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Objects That Rez Keep Going Blurry and Rezzing All The Time

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Hello everyone:

So far I've only seen this in the firestorm viewer but then again, it's the only viewer I use.  But lately I've been having a bad issue where when objects fully rez, they keep going blurry than clear and so on and so forth.  Does anyone know why this is happening?  It's very annoying.

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Same here... would be interested in solutions. I think it has something to do with texture memory being filled, but nothing more specific and/or useful. Only relogging seems to stop it, but that's too cumbersome, and after a while, and especially under highest quality settings, it starts again; very annoying for high-res, high-quality photography :smileysad:

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Thanks, Eve. So it seems I have the exact same problem as you: not overly high LOD, texture memory usage WAY below the maximum 512 Mb... yet textures start getting 'discarded' (reloaded, thus blurry every few secs), bias going to 4.5 - 5... will get permanently sharp if I put my mouse pointer over one of them, but then the rest will go blurry (I'm thinking buying about 50 mice, to put pointers all over the scene, lol). I've been having this problem for months now, with Firestorm... it gets far worse in environments with high use of mesh; I honestly thought my high end graphics card wasn't enough somehow, due to insufficient memory (God knows some places really load your hardware, lol), but the bar graphs are clear... it's certainly not that, there's ample margin left to load more whenever I check the stats.


The only working suggestion I deduced from all that technical stuff at the JIRA is to lower the LOD to about 2... that'll probably give me problems with certain objects (jewellery, etc.) but it's worth a try. Did it work for you?



ETA; I've found that temporarily setting TextureLoadFullRes to TRUE in the debug settings does make all previously blurry textures fully load, and stay that way for as long as it's kept that way; I've even added a handy checkbox-style shortcut for it in Firestorm's new customizable quick settings panel. Of course this should be only used momentarily, for example when ready to take a high-res snapshot... because the viewer does indeed grumble & sweat quite a bit while this setting is on. But I still wish there was some sort of setting or fix to make texture discard a bit less agressive in the first place, at least for those of us whose graphics card do have the memory for them.

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Im having the same problem. but bound stats on some sims is 476/512 (or even 543/512) and on others its 172/512 and on the latter one the sim wont go blurry or rerez.

Is this an SL glitch or something setting wise? since it only happens when bound is high. but then again, those are the best sims to visit....



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 If you have two monitors or a shared memory video card you are unlikely to ever see a solution for this. As time goes by and SL takes up more and more of your low spec PC memory (That includes low end macs) then you will see it....

There comes a day when you wll need to spend $50 on a video card, unless of course you are using a laptop.. in which case... forget it.


Basically if you are seeing the blurring textire business, you are stuck with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

those two above me... seriously.. if you dont know what this is about, don't reply. you guys are missing the point. JAyden: It's been happening with good videocards aswell. I'm running two GTX 460 in SLI and it's happening. And for others that are running outdated nvidia XXXX cards dont have the problem.

Mitchell: That's a complete different blur ur talking about. This issue is about texture loading problems.

I've also been experiencing this "reloading textures" issue and i do not know how to fix it. I can only assume LL has implemented this "bug" somehow with their recent texture-related dev activities. and this is just what happened to be one of the results.

If Project Sunshine fixes this issue... fine. then go ahead and implement it already because it's annoying the cr*p out of me and others aswell. If not... you've failed! Great, u fixed avs not loading correctly but now all of a sudden EVERYTHING ELSE around the avs are constantly reloading. How spiffing(!)

Anyhow... this IS a problem that also relate to texture memory buffer issues that cause FPS drops. When FPS drops from 60fps to 2fps because it needs to "load" a texture... this becomes a problem!

Related Links to this issue:




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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I totally agree with you too and now I am posting in 2014 and having the same prob.  I never had this prob on my old imac with 256 mb ram on the graphics card. i just spent a huge amount of money on a new Imac with 32 mg ram and 4mb of dedicated graphics and I have the problem the first time on FS and it is driving me crazy. Frankly i don't think i can spend more on a computer if I tried.... I  don't believe it is my computer. And if I am stuck with it, lol,  then i see no reason to pay over $300US for a private sim to watch the problem on it. I think SL needs to fix this. Perhaps things have changed with this prob since 2013 when this message was first posted - I am posting now in 21014 but I have never had this prob before and, as i say it is driving me crazy.I think something else is going on here. It's a bug ....

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Arton Tripsa wrote:

new Imac with 32 mg ram and 4mb of dedicated graphics

Hopefully these aren't accurate. 32 Milligrams of a ram is not suitable for operating anything, let alone Second Life. Mb (megabytes) is at least a more typical unit of measurement, but you'll need more than 4 of these to run Second Life.

You should post some accurate information about your computer, including your viewer name and version, how you connect to your LAN, which ISP you're on, and the part number of your router.

iOS for Mac has significant problems in performing well in Second Life, this is mostly due to Apple refusing to improve their handling of OpenGL. I don't think this relates to your problem, but I do find it curious that people still think Apple devices provide reasonable performance.

You should also follow the link provided by Rolig, above, pointing toward HTTP Fetching Issues.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just stumbled upon this post because I was trying to find a solution or even an answer to THIS exact problem. My Avatar looks fine, but all the textures around me are constantly reloading. I was on Singularity for some time and never had this problem, but since I switched back to Firestorm it became a daily routine... It's sooo annoying... :matte-motes-sour:

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Chuckey Jigsaw wrote:

I just stumbled upon this post because I was trying to find a solution or even an answer to THIS exact problem. My Avatar looks fine, but all the textures around me are constantly reloading. I was on Singularity for some time and never had this problem, but since I switched back to Firestorm it became a daily routine... It's sooo annoying... :matte-motes-sour:

Do you have either a Toddleedoo or Wowmeh mesh avatar and wear the HUD often? When you wear those HUD's there's a good chance they'll contain so many textures that they'll cause what you're seeing. If that's the problem, detaching the HUD and only wearing it when you actually need it will fix it.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Chuckey Jigsaw wrote:

I just stumbled upon this post because I was trying to find a solution or even an answer to THIS exact problem. My Avatar looks fine, but all the textures around me are constantly reloading. I was on Singularity for some time and never had this problem, but since I switched back to Firestorm it became a daily routine... It's sooo annoying... :matte-motes-sour:

Do you have either a Toddleedoo or Wowmeh mesh avatar and wear the HUD often? When you wear those HUD's there's a good chance they'll contain so many textures that they'll cause what you're seeing. If that's the problem, detaching the HUD and only wearing it when you actually need it will fix it.

I've just recently had the same issue affecting me with both the LL viewer and Catznip. Both are the most recent release. It even happened on my build platform where there are no more than a dozen textures in sight other than my avatar.

Removing my WowMeh HUD solved the problem, reattaching it brought it back. I'm not sure if that's scientifc evidence, but it's pretty strong correlation. Thanks for the solution.

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i know EXACTLY why this is happening, some coder for sl source code,, or one of its adopted client source codes,, has large confused with small, HIGH LOD also known as level of detail is handled in germany by showing a LARGER number

nominally 0 lod should mean do not change the lod - leave it at maximum detail, but because there is conflicting code related to lod, it toggles and waists time and lag loading and unloading the same image over and over, and loading and downloading them at that.

ps lindens wanna point you back to this post so it can be furthered along. has been months and i see no action


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Kelli May wrote:

[ .... ]  Removing my WowMeh HUD solved the problem, reattaching it brought it back. I'm not sure if that's scientifc evidence, but it's pretty strong correlation. Thanks for the solution.

 Yup.  That's apparently the issue.  It's another one of those unanticipated side effects of the new mesh avatars.  The support team at Firestorm has been recommending that cure recently, and it works.  Only wear the WowMeh HUD when you really need it.


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  • 1 year later...

Karolanne Placebo wrote:

it happen to me & im on catzip viewer it seems to be with everyone much there list n list of it on search with google I can remember when i play secondlife without texture fuzzy :<

This thread is more than a year old Karolanne, and the problem we had back then was eventually solved.

But you're still right. Texture thrashing is back! I wonder how long it'll take before they fix it this time.

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  • 1 year later...
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