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Hi.  I keep trying to go to Skin Fair 2013 and it keeps kicking me out and saying something about script resource use.  I don't really understand although I can tell I guess I have more than what I am supposed to have.  How do I tell what I have that is scripted?  Not sure if I am making this question clear or not?  Thanks.

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The usual culprits are: Hair (if yours has a resizer or recolor script ability), shoes, HUDS (including your AO), and...well, really, most prim attachments.

To tell if an object your are wearing is scripted, hover your mouse over it. If the hand appears, indicating you can click on it and it will do something, it's scripted. Scripts, essentially, make things do things.

If you have a complicated AO, look for a free or cheap simple one with just a single stand, a single walk, etc. That will cut down on the scripts while still allowing you to avoid the "newb-walk." (Alternatively, if you use Firestorm, you can use the built in AO system.) Take off your hair and shoes. I go barefoot at these sorts of things most of the time - they're the only time I'll be seen without shoes or prim feet. For hair, you can find a hairbase tattoo that looks like a really short haircut, if you don't want to go bald. Take off ALL unnecessary prim attachments - cuffs for your shirt and pants, prim breasts if you use them, fingernails if you use them, jewelry and piercings, as well as ALL of your HUDs except for maybe a simple AO.

You need your overall script count to be under 50, but honestly, as low as you can go is best so you don't lag others.

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Linden Lab never put restrictions on the amount of scripting resources an avatar could use, as a result most scripted content in SL is made without any thought given to making it efficient and thus makes a lot of scripted content a source of the lag that is ever present in SL. (Not the only source, but a substantial one.)

Only recently (the past three years or so) has LL even given us the ability to see how much scripting resources an avatar is using. In an attempt to reduce lag, some locations restrict the amount of scripting resources avatars in that area are allowed to use.


Most likely the problem comes from attachments you are wearing which use an unreasonable number of scripts, such as hair or a pair of shoes in which every prim contains a resize script.

To check your attachments, right click on them and select "edit". Check the "contents" tab of the edit window and see if there are any scripts. The edit window only shows the contents of a single prim in an object, to check the other prims you need to check the "edit linked objects" option in the edit window and select individual prims to check their contents.

If you find you have an obect with a large number of scripts, chances are you can delete the scripts. MAKE A COPY BEFORE YOU DO THAT.

You'll have several options for deleting scripts.

1. Some objects are scripted with a "delete all scripts" option. Click on the attachment and if a menu pops up, check to see if there is an option to delete all the scripts.

2. Several Third Party Viewers, such as Firestorm, allow you to delete all scripts in an object with a single click. I believe this is found under the "tools" menu.

3. The official viewer does not have the above option, you will need to select every prim manually and delete it's contents.

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wavy skirts, really nice hair, shiny jewellery, accessories the do anything but sit on you like they are painted, shoes that make sounds....all these are scripted. but try changing your hair to something cheaper, as hair is usually the most  scripty hog. the sim you are going to have a script counter to keep the lag down. they are obviously planning on a lot of people comeing and if everyone has great ahir....laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag city, and it will spoil the experience for everyone.....good luck xx

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It is easy to find free or low cost lag meters on the marketplace. These will usually tell you your total number of scripts and total script memory used. Note that you will need to find a location where you can rez the meter and run scripts (because the meter has a script in it).

A simple way to find out how much memory each worn attachment uses in the official Second Life viewer, is World menu --> About Land --> Script Info button --> then click on the My Avatar tab, then see how many KB each attachment uses. Try to keep the total for your avatar under 1000 KB if you can.

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I had no problems either, fully decked without worrying or thinking about scripts.. till my friend was booted, over, and over, and over while we tried figuring out what she had that was so script heavy. I checked mine then on their counter thing to see, and all meshed out with expensive hair and shoes and full ao, I had 23 running scripts. It put her at 90! 

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lol watching my scripts isn't something I've done. I haven't ever set off any script bouncers, so never cared. I checked because I was curious after all the trouble she was having :matte-motes-silly: My only point was that you don't have to strip down to get in. I had jewelry, shoes, hair, AO, and my clothes (ofc) and hadn't thought a minute about what the script count might be on it all but got in just fine. 

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Simple explanation: If many residents are on the sim with plenty of scripts, the scripts will starve each other for Sim time. Vendors will lag or become unresponsive and so on. Hence the limit on script numbers. It's also a metric that easy and quick to assess. Also, the more scripts one has (running or stopped is pretty irrelevant) the longer it takes to fully carry the scripts from sim to sim, which does cause Sim lag. You don't need a script counter - the viewer as a decent one built-in.

Script mem use is bogus. If anyone gives you a hard time about that feel free to tell them they're moronic dorkwads.

There's one other metric that's sort-of important but difficult to properly measure: How much Sim time a script consumes. Because it's such a pain in the ass to accurately detect via script, most places with script limits simply limit the number of scripts.

Unfortunately it's often impossible to know before purchasing if something is scripted well or scripted badly. However: Everything moddable can be easily de-scripted with a script scrubber. So if you have hair or shoes with old ancient color/resize/retexture scripts you can make a copy if allowed and de-script the copy to be much nicer to everyone around you, most notably nicer to the sim :)

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Yep, I'm another who minimises everything for busy events. It's easier these days with better hair tattoos, etc, to still be nice looking and lag free. Remove all scripts, especially any prim attachments with resizers, and just turn up lean and beautiful with a nice texture layer if you must. Leave your ao at home, and if you hate the noob duckwalk, just fly. Somehow, noob flying doesn't look so bad.

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wiked Anton wrote:

wavy skirts, really nice hair, shiny jewellery, accessories the do anything but sit on you like they are painted, shoes that make sounds....all these are scripted. but try changing your hair to something cheaper, as hair is usually the most  scripty hog. the sim you are going to have a script counter to keep the lag down. they are obviously planning on a lot of people comeing and if everyone has great ahir....laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag city, and it will spoil the experience for everyone.....good luck xx

Sorry not true.

Flexy is a prim property and does not involve scripts

"Really nice hair", has nothing to do with scripts.  I wear really nice hair, it's unscripted.

Shiny jewellery, bling for example is a prim property and once set, the script is not required.

The problem with scanners is that they have huge potential to be utterly wrong.  Script count is fine, script memory use is hopelessly inaccurate.

Reason being that scripts come in two types, either lsl or mono.  lsl always uses 16KB, mono will use what it needs up to 64KB.

The problem is that mono scripts always counted as using 64KB thus someone could have 100 scripts using < 1KB each, say 100KB but the scanners treat them as having 100 x 64 so 6.4 MB.  

Said scanner then kicks you out for "using" more than their set limit of 5MB when in fact you were WAY under it and along comes a user with 100 x 16 KB worth of lsl scripts using 1.6 MB who "appears" to comply so much better when in fact they don't.

Stupid scanners! (working with incorrect measurement tools as provided by the scripting language)

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Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

Script mem use is bogus. If anyone gives you a hard time about that feel free to tell them they're moronic dorkwads.


Heh, yes i've tried having that conversation, including with the creator of one such script counting avatar bouncer.

It didn't go well.

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script info 1.jpg


script info 2.jpg


To find the acccurate item by item script information for your Avatar, open "About Land."  Choose "Script Info,"  then the Avatar tab.


p.s, I know I dont need the flight feather any more.  Sometimes I'm just nostalgic.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Still inaccurate for the reasons I stated.  But as a guide, yes has information.

I wasn't meaning to discount what you said.

What I have seen is some of these script reporters return numbers that were way above what I was wearing. 

The other Semi-Dumb thing is that most of the time these counters are placed right at the landing points.  As I understand it, the greatest impact we have on a SIM (hence causing lag), is when we arive and all our information is being added to the Simulator and sent to all the other Avatars present.  In other words, too late.  You've already done lagged the SIM.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have seen is some of these script reporters return numbers that were way above what I was wearing. 

The other Semi-Dumb thing is that most of the time these counters are placed right at the landing points.  As I understand it, the greatest impact we have on a SIM (hence causing lag), is when we arive and all our information is being added to the Simulator and sent to all the other Avatars present.  In other words, too late.  You've already done lagged the SIM.

I've not yet seen script counts being wrong, though there's two ways one can query scripts: OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT and OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT. The total may be significantly higher than the running count.

I noticed on your screenshots that you're still running LSL2 scripts (which indeed use 16k per script whether they need it or not)... if you can, recompile them to Mono, it's more sim-friendly these days (and likely uses less memory in most cases even if it displays 64k per script). There used to be a reason to have any "worn" scripts to be LSL2, but that should have been fixed a year or so ago.

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idiot script nazis at work again... Probably have their sim so badly built it's lagging to bits even without visitors so they harass the visitors for having some scripts running.

Well kids, I can't get my script count below about 70 because of my rlv locked attachments I can't (and wouldn't if I could) remove, so you've lost my business and that of every other person who's in a D/s relation and wearing a scripted collar and likely some other things.

We'll go to stores that have more sense.

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Jenni Darkwatch wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

What I have seen is some of these script reporters return numbers that were way above what I was wearing. 

The other Semi-Dumb thing is that most of the time these counters are placed right at the landing points.  As I understand it, the greatest impact we have on a SIM (hence causing lag), is when we arive and all our information is being added to the Simulator and sent to all the other Avatars present.  In other words, too late.  You've already done lagged the SIM.

I've not yet seen script counts being wrong, though there's two ways one can query scripts: OBJECT_RUNNING_SCRIPT_COUNT and OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT. The total may be significantly higher than the running count.

I noticed on your screenshots that you're still running LSL2 scripts (which indeed use 16k per script whether they need it or not)... if you can, recompile them to Mono, it's more sim-friendly these days (and likely uses less memory in most cases even if it displays 64k per script). There used to be a reason to have any "worn" scripts to be LSL2, but that should have been fixed a year or so ago.

That's an old screen shot I already had uploaded for use in a previous thread.  From back when I couldn't use any Viewer that renderred Mesh.

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