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Shocked and quite confused...


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I understand the TOS and regulations for specific things in SL. So I know where the fine lines are and what is acceptable to report and what really doesn't matter, since it's on that fine line. But here's my story, and I'm not sure what to do about it, besides nothing. Because, it's on that fine line and reporting will do nothing.

I have a newly adopted little brother, well... He kinda just adopted me as his older brother lol. And he's great. He's his own person, with his own likes and dislike. The only thing we come together on is the RP part of being sibling. And it's a nice break from the rest of things. So in line with that, we spend time together and hang out. Obviously, has to be in PG places. Which is fine. So, he TP'd me to this one beach (shall remain nameless for their safety and mine. If you've ever been there, you know exactly which place I'm speaking of). So we were just hanging out dancing, talking to other people in local. And I saw this shout pop up about renaming someone's title. I love those things. I'm just the kinda guy to use it. Meaning, naming them something funny, rude, whatever. I understand humor is a bias opinion and I may be a jerk for doing so. But if you seriously put one of those titlers on, you should know that something CAN and MIGHT come your way in the form of a ridiculous title. So I went ahead and named the person once, yes I admit, it was vulgar and rude. Then the person reset it, and I put a different name. 9/10, no ones names people with those, the time just runs out (now I understand why people ignore them. Such as i am now). So I got an IM from the person, "You better think twice before doing it again". First of all, do not threaten me. If you want it to stop, be an adult. Tell me it's not appreciated. I will apologize, and stop. Simple as that. All that "status" and "rank" in SL is for the birds. I don't care who you are or what you own... Talk to me as a human being. That's all I ask. So I did stop. But even tho I did, I was still kicked and banned from the beach. I don't mind. I understand that some people like throwing their weight around. And I do admit my fault and take my consequence with a smile. That's not what I'm confused about. It's this...

The Dilemma:
If you wear a titler, but don't want random titles... Title yourself and leave it at that? I don't want random names either... That's why only I can mess with my title. And so, I save grief by doing so. If you don't enable something to happen, it won't. Again tho, I admit that it was my choice to be vulgar and or rude on the title. I'm not making excuses for my actions. But it's just a thought. Secondly... Isn't age play and pedophilia against TOS? The fine line is, sexual age play Vs. Age play RP, and I understand the difference. But this beach is blatant with it. You go there, and you get 5-15 IM's from little child avies, asking if you're looking for a "babygirl"/"babyboy" to take home and have "cuddles" with. If that's not blatant, I don't know what is. I personally don't understand THAT fetish. It's not mine. But to each their own. My confusion is... You get butthurt for something YOU enabled (the titler), and then proceed to ban me. Okay. But, running and operating a Pedo-Beach, as I call it, is completely okay? There's dudes with names like "ChildLover" there. Come on. I was just there with my little brother talking. Talking about Nutella for Christ sakes lol. So I'm just confused on what really is going on. To me, it just sounds like a little boy that got his feelings hurt and wanted to show he's strong by doing the ONLY thing he can, ban someone. Rather than pulling his big boy pants up and talking.

So what do you think? What would you do? And as I said, all the "bad" stuff is going on through IM's, not local. So it's not an acceptable report. You know this by the 30 people standing around, but no one speaking. Kinda eerie actually. And you can ask around, this beach is known as the Pedo-Beach. I met 4 people just in my travels that have been there and it freaked them out. How blatant it all was. I'm not one to jump on the reports tho. Nothing was done to me harmfully. I got punished, and rightfully so. So I'm not reporting anything on that. But I'm asking your personal opinion on what you would do, if anything.

P.S. I'm also not one to make an alt, aiming to somehow get revenge. It's truly not THAT serious. This is just my first experience with this.
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In my opinion there is no fine line .. You either are or aren't. Ageplay has absolutely no place in SL in my opinion. Every time I have come across it, which, thankfully, hasn't been often, it has resulted in truck loads of drama and accusations.

There is nothing sweet or innocent about a grown adult impersonating an 8 year old for any reason. Had a hard childhood? Well there is nothing to be gained, that I can see, from attempting to relive it inworld. You cannot unlearn what you have learned, you cannot unexperience what has happened to you, and any talk of "closure" is a poor attempt at justification. Let me ask you this, what, if any, therapeutic value does having the majority of SL thinking you are weird and degenerative have? Absolutely null... Had a hard childhood? Go see a shrink.

The above may come across as harsh, but this is one subject that I don't pull the punches with.

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Places like this certainly exist in SL. And there are also, as even a cursory search will show, a number of groups that teeter on the edge of sexualized age play (i.e., virtual pedophilia). The language that they use in public tends to rely upon innuendo, euphemism, and suggestion, but I would imagine that, when they are sure of whom they are talking to, things get much more explicit in IM. I had a friend who documented some of this kind of thing in the "bad old days," before LL brought the hammer down on explicit sexual age play: stuff like sex balls in children's beds in rooms done up to look like they belonged to 8 year olds.

As I said, ick. And ick again.

Someone will possibly pop up here and point out that this is just roleplay, and that no real children are involved. That's probably true, but one way or another, there's no easier way to get yourself permabanned from SL than to be reported to be either underage in RL, or engaged in sexual age play. For whatever reason, LL lets the edgecases go, but it will move like lightning if something less shadowy is reported to them.

So, the answer is: just don't go there anymore. You can report them if you wish, but I can assure you that you won't be the first to have done so, and unless there is something fairly unambiguous, LL won't move. And, of course, there is the risk, unless you have solid proof that sexualized age play is involved, that you'll be reporting someone who, like yourself, found themselves inadvertently and innocently in a place that they thought was for legitimate age play.

Just stay away from the place, and places like it. You ARE running a risk by being there.

As for the titler thing, you're on your own there. I hate the things. And, as you obviously know, there is nothing you can do about being banned from a sim for whatever ultimately stupid and arbitrary reason they want to ban you, so you might just as well move on and find a new place to hang out.

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Leia36 wrote:

In my opinion there is no fine line .. You either are or aren't. Ageplay has absolutely no place in SL in my opinion. Every time I have come across it, which, thankfully, hasn't been often, it has resulted in truck loads of drama and accusations.


There is nothing sweet or innocent about a grown adult impersonating an 8 year old for any reason. Had a hard childhood? Well there is nothing to be gained, that I can see, from attempting to relive it inworld. You cannot unlearn what you have learned, you cannot unexperience what has happened to you, and any talk of "closure" is a poor attempt at justification. Let me ask you this, what, if any, therapeutic value does having the majority of SL thinking you are weird and degenerative have? Absolutely null... Had a hard childhood? Go see a shrink.

The above may come across as harsh, but this is one subject that I don't pull the punches with.

Personally, I think that this is an over-the-top response. I've not known a lot of child avatars, but the few whom I have come to know were really lovely people. One of my earliest friends, who owned a sim I occasionally hung out in, played a cussin', cigar-smoking 8 year old who had a penchant for detonating nuclear weapons. I'm not sure what sort of "therapy" she got out of it, but she was hilarious.

I also don't think it's fair to be so dismissive of what other people may get out of age play. Not my thing at all, but it is obviously important to some people, and if it doesn't involve sexuality, it's innocent enough.

But this, I know, is a loaded subject about which people get very emotional. Some of the biggest, longest, and messiest flame wars I've seen on SL forums were about this.

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Leia36 wrote:

In my opinion there is no fine line .. You either are or aren't. Ageplay has absolutely no place in SL in my opinion. Every time I have come across it, which, thankfully, hasn't been often, it has resulted in truck loads of drama and accusations.


There is nothing sweet or innocent about a grown adult impersonating an 8 year old for any reason. Had a hard childhood? Well there is nothing to be gained, that I can see, from attempting to relive it inworld. You cannot unlearn what you have learned, you cannot unexperience what has happened to you, and any talk of "closure" is a poor attempt at justification. Let me ask you this, what, if any, therapeutic value does having the majority of SL thinking you are weird and degenerative have? Absolutely null... Had a hard childhood? Go see a shrink.

The above may come across as harsh, but this is one subject that I don't pull the punches with.

Sorry Leia, but this is bull**bleep**.

Or should we now analyze why people play slaves, why people call others master, why people run around with nearly no clothes on or why some chose to be animals, furries or robots. Its none of your or anybody elses business. Do you know a single person that choses to be a child or teen with their avatar? I think you don't and I also think you are the last person that should have such an intolerant attitude towards other peoples choices how to present their avatars.

 Just saying...we could say some pretty harsh and rude things about your lifestyle...maybe about the time were you roleplayed a pregnancy?

I've met one or two people who chose to be childavatars and they were absolutly fine and normal people. The only thing that should be absolutly banned out of SL is sexual ageplay and the whole pedophile community. Because I was involved in a fight against a pedo-place lately, I can tell you there is a HUGE difference between just someone who choses a childavatar and someone who is interested in virtual acts of child abuse.

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I apologize for that, thank you for telling me. I'll remember and do so next time.


In response to everyone...


1. Do not judge people. Please. This wasn't meant for you to get out your aggression on whatever child avi have hurt you in the past, and now you're bitter. Stop it. I know many child avies that are amazing people. A lot of which are very successful in SL, making children's clothes and such. Ever think about maybe they always wanted to design clothes for kids, or "adopt" a kid in SL because they can't have one in real life? It is therapy, at it's most human of forms. People helping people. Some adult never had parents, one never had kids... Now they have a place to come together and help each other. It's beautiful actually. I'm not a child avi, don't want to be. But I can understand why someone would be. And I respect that. Behind that avi is an adult human being, just like the rest of us.


2. I agree. I'm not trying to hang out there or get upset because I'm banned. As I said, it was scary. No I didn't plan on coming back anyway. But it is very disappointing that now, my little "brother" will not be around. That's where he hangs out, so now, we will not be able to hang out. Unless he wants to leave that place for awhile. But that's up to him and I'm not putting my chicken in a basket just yet on it. But I'm not concerned lol. It's not THAT serious of a thing. I'm not going to be heartbroken or any types of distraught over it. Will be missed tho.


3. There is and is not a fine line. It's a matter of opinion really. And I appreciate every opinion. But... My opinion is, there is. I say this because we're specifically speaking in terms of Linden being the governing/presidential entity. So, I'm specifically speaking about Linden's defined ideas and principals clearly stated in their TOS. And, taking into consideration the residential input of their experiences dealing with Linden affairs. In this Linden world we live in, it states that there IS a fine line between virtual pedophilia and Age-Play RP. The defining factor being, sexual acts of any kind with a child resident that DOES NOT STATE that they are of legal age. Therefore, dirty chat, is ok. Nude "family beaches" are ok. Places called things like "Daughter Runaways", "Daddy/Daughter playground"... (I do not know if these names are actual names of places. I have just seen places with these TYPES of names). And even those are ok, as long as they state "No Age-Play" somewhere in their profile. There's thousands of loopholes here. We should all know that. It's the exact same with RL government law. There are fine lines and loopholes that just let's the bad people go sometimes. And we have to accept that, because we're not going to change it. So... All this applies to the LINDEN principals and regulations/TOS. So... I want to clarify that. My personal opinion is not anywhere in this... And it's staying that way. SL is SL, not RL. So we have to "live in it" as such.

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There's a huge difference. And most of the time, it's fairly obvious. The ones in bikinis on the beach where no one seems to be... Come on. Then you see a lil baby running around is a dress or something, and you automatically think she's just like the other? No. Some just like the idea of RP. Another life or scenario to go through. Honestly, I don't even know why anyone would judge another resident. We all are on SL for one reason or another. Some handicap, some obese, some with low self esteem, some because they need to be social, and they somehow can't be in RL. We have no right to judge another. Child avi or old man avi. Furry, lion/human, purple reptile, vampire, bdsm Dom, bdsm sub, slave, master, the list goes on! And who the hell cares!!! Can we worry about the price of gas or some crap instead of this, please? Let's just help each other. I mean, grab an avi friend and go shopping. Everyone has their thing. And alright to do them. And let's just think for one moment... Even tho I don't condone it or participate in it... Isn't some guys avi virtually having sex with another ADULT who just so happens to play a child avi, better than a RL person raping and killing an actual child in RL? That's just a question.

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hazeonelove wrote:

I apologize for that, thank you for telling me. I'll remember and do so next time.



Don't apologise! I was merely suggesting that your excellent post deserved more attention. The thread I linked to had been highlighted by the official SL Proflle Feed poster, which is in itself unusual - maybe the new CEO had noticed it and "suggested" to the marketing team that they promote it!


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Leia36 wrote:

There is nothing sweet or innocent about a grown adult impersonating an 8 year old for any reason. Had a hard childhood? Well there is nothing to be gained, that I can see, from attempting to relive it inworld. You cannot unlearn what you have learned, you cannot unexperience what has happened to you, and any talk of "closure" is a poor attempt at justification. Let me ask you this, what, if any, therapeutic value does having the majority of SL thinking you are weird and degenerative have? Absolutely null... Had a hard childhood? Go see a shrink.

The above may come across as harsh, but this is one subject that I don't pull the punches with.

If you believe anyone and everyone who rps as a child in sl does it for all, or any of the reasons you suggest, you are delusional. Not only that, but I would love to know who gave you authority to decide what rp is acceptable in sl and what isn't?

There are as many reasons for what people do in sl as there are people who do them. I explore the world via sl, because I can't do it in rl. I do things I can't do in rl, in sl, and I fully enjoy them. Everyone does, to some extent. I don't think that makes me, or anyone, any(more) crazy or in need of a shrink than anyone else. Yet, your judgment, would suggest so-although you're not even realizing your judgment includes yourself as well. I do have an alt, who is a child, although I haven't been on that alt in quite a few years. I didn't necessarily have a crappy childhood, and I didn't necessarily create that child to somehow "make up" for the parts of my childhood that were crappy. It's just an rp, something I can do in sl, that I fully enjoy. It has nothing at all to do with ageplay, or that sick and twisted side of things. In fact, most child avs in sl stay as far away from the even mere mention of it.

Nearly all rp in sl, and let's face it a great deal of most things we do in sl is rp to some extent, is done for reasons that include "something I cannot do in rl". For whatever reason-as that part doesn't matter. We fly in sl, we cannot do that in rl. We have relationships with people, including romantic, despite not being able to do so in rl. We become things, we do things, we partake in things....all of which we cannot do in rl. It may be because rl obstacles have prevented us, it may be that it was something we never realized we were interested in, it may simply be something we want to explore safely....really, it doesn't matter. It's still something we are doing we can't/won't do in rl, in MOST cases. It's not up to others to decide for everyone what does or does not make them crazy, what rp is or is not acceptable for the masses(save the TOS, which we, residents, do not create), what others should and should not be able to do in general-regardless of their reasoning(again, save for the TOS).

I don't understand where your level of entitlement to judge others and their rp comes from. As I know for a fact simply from things you've posted you partake in rp and things in sl that you cannot do in rl. Does that mean you need a shrink too? Does that mean you need to stop looking for a relationship with someone else, accept that your rl loneliness is what you should be looking for in sl, and stop enjoying ANY rp unless it's something you can and you DO partake in regularly in rl too. I think it would be absurd for me to suggest that. Just as I believe it's absurd for you to suggest that someone who chooses to rp as a child, needs a shrink. You could just as easily say any woman, or man, who chooses to rp a relationship with a man or woman in sl, or even seek something like that out, ought to invest in a shrink a good BOB and some rechargeable batteries. It would apply in the same manner. So, unless you're intending to apply your own "advice" to yourself as well, it might be best to keep at least some of your judgments, misguided as they may seem to me everyone is entitled to have them, in your head and not out for the world to see so they won't start making the same judgments about you as well. It's not as if your own choices, especially as far as rp is concerned, couldn't also be tossed on that chopping block as well. I would, personally, find that as absurd as your opinion about child avatars though. And I would find you just as undeserving of such nasty comments, despite deciding to share them yourself.

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I don't see much in your original post that has anything to do with RP:-

Leia36 wrote:

Had a hard childhood? Well there is
nothing to be gained
, that I can see, from attempting to relive it inworld.

cannot unlearn what you have learned
, you cannot unexperience what has happened to you, and
any talk of "closure" is a poor attempt at justification

what, if any, therapeutic value does having the majority of SL thinking you are weird and degenerative have?
Absolutely null...

Had a hard childhood?
Go see a shrink.

The above are all definitive statements. You're falsely presenting your opinion as fact(Incidentally, you may want to learn more about

, among many other techniques.)

Once you post your thoughts in public, these private judgements turn into publicly-expressed opinions.

You then extend to everyone on this forum the right to counter you and your opinions - and the sentiments behind them. Which people will do if they think you're saying dumb things - such as mis-representing reality or people - or by being ignorant of other peoples' choices, cultures and perspectives.

I would imagine you'll get a little bit of flak for being flat-out wrong, too.

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Leia36 wrote:

I reserve the right to judge what content I interact with or view on the internet. RP is fine, however
for myself
if a child AV is involved I walk away period. That is my right as a user of SL.

You didn't just say its not your style of rp (also do I have to mention that not everyone is incharacter 24/7?), you basically assumed that the person behind the childavatar must be some twisted weirdo who should seek professional help and that every childavatar is probably used for sexual ageplay.

Thats a whole different thing than saying its nothing for you. And I ask you again, what do you prefer? Being called all kinds of nasty things because of what you did in SL or just getting "nah, not my thing" when confronting someone with one of your RPs or kinks.

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Leia36 wrote:

I reserve the right to judge what content I interact with or view on the internet. RP is fine, however
for myself
if a child AV is involved I walk away period. That is my right as a user of SL.

I didn't say you couldn't judge what, or who, you're willing to interact with. That's not even remotely what you actually said. Maybe you didn't read what it was you were posting. You also did not say "rp is fine", not even remotely.

I really hope the next time a discussion about rp in general comes up, you don't go off all half cocked at people who find YOUR brand of rp as deserving of a weekend visit in the psych ward. Or that your particular brand of rp makes you sick, twisted, in need of help, lacking something in rl...or any number of nasty things I have seen people spout off about others' choices of rp.

It's fine and dandy to not like something, not want to be near it, and choose to avoid it, etc.. I get that. There's lots in sl I'd never participate in. However, my decision, for myself, has no bearing on the decisions others make for their selves. I don't get to decide who is in need of a doc for their "troubles" just because I don't share them. I think that's a very sad way to look at, or think about, individuals, based entirely on the fact that I don't share their rp desires.

I'm not into gor, or the slave/sub areas of sl...but lots of folks are. That's awesome for them. Just because it's not ideal for me, doesn't mean they all need a shrink, or better batteries ;)

The concepts are the same, regardless of which area of rp it is you're against, you really shouldn't be so very judgmental when plenty have seen what happens when folks have judged your own brand of rp.

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I'm really not sure what the bulk of you post (about titlers and the conflict they cause) has to do with the rest. Your opinion on sexual ageplay seems pretty clear - don't! If you want to do something about it, AR the location and the people involved and don't go back. If I'd been there and seen what you describe, I'd have leftt as fast as a teleport could take me. If you have doubts about the 'little brother' (and if he's a regular of that location, I'd be very concerned), I'd cut communications with him, too.

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If I may...


As soon as you click "Log In" in your viewer, you're starting to RP. SL isn't a "game", where you turn it on and play through linear, or even open world, quests and or missions to move onto the next stage. SL is a social media tool, believe it or not. The name of it is Second Life for goodness sakes. By signing in, you're voluntarily participating in an online RP of the world. Of life. You dress your avi, buy things "as the avi", hang out with virtual people... It's already RP. Even if you don't go to an RP sim, you're still RPing. And just because someone may not agree or necessarily like a certain genre of RP, still does not give them the right to judge, by any means. I enjoy Star Wars RP from time to time. I don't expect anyone else to. But it would be rather silly for someone to talk negatively about it JUST BECAUSE THEY DONT GET IT. Being a child avi is an acquired taste. Just like BDSM RP or Furry/Neko RP. Do I necessarily like them? Maybe, maybe not. Do I understand why someone might light them? Yes. But that doesn't compel me to put down or call them "demented" for doing so. As this person said, why do you connect child avies with mental illness, past trauma, needing psychiatric help, etc.? Maybe some people just want to run around as a crazy kid. One of my good friends is a child avi. And he runs around with a knife and a Halloween mask, telling everyone he killed his neighbors and for some reason, gets told to burn things by imaginary leprechauns... Does that sound demented? Hell yes it does lol. But it's hilarious. And he does it all in good fun, all for a reaction. There is no hidden skeletons or trauma. He's just a bored person looking to have fun. And he came up with a great story to run with. So... I, or anyone else, can or will change your mind. And I'm personally not trying to. But I just recommend you get to know people before judging them on their taste or their appearance. Somehow, I have a feeling that this way of thinking is a prominent factor in your RL as well, carried over on to SL. You can be whoever you want in SL... Why be you?

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I've been thinking that too. If he knows what that place is about, and insists on being there, then I need to just go my separate way. He's a great "kid" and a good friend. But, the variables just don't add up to a positive. And I would assume that I would just be more at risk.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Leia36 wrote:

I reserve the right to judge what content I interact with or view on the internet. RP is fine, however
for myself
if a child AV is involved I walk away period. That is my right as a user of SL.

I didn't say you couldn't judge what, or who, you're willing to interact with. That's not even remotely what you actually said. Maybe you didn't read what it was you were posting. You also did not say "rp is fine", not even remotely.

I really hope the next time a discussion about rp in general comes up, you don't go off all half cocked at people who find YOUR brand of rp as deserving of a weekend visit in the psych ward. Or that your particular brand of rp makes you sick, twisted, in need of help, lacking something in rl...or any number of nasty things I have seen people spout off about others' choices of rp.

It's fine and dandy to not like something, not want to be near it, and choose to avoid it, etc.. I get that. There's lots in sl I'd never participate in. However, my decision, for myself, has no bearing on the decisions others make for their selves. I don't get to decide who is in need of a doc for their "troubles" just because I don't share them. I think that's a very sad way to look at, or think about, individuals, based entirely on the fact that I don't share their rp desires.

I'm not into gor, or the slave/sub areas of sl...but lots of folks are. That's awesome for them. Just because it's not ideal for me, doesn't mean they all need a shrink, or better batteries

The concepts are the same, regardless of which area of rp it is you're against, you really shouldn't be so very judgmental when plenty have seen what happens when folks have judged your own brand of rp.

amazing how quickly this turned into a slinging match ..I made my point, moving on

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No problem! I can see where you're going, and I hope a lot of these insights stay with you as you continue to explore Second Life.

Only one tiny critique:-

hazeonelove wrote:

As soon as you click "Log In" in your viewer, you're starting to RP

This is not true - it's analogous to the mythical trope of Nothing on the Internet Really Happens. I can sum this up using a more relatable frame of reference by responding to your closing statement - 'Why be you?'

Why not be you?

I consider it perfectly valid for someone to choose to play themselves - to maintain absolute integrity between RL- and SL-induced emotions and relationships. If one can be whomever they choose to be in Second Life, playing themselves must surely be included within the scope of that, no?

It is equally valid to choose to roleplay, adopt a character or persona other than your RL one (for a multitude of reasons, including therapy), or otherwise not be 'yourself'. But you're correct in spirit, that there are few-to-no limitations.

Good luck. :)

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Very true. And I appreciate that insight, or correction lol. I am guilty of playing as myself. Looks and age. I take great pride in making my avi look as realistic as possible, to myself. So I understand that. But, also run around with a tail and ears sometimes lol. Which, I'm not doing in RL. But as far as morals and values go, and personal connections, I treat them the same as RL. But I also believe it's a respect factor as well (off topic). If I see a child avi or Star Wars avi, even furries, I try my best to respect their RP by treating them as they want to be in their RP world. Meaning, I'm not going to complain if they meow at me a lot, I'm not going to talk to a child avi like an adult, so on and so forth. I just think, since that's the world they want to love in, I should be respectful of that and let them be able to be "themselves", without the need to break character. But if a child/furry/etc. avi wants to break character and just have a conversation, I'm all for it. But, I do agree with you on what you said.

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