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Can I uncapitalize a letter in my username?

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Hello, I was wondering it that's possible. My username is FyreLily, and I want to change that uppercase L in Lily to lowercase, so that it looks like Fyrelily. I would just make a new account with a different name, because this one is brand new. But I really like the name that I have, minus the capital L.

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FyreLily wrote:

I thought I read somewhere that you can contact certain people ingame to ask if they can do this for you. I just have no idea who I would contact.

You could try and file a support ticket.  See my Sig Line for a link on how to do this.

But generally speaking, WYSIWYG.  As far as I know, LL has only allowed for name changes when the chosen name violated the TOS (included expletives).  These people were informed to contact support to arrange for a name change.

The service Wade referred to is as I understand for corporate customers.



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The choice of a custom name is only available to organizations.  You can't change the name of an existing account you have to set up a new one through a registration API.   The registration API is used by organizations so that staff, clients, faculty,  students etc create an account on the organizations web site and receive a LAST name that identifies them as part of the organization.    The fee is not $100 but $500 USD and has to be paid annually . Under the rules of most organizations , accounts set up like this generally are restricted to the estate of the organization (ie: it is impossible for someone with the chosen name to go anyplace else in SL, received IM's use search etc.) or can only be  used when you are using the account in the official capacity that it was intended for, such as representing a business at a seminar.  The last name you use must be organizational in nature.  For example you can't use Jones, it has to be JonesInc., JonesUniv. etc.

Here's a link to complete information about the program.

LL also allows a RL celebrity to use their RL name as their avatar name.  Of course you have to submit RL proof that you are who you say you are.  It is used rarely, requires LL's consent,  and only when the celebrirty is a big name.  It is against the TOS and intellectual property policy to use a celebrity name when you are not them in RL.  So if you see Barack Obama in SL it really is him.  (he does have an account in SL as he came in to SL at least one time for political purposes)

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Penny Patton wrote:

The whole point of display names is to allow these changes.

People need to stop treating usernames like they're anything more than your login. Of course, LL doesn't help the matter any by making usernames displayed by default.

Why would people want to do that? Perhaps that's all your name means to you but mine is what I've been called for over six years in Second Life and I have no intention of making it a transitory display name. LL is wise in leaving matters alone and giving people the choice to either use a display name or not.

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No, Penny, don't say that! Even if it's technically true (which it most probably is), it's very cold and insensitive. Let me kinda misquote my computer and Linux heroine Jean Horten here: "my name is Orca Flotta not orca.flotta".

I chose that name, I grew up with that name, I had victories and defeats, fell in love, fell out of love, made friends, lost friends, suffered griefer attacks, fought off trolls and spammers, had good and bad times ... but I always was Orca Flotta and stayed true to myself. Orca Flotta has her own email accounts, a blog, a Flickr, a Koinup and a Tumblr account. According to Microsoft and various Linux distros she's also the owner of my computers and has a much richer social life than her stupid operator. So please don't tell me my name is just a login, it is my friggin' name ffs!!!

I tried display names a couple times. But only to show how replaceable they are. I was "has no name", "the artist formerly kown as ...", "KiLLer", "ORCS" and some other stupid things. But that's childplay and doesn't even come close to wearing a real name for your virtual persona.

BTW, I haven't seen you going by any other moniker than just Penny Patton neither.


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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Penny Patton wrote:

The whole point of display names is to allow these changes.

People need to stop treating usernames like they're anything more than your login. Of course, LL doesn't help the matter any by making usernames displayed by default.

Why would people want to do that? Perhaps that's all your name means to you but mine is what I've been called for over six years in Second Life and I have no intention of making it a transitory display name. LL is wise in leaving matters alone and giving people the choice to either use a display name or not.

My Username is who I am also.

LL screwed up names royally in SL.  There were a small number of people who wanted the ability to change names for Partnering or for Roleplay purposes.  A very understandable reason.



But much of LL's thinking in the changes had NOTHING to do with this.  They were trying to address the fact that people were quitting the sign up process at the name choice point.  They ignored the overwhelming counsel of the Residents and now we have a huge mess and it has not helped one bit in retaining new users.

If everyday someone was to log in to their favorite Roleplay SIM and not recognize who any of the 'players' were because they all kept changing their display names it would be total mass confusion. 

We identify ourselves by our names and we identify the people we know by their names.

NOT having the ability to have a display name never caused any problems.  The ability to have one has caused lots of problems.



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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Why would people want to do that? Perhaps that's all your name means to you but mine is what I've been called for over six years in Second Life and I have no intention of making it a transitory display name. LL is wise in leaving matters alone and giving people the choice to either use a display name or not.

You're being silly. If you want to go by your username then do that! It will show up as your display name. 

Orca Flotta wrote:

BTW, I haven't seen you going by any other moniker than just Penny Patton neither.


I can choose to use the name "Penny Patton", I can choose to change it to just "Penny", "Pennywise Patton", "Penne" Phillip M. Buttersnitchel Sr." (I've actually gone by the display name "Penny" for a year or so now. If display names were available when I first joined SL I would have joined much earlier and gone by the name I originally wanted rather than what SL forced on me.) If your avatar's name is "Orca Flotta" then use that! Nobody forces you to choose a different display name. I'm not saying people MUST abandon their name, I'm saying with the display name features you can choose to make changes to that name, or leave it the same as your username if you so desire.  

However, if you chose the name "orca Flotta" and then decided you wanted to capitalize the "o" in "orca", you could easily do so using display name features.

 If LL were smart from the beginning, then they would have had you chosen separate login and avatar names way back when they first opened SL up to the public, because it makes user accounts more secure. They can't do that now because of the way usernames are tied to scripts.

 Are display names "transitional"? Sure, but if we could make changes to our usernames, such as the OP is requesting, then usernames would also be transitional. The whole point to display names was to offer us that freedom.


 The whole argument that usernames are our "real" names and display names are meaningless is as arbitrary and silly as declaring system hair is our avatar's "real" hair and dismissing the existance of prim/mesh hair.

Perrie Juran wrote:

My Username is who I am also.

NOT having the ability to have a display name never caused any problems.  The ability to have one has caused lots of problems.


Never caused problems for you, maybe. 

Personally, I don't think the display name system is perfect, I think LL did a very poor job in introducing them, and continues to do so. I would have handled it differently.  I'd have hidden usernames from the day they were introduced and limited display names a bit more. (Like, not allowing duplicate names and probably limiting how frequently you could change your name more.) Then I'd have simply announced, "Hey, you can now make changes to your name."*

Would have avoided all this "usernames are real names" nonsense.


*Yeah, that's simplifying things. I know there's issues with the way scripts read names and I'm not sure if that could have been worked around.

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Penny Patton wrote:

Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Why would people want to do that? Perhaps that's all your name means to you but mine is what I've been called for over six years in Second Life and I have no intention of making it a transitory display name. LL is wise in leaving matters alone and giving people the choice to either use a display name or not.

You're being silly. If you want to go by your username then do that! It will show up as your display name. 


 The whole argument that usernames are our "real" names and display names are meaningless is as arbitrary and silly as declaring system hair is our avatar's "real" hair and dismissing the existance of prim/mesh hair.


Well at least now I know why I don't find myself in agreement with so many of the things you post. I'd chalked it up to the fact I'm not particularly concerned with the visual/graphic quality of the environment (nor am I qualified to discuss it in detail) while you so obviously are (both). But it's more than that. This from your post: "You're being silly" makes that clear. You are totally non-immersionist. Nothing wrong with that, but what is wrong is that after all the time you've spent in Second Life you apparently either don't understand immersionists or you feel free to express your contempt for us. Rather than saying "I don't feel that way because I'm not an immersionist.", you said, "You're being silly."



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Dillon Levenque wrote:

You are totally non-immersionist. Nothing wrong with that, but what is wrong is that after all the time you've spent in Second Life you apparently either don't understand immersionists or you feel free to express your contempt for us. Rather than saying "I don't feel that way because I'm not an immersionist.", you said, "You're being silly."


 Like Canoro says, your username shows up as your display name unless you choose to set it differently.

If you think this is some sort of immersionat/anti-immersionist argument, well all I can say is that display names offer more to immersionists and those who run around, insisting on using usernnames and irgnoring display names, are the anti-immersion crowd.

 The whole deal with showing both usernames and display names by default is also an immersion breaker, in addition to being unintuitive and unfriendly to new users who have even less freedom in choosing their usernames than we did when we were restricted to a list of surnames to choose from.

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Penny Patton said: You're being silly.

Well, tempted as I am, I won't descend to your level and start throwing derogatory adjectives at you.

Penny Patton said:  I can choose to use the name "Penny Patton", I can choose to change it to just "Penny", "Pennywise Patton", "Penne" Phillip M. Buttersnitchel Sr." (I've actually gone by the display name "Penny" for a year or so now.

Yes, you can but I have absolutely no interest in what you call yourself, just kindly refrain from telling me what I should call myself.

Penny Patton said: I'm not saying people MUST abandon their name, I'm saying with the display name features you can choose to make changes to that name, or leave it the same as your username if you so desire. 

You pretty much did say that "People need to stop treating usernames like they're anything more than your login."

As others have expressed too, no we don't, we don't even have to choose a display name if we so wish, so please get down off your high horse and stop trying to dictate to us how we choose to call ourselves.

Penny Patton said: If you want to go by your username then do that! It will show up as your display name. 

Like Canoro says, your username shows up as your display name unless you choose to set it differently.

My username is my SL name, it's not a display name and quite frankly, you don't seem to understand usernames and display names too well if you think my username shows up as a display name. A username shows above an avatar's head if no display name is chosen, that does not make it a display name. Usernames are unique, display names are not and can be changed weekly. It would only show up as a display name if I set an identical display name to my username and that would be somewhat pointless, wouldn't it, as well as no longer being unique. You can argue 'well it's displayed above my head', yes it is but it's still a username, not a display name, no matter how you try to twist it.

A resident can choose to be known by a display name and that's what I will call that person if they so wish (as long as I make sense of it, not always the case). All you have to do is treat people who wish to be known by their usernames with similar respect.

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

I think your name is excellent even with a capital L.

You chose better than most.

Well done

Actually I thought this also.  She did not state why she wanted to change it.  But I like what she did.

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Penny Patton wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

You are totally non-immersionist. Nothing wrong with that, but what is wrong is that after all the time you've spent in Second Life you apparently either don't understand immersionists or you feel free to express your contempt for us. Rather than saying "I don't feel that way because I'm not an immersionist.", you said, "You're being silly."


 Like Canoro says, your username shows up as your display name unless you choose to set it differently.

If you think this is some sort of immersionat/anti-immersionist argument, well all I can say is that display names offer more to immersionists and those who run around, insisting on using usernnames and irgnoring display names, are the anti-immersion crowd.

 The whole deal with showing both usernames and display names by default is also an immersion breaker, in addition to being unintuitive and unfriendly to new users who have even less freedom in choosing their usernames than we did when we were restricted to a list of surnames to choose from.


I do know how display names work. I always assume that if someone has taken the trouble to create a display name, that's the name I should use when speaking to them. I don't ignore display names (although I will confess that if someone's display name is not easily translatable into the A-Z alphabet I am familiar with I may not bother speaking at all).

There is nothing at all about using a display name that is an immersion-breaker. Quite the opposite, in my opinion. Having a display name tells me that an avatar has identified with his or her self. I do know some change their DN's almost as often as they change their socks, but in general the people I know keep their names. That's because it is part of them. It is who they are. It's a piece of their identity.

Oh, wait. I"m being silly, in your clearly stated opinion. And it was that clearly stated opinion to which I responded.


ETA Penny Patton's post

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Thirded. If that's not allowed under Robert's Rules, then "Yeah, me too.". Very nice name. Fyre could use a display name if a change in perception is needed: Fyre, or  Lily, or Fyrelily, or Fyre Lily.

Gee, the more I look at it the more I like it. Way to go, Fyre. Since so much of what we do here is typed/read text, you have come up with a name that is attractive all by itself. :-)

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