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Top improvements you want to see on Marketplace

Magnet Homewood

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I think it's pretty typical that the sound of having a CEO is exactly the same as the sound of not having a CEO, and the current one is making the same sound as the former one! (Confused? It's the name of a song by a certain Mr Simon lol)

However, maybe it's too much for his poor tired eyes to read all these threads and extrapolate the improvemets we want from all the posts - perhaps it's the job of the MP team but it seems that if they are doing that, then the response is rather lacking.

Because we can't post polls in this forum, I am going to make a list of things that I think have been mentioned here that merchants want - and I wonder what your top three (or one, or four, I am easy going!) would be if you could choose. Perhaps the results of this thread will go down in history as the one that they also ignored along with all others, but at least we tried!

So, the list - what would you want changed about the Marketplace?


  • a separate category for demos
  • an option to search for items made of 'mesh'
  • option to untick certain categories/price ranges when you search
  • 'Land impact' stated along with 'Prim count'
  • deactivation of items after a certain time has passed with no sales (time related to price, perhaps)
  • deactivation of account after a certain time of no log in
  • way to directly contact owner in-world through link in MP
  • information when item was listed
  • deletion of ratings when the site was still Xstreet
  • your other suggestions?



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Magnet Homewood wrote:

  • a separate category for demos
  • an option to search for items made of 'mesh'
    just search or mesh... 
  • option to
    certain categories/price ranges when you search  
  • 'Land impact' stated along with 'Prim count' 
    Just do away with prim count and make it LI.
  • deactivation of items after a certain time has passed with no sales (time related to price, perhaps)
      Why? I may just buy that 4 year old tattoo.. 
  • deactivation of account after a certain time of no log in    
    They wont do that, they want the $L.
  • way to directly contact owner in-world through link in MP  
    click their name, click message and message them..
  • information when item was listed  
  • deletion of ratings when the site was still Xstreet  
    most definitly yes.
  • your other suggestions?



 I would like it if we knew the last time a merchant logged in. That way we could have a better idea about possible customer service.

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I like most of these.


What I don't like is the deactivation. Instead, I think it'd be much better to just have the store/owner marked as inactive. This way great items will stay available but people can at least be aware that the person is inactive and be aware that they aren't going to get in contact with them.


I'd also love to see a filter type search. Somethign where I can search multiple categories at once.

Having an option to search for things that are and are not mesh is something I've wanted ever since mesh was introduced. It's super annoying to search for specific clothing styles or whatever only to have a ton of mesh items pushed to the front when I don't want to look at them.


I'd also like to keep certain settings like showing 96 items at a time instead of having it revert to 12 everytime I come back.


On the merchant side of things, I'l like to see them add BBC or at least let us use colored text, bold, etc etc in listings. I know they'd never do html, but personalizing listings is pretty imortant.

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- The possibility for one merchant to have different shops in the marketplace

- The possibility to give another person permission to edit your marketplace listings

- For multi creator brands: the possibility to join products of several creators in one single shop

- For shoppers: a 'follow-this-merchant'-field. When the field is enable, the customer receives an email when the merchant has placed a new item in his marketplace shop.

- A single listing for products that come in several colors or sizes.

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"I would settle for it working consistently in its present incarnation. "


I second that. Fix the things that should work  first before moving on to introducing new features that inevitably won't work anyway.


Some Examples

- Merchants tools - basic as they are I still have not been able to get a 'best selling' report without having a 30 minute wait for it to load and as for 'Top Searched' I've never  been able to generate a report since day one.

- Listing enhancements that don't make erroneous multiple charges, requiring time consuming tickets and chasing refunds , would be appreciated.

- Sorting  merchant store by Relevance that is really relevant and Best Selling that is REALLY the best selling and not just the same as relevance.

- Sort search filtering  for example when a search term retruns say 1,000 possible hits and on the left it says of those there are 600 under building components but when you click to view those 600 there's only 50 or so. OR it shows there are 11 pages of possible results ( 96 per page) but when you click page 2 there are only 5 results showing.

- Reducing market place lag. I can live with eccentric irrelevant search results. I can tolerate a zillion freebies and ancient widgets from year dot. I can even  cope with the strange sorting issues but the frequent time eating  will to live destroying refresh times make me  walk away from potential purchases. I can't possibly be alone with this experience.



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Lasher Oh wrote:

"I would settle for it working consistently in its present incarnation. "


I second that. Fix the things that should work  first before moving on to introducing new features that inevitably won't work anyway.


Some Examples

- Merchants tools - basic as they are I still have not been able to get a 'best selling' report without having a 30 minute wait for it to load and as for 'Top Searched' I've never  been able to generate a report since day one.


- Listing enhancements that don't make erroneous multiple charges, requiring time consuming tickets and chasing refunds , would be appreciated.

- Sorting  merchant store by Relevance that is really relevant and Best Selling that is REALLY the best selling and not just the same as relevance.

- Sort search filtering  for example when a search term retruns say 1,000 possible hits and on the left it says of those there are 600 under building components but when you click to view those 600 there's only 50 or so. OR it shows there are 11 pages of possible results ( 96 per page) but when you click page 2 there are only 5 results showing.


- Reducing market place lag. I can live with eccentric irrelevant search results. I can tolerate a zillion freebies and ancient widgets from year dot. I can even  cope with the strange sorting issues but the frequent time eating  will to live destroying refresh times make me  walk away from potential purchases. I can't possibly be alone with this experience.



Relevance will only work properly when people stop flooding the MP with keyword spam.

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Lasher Oh wrote:


- Reducing market place lag.

Yes. First of all they should make the Marketplace blindingly fast - a pleasant speedy experience.

After the snail like  s  l  o  w  n  e  s  s  is fixed then it is the time for other oddities to be fixed.

Speed, speed, speed. That's what is needed.


I have stopped to search anything in the Marketplace because of its painfull slowness.

I rather go shopping inworld where I can browse things fast almost in any shop.

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I agree with all of Magnets ideas yes yes and yes.

I would also add more specific filters for certain categories for example for clothes a choice by color.

For buildings number of rooms,bathrooms,pool ect... kind of like realestate research

As for demos i don't understand why they show in research at all. Why not do like any other website and be able to add demo to cart from the item page itself that would make some real space and clean up the MP !

As a merchant i would also truly apreciate some statistics tools for my items (other then just the number of sales) as well as access to some general MP research statistics in order to target my clients needs better.

Yes for fixing all the bugs and yes yes yes please make it faster, so so slow now!

Yes for adding enlisting date

In one word you all have grate ideas, too bad nobody is gona do anything about it ...lol

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The 3 big ones are....


1. Limit keywords per item to say 10 maximum

2. Limit keywords per item to say 10 maximum


3. Limit keywords per item to say 10 maximum

Fixing that would be like fixing 90% of the problems, and I could list 30 other things that would be nice, but I'm tired of listing them all everytime this question comes up, so Ill pass on that this time. :matte-motes-confused:

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Spica Inventor wrote:

"So every merchant has to redo his old marketplace listings again."

Woopdeedo. :matte-motes-agape:

/me thumps Spica with a "duh!!" stick. When it takes 3 minutes to edit one listing, and a Merchant has 1000 items listed, that's 3000 minutes of work straight through assuming no delays, issues or breaks. 3000 minutes is 50 hours. So essentially a very long week's work to fix every listing.

Think globally son .. think globally.


ETA: Where are all these typos coming from? *hgis*

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C'mon Darrius. How much time is being lost (and therefore money being lost as well) on not being able to locate merchandise? Linden Labs should be able to just 'chop off' all keywords after a certain number of commas to greatly help it along for those who felt the rediculous need to have 26 keywords for each of their items.

So much paralyzation in this game, untra conservative anti investment attitutes, and some peeps still scratch their heads about why the game is slowly withering away?


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Spica Inventor wrote:

C'mon Darrius. How much time is being lost (and therefore money being lost as well) on not being able to locate merchandise? Linden Labs should be able to just 'chop off' all keywords after a certain number of comas to greatly help it along for those who felt the rediculous need to have 26 keywords for each of their items.

So much paralyzation in this game, untra conservative anti investment attitutes, and some peeps still scratch their heads about why the game is slowly withering away?


I'd also guess though I could be wrong that most Merchants put the most important keywords first.

And even if they put a cap on charachter count, how many will be using words like "hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia" to describe their prouct?

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1) $0 Listings only for $0 or "Free" items.

Demos, land rental advertisements or other listings that are using/abusing this feature need their own category.

2) Keyword relevance more strict.

Not sure how a house, Victorian lamp and a sportscar have to do with the keyword search "aquarium", but the results need to be a bit more accurate. Also how the keywords are used in the listings cannot be determined, sometimes unrelated products come up before more specific keyword searches.

3) Some way of offering alternate versions of the same product instead of separate listings for each

For example, I may have a couch, it is one model, but want to sell in different textures/colors/etc.

Currently I would have to upload 10 separate listings and spam the marketplace with repetitive ads. I don't want to do that ughh.

I'd rather include the textures in the couch in question, and just sell for more $$ for the texture changing option.

Not sure how to handle such a problem, perhaps providing an array of alternate colors, or interface to actually customize your purchase.

4) Eliminate reviews of products

Reviews seem to be slanted towards positive only, and negative reviews quickly removed or 'bought off' by refunding the price. Silencing negative reviews defeats the purpose. Everyone knows that if the number of positive reviews outweights the negative reviews potential customers will take that into consideration.

I never get thanked by the creator for a positive review, but they're sure to put me through IM hell if I offer anything less than a stellar review of their product; even if its all true.

5) Gender selection

I know I don't need to see the 90% of listings that are female-centric. Would enhance search greatly only seeing products for men when required.

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1. Do a search for "free" and see how many are actually free.

2. I agree that the keyword field should be about half. They can't control what merchants use for keywords, if you see ane that is wrong, flag it.

3. Definitely

4. No. Eliminate the removal ability of reviews. Make someone at LL actually read a review before removing it. Customers should be allowed to add to a review, but not change the original. If there is an issue, it needss to be known.

5. The only gender specisic items are skins, shapes and clothing. All of which have gender specific categories.

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