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What customer service could be...

Paul Hexem

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During my nearly 6 years in WoW I can honestly say Blizzard Customer Support isn't all that great. My average ticket time is approximately 2 WEEKS. I remember when it was a matter of hours but that hasn't happened for me in nearly 4 years. It is usually my luck that I am not online when they do respond so I get a form letter that frequently has nothing to do with my issue. So mileage varies on how good their support is.


As for SL

Grid stability issues must be #1 and frankly I think anyone should be able to report them and get instant assistance. After all if things are crashing any other problems become moot.

The whole premium vs basic argument is just silly. I know many basic people who pay more every month buying L$ than many premium players with tier. Also did you know you can be basic and own private islands? Want to tell me island owners don't contribute monetarily to LL?

I really had a problem with the idea when they limited support for basic people way back when. I think that is wrong. I do understand why they did. SL isn't 5k concurrency anymore. They don't have a prayer of keeping up.

What the solution is I don't know.

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Well Knowl, 

this is not my job to manage LL services for LL company, im not paid for that.

but since you read the forum, you are surely aware about the pb with wrong pic displayed on the MP. This happens to some merchants (this said, merchants, all of them,  are the ones who contribute financially to the MP while every customers can also enjoy the MP service without paying any commission). I did all i could to get some help from the dev team... i even sent private messages to Rodvick via the Mysecondlife.com. ive writed to Dakota Linden, ive submited 2 tickets, vote the jira about this issue, yelled in the forum crazily....

Well... one year after.... still no fix, still no update (last one about this issue is from sept 2012)... nothing...

All i could get from Dakota is that shes not allowed to give any contact for the dev team, but in the same time, she says also that only the dev team can fix... This is the story of the dog biting his own tail..

I even tryed to fix the issue myself, rerezzing my old xstreet box with the original products inside hopping that they will relink with the corrupted listing. but nothing happened, ive cleared everything i could find about me in the old xstreet website... still nothing..

ive searched the the pic with 2 kinds of google add-ons to see if they can find the original pic from the website and so i would have asked the creator to delete temporarely his/her listing for it desappear from my mp store..Nothing here again... All it find is these pics on my MP store and for one for the 4 pics, it also find other wrong listings on another mp store, but not the original ones.

well ive tried everything. and i still can t look at my mp store without having willing to cry. All my vendor pics have the same style.. ive worked to make a nice vendor pic style.. and see now i have 4 UGLY pics sabotaging my work... see this thread if you want to know more : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Is-there-anyone-with-still-the-wrong-pics-displayed-on-market/td-p/1815493

After one whole year with this issue and after having noticed how LL does care about it... No, i really dont have a great opinion about LL seriousness... and i wont surely give them my money for one year in advance... I would probably have done with a company who display a great seriousness and a great service support, but if its about LL it just sound like a joke.


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I think we can all agree, based upon poor performance, that LL has their Priorities screwed up.

I agree, first impressions cannot be made a second time. The word service, comes from the words serve us.

On the same note, there are Region Owners, who did not get Support, and a free account did.

In the context of comparing SL support to that of WoW, SL offers free accounts, with no obligation, expressed, or implied, to pay.

WoW, is offering a trial period, with the primary intent, of making those account paid accounts, (and to provide fresh fish, to hack and slay).

This isn't about me, but I've got nothing to hide. I've been premium for 6 years. I purchased Land as soon as the system allowed me to. I joined knowing exactly what I wanted to do. (build)

I have been very fortunate, to be able to afford the ability to contribute financially. I am aware that not all Residents can.

 Wow's customer base, is directly relative to the level and quality of support WoW can provide. Comparing SL's customer base, is relevant, in my opinion.


I support free accounts. The idea that a person can join SL with nothing, and make something great, from virtually nothing, is part of the magic I see in SL. I wouldn't want that to ever change.

People who know me, might know me. I'll try to help anybody, it's never been about money.






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LL should be forthright, in admitting that they don't know the answer.

Or, admit that they aren't working on it.

Market Place should have it's own support system. If the Team is unqualified, they should be replaced.

A Linden could have chimmed in on that thread, cleared things up in 5 minutes; I don't know why they don't. :smileyindifferent:

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Knowl Paine wrote:

LL should be forthright, in admitting that they don't know the answer.

Or, admit that they aren't working on it.

Market Place should have it's own support system. If the Team is unqualified, they should be replaced.

A Linden could have chimmed in on that thread, cleared things up in 5 minutes; I don't know why they don't. :smileyindifferent:


I know, but they didnt..

The more awesome in this, is that Dakota said to me that if i want to contact the dev team, i have to write in the forum .....See how great solution it was ... noone from the dev team came to see at least a word.

Well same for the thread started in october by Toysoldier, asking directly to Rodvick to fix some serious pb on the MP.... A lot of forumers came to add their contribution to this thread.... Then Rodvick felt forced to come to say "go on guys, we are reading you ! add all your propositions and we will make a list then "... and well, you know what happened then... they came with a list where our main points were absent and they added some of theirs that we dont need at all and never asked for...

MP has no support at all...sadly.

PS : see :smileywink: , i agree with your post 

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Knowl Paine wrote:

LL should be forthright, in admitting that they don't know the answer.

Or, admit that they aren't working on it.

Market Place should have it's own support system. If the Team is unqualified, they should be replaced.

A Linden could have chimmed in on that thread, cleared things up in 5 minutes; I don't know why they don't. :smileyindifferent:

Well Rodvik did show up, payed lip service, and then it was back to status quo.

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Alliance or Horde?

Comparing Blizzard's support to LL's is a little unfair, Blizzard made a big fubar with Diablo III on the Digital Downloads, I was killing the Skeleton King repeatedly for a few days because they implemented some silly restriction, support there wasn't great but generally in WoW I've found support to be great.

My recent experiences with LL support have been extremely good, they were most helpful and went beyond what I'd expect, in the past I've had good and bad experiences with support here, but more good than bad.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

LL should be forthright, in admitting that they don't know the answer.

Or, admit that they aren't working on it.

Market Place should have it's own support system. If the Team is unqualified, they should be replaced.

A Linden could have chimmed in on that thread, cleared things up in 5 minutes; I don't know why they don't. :smileyindifferent:

There has been ongoing issues of various types re: the MP for going on a year at least.  You mentioned in an earlier post that your #5 priority (iirc) for addressing issues if you were in charge of LL CS would be large merchants.  I know of several of such merchants who have had some fairly serious issues this past year that were either told to file a jira, fell back on the old "TOS excuse" ie. "LL is not responsible...," or, as Trinity has indicated, passed the buck but would not give a way for her to contact who *is* responsible for the issue.

As for a Linden chiming in on threads - not only did a Linden not chime in on the multiple threads with legitimate complaints from "large merchants" to use your criteria, one such merchant began a post asking Rod to come and address these issues.  Rod actually posted to say something like "Our team reads the forums every day and we are aware of the issues."  That was basically it; no further Linden sightings since then.

Whether comparing LL CS with WoW or any other venue, all on its own the CS from LL has gotten increasingly worse during the time I've been here, with 2012 and onwards being the worst I've ever seen.

ETA: Sorry Trinity...I posted this before continuing with the thread to read your post.  :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

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I've played WOW on and off for nearly as long as I have been in SL and I have to say there has been no consistency in the support delivered by either Bliz or LL. Sometimes it is awesome, sometimes it sucks. Depends how busy they are and how competent your support agent is at any given time and that is applicable to both companies. 

IMO the best support I have consistently received from a MMO type company is from CCP who run EVE Online. 8 Years playing EVE and I don't have a single bad thing to say about their support process.

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I remember reading that thread, and the resulting List.

I agree that the list was not reflective of the Residents suggestions.

These Topics will continue to be presented, for as long as the problems remain.





LL can run, but they cannot... hide...; technically they can hide.... :smileyfrustrated:


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Knowl Paine wrote:

I think we can all agree, based upon poor performance, that LL has their Priorities screwed up.

I agree, first impressions cannot be made a second time. The word service, comes from the words serve us.

On the same note, there are Region Owners, who did not get Support, and a free account did.

In the context of comparing SL support to that of WoW, SL offers free accounts, with no obligation, expressed, or implied, to pay.

WoW, is offering a trial period, with the primary intent, of making those account paid accounts, (and to provide fresh fish, to hack and slay).

This isn't about me, but I've got nothing to hide. I've been premium for 6 years. I purchased Land as soon as the system allowed me to. I joined knowing exactly what I wanted to do. (build)

I have been very fortunate, to be able to afford the ability to contribute financially. I am aware that not all Residents can.

 Wow's customer base, is directly relative to the level and quality of support WoW can provide. Comparing SL's customer base, is relevant, in my opinion.


I support free accounts. The idea that a person can join SL with nothing, and make something great, from virtually nothing, is part of the magic I see in SL. I wouldn't want that to ever change.

People who know me, might know me. I'll try to help anybody, it's never been about money.


Good Customer Service is an investment in your company's future.  There of course needs to be a return on that investment.  I don't know if there is a standard for what percentage of a company's income should be devoted to it.  But the investment needs to be made, especially with something as unique as SL.

I've made the statement on many occasions when addressing the issue of new customer retention that the key to retaining new customers is retaining the old.  While LL may be providing the platform, we are the ones providing the content the new user gets to enjoy.  We are the ones who show to people the unlimited possibilities in SL.

Just look back to Stellar Sunshine's Beanstalk, one of the first things built in SL.  What an inspiration that had to have been to others at the time.  I still enjoy going there and taking friends to see it.  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Welsh/38/94/98

Many of us are watching closely the situation at Junkyard Blues, one of the oldest and most popular Blue's Clubs in SL.  These attacks and the extortion attempts by the Griefers (pay us and we'll stop) affects not only the Club, but the hundreds of people who on a weekly basis go to hang out.  While I can understand the difficulty it would be for LL to 'babysit' the Club,  I find LL's response to the Club owners, which basically amounts to, "Sorry, you're on your own, we can't help you," unreal.

Over the years hundreds of new users have got their feet on the ground in SL at JYB, myself being one of them.  Lose JYB and you'll lose even more new users.


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I got Diablo 3 as a present. My sister played the first one.

Because of the usual >unreleased before finished thing< I had to change my username & password or something?

I haven't bothered.

I didnt want a blizzard account and battlenet stuff or want to know about anything else they do. I didnt realise they did wow.

Too much drama for too little return as pay to win doesnt interest me.

I don't think I'm missing much.

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10 cents, from every dollar, should be reinvested.

LL needs to hire better people. Recruit from within.

There have been times, in communication with Support, in which I beleived that I knew more about SL, than Support did. That should not happen.

Actions effecting Groups of Residents, should not be viewed by LL, as interpersonal disputes.  LL should act in the best interest of SL, in those instances.

I would fire everybody, and start over. If they're not dead serious about the job, they can go home right now.

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Knowl Paine wrote:

10 cents, from every dollar, should be reinvested.

LL needs to hire better people. Recruit from within.

There have been times, in communication with Support, in which I beleived that I knew more about SL, than Support did. That should not happen.

Actions effecting Groups of Residents, should not be viewed by LL, as interpersonal disputes.  LL should act in the best interest of SL, in those instances.

I would fire everybody, and start over. If they're not dead serious about the job, they can go home right now.

It is my understanding (and I could be very wrong about this) that the company LL has outsorced support to will not hire you if you use SL.  I can understand how they may be trying to avoid conflicts of interest by doing this but SL has it's own language so to speak and even when people are having trouble describing a problem, most of us are able to quickly and easily decipher what they are talking about.

And you are right, many of us know way more than the basic support people do.

It should be easier to get a problem escalated if basic Support doesn't know the answer.

Some of the SIM crashes at JYB have been so bad they have had to wait for LL to get in the office to get their SIM's brought back on line.  That is just nuts.

Sadly, you and I may just be preaching to the choir here.  I wish that weren't so.  If they are hearing anything we are saying, it sure isn't apparent.

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Wow, this turned into a premium vs. free debate and everything.


Did someone ask how to contact Blizzard support? Click the question mark in game.


The point I was trying to make was the support agent read the ticket the first time, fixed the problem, and (scripted or not) made it seem fun. I've never seen that with LL. Any of those things.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Wow, this turned into a premium vs. free debate and everything.


Did someone ask how to contact Blizzard support? Click the question mark in game.


The point I was trying to make was the support agent read the ticket the first time, fixed the problem, and (scripted or not) made it seem fun. I've never seen that with LL. Any of those things.

gee...i thought you were just trolling us again.  :D

but thx for the thread.

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I believe that you are correct on the recruitment policy.

The Terms of Service, has a statement which appears to confirm that. Section 10.5


It appears that some changes, and or additions have been made at the TOS. :smileysurprised:

I don't recall seeing some of the data that is now there, maybe it's just me.



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Knowl Paine wrote:

I believe that you are correct on the recruitment policy.

The Terms of Service, has a statement which appears to confirm that. Section 10.5



I think the clause at 10.5 is more cautionary: just because you [resident] have done something/fixed something/de-bugged something/otherwise been constructive in making Second Life work, do not think that makes you a Linden Lab employee.

On the other hand I have seen somewhere the same suggestion Perrie made: that LL won't hire Second Life users. It is easy to understand the desire to avoid someone abusing privilege for personal reasons (I have heard/read here and there suggestions that so-and-so got away with something because he or she knows/is/dates a Linden: we probably have all seen that suggested) but clearly support can't be worth a damn if it doesn't know how SL works.

I assume all the people who have posted to the forum talking of how a Linden had to visit their sim to solve this or that problem are telling the truth; that is evidence that there are at least some Lindens who have a working knowledge of SL. Maybe you can only become a SLifer after you get hired.

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Okay. Premium vs. Free.

The problem is that premium members really make it out to be something that's not worth it. Just about everything they write, is about how useless the perks of premium are. And honestly, they may be right.

Premium accounts get gifts from ll, then complain that the gifts are inferior quality. Truthfully, I can do my own shopping to get exactly what I want. I tried creating stuff when i couldn't find it, and what I made was mediocre at best. But I had fun doing it.

Creation too... There are premium sandboxes, free sandboxes, short term rentals, and land where rezzing is permitted. So, since nobody ever sings the praises of the premium sandboxes, I guess free people aren't missing much.

Land ownership. Free accounts can rent from land barons, and even a lot of premium members will shy away from mainland. If it's so bad that they won't take what they're entitled to, then there must be a reason.

Premium accounts need to be sold. Not just put out there like, "Oh, by the way, there's this." I mean people really need to see a benefit to them. then there's the support, which all the premium members come to the forums complaining means no support, just like free membership.

The problem is that if paying to be premium does anything at all to increase the value of an individual's sl experience, then people who are already premium, regardless of whether they have love or hate for those with free accounts, aren't mentioning what those benefits are.

The bigger problem is that neither is LL.

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solstyse wrote:

The problem is that if paying to be premium does anything at all to increase the value of an individual's sl experience, then people who are already premium, regardless of whether they have love or hate for those with free accounts, aren't mentioning what those benefits are.


I don't get this part your convo

premium members don't need to mention what the benefits are. they on the webpage when you sign up for the premium membership

I not see how is the job of anyone who buys something to then have/need to advocate to someone else what they bought. or justify it to anyone else either. like is not their job to sell SL 

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