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Goodbye to someone who really made a difference

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@ Celeste and Amethyst: you both make very intelligent, reasonable and convincing arguments. But you're too soft and not radical enough. And you get lost in insignificant details. Against griefing idiots like Rudy and his misguided fanclub, who haven't delivered any valid argument since their first posts, I see no reason to stay civil in concurse.

Alone the formulation of his last post is an affront against everything good and fair.

"ultrasocialist hyperemotional irrational female ranting". That's idiotic bad definition in itself. Either one is a socialist (I am) or not. There is nothing ultra about it. Neither is it hyperemotional to get angry at nerve saws like Rudy. And yes, I was ranting. What's bad about ranting?

"he was both a terrorist and a nice guy": Yes of course he was. Is there any definition that states terrorists can't be nice guys? Often terrorism is the only way to get the attention of the masses. And when terrorism comes from the weak oppressed side I'm all for it.

"Idi Amin had excellent table manners": What the phuk do I know if Idi Amin had good table manners? How is that in any  way important when we're going to define the person of Nelson Mandela? What do these two people have in common ecept they both lived on the same continent. I hate America because I hate carneval de Rio and can't stand the samba, or what? There are many terrorists who became international statesmen later in life. Some even became Presidents of the United States. I personally don't trust in poiticians who where never arrested by the police or who don't have the scars to show of. Former chancelor of Germany Willy Brandt was resistance fighter in Norway during the nazi occupation, a real terrorist ... and loved by the masses lateron. Willy Brandt wasn't even his real name but his underground pseudonym. Also we had a minister of foreign affairs who was arrested by the police for throwing stones at  a anti-nuclear protest. These are trustworthy people in my eyes!

Nelson Mandela fullfills all the necessary qualifications to be a great president.

Oh, and Rudy, regarding your quiz: they are all rotten apples, maybe with the exception of Muammar Gadaffi. Ok, he was a dictator and I wouldn't wanna have him in my bed, but in Lybia people enjoyed more personal freedom, better education, higher paid jobs and a generally much higher quality of life than in most other African countries. Gadaffi donated a satellite for African broadcasting and communication and Lybia had an exemplary health system. Lybian nurses and doctors are a  sought after export good.:smileyhappy: And that was what in the end broke his neck: he wasn't indebted to the ICF or IFC or whatever that evil thing calls itself. Lybia was a rich country. Of course the west had to do something against it. Noticed how lately every country running independent from that "International" (USAmerican) bank is ruled by evil "dictators" and "terrorists"? Just look around in South America. Hugo Chavez: loved by his own people, hated by the "civilized" world. Brazil and some other countries experiencing the same. That's all so rotten and ... oy vey, I'm derailing myself now. :smileytongue:

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Oh, you really wanna play law & order now? :smileysad: OMG that is so bourgeois ... terrible. But when we want to use the TOS I guess Rudy and that woman are easier targets than me. Both their first statements contain enough uncivilized hatespeach to warrant a lifelong ban. Repulsive, dastardly bottomfeeders both of them.

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Orca Flotta wrote:


Oh, you really wanna play law & order now? :smileysad: OMG that is so bourgeois ... terrible. But when we want to use the TOS I guess Rudy and that woman are easier targets than me. Both their first statements contain enough uncivilized hatespeach to warrant a lifelong ban. Repulsive, dastardly bottomfeeders both of them.

Orca, do you really see so many other people in a negative light?  Name calling and insulting is your method of communicating. 

Sheesh, you need a hug....or, something.


(Oh, if you're going to use French to label me at least get it right.  I'm the bourgeoise)


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Orca Flotta wrote: And that was what in the end broke his neck:

Hmmm, I heard that actually one of his own people - you know, the ones who loved him so, because he bought them a ******* satellite for Christmas - stuck a bayonet up his **** and stirred his guts around a few times. Tough love, eh?


ETA It's good to see that your ******* knowledge of geography is on a par with your ******* understanding of politics, if you think that Rio de Janeiro is on the same ******* continent as the USA.

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Orca, do you really see so many other people in a negative light? 



Name calling and insulting is your method of communicating. 

Bursting out with the truth is a hard pill to swallow for many ppl and might often be falsely interpreted  as insults. Not my problem.


Sheesh, you need a hug....or, something.

Say it like you mean it: Orca needs to get laid!:heart:


(Oh, if you're going to use French to label me at least get it right.  I'm the bourgeoise)


I didn't use French, never learned to speak it. I used the generally accepted German/English form. Hey, it's not our fault we snapped up some French phrases here and there during Napoleon's invasions.

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ETA It's good to see that your ******* knowledge of geography is on a par with your ******* understanding of politics, if you think that Rio de Janeiro is on the same ******* continent as the USA.

But it is! That continent is generally known as America.

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Orca Flotta wrote: I personally don't trust in poiticians

Finally, you have said something that I ******* agree with.


Perfect! Thank you for validating all my opinions about your character. Quoting half sentences out of context is one of the oldest and most cheapest griefer methods. But you're right, generally I don't trust politicians, no matter in what shape or form they come. With the very few exceptions of politicians who became politicians for a specific reason, to fight the good fight, to stay true to their ideals, who go for broke. Nelson Mandela was such a type. He didn't join politics because he was aspiring to become a president. Mandela was an activist, he did stuff, he went to jail and after a long time the country around him finally found out he was correct all along so he quasi became president automagically. He couldn't have avoided it if he wanted.

Unfortunately these kind of politicians are becomimg less and less and are being replaced by all those interchangable spineless clowns who are only in politics to gain some influence, power and money.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

ETA It's good to see that your ******* knowledge of geography is on a par with your ******* understanding of politics, if you think that Rio de Janeiro is on the same ******* continent as the USA.

But it is! That continent is generally known as America.

I don't know how long you studied geography - about as long (or should that be "briefly") as you have studied English, History and Politics I would guess, since the major landmass to the west of the UK (the only truly civilised continent, albeit a small one, and therefore the essential point of reference) is known as the AMERICAS, and is composed of TWO continents, North America and South America, the Isthmus of Darien representing the border between the two.

Is there any other misconception - you seem to be harbouring quite a list - you would appreciate assistance in rectifying?


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Orca Flotta wrote:

Actually, "concurse" is not a valid ******* English word. So it's ******* impossible to stay civil in it, because it doesn't ******* exist.

Yes, right, I used a wrong term. I meant a dispute obviously.

"Obviously" only to those who are comfortable with interpreting completely mangled ******* English.


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You made a marvelous job of digging your own grave Orca.
Glad I didn`t have any time to lend a hand as I would have only messed it up.

Cheers, awsome job!

When you`re on the board of directors, financial institution or terrorist organizations like say, ANC? you do not go "lalalalalala" when your fellow board members decide to "whipe" some depts "clean" or kill a few people, pointing a fingure "but, it was their fault!" and claim you are innocent.
It that flies, half of europe would take up arms and become "freedom fighters", as we have no real armies, we would win and get away with murder aswell...

Hmm... "NO MORE TAXES! NO MORE TAXES! "NO MORE TA..." *fail*, was worth a try...

Oh, almost forgot befor you claim I`m still lying and spreading pure evil incase he didn`t held high ranking positions:

Yes, they have a website, who would have thought!
Just no hit counter, weird.


Damnit, why did it quote you Dresden grr...

ps; I`m sorry Rudolph, but I`m starting to like you :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
pss; Will say it again as it still hasn`t gone through your thick skull, I AM NOT AN AMERICAN! I sit in a comfy chair in Holland and when not sitting on my arse replying to stupid posts I work 12 hours a day, still don`t know why..., in *drumroll******* HOLLAND!

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

I AM NOT AN AMERICAN! I sit in a comfy chair in Holland and when not sitting on my arse replying to stupid posts I work 12 hours a day, still don`t know why..., in *drumroll******* HOLLAND!

Sorry Alicia, you have given yourself away as an American, who thinks the country is called Holland, whereas all educated Europeans know that Holland is just a small part of The Netherlands.

I bet you don't like me now!


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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

The Dutch have promoted their own country as Holland since long before I was born. I don't think you have proven anything here.

And there was me thinking that the Kingdom of Holland was an artificial political construct imposed upon the Dutch by that nasty terrorist supreme statesman Napoleon (I wonder what happened to him? Oh, that's right, he got stuffed by the British and became the subject of an awkward palindromic sentence: "Able was I ere I saw Elba") which admittedly was long before you were born.

But the same thing has happened to you, has it not, Tish, and perhaps things have changed since you got exiled?


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Laetizia Coronet wrote:

Anyone tooting the terrorist horn without mentioning the extreme violence of the Apartheid regime is deliberately falsifying history.

"Tooting the terrorist horn"?

I think you need to cover those English lessons again. You make the struggle against apartheid sound like a Noddy story.


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You made a marvelous job of digging your own grave Orca.

Strange tho, I feel very clean, healthy and positively sure I'm nort in any grave.

Glad I didn`t have any time to lend a hand as I would have only messed it up.

Oh, believe me you messed up in the very moment you decided to "contribute" to this thread with some anti-human hatecrap posting.


ps; I`m sorry Rudolph, but I`m starting to like you

I pity you for your bad taste.

pss; Will say it again as it still hasn`t gone through your thick skull, I AM NOT AN AMERICAN!

No need to say it again, since I was told that insignificant piece of info already some days ago. Hello?

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I don't know how long you studied geography - about as long (or should that be "briefly") as you have studied English, History and Politics

Only history, sorry.

For most people there is only one American continent in existence, and far as I know, it's even officially just one continent. Not that it matters in any way, since it's got nothing to do with Mandela's character that you tried to trample in the dust ... and failed just so badly. It's really hilarious.


UK (the only truly civilised continent,

Not that I've been warned often enough not to feed the trolls, I still find it sometimes amusing to deal with little pinschers like you, particularly when they are deviating so far offf topic they get tangled up in their own misconceptions. The UK is not a continent, for fox sake! And since when was the UK a reference for anything, eh? Stupid selfish little country, soon to be cut off from the real  Europe. Go on, I  can hardly wait. But ok, the beeb makes some awesome telewishen, I gottta give you that.

As for the rest of your posts: all since your very first wrongful attack on Mandela was nothing but insignificant babble. Thank you for destroying a once nice little thread that was intended to honour Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. You're not half as clever as you want to appear here, else you wouldn't always succumb to your inner child and try to win an unwinnnable argument with insignificant factoids. Deviation may once have worked but these times are over since a couple years. But thanks for the entertainment.


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Orca Flotta wrote:


For most people there is only one American continent in existence, and far as I know, it's even officially just one continent.



I recall learning in geography that, amongst the continents of the world, there was North America and South America as has been mentioned, as well as Central America.  Apparently, everyone posting is "correct" based on how they have been taught.  I found this quite interesting.

Quoting from part of the article:

In Europe and other parts of the world, many students are taught of six continents, where North and South America are combined to form a single continent of America.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

and other parts of the world, many students are taught of six continents, where North and South America are combined to form a single continent of America.

That would be Continental Europe, which excludes the UK. We have better educational systems, particularly where geography is concerned. (I'm reminded of a headline in The Times: "Bad fog in English Channel - Europe cut off from civilisation".)

Don't you find it interesting that the maps labelled in English recognise the reality of two American Continents, whereas those labelled in French demonstrate how they still have a chip on their shoulder that they got kicked out of North America (except for small residual ghettos in Canada and Louisiana) by the British, and the Spanish got to South America first. Never mind, they still have the Central African Republic, Syria and Libya as semi-dependencies.

While we Brits have the glorious Falklands and Gibraltar!

Whereas the Germans have nowhere to retire to - unless you count Argentina, although that's all in the past, isn't it?

Congratulations, by the way, to Gibraltar on becoming FIFA's newest member.


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A3123 wrote:

You people are all sitting at a computer and you can't be bothered to search for the names of the continents?


7 continents.jpg


I can guess your post was an attempt to put others down for their lack of map skills, or inability(perhaps lack of desire) to find a map that lists the continents. However, you should know this map is labelled incorrectly, and that alone will prove to invalidate your point to many people who would reply, lol. North and South America are reversed here. Regardless of what others may call the two America continents(be it one, or two), they don't magically switch places just because. They still remain right where they've been all along. They're not twins so switching places to trick people isn't something they could easily pull off. I'm also pretty certain that if they did manage finding a way to switch places, it would not be so friggen cold here right now.

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