LL had never describe it in this way, then there would be less crazyness. I see this New World projects as never, ever being SL2, as it is just not possible. Not without just cloning the platform we have now.

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This is very kind to offer me this whole list of scenarios that are not delusional. alas neither you and me will be in charge of the development. Maybe you i do not know :)
Why always using "scared" when it is about being clever, money saving especially when people far from business are talking ?
I am not scared at all i promise but i refused to be considered (again and again year after year) with so many others like a minor point of details (only there to bring fresh money in the game with the maximum of discretion (keep your mouth closed))
I did not say that i will stop to purchase, i say that i am reducing my expenses. If i am using one of my alt instead of my main avi, this is because i am renting private lands and yesterday i had a talk with the land owner. We are able to trust each other enough to talk frankly and she said that i am not the only one to think about all this. I want to stay discreet only for this reason. I will continue to rent land because this is the only way to use part of my inventory and keep contact with friends and keep my beloved little group safe for a while.
I have not interest to be a prophet of doom because i am worrying about my eventuel loss of inventory but it sounds for me - hope that it is only for me ? not sure - like sort of moral blackmail.
I do not care so much about knowing which world will be the winner. i only - but this is so important - would like to know which part of my memories will be saved.
Linden Lab was more into improvisation than into scenaries, i really do not understand why i should be so rational suddenly.

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Gavin Hird wrote:

There is also a scenario 1 1/2 and it goes like this:
  • SL2 plans are scrapped
  • LL decides to become a true platform developer and supplier
  • The server backend is cleaned up to support Hypergridding with light suitcase type moveable inventories that travel with users to other grids
  • The Marketplace is enhanced to deliver content to other grids and to serve as a content broker between such grids
  • LL will license the server backend to other interested parties that can establish grids in other locations, cultures and legislations without making LL legally responsible for everything that goes on
  • The viewer is rewritten ground up in such a way it can also support mobile clients, touch input and devices that supports 3D space
  • A Tablet client is developed with increasing capabilites as it becomes feasible 
  • A new avatar is introduced that can have custom rigging and has uv mapping to also support legacy skins and system clothing
  • The new avatar supports custom morph targets and more material zones on the new uv
  • Sculpts are deprecated and a date is set where it is no longer possible to create new or copies of sculpts
  • Once Hypergridding is up and running, the grid is split into more manageable entities in the backend - perhaps per contient and groups of private sims. 
  • VAR regions are supported
  • Land prices will be reduced both because of competition with other grids, but also because LL will have alternative revenue streams through licensing the server backend to other grid owners and increased transaction volume on the marketplace
  • Support for crypto or real currencies (at the discretion of the new grid owners and their legislative environment)
  • A Developer Association is established where members (paid) will get betters tools, support and non disclosure information about platform development. yearly developer conference
  • The obsession with Facebook is turned into an obsession with self and self marketing and promotion
  • Last but not the least – there will be less disruption,
    new stuff to play with for a very long time and more profit for many more providers of grids, services and content

Most of what you talk about here, either will not happen, or can't happen.


What is more likely, if LL scraps the New World, is that other worlds will open, and creators will try them all out and create on the platform they most like. They will not be chosing SL, as even today there are platforms that give us even more versatility. SL will decline even faster to 1 day close.


The best scenerio, would be for LL to continue to create this New World, and develope for SL also. The current SL would benefit greatly from the added income that the New World creates, enabling LL to lower tiers in SL. These lower tiers spurs growth in SL. The New World caters to artists and developers interested in creating games and such things. Both worlds out do all other worlds that pop up, and both our worlds become the places to be when it comes to VR, Virtual Worlds, and 3D creation.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2.
If LL had never describe it in this way
, then there would be less crazyness. I see this New World projects as never, ever being SL2, as it is just not possible. Not without just cloning the platform we have now.

When exactly DID Linden Lab describe it that way? They said it would be "in the spirit of" Second Life. Every virtual world that came after SL can be described in this way - the press made that comparison with Vivaty, which was incredibly different from Second Life?

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2.
If LL had never describe it in this way
, then there would be less crazyness. I see this New World projects as never, ever being SL2, as it is just not possible. Not without just cloning the platform we have now.

When exactly DID Linden Lab describe it that way? They said it would be "in the spirit of" Second Life. Every virtual world that came after SL can be described in this way - the press made that comparison with Vivaty, which was incredibly different from Second Life?

Ebbe has been doing press for this in the past week. All of them use the term, SL2, even Ebbe. Look at all this talk about people's inventory. If they were not thinking it will be SL2, then why would they want their inventories? This is what I mean tho. By framing it as SL2, it implies many things, including inventories.

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Medhue Simoni wrote: 

What is more likely, if LL scraps the New World, is that other worlds will open, and creators will try them all out and create on the platform they most like. They will not be chosing SL, as even today there are platforms that give us even more versatility. SL will decline even faster to 1 day close.


For all practical purposes there are currently only one alternative platform that can readily take content developed for SL, namely opensim. Despite all the qualities of opensim (that I love), the hard fact is it is even less scalable than the current SL backend and server code. – Significantly less scalable as it  currently is. In many respects it is rather flaky and it is also feature incomplete (which is why some content don't transfer well.) 

The other platforms that have been presented in the press lately still have 2-3 years of development ahead before they can deliver a stable platform one can start to produce and take real users and customers on. 

Throwing 2-3 years of development to harden the SL backend, make it more open and make it shine in a hypergrid environment will get everyone there much faster. More important is that current content can still be used without having to restart everyone. 

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At this time, I am a premium member with a quarterly billing cycle (yes, I know yearly would make more sense, can’t afford it), whose re-billing date is at the end of July. When I first started out, the only real incentive to be a premium member was the Linden house we got and the weekly stipend of 300L$. But I am renting a small piece of land now (1008 sq for 301L$ weekly getting 230 prims), and checking the buy lindens tab on the SL website a few minutes ago, I discovered that for $22.50 USD$ (the quarterly billing amount), I could buy 5,557L$ instead of receiving 3,900L$(300L$ times 13 weeks). What incentive is there for me to continue to be a premium member after this month?

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2. If LL had never describe it in this way, then there would be less crazyness. I see this New World projects as never, ever being SL2, as it is just not possible. Not without just cloning the platform we have now.

Yes , exactly .. I said this before : make it SOMETHING ELSE, dont relate it to SL in any way and dont even port any content or inventory to it..

If its something else, then its no competition to SL. Like High Fidelity for instance is no competition to SL. Because its SOMETHING COMPLETELLY DIFFERENT.

But if SL 2 is conceived as "the better and shiny SL", then SL will die, while SL2 will probably not even be able to be born.. due to lack of income from the agonising SL1 ..


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I think what we all need now is an official statement about the new SL with AT LEAST as much information as Philip Rosedale gives about High Fidlity here (quite 1 hour long and very detailed):

I always had the feeling that this new sl and by all means its premature anouncement were "forced reactions" to the creation of High Fidelity. Watching the above Philip Rosedale overview of HiFi, this feling has grown into certainty.

LL is just trying to keep up with this development.

But if I look at the huge vision behind HiFi , which to my understanding seems to be the creation of a whole NEW INTERNET , an intrnet in 3D ! , I can only say that the "new SL" , from what we know about it at this time , will most probably not be able to compete with this.

Because it doesn't have the vision and the really global approach that HiFi has by allowing every computer to act as a server and to even get paid for this "job" on one side and by making it run even on cell phones for the normal , low end user on the other side.  

And the idea of making the names of each "world" similar to a domain name on the internet and charge a fee for "domain registration" is also a touch of geniality..

The new SL, no matter how "shiny" it will be , will not be ble to compete with such a vision of a "whole new 3D internet" but , at best , it will be swallowed by it.

At which point i had to ask the question : why try to compete with this giant project? Why not just JOIN IT ?

But then i remembered that LL is already one of the main investors of HiFi , so from their point  of view they win anyway coz they have 1 foot in each of these boats. So its a win win situation for LL but ... what is it for us ???

There is however one aspect that may be the chance of LL in this competition: Philip Rosedale didn't say a single world about CONTENT CREATORS in HiFi or the posibility of making money in THAT WAY. While on the other side, Ebbe insisited exactly on THIS segment of their business as being the most important..

This may be THE chance of the new SL in this competition, but NOT if LL considers "content creators" as being ONLY those Maya gurus who have their meshes on their HD and can upload them anywhere.

These "first hand" content creators are a MINORITY of the total amount of content creators in the present SL. The majority is the "second hand" content creators , those who buy items made by the "first hand", combine them , modify them and create new items contributing this way to the unequaled variety of content available in the old SL, and driving its economy!

If LL will leave behind THIS MAJORITY of "second hand" content creators together with 90% of thier inventories , filled with their previous creations and with their investments in future creations, then LL will not survive in this competition!

Because it ignores exactly that what LL states and KNOWS that is and should remain the BASE of their business. And their only chance ..

Mesh gurus alone will not create an economy ! They can sell those things from their HD anywhere.. Wile the "second hand" content creators can sell their creations ONLY IN SL ! So you can bet they will stay in SL.  In the old SL by all means and, if LL makes it possible .. also in the new SL ..  

But if their years of work and their millions of dollars invested in "first hand" items for future creations will not be ported to the new SL then good luck LL in surviving with only the mesh gurus around and a lot of kids looking for shiny worlds .. and leaving them when they get bored, which kids always do by default..

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2.

okey... i edited the post a bit. However, due to lack of any other reasonable name i used the "you know who i mean" version :matte-motes-evil-invert:

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Gaia Clary wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2.

okey... i edited the post a bit. However, due to lack of any other reasonable name i used the "you know who i mean" version :matte-motes-evil-invert:

Maybe... 3rd Life ?

Then at least the newcommers will ask : ha .. 3rd ? Is there also a 2nd ? :)

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Gavin Hird wrote:

For all practical purposes there are currently only one alternative platform that can readily take content developed for SL, namely opensim. Despite all the qualities of opensim (that I love), the hard fact is it is even less scalable than the current SL backend and server code. – Significantly less scalable as it  currently is.

That is simply not true.

The scalability of Second Life is limited by the hardcoded maximum size of a single grid, i.e. 4096x4096 regions. OpenSim not only removed that limit but also added the capability to partition the world (and its hardware resources) into multiple interconnected grids, each with its own map layout and its own set of grid services (e.g. asset storage). The maximum size of this "hypergrid" is limited only by the number of available IPv4 addresses -- because there is currently no IPv6-capable viewer.

OpenSim recently also removed the hardcoded region size limit of 256x256 square meters, enabling large open spaces to be hosted in a single simulator instance without any region crossing effects.

The bottom line is that everyone can be not only a region owner, but a grid owner as well, and each grid can be configured as powerful or lightweight (in terms of CPU power per unit of virtual space) as needed. As an added bonus, if one such grid goes down, none of the others will be affected in any way. Users can teleport from one grid to another, send IMs across grid boundaries, take their inventory to any place they like, etc.

OpenSim wins that scalability contest hands down.





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I understand and agree, and that was not what I was talking about. 

I was talking about concurrency and the size and performance of the asset store.

I may be totally wrong, but I have not seen any references to any grids that practically have exceeded a concurrency of 1000 for a sustained period. I think I have seen Avination at closer to 600 logged in users, but...

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