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Direct Delivery Migration For Dummys


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I am getting tired of seeing pages, and pages worth of "instructions" when it's a simple process. There's little know hows that are also not easily made available. Thought I'd put down my experiences so far and what to NOT do when dealing with the DD migration. 


1. Copy the contents of the magic box to your inventory. (Make sure to label the folder for these items)

2. Optional Step: Unpack boxes and sort into appropriate folders.

3. Now your ready to migrate! Open your Merchant outbox.

a. Folders can only be FOUR folders deep.
b. You can only upload 20 folders at a time.
c. You can only upload 100 items at a time.
d. Drop folders in the drop section to avoid putting folders, in other folders.
e. The name of the folder will be the name of the product.

4. Add your folder, and send to market place!

a. Sometimes you will see "failed to send to market place" just refresh your merchant listing and wait to see if it hasn't already uploaded.
b. Be paitent, leave the computer, go do something else otherwise it will be a slow and painful process.

5. ONLY create new listings if you have NOT listed a product before.

a. Edit the OLD listing, then click "EDIT ASSOCIATED OBJECT" then select the new item.
b. Update the item title.
c. Don't forget to switch the useage requirements to fit the product.

Whatever you do, DO NOT delete old listings and re-list as new objects to update them. Unfortunately Linden Labs did not expect people to make these mistakes
and in this case, can possibley result in a listing being banned/blocked due to breaking TOU. In that case you'll need to submit a ticket and explain what's going on.

If you did delete a listing, the best thing I can recommend is to make a note in the description ANY LABEL CHANGES and that it was ACCIDENTLY deleted to
prevent people from flagging it since there is no safeguard in this situation, and you'll have your product offline/loss in sales.

Additional, if you are having any issues, the quickest result is to contact via support ticket. Tell them exactly what's going on, and what you need resolved, and wait for a response. 


TO UPDATE A FOLDER. Simpley add the updated folder to the merchant outbox, and send. Open up your listings, check the contents if still not updated, go into edit associated object, select and update. But just updating the folder with the same name will update the contents. 

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PhoebeDesmons wrote:

I am getting tired of seeing pages, and pages worth of "instructions" when it's a simple process. 

I find your thread title and this quoted sentence condescending.

I guess some people will find this thread helpful, but it is just another of many threads exactly like it. You are just adding another thread to the pages worth of instructions already available, thus becoming part of the problem you are tired of.

The problem with DD migration is that it is not a simple process that works consistently for everyone. So whilst your experience with migration may have been positive to the extent that you self-righteously take it upon yourself to come here to tall us all how easy it is and how tired you are of reading threads of people who try to help instruct others, the fact of the matter is, if you follow Linden Lab's instructions....or your own for that matter, then there is no guarantee that your product will be migrated to DD successfully without issue.

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why would you  have folders within folders?

Also, the easiest and safest way to move them is to right click on the folder and hit "move to merchant outbox." that way you don't accidentally give it to someone , or have it rezz. 

I also found your title and instructions very condescending.


one tip you forgot to mention is to do all of this on an empty sim.. so there is no lag.

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Just my 2 cents but I don't think the title was meant to be offensive to anyone. I'm guessing it was simply a rehash of the old "for dummy's" series books. They are very popular, highly informative with stupid simple instructions. I own several. I'm just guessing of course but I'm thinking the title of thread was based off those books to let you know it's a helpful post like those books are.

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Any instructions I need to be of the "for Dummies" variety. 


However we have had many very clear instructions here, notably by Darrius Gothly, and then there is the wiki one, with video http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/


The problem in part is because people come here and post the same questions over and over. I understand they don't want to bother with doing a search, as that takes time, but the result is a glut of the same questions.

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Like Porky, I also find this posting to be condescending and repetitive; not to mention arrogant, unecessary and rather rude.

Should I mention vague and not well written?


Especially since I already posted a thread of Direct Delivery tips about two weeks ago, and you more or less just took some of the tips from that posting and smattered a few of your own suggestions in with it:



By the way...the two 'tips' you posted in my thread which I addressed, you never bothered to go back and reply to.

Maybe that would have been a better idea, rather than becoming self righteous and demanding your own spotlight.

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Also , I am wondering how you can say this:

PhoebeDesmons wrote:

I am getting tired of seeing pages, and pages worth of "instructions" when it's a simple process

..when just three days ago you started another thread, titled "Migration Nightmares", to say this:

PhoebeDesmons wrote:

So, yeah one issue after another, marketplace is teeming with people with similar issues with no answers and now... THIS. 




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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

why would you  have folders within folders?


A couple of examples:-

Selling textures, grouped into folders.

Selling clothes with many different layers or part combinations.  Grouping all the parts that work together into their own folder.

I'm sure others can think of other uses.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

why would you  have folders within folders?


A couple of examples:-

Selling textures, grouped into folders.

Selling clothes with many different layers or part combinations.  Grouping all the parts that work together into their own folder.

I'm sure others can think of other uses.

Right so!

And bear in mind that the nesting of folders will remain unchanged in the customer's inventory


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Dirtnap Mumfuzz wrote:

Like Porky, I also find this posting to be condescending and repetitive; not to mention arrogant, unecessary and rather rude.

Should I mention vague and not well written?


Especially since I already posted a thread of Direct Delivery tips about two weeks ago, and you more or less just took some of the tips from that posting and smattered a few of your own suggestions in with it:


By the way...the two 'tips' you posted in my thread which I addressed, you never bothered to go back and reply to.

Maybe that would have been a better idea, rather than becoming self righteous and demanding your own spotlight.

So you're offended someone dared to take tips you posted, which of course you were not the first to share anyway, and added them to tips of their own. But you dislike how they worded it, so that makes their thread bad and yours fine. When you did the very same thing, by posting your own tips, most of which you know because others already shared them. That's how we come into most knowledge we have.

Me, I'm all for as many threads as we need for folks having trouble. I don't care if they're repetative. I can close threads I don't like. I don't have to read them. Yes people can search, and perhaps they should. We know they won't all do so. We know some aren't as good as it as we'd like them to be. So, what's so wrong with sharing information, as often as needed, in as many ways as needed. It's not like the problems these tips solve are only hitting a person here and there. It's pretty widespread right now, because of the deadlines.

Seriously "demanding your own spotlight". That gets you a great big wth were you thinking when you said that, from me. You act as if you're the first, and only to share tips. Forget the fact that these tips have been around since DD first came into play and many others have shared them long before you. Both on these forums and many other websites. Isn't that exactly what you're doing by pointing out you "posted the tips first"? That's pretty arrogant if you ask me.

The title of the thread is clear, as is the subject. I can see why some might see the "for dummies" part as slightly offensive. Not everyone is as aware of that series and may not see that the phrase is often used as tongue in cheek. So that part I get. But the rest of what you said, is radiating with arrogance. Not real sure how you can pin arrogance on someone else when youdo the whole "I did it first, you're not nice" bit.


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My SUPER SECRET tip is always the same:




I have no idea where to even find my merchant box because doing so is a needless step.


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I'm going to leave it as it is. I was expecting more people to come back with their tips to build on but we have people raging instead. 

I've worked for tech support before and honestly you have to approuch it for someone who doesn't know the system inside and out. It's so easy to forget your audience, throw tons of information at them and expect them to "figure it out"

That's terrible customer service. 

Also I have spent endless hours on here and in the support sections for answers and found nothing also wathced all the you tube videos, I guess Im an idiot when it comes to these fine tuned things. I finally had to resolve the multiple issues I've ran into via submiting tickets and waiting for an answer. This is just a straight forward "Walk in a line" and you'll be okay. 

For people who were offended, I apologize if you took it that way but as my mom always said, if you dont have something nice to say, don't say anything and let a thread die instead of mauling it like pack of rabid bears. You wasted your time and the time of other people looking for answers. 

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PhoebeDesmons wrote:

You wasted your time and the time of other people looking for answers. 

Hardly a waste of time. The "Dummy's" need to realise that following your instruction will not consistently result in a smooth migration. They need to realise that some of the problems that they are encountering are not a result of their lack of ability to follow simple instructions, but in fact, are the result of a process that does not work properly for everyone.

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ouch, what an uncomfortable thread to read. Your intentions were good and here you have hypersensitive people overreacting.

Fortunately for me, I was in direct delivery right from the very beginning and never had to jump in the deep end, otherwise I would have welcomed your post. Even if you repeated some tips or they didn't work for me - it would be something to try. And I love instructions for dummies with anything at all. Even stuff I know.

some people are just mean, what you can you do?

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Rya Nitely wrote:

some people are just mean, what you can you do?

Not implying that merchants are Dummy's would be as good a place as any for the OP to start.

Are you saying we're not? I'm of the belief that at some point, we all have our dumb moments.I sure as heck do, and I read instructions, quite thoroughly. I still sometimes need something that spells things out for me a bit more clear. Even if it's been posted or explained a milllion times by a million other people.

I probably wouldn't have chosen the words for dummys, either. But that doesn't mean anytime it's used it was intended to be offensive and nothing more. Of course we don't all share the same sense of humor, so it may not be funny to some. It's certainly not worthy of the attack it got, though. That was a tad over the top. I mean if we're going to complain about something being offensive, I'm pretty sure that being offensive with our complaining isn't going to accomplish the goal any quicker either. The whole tit for tat thing is a bit silly once we've reached adulthood. My kids can't even get away with that, lol. I don't think focusing on that one word was really all that important. But, I can't decide for others what is and isn't. So I don't think there's anything wrong with being offended, but I do believe there's a much better way of conveying that.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Are you saying we're not? I'm of the belief that at some point, we all have our dumb moments.I sure as heck do, and I read instructions, quite thoroughly. I still sometimes need something that spells things out for me a bit more clear. Even if it's been posted or explained a milllion times by a million other people.

I probably wouldn't have chosen the words for dummys, either. But that doesn't mean anytime it's used it was intended to be offensive and nothing more. Of course we don't all share the same sense of humor, so it may not be funny to some. It's certainly not worthy of the attack it got, though. That was a tad over the top. I mean if we're going to complain about something being offensive, I'm pretty sure that being offensive with our complaining isn't going to accomplish the goal any quicker either. The whole tit for tat thing is a bit silly once we've reached adulthood. My kids can't even get away with that, lol. I don't think focusing on that one word was really all that important. But, I can't decide for others what is and isn't. So I don't think there's anything wrong with being offended, but I do believe there's a much better way of conveying that.

When a person is referred to as a dummy, it is the equivalent of calling them stupid or mentally retarded.

If you want to publicly admit you are a dummy then that is your prerogative.

If you think the mods should leave offensive thread titles in the forum then that is your prerogative.

Just because you are not offended by a word does not mean others should not be offended. 

Just because you do not think others should challenge the use of the word through discussion, does not mean I cannot.

Not much offends me but due to personal circumstance the use of the world "dummy" or the equivalent word "retard" greatly offends me. 

If you don't want to see me complain about it then I suggest you direct your eyes somewhere else because it is going to go on until this thread title changes or until the thread dies..



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Rya Nitely wrote:

There must be so many insulted people out there. I'm surprised the success of all these books :smileyfrustrated:


If a person consciously decides to purchase a book that offensively insult's their mental capacity on the front cover, well then I guess the publishers have met their target market. But just because the customer base for that series of books are not offended by having their mental capacity questioned through offensive terminology, plenty of other people are

So citing examples of other instances of the offensive use of the word "dummy" does nothing to detract from the offensive use of the word in this thread. 

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Rya Nitely wrote:

There must be so many insulted people out there. I'm surprised the success of all these books :smileyfrustrated:


I couldn't agree more with your sarcasm :) . Having grown up with these books since they first came out, I'm really surprised anyone got offended by the title of the thread. I mean you'd have to be living under a rock to not know what the OP's intention with the thread was. The "For Dummies" series has always been a great book to use to learn something when you want to get down to it and learn something quick. I don't look at those books or this thread as insulting my intelligence at all. Why? Because one random thread on the internet, not even directed at me specifically, does not concern me, it's not even about me. I know what my intelligence level is and I don't have any insecurities about myself that I would let a random thread title dictate what that level is. Ok, if someone made a thread that say "Deja you dummy this one is for you" then ya, I might get a bit put off by it. But that is a direct insult to me personally. And I wouldn't be offended, I would just think you're a @sshat.  But it's not directed at any one person, and it's a national and well known brand for informational titles. I can look past it and see it for what it is...information. I guess you need a sense of humor to get over the title. 

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When I ask for help, as I do, say, in the Mesh forum here, I often specify I am requesting "the Dummies version" or some variation on that theme. In fact Drongle euphemisticaly will  dumb down his explanations  saying "I know you don't like math" LOL. 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

When I ask for help, as I do, say, in the Mesh forum here, I often specify I am requesting "the Dummies version" or some variation on that theme. In fact Drongle euphemisticaly will  dumb down his explanations  saying "I know you don't like math" LOL. 

So when requesting help, would you consider asking for "the retarded version" as opposed to "the dummies" version? They are both tantamount to the same thing and equally offensive. Or would you not have an issue referring to yourself as a retard?

This is in no way meant as an insult as you are obviously not a dummy/retarded.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

When I ask for help, as I do, say, in the Mesh forum here, I often specify I am requesting "the Dummies version" or some variation on that theme. In fact Drongle euphemisticaly will  dumb down his explanations  saying "I know you don't like math" LOL. 

So when requesting help, would you consider asking for "the retarded version" as opposed to "the dummies" version? They are both tantamount to the same thing and equally offensive. Or would you not have an issue referring to yourself as a retard?

This is in no way meant as an insult as you are obviously not a dummy/retarded.

Oh about some things I am unashamedly a dummy/retarded, relatively speaking, but in this thread the OP was obviously (for those of us who are familiar) referring to the Dummies books, which I assumed were well known in any English speaking country. 

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