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When Will LL Finally Solve This Teleport Issue ?

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Sometimes it can be literally impossible to teleport out of a sim and into another one. You try and try again....but no, the system just wont do it. Removing worn items such as HUDs can occasionally make a difference, but even that doesn't always work.

And yet...if you just log off and then back on again specifying that you want to log in at your required sim...that works !

So, howcome logging out and in again works, yet the system can't just spare one that trouble and do the equivalent jiggery pokery in the background and get one from A to B ? Perhaps there could be some special function that kicks in on more than two TP attempts. I suspect this doesn't require hiring rocket scientists.

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When that happens, try going by a roundabout route to save relogging. When I can't teleport out of a sim to my chosen destination and it has nothing to do with any attachments, I select Smith (a Linden water sim) as my initial destination, which invariably works, and from there to my final destination.

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Verena Vuckovic wrote:

Sometimes it can be literally impossible to teleport out of a sim and into another one. You try and try again....but no, the system just wont do it. Removing worn items such as HUDs can occasionally make a difference, but even that doesn't always work.

And yet...if you just log off and then back on again specifying that you want to log in at your required sim...that works !

So, howcome logging out and in again works, yet the system can't just spare one that trouble and do the equivalent jiggery pokery in the background and get one from A to B ? Perhaps there could be some special function that kicks in on more than two TP attempts. I suspect this doesn't require hiring rocket scientists.

When you teleport your information has to be handed from one simulator to another within a set, fairly short period of time so that your avatar isn't caught in limbo. Taking HUD's off can help because it reduces the amount of information sent.  Logging into a region can be done in a much more leisurely way. It's similar to running a relay race - nobody drops the baton at the start of the first leg, but during the race itself baton handoffs get messed up fairly frequently even though the act of passing a small aluminum pipe from one person to another doesn't seem difficult.

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"When that happens, try going by a roundabout route to save relogging."


Oh, I've tried that too.  I even have a specially designated 'low lag' sim ( one of the ocean sims ) to use for that. But the fact is, even that doesn't always work. It's not so much that the new sim wont let you in...its the current sim that wont let you out.



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When it makes it to the top of someone's "things I feel like doing" pile.  There are far older outstanding bugs and problems with SL.  Project sunshine should help, in that it will reduce network traffice; making everything faster and more reliable.  Plus, once it's finished, people can move on to something else - who knows, they might work on teleport stability :-)

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I've also found that, sometimes, launching yourself to high heavens and then trying teleporting from that high altitude also increases the probability of TP success; many viewers allow you enter a command that will send you to any altitude given (for example, in Firestorm I can type gth 4000 in local chat) and, once that high (if the sim is really laggy, even that will take a while, but there's no hurry there), you can try teleporting to your destination sim, or to that low-lag intermediate region, or wherever. Lately it's become less feasible because many areas force you to a landing point and try disallowing point-to-point teleports, and some viewer's local teleport function have trouble defeating that, so when you try the gth command, you'll end up rushing to that landing point and then maybe start flying -and somewhat slowly, too-. But it's still worth a try, not so much because it beats trying TP'ing out many times... but because sometimes, after several tries, the region simply logs you out.


But yeah, I wish they fixed that, perhaps by giving higher priority to 'TP out' requests... after all, if a region is so laggy, I'd say it's in its server's best interest to get rid as soon as possible of avatars that want, in fact, to get out.

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Ren Toxx wrote:

I've also found that, sometimes, launching yourself to high heavens and then trying teleporting from that high altitude also increases the probability of TP success; many viewers allow you enter a command that will send you to any altitude given (for example, in Firestorm I can type
gth 4000
in local chat) and, once that high (if the sim is really laggy, even that will take a while, but there's no hurry there), you can try teleporting to your destination sim, or to that low-lag intermediate region, or wherever. 
Lately it's become less feasible because many areas force you to a landing point and try disallowing point-to-point teleports, and some viewer's local teleport function have trouble defeating that,
so when you try the gth command, you'll end up rushing to that landing point and 
maybe start flying -and somewhat slowly, too-. But it's still worth a try, not so much because it beats trying TP'ing out many times... but because sometimes, after several tries, the region simply logs you out.


But yeah, I wish they fixed that, perhaps by giving higher priority to
'TP out'
requests... after all, if a region is so laggy, I'd say it's in its server's best interest to get rid as soon as possible of avatars that want, in fact, to get out.

I did the Bold... So, if you use a viewer that defeat what the sim owner would like... but wait, that sounds like a griefer thing to do. The owner has spent good money for that sim and if they don't want you to point-to-point, then using a viewer to tell them to shut up and leave you alone, is wrong.

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"So, if you use a viewer that defeat what the sim owner would like... but wait, that sounds like a griefer thing to do"

I'm such a sim-owner. I don't want people TP-ing around willy-nilly in a roleplay environment because it can upset people's games or activities if somebody pops up right in the middle of it. However, I would not object to people shooting up to 4000 metres in order to be able to leave my sim and go to another one. It's all a question of impact and intent.

Somebody from outside trying to use the map to TP into the cluster of green dots they've spotted isn't so much a griefer thing as a case of people not considering what the people already there might want: if it's a club then they are usually happy to have new arrivals, if they're carefully arranging a photo-shoot or re-enacting an historical scene, they probably don't. A visitor who hasn't read the sim description or got a copy of it's rules from the arrival point isn't going to be able to work this out, and so I use landing points. There is nothing I can do to help them actually leave once the've got there, apart from ejecting and banning them, which is a bit drastic @)

Going back to the methods being suggested to the OP for getting away from a sim, I myself have tried all the tricks, removing scripted items, walking around, and of all those, walking seems the one most likely to work. It seems that walking away from a cluster of avatars makes it more likely to get the TP to work first time.

I have also been told that sitting on an object, since it then removes you from the list of things the physics engine has to keep track of, also makes it easier for you to get a TP to work, but I;ve never been able to prove this to my satisfaction.

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Profaitchikenz Haiku wrote:

"So, if you use a viewer that defeat what the sim owner would like... but wait, that sounds like a griefer thing to do"

I'm such a sim-owner. I don't want people TP-ing around willy-nilly in a roleplay environment because it can upset people's games or activities if somebody pops up right in the middle of it. However, I would not object to people shooting up to 4000 metres in order to be able to leave my sim and go to another one.
It's all a question of impact and intent.

Somebody from outside trying to use the map to TP into the cluster of green dots they've spotted isn't so much a griefer thing as a case of people not considering what the people already there might want: if it's a club then they are usually happy to have new arrivals, if they're carefully arranging a photo-shoot or re-enacting an historical scene, they probably don't. A visitor who hasn't read the sim description or got a copy of it's rules from the arrival point isn't going to be able to work this out, and so I use landing points. There is nothing I can do to help them actually leave once the've got there, apart from ejecting and banning them, which is a bit drastic @)

Going back to the methods being suggested to the OP for getting away from a sim, I myself have tried all the tricks, removing scripted items, walking around, and of all those, walking seems the one most likely to work. It seems that walking away from a cluster of avatars makes it more likely to get the TP to work first time.

I have also been told that sitting on an object, since it then removes you from the list of things the physics engine has to keep track of, also makes it easier for you to get a TP to work, but I;ve never been able to prove this to my satisfaction.

I did the Bold...  Yes, the big word here in intent. If you use a viewer that allows you to copybot but that is not your intent, then whats the problem. The problem, as I see it is, giving the ability does not give the intelligence to use it wisely. Even if most do, to many will not.

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Teagan Tobias wrote: [...]
... but wait, that sounds like a griefer thing to do [...]

To be honest, I'm not particularly worried about the opinion of people who tend to always make the worst possible assumption in such fashion; but if a sim owner truly prefers me to keep lagging his sim by more conventional and much slower means of trying to TP out, instead of using well-known tricks to do it faster for everyone's benefit, then said owner is welcome to ban me. Chances are I'll have just as little interest in ever coming back there.

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I don't mind being the one out in the cold on this, and other points. I'm just worried that some don't find it just a little odd that when Linden Lab has gone out of there way to code it so the sim owner can have control over this, that a viewer is in essence saying, well yes Linden Lab has made it so you can't do this, but what do they know, here you go, and don't worry about the Lab, just do what you please.

So why stop there?

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I don't mind being the one out in the cold on this, and other points. I'm just worried that some don't find it just a little odd that when Linden Lab has gone out of there way to code it so the sim owner can have control over this, that a viewer is in essence saying, well yes Linden Lab has made it so you can't do this, but what do they know, here you go, and don't worry about the Lab, just do what you please.

So why stop there?

There have always been overides in the Official Viewers.  You just need to know where to find them.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Oh, sorry, my bad. I don't use that other viewer, would you be so kind and tell me the Debut Setting so I can use it too. Thanks in advance.

Edit:  Debug setting, honest that was a typo.

I was speaking more in general, hence my use of the plural "overrides" in my statement, "There have always been overrides in the Official Viewers."

However, in the thing that Linden Lab pretends is a Viewer anymore, if you enable the Admin Menu you will find that you can fly in "no fly zones" and that double click teleport works if you enable it in preferences where TP points are set.  The TP'ing is a little buggy.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I haven't been able to decipher why.  But I really only use the official viewer for debug purposes and I'm not into spending my time on figuring out all the "why's."  Once I started using TPV's that had functions set where it made sense to have them I kind of gave up on the Official Viewer.  I did spend a few minutes testing before posting my answer. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Teagan Tobias wrote:

Oh, sorry, my bad. I don't use that other viewer, would you be so kind and tell me the Debut Setting so I can use it too. Thanks in advance.

Edit:  Debug setting, honest that was a typo.

I was speaking more in general, hence my use of the plural "overrides" in my statement, "There have always been overrides in the Official Viewers."

However, in the thing that Linden Lab pretends is a Viewer anymore, if you enable the Admin Menu you will find that you can fly in "no fly zones" and that double click teleport works if you enable it in preferences where TP points are set.  The TP'ing is a little buggy.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I haven't been able to decipher why.  But I really only use the official viewer for debug purposes and I'm not into spending my time on figuring out all the "why's."  Once I started using TPV's that had functions set where it made sense to have them I kind of gave up on the Official Viewer.  I did spend a few minutes testing before posting my answer. 

I don't fly that much so I will need to look into that one some. But I use the double click teleport all the time and if a forced landing point is set, I always end up there. I say always but I could be overriding it and not knowing it. But then I should be able to force a teleport to another location when I am returned to the forced landing point, but that is not working, ever. I am thinking there is a difference between a forced landing point and a landing point for a LM. It looks to me that the double click will work as long as there is no forced landing point for the sim. So it looks like that is not an override of the coding of the viewer. Not sure how I will test the no fly, it shows up on the viewer that you are in a no fly area, I'll do some looking around but from what I have seen the LL viewer does not override its own coding.

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OK, as for the fly in no fly zones, activate the admin menu. Well you need to be an admin to get to the admin menu. So, no, you cant override the no fly unless you are the admin on the sim, and that sounds logical, its your sim, you can override. But for the rest of everyone else, no. Unless you use a viewer that hacks the LL viewer code and lets you fly when the admin has turned it off and does not want you flying around.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Teagan Tobias wrote:

Oh, sorry, my bad. I don't use that other viewer, would you be so kind and tell me the Debut Setting so I can use it too. Thanks in advance.

Edit:  Debug setting, honest that was a typo.

I was speaking more in general, hence my use of the plural "overrides" in my statement, "There have always been overrides in the Official Viewers."

However, in the thing that Linden Lab pretends is a Viewer anymore, if you enable the Admin Menu you will find that you can fly in "no fly zones" and that double click teleport works if you enable it in preferences where TP points are set.  The TP'ing is a little buggy.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I haven't been able to decipher why.  But I really only use the official viewer for debug purposes and I'm not into spending my time on figuring out all the "why's."  Once I started using TPV's that had functions set where it made sense to have them I kind of gave up on the Official Viewer.  I did spend a few minutes testing before posting my answer. 

I don't fly that much so I will need to look into that one some. But I use the double click teleport all the time and if a forced landing point is set, I always end up there. I say always but I could be overriding it and not knowing it. But then I should be able to force a teleport to another location when I am returned to the forced landing point, but that is not working, ever. I am thinking there is a difference between a forced landing point and a landing point for a LM. It looks to me that the double click will work as long as there is no forced landing point for the sim. So it looks like that is not an override of the coding of the viewer. Not sure how I will test the no fly, it shows up on the viewer that you are in a no fly area, I'll do some looking around but from what I have seen the LL viewer does not override its own coding.

We were talking about overriding the Land Owners preferences, not overriding the Viewer's own coding.

If you enable the admin menu in the debug settings, you can fly in a region that has no fly enabled.  ETA, I just did it this afternoon with the official viewer.

There are some oddball ways LL handles some land permissions.

There used to be a setting in Viewer 1, "About Land," to "Forbid Take LandMark."  If I set this on my land, someone using Viewer1 could not create/take a LandMark on my land. 

When Viewer 2 was introduced, it got left out.  So even though I had set it with Viewer 1, someone using Viewer 2 could still create/take a LM on my property.  Anyone using Viewer 1 could not.

Oddly enough, I was helping Phil Deakins debug a problem at his store about 6 months ago.  I still had a copy of viewer 1 and logged in with it.  I went back to where I had rented years ago and astoundingly, at that location, I could not create/take a LM.  But with Viewers 2, 3 & 4 I could.  Crazy stuff.

There are some land settings that the choice to "ignore" them is in the Viewer.  You just need to know the right debug setting.  I don't know them all and I don't know which may or may not be currently active.  But they are there.

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Perrie said:

We were talking about overriding the Land Owners preferences, not overriding the Viewer's own coding.

Overriding the Land Owners preferences by a TPV giving you the ability (coding override), where LL viewer will not let you do it.

I got the Admin menu activated but see nothing in it about being able to override no fly. Unless it has some really strange name. I did see things like, take ownership of land, but that will not let you fly. I did not even see it in the god tools. I will look through the debug settings and see what I can come up with.

Perrie said:

If I set this on my land, someone using Viewer1 could not create/take a LandMark on my land.

I remember that, surprised me the first time I came across it.


But, like I said earlier, walking prior to teleport made my teleports happen first try a lot more often, as in most of the time.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Perrie said:

We were talking about overriding the Land Owners preferences, not overriding the Viewer's own coding.

Overriding the Land Owners preferences by a TPV giving you the ability (coding override), where LL viewer will not let you do it.

I got the Admin menu activated but see nothing in it about being able to override no fly. Unless it has some really strange name. I did see things like, take ownership of land, but that will not let you fly. I did not even see it in the god tools. I will look through the debug settings and see what I can come up with.

Perrie said:

If I set this on my land, someone using Viewer1 could not create/take a LandMark on my land.

I remember that, surprised me the first time I came across it.


But, like I said earlier, walking prior to teleport made my teleports happen first try a lot more often, as in most of the time.

Enabling the Admin menu itself IS the override - for quite a few of the items Perrie was talking about.

The override in Third Party clients came about after someone discovered exactly what code in the activation of the menu caused the override to occur.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Thank you Solar. Fly works but the point-to-point does not work [for me]. The Admin menu also turns on build, everywhere. Being homeless that will come in handy
I can set a box down and open it without going to a nasty sandbox, will see. But again, thanks.

I remember hearing that, in Firestorm, the point to point TP override is available because of a script in the bridge.  I forget what LSL function it uses, but I believe it's not possible without it... so if you don't wear the bridge, you can't override a set landing point.  In which case, it's not surprizing that you can't do it in the official viewer.  I do wonder if someone still wearing the Firestorm bridge, while they're signed on in the official viewer, might still be able to do it.


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