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Questions about gender/sexuality bending


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Thanks for you constructive response! I have been playing in SL, but only for a few months and not as avidly as many others. I've been able to engage in some decent conversation within the game but I guess I wanted to reach a broader audience. I have played now both as a male and as a female, but to be honest I don't think I play enough to notice any severely different reactions to my avatar. I'm going to try what you've suggested, I really do like the idea of going to the same space as both male and female. Thanks!

I see the survey has not been a hot topic, getting put on the hot seat for that little link! As stated, my main motive was to instigate a discussion within the thread. I simply posted the survey for people who would like to participate but wanted to remain anonymous. Of course no one is being forced to participate. Although, I do agree, maybe the way I phrased the question came off as a little bit too "give me answers!". 

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trixp wrote:

I guess I will have to focus next on why SL users secret desire to become a robot offline then....**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-wink.gif" border="0" alt=":smileywink:" title="Smiley Wink" />

Would it help if I'd sign the survey with 'Steve Austin' ? **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_robot-tongue.gif" border="0" alt=":robottongue:" title="Robot tongue" />


Hahaha, results will read:

Met Steve Austin in SL, good times were had. Doesn't even know the rules to wrestling...still kills it. 


edit: I don't know how to reply to a post and keep the original text in my response. fail. 

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How would you describe your gender offline?
Female - I both identify as female and have a female body
What gender do you choose to embody in second life?
I have played as both a male and a female. Currently playing as female.
What can of physical traits appeal to you when you are creating your avatar and why?
I guess I try to make my avatar look as much like me as possible. That said, there is no option for cellulite or weird love handles on SL. 
I think I also try to accentuate the physical traits I wish I had offline - for example, I made my avatars eyes more green, lips bigger, complexion brighter, etc.
How do you choose your gender in other virtual worlds?
The only other RPG games I play usually don't have the same options to customize your avatar in the same detail as SL. That said, I usually use female avatars. 
Does your sexuality offline match your sexuality online? Do you ever experiment?
Yes, I also only really use RPG's for my own entertainment and to make friends/social networking. I have a romantic partner offline so my sexuality doesn't usually even come into the picture when I am gaming.
Do you experiment? If you were playing as the opposite sex online how would this affect the way you engage in sexuality online?
I have played as a male, just because I wanted to see what it was like. It made me nervous and shy, I felt like I was deceiving people and I didn't like it. 
Do you ever experiment with different sexual practices online that you don't offline? Which ones?
Not really. Like I said I usually use RPG's and websites like SL for my own entertainment and for social networking. Any romantic relationships I have had offline mirror my offline desires/experiences.
If you experiment with gender/sexuality on second life, what do you find most appealing about it?
Not with sexuality, but with gender. I like that I can create a avatar that is feminine in ways that I am not online. Like I said, I am able to create a body/appearance that accentuates the physical traits I wish I could possess offline without spending thousands on plastic surgery.
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Thank you! And thanks to everyone else who has had supportive responses/is taking time out of their day to fill out the survey.

My apologies to anyone I've offended or annoyed with my post. That was not my intention! As stated, I want to incite open discussion but leave the option open for anonymity with the survey. 

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Tex Monday wrote:

jwenting wrote:

submitted a dozen responses, all with totally fake and randomly selected data.

Best way to get rid of these idiots, show them how utterly unreliable their "surveys" are.

I prefer to not answer them at all rather than mess up their data. They worked hard on this...and even if it's the wrong way to go about getting information, it's better not to answer it at all. Having no data is better than having false data



any data they get will by definition be false.

It will be utterly unverifiable, which means it's useless. So best they get told that in advance, and maybe someday, somewhere, someone will get the message that "online surveys" are rubbish.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Sure...just as nobody is required to click on the usual spamthreads we get every weekend.

This too..

Althought these spams are against TOS, survey threads are not.

  • Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising
    : Spamming is not allowed.
    This includes aggressive self-promotion.
    No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.
Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business.

One could consider these survey posts as self promotion.
Also.. evryone knows the general pop of the forums hates these with a passion.. sooo.
No Flaming
: "Flames" are hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to incite an angry response. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. We will also not tolerate any post that encourages others to violate any policy of Linden Lab

Nobody could consider surverys as self-promotion - not even those who like to stretch things to unrealistic proportions.

I don't fill in surveys, simply because i don't want to, but I find a great deal of fault with people who object to them because they personally don't like them. Your post went much further, by idiotically claiming that surveys are against the ToS. You are not just mistaken - you are totally wrong. And it's nothing whatsoever to do with interpretation of the ToS.

You really should learn to keep your nose out of other people's business.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

Sure...just as nobody is required to click on the usual spamthreads we get every weekend.

This too..

Althought these spams are against TOS, survey threads are not.

  • Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising
    : Spamming is not allowed.
    This includes aggressive self-promotion.
    No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.
Note: It is OK to have a signature line with a link to your Second Life profile or information about your Second Life business.

One could consider these survey posts as self promotion.
Also.. evryone knows the general pop of the forums hates these with a passion.. sooo.
No Flaming
: "Flames" are hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to incite an angry response. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. We will also not tolerate any post that encourages others to violate any policy of Linden Lab

Nobody could consider surverys as self-promotion - not even those who like to stretch things to unrealistic proportions.

I don't fill in surveys, simply because i don't want to, but I find a great deal of fault with people who object to them because they personally don't like them. Your post went much further, by idiotically claiming that surveys are against the ToS. You are not just mistaken - you are totally wrong. And it's nothing whatsoever to do with interpretation of the ToS.

You really should learn to keep your nose out of other people's business.

I love you Phil :smileyembarrassed::heart:

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Reciprocated :matte-motes-kiss:

Awww Phil......I feel my hear bolting.....:matte-motes-inlove:

If I had any idea what "hear bolting" means, it would probably give me a warm fuzzy feeling, but I've no idea what it means :) Heart beating, maybe?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Reciprocated :matte-motes-kiss:

Awww Phil......I feel my hear bolting.....:matte-motes-inlove:

If I had any idea what "hear bolting" means, it would probably give me a warm fuzzy feeling, but I've no idea what it means
Heart beating, maybe?

ahahhahahha sorry Phil ! I missed a "T". lol, but you got it : i mean heart ...



then i looked into wordreference, and it gave me the verb "to bolt"... but maybe it doesnt mean same than i french lol.. i dont know... i feel confused now :smileyembarrassed:

but you got my meaning anyway....:smileywink:

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trixp wrote:

Thanks for you constructive response! I have been playing in SL, but only for a few months and not as avidly as many others. I've been able to engage in some decent conversation within the game but I guess I wanted to reach a broader audience. I have played now both as a male and as a female, but to be honest I don't think I play enough to notice any severely different reactions to my avatar. I'm going to try what you've suggested, I really do like the idea of going to the same space as both male and female. Thanks!


I see the survey has not been a hot topic, getting put on the hot seat for that little link! As stated, my main motive was to instigate a discussion within the thread. I simply posted the survey for people who would like to participate but wanted to remain anonymous. Of course no one is being forced to participate. Although, I do agree, maybe the way I phrased the question came off as a little bit too "give me answers!". 


I am glad that you appreciate my suggestion and I should apologize for my actions. As you may or may not be aware of, we get a lot of students coming in and asking for all sorts of answers to questions about our time on SL. And I think it is safe to say that most people on the forums are sick of it..that's why you received the reactions that you have. You could have been nice as pie and even offered hundreds of Lindens for us to participate..and you would have gotten the same kind of responses. My pat answer is always to tell the students to go in and find out for themselves. There is nothing better than getting the data first hand. Since you have been in world for a bit, again, I apologize for jumping down your throat before.

If only these students would think ahead of time and start getting involved in SL in September..then by March, they wouldn't need us to give them information for their paper. '

Just my opinion..good luck

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jwenting wrote:

submitted a dozen responses, all with totally fake and randomly selected data.

Best way to get rid of these idiots, show them how utterly unreliable their "surveys" are.

Although you “submitted a dozen responses, all with totally fake and randomly selected data.” it can still be considered data from a different point of view. Because you increased the number of responses you most likely helped the survey more than harmed it (IMHO). And I have looked at the questions but have not filled it out, I don't normally do surveys.

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jwenting wrote:

any data they get will by definition be false.

It will be utterly unverifiable, which means it's useless. So best they get told that in advance, and maybe someday, somewhere, someone will get the message that "online surveys" are rubbish.

Why? How would an on-line survey be different then sending out a mass marketing questionaire or doing telephone research?

Not attacking..just questioning...


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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

ahahhahahha sorry Phil ! I missed a "T". lol, but you got it : i mean heart ...

then i looked into wordreference, and it gave me the verb "to bolt"... but maybe it doesnt mean same than i french lol.. i dont know... i feel confused now :smileyembarrassed:

but you got my meaning anyway....:smileywink:

Ah. You probably meant going fast - bolt. So I'll take it that your heart was racing (going fast). I hope it's settled down now. A racing heart shouldn't last for long or it can be dangerous :)

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