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Backwards logic, ARs, and you!

Daria Afterthought

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Every now and then I find a tard that does something to bother me. Its rare, but it does happen. Earlier today I had an exchange of words in world with someone who was highly offended by something I had said to someone on the flogs. They left me about 5 offline messages about how I'm a big meanie poo poo head and that sort of juvenile crap. Of course, I could have ignored it, but being my sleep deprived self, I replied "I could care less." Short and simple, hopefully got the point across. Apparently it didn't. Later, after I had logged off, they sent another offline message with the words "I smell something. Is it you?" I came on later to do some stuff and hang out with a friend, and replied to the message with "Is it bacon?" because, who doesn't love the smell of good awesome lovely bacon? Everyone loves bacon. They even have kosher and vegan bacon and vegetarian bacon flavored mayo. How bad is that? But I digress. The person in question responded with "Are you" which confused the hell out of me because I've been called many things in my life but never delicious glorious bacon. Of course, my reply reflected as such. The tard replied "you ned 2 lrn you som slang girl" so I immediately urban dictionary'd bacon to make sure it didn't mean something other than fried pork, and to my surprise, it didn't. Almost every entry said bacon = delicious. So I told her of my lack of knowledge to any meaning of bacon other than the kind you eat. She informed me she didn't appreciate my drama. I called her an attention whore. She informed me she was going to AR me for abusive words. Now, at this point she has harassed me about something not in world, told me I smelled funny, potentially like bacon, and wasted my time with not stfu'ing. How is it that people have this mindset of "its only harassment/libel/defamation/abuse when someone else does it!" Presumably, this person muted me. Not surprising, and I don't mind. But I'm pretty curious as to how people are so clueless and contradicting within a few sentences.

tl;dr why do people AR you for the exact offense they just commited themselves expecting results?

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I have to say this.  I feel so sorry for you Daria, to live such a miserable life that you have to spread your misery around, how incredibly sad for you.  I couldn't even imagine being so horrid to other people and ever feeling good about myself.  To see you spread malicious lies about someone you don't even know OMG how I pity you.  It's unimaginable that anyone could be so vicious and mean spirited as you are and to feel that you have the right to spread your venom around like the world owes you something. My heart truly aches for you that you could be such a sad person.  How Horrible it would be to be you. I shudder at the thought.  I will pray for you that sometime, somewhere you will find the happiness you are so obviously missing in your life.

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Imma go cut my wrists now...and then write in my LiveJournal about it..and shop at HotTopic. Bella and Edward never had this issue!

/wrist /wrist /flounce /adds more eyeliner.



I don't know how things worked in Forum Land but round myuah we try not to act like 16 year old girls, mkay.


Incidentally enough, there are 16 year old girls on this Flog.

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Daria.Afterthought wrote:


Imma go cut my wrists now...and then write in my LiveJournal about it..and shop at HotTopic. Bella and Edward never had this issue!

/wrist /wrist /flounce /adds more eyeliner.



I don't know how things worked in Forum Land but round myuah we try not to act like 16 year old girls, mkay.


Incidentally enough, there are 16 year old girls on this Flog.

all i can honestly say at this point is;

i <3 you daria, i'm guessing you're a taurus as well and one who's good with it and prefers blunt, concise, to the point manners of speaking. GOTTA love that, mandatory.

honestly mean all of that too, i'm exactly the same way, albeit possibly with a bit less sucess of wit, people who beat around the bush confuse me to a point even.

directness FTW, if i'm off to take a shit, i'll tell you i'm about to go drop some logs lol.

F'ing smiley is still winning btw.


Message was edited by: Cheetah Hammerer

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One of the most widely misused terms on the Net is "ad hominem". It is most  often introduced into a discussion by certain delicate types, delicate of  personality and mind, whenever their opponents resort to a bit of sarcasm. As soon as the suspicion of an insult appears,  they summon the angels of ad hominem to smite down their foes, before ascending to  argument heaven in a blaze of sanctimonious glory. They may not have much up top,  but by God, they don't need it when they've got ad hominem on their side. It's  the secret weapon that delivers them from any argument unscathed.

Therefore, if you can't demonstrate that your opponent is trying to counter  your argument by attacking you, you can't demonstrate that he is resorting to  ad hominem. If your opponent's sarcasm is not an attempt to counter your  argument, but merely an attempt to insult you (or amuse the bystanders), then it  is not part of an ad hominem argument.

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Elijah, as I said to you in PM, and I quote directly: "what precisely is your point? You and Eli were attacking Daria is just such a manner. Whether true or not. It was wrong. Your actions are unbecoming of your intelligence... clearly evident. You have no excuse for such behaviour. So please, do not message me again through PM. I am not interested in communicating with you or Eli."

You had a problem that has continued by the pair of you in public forums! I really do not care whether it is is true or not... but here, you have between you about 80-90 postings give or take compared to others, that is newb status...  thus of non-consequence. I am more than well able to defend what I write should the need arise... however your attacks on Daria (as I said true or otherwise) should NOT be aired in public forum in this manner. And judging by your PM, it is below your intelligence to do so.

Whatever credibility you may have had, that has gone. I have been watching Daria (amongst others) posting here. She has been posting in the same tone consistently all along. She raised this thread in general conversation, nothing more.

Now, please refrain from commenting, as I know you will be tickled to comment on this... I am simply not interested in anything either of you have to say. I do hope my position is clear.

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Baeric.Constantine wrote:


Elijah, as I said to you in PM, and I quote directly: "what precisely is your point? You and Eli were attacking Daria is just such a manner. Whether true or not. It was wrong. Your actions are unbecoming of your intelligence... clearly evident. You have no excuse for such behaviour. So please, do not message me again through PM. I am not interested in communicating with you or Eli."

You had a problem that has continued by the pair of you in public forums! I really do not care whether it is is true or not... but here, you have between you about 80-90 postings give or take compared to others, that is newb status...  thus of non-consequence. I am more than well able to defend what I write should the need arise... however your attacks on Daria (as I said true or otherwise) should NOT be aired in public forum in this manner. And judging by your PM, it is below your intelligence to do so.

Whatever credibility you may have had, that has gone. I have been watching Daria (amongst others) posting here. She has been posting in the same tone consistently all along. She raised this thread in general conversation, nothing more.

Now, please refrain from commenting, as I know you will be tickled to comment on this... I am simply not interested in anything either of you have to say. I do hope my position is clear.


Damn! I must have missed the general call for volunteers to be self-aggrandising impotent faux Resident Moderators.

Pep (loves it when they do that.)

PS Next, I suppose, you are going to threaten to stop the car.

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Pserendipity.Daniels wrote:

Damn! I must have missed the general call for volunteers to be self-aggrandising impotent faux Resident Moderators.

Pep (loves it when they do that.)

PS Next, I suppose, you are going to threaten to stop the car.


But Baeric didnt fail at missing the snappy comeback deadline.

Or 'answering' on already answered threads..

Cant stop the car, but we can point you to the short bus and hand you the prerequisite helmet.

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