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Image Cleanup Update (WEB-4587)


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For those of you who have had an incorrect image appearing on your listings--or have seen your image on someone else’s listings, we have come up with a supported process to get these listings cleaned up.

Someone Else’s Image on My Listing
If you are seeing someone else’s image on your listing, you should be receiving an email with a link for you to go remove those images from your listings. These images will be returned to the listing we have identified as correct. Any listings not reviewed by May 15, 2013 will be unlisted until the Merchant has a chance to remove the image manually and reactivate the listing. We will provide a summarized list of these and notify all Merchants whose listings have been deactivated.

My Image on Someone Else’s Listing
If your image is appearing on another Merchant’s listing, the following will happen:

  1. The Merchant will be notified to review their listing and confirm that the image does not belong with their listing.
  2. The image will be returned to your listing. At this point, you will be able to review your updated listing here (link). This may occur after the review period for step 1 has already completed.

If the listing your image is appearing on is not reviewed in step 1, the listing will be unlisted to prevent your image from appearing on the incorrect listing.

We appreciate your help in getting this cleaned up.

UPDATE May 15, 2013

The period for updating listings has ended.  To ensure that incorrect listings are not shown to customers, we have taken down listings that have not been reviewed. Merchants can view a list of items taken down, if any. (Note that this page will be empty if none of your listings were affected.) Please review and make any changes before reactivating.

Some Merchants may have removed images from their listings, at which point we determined those images belong with another Merchant’s listing. You may check to see if any of your listings were affected, and review them for accuracy.  You may then manually update listings that need further corrections.

Thank you for your help!

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Thank you :) 

I hope it is normal that all of my listings that I corrected are in fact items that I had deleted over a year ago? I no longer have any access to them on my side. 

Here's hoping the person whose hair texture is in my listing will fix theirs soon (a listing which shows up on my storefront even though the item is NOT even in my store inventory anymore)

I am so happy to see progress with this, thanks!

 (edited to add the link to listing just in case it's wanted for reference. note that you can't actually go to the listing since it doesn't exist.

https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Loks-Livingroom-Set-Cherry-w-Suede-Low-Prim-LOW-PRIM-FURNITURE/1403627 )

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well, it would be awesome you provide a correct link in the email you sent !!!!!

ive been first jumping up and down after recieving your email, but then really disapointed when i clicked on the link and saw this :

mp link.png

i cant review the fix you are proposing if you dont give me a link that works, guys !

Do i need to use telepathy then ? 

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ok so i found a link working in my mp merchant account page..


how surprised ive been when i opened the link....

i thought i was in the 4th dimmension for some minutes....

so here are the pics you say that are displayed on my mp : among 7 pics, you are wrong about 4 of them (and well, im really glad these 4 ones have never appeared on my mp store indeed):



here are the pics that actually appears on my mp store : 


so yes, ill will answer to your link that you can delete all these crap pics, but there is one that you dont ask about and that has to be deleted too...


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Sera Lok wrote:

I hope it is normal that all of my listings that I corrected are in fact items that I had deleted over a year ago? I no longer have any access to them on my side. 

Same here. It was just one item, but I deleted it long ago.

I also had a message on the merchant dashboard about items having been delisted - yet none were. Odd.

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Miro Collas wrote:

Same here. It was just one item, but I deleted it long ago.

I also had a message on the merchant dashboard about items having been delisted - yet none were. Odd.

Thanks Miro, happy to know I am not the only one who got the "item delisted" mystery error message.


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OK so I got rid of those images on my items that were not mine and now my images (which show in merchant items) won't show in My Store.  I get no image showing or still  have some of the images I agreed don't belong.  When I bring each item up individually and put it in edit, it shows my original image there but it doesn't show on the listing.  I don't see where this has helped at all.

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Dear Commerce Team,


Over 75% of my listings, (I have over 100 listings on the MP), were affected by this bug. Luckily I was able to manually edit them some months ago, and so I spent hours and days of my time fixing them all.

This morning I received the email and followed the link. Two pictures were shown, and I chose to delete those. However, underneath those was a list of my listings where images had been removed from another merchant's listings. Here is the problem. Each one of those listings of mine now contains, once again, another merchant's image.

See here;




I had manually corrected all of these listings months ago. Why are they now containing other merchant's images again? Additionally, the extra images are ones which I haven't seen before in my listings..they are different to the images which I originally had troubles with.

I am concerned that we are entering into the same issues we had before. If I go and manually fix these listings now, which were fixed before I received your email, will it start to spread once again through all of my listings?

I sincerely hope not. I appreciate this attempt to clean up this bug, however, all it has done for my listings is make them worse and re-introduce other merchant's images.

angel6 Susanti

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I still have tonnes of images not matching my products..the products are not even in my inventory anymore and i have at least 1/2 dozen pages of non listings so when my customers click the item,it takes them to the main page.this is frustrating to them and me..loses me buisness as i have recieved offliners telling me my store is hacked lol.


please remove the old listings LL!..this issue has gone on far too long.

I have no access,ways or means to correct this and makes my store look ugly.

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In the correction list, I only found 3 images that I was finally able to cancel ,  but two of the images that need to be excluded, were not on that list correction.
therefore, I continue with 2 pictures of products that do not belong to me and more, 3 items without photo.

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I am sooooo confused. :matte-motes-crying:

Prior to my following the directions for the cleanup, I had the wrong images on three of my items BUT, they were duplicates.  The ones with the wrong images defaulted to the MP home page but the correct ones with the correct images were fine and could be accessed.

Now for two of these items there are still incorrect duplicates that default to the MP home page but the incorrect duplicates have no image; well, the gift box image that is the default "no image." 

Here's where it gets weird:  The remaining mixed listing item also had the duplicate, BUT the correct entry had been unlisted; I'm assuming for double listings, but that wasn't on my end.  I went into edit listings to relist it and correct the image (this one was totally blank).  I went through the upload an image process and it "seemed" to upload; however, this is what appears on the edit listings page:

Blank Listing - Heart Candle Classic.JPG

There is "something" listed as "Main" but no photo would upload; thus in my store the listing looks like this:

Blank Listing - Heart Candle Classic.JPG

On the duplicate entries, my store looks like this:

Duplicate Heart Candle - Tiny Hearts.JPG

Note the incorrect listing (blank image) is older - slightly different name & price.

In summary, I went from three items that had duplicates with other images that defaulted to the MP home page but the correct three were also listed.  Now I still have duplicate listings for two of the items, just with "no image" and one listing that I cannot place an image on and was unlisted as a duplicate.  End result, loss of one product available.  Fortunately it is one of my lesser-selling items.

Hoping that the May clean up will take the duplicates off my MP store and allow me to edit and relist one item.

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SL need to sort this issue out, I have no idea why it would take over a year to sort out but i can only assume they don't give a damn as they are still making money from us regardless. Sadly, if they sorted out the MP they would make more money as sales would go up

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fix this. I have deleted the images from the 6 products you shown me, I go to my merchant area and find the an ENTIRE PAGE of my listinbgs has been DEACTIVATED. I have to go with the laggy option of hitting LIST on eacvh item. And I lsit them aty 100 per page! AND to make matters WORSE the 6 items you originally sent me the corrections on, AREN"T EVEN IN MY LISTINGS AT ALL, not even in inactive they are just COMPLETELY GONE> What did you do and what do you intend to do oon fixing this?

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I'm glad this process was created and have already received and processed one message, listing a number of incorrect images.

However, there are a number of other incorrect images still in my store (TigerEye Design). Will there be another list?

Also, the more serious issue is that most of the incorrect image listings need to be removed and I CANNOT remove them because they are not in my inventory. They are spurious listings created from the original conversion, and I was not able to delete them through the Magic Box or any other method.

So far, no one had been able to advise me how to get rid of these items I cannot control. I would very much like them to be gone.

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They will delete these corrupted items later. 

Here is an answer i got from Dakota Linden some days ago :

"The fix is 2 phase.

The first phase is for merchants to verify the incorrect images that are linked to their listings.

The second phase will occur after the first phase is completed and should actually remove the images and remove any deleted listings that are still visible on your store that should not be there."

Let's just hope we wont have to wait 1 more year for the 2nd phase happens and we will be all fine :smileywink:

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Wow finally after couple months they found a solution to solve that issue, i was very happy but LL failed again, wrong pics, i still have 4 pics that doesnt belong to my creations, but thats not all, i noticed that i have now 3 listings mislabelled, 3 items have the name of an other item i have listed and no way to fix those items names, and one pic is missing for one of my item.

At least they tryed to solve the issue but the end result is a bigger mess !!


see below


wrong pics still there:

**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://d3qcduphvv2yxi.cloudfront.net/assets/2170355/view_small/LukasShape_composite_resized.jpg?1285465956" border="0" alt="Hyperion" />

items mislabelled: Celestys Sector A Tower

**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://d1ij7zv8zivhs3.cloudfront.net/assets/7453446/view_small/IGN.jpg?1364788517" border="0" alt="Celestys Sector A Tower v1.1 (Boxed)" />

One pic is missing: Elixor 1 Series Prefab Store

**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**s://marketplace.secondlife.com/assets/theme_slm/noimage/view_small-c03a9e147caa3802240bbf7e96c1b895.jpg" border="0" alt="View_small" />

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  • 2 weeks later...

None of the images suggested where the ones causing me problem. I still have 3 items in my shop showing wrong photo and I can't edit them.






when I click on the links I get redirected to marketplace home page.

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well thank you. I was able to remove the wrong picture but not the listing itself. This product does not exsist in my merchant account. I had that one in a xstreet box years ago. It does not show up in my shop items (cause i dont have it) it does not show in old xstreet boxes since i deleted it, BUT it still shows on the website and I cant remove it. so anny help of how to get rid of it would be very apreciated. Thank you.

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I don't understand this... I got the email and it changed the pictures but it changed it to PORN pictures... So, now I have 3 listings that don't even EXSIST! They're named as ollldddd items from my old store and I can't even remove them BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXSIST! LL won't remove them and I did the picture thing and LL put a picture of a girl sucking two guys off ON MY MARKETPLACE as a replacement for what the pictures are... Really? I mean like seriously!? LL has trolled me and I really hope these 3 listings are REMOVED... 

If you go to my marketplace and chose oldest first you'll see what LL has put as pictures.... Thanks alot ll i really appreciate it -............-

AngelRED Couture @ Marketplace

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Lexi Zelin wrote:

I don't understand this... I got the email and it changed the pictures but it changed it to PORN pictures... So, now I have 3 listings that don't even EXSIST! They're named as ollldddd items from my old store and I can't even remove them BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXSIST! LL won't remove them and I did the picture thing and LL put a picture of a girl sucking two guys off ON MY MARKETPLACE as a replacement for what the pictures are... Really? I mean like seriously!? LL has trolled me and I really hope these 3 listings are REMOVED... 

If you go to my marketplace and chose oldest first you'll see what LL has put as pictures.... Thanks alot ll i really appreciate it -............-

Oh, jeez.

I look at things like this, and then the hiring ads on the company website and I see one listing saying one thing an LL employee applicant should have is a thick skin.

They need thick skins so they can laugh off tons of valid complaints of customers and people trying to run a business in their cartoon world as trivial while convincing themselves that all of this is in some way acceptable or normal out there in the business world.

I would say that it could be worse, but explaining exactly how would be impossible here without a paragraph full of bleeps.

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Hahahah I know! I sent in a ticket and was told the Marketplace team is aware of this and to comment about it here so I did... lol It's funny to me honestly but, I'd imagine it could be offendiing many of my customers which can hurt my business so hopefully it is removed soon... :/ Even if they can't remove the listings themselves like... Can I get a picture of a clown or somthing PLEASE hahahhaa 

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