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Is there anyone with still the wrong pics displayed on market place issue ?


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I agree, it is clear that Dakota and her team have no power to effect a solution or even provide any updates. I din't know whose fault at LL that lack of cooperation is. Dakota is pointing us at the only Lindens who are in any position to update us, and that's the Devs. Now it is time for the Devs to either step up to the mic, or give the info to the Commerce Team and let them do it.



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Well, Darrius, i know this.

but what is surprising me is that we are not living in middle age. She can transmit my request to the Dev team by email or just even phone.

Or... she just can give me an email adress for the the Dev team so i can write to them directly. Is this team located on a planet so far from earth that they cant be contacted ?

when i need to fix smth i like to contact the person who can indeed fix, not the pp who can not and will answer that indeed they cant. What im asking is nothing more than have a direct contact with the dev.

They havent give ANY update about this issue since september. And the one in september, was no more than a copy/paste from the updates before. So im now at a point where im even wondering if they are sill alive....

I have nothing against Dakota, i thanks her for answering and i said she even do it really quickly what is a great point for her. But she cant loose me with her 3rd answer, where she starts saying to me shes not dev or programmer, its not her job and so she cant say what should do an dev or programmer and then a chapter later telling what should do a dev or programmer. Even if english is not my native language im able to see when someone wants to loose me whith words.


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I'm quite sure she can relay a message, and I'm pretty positive that she has sent them messages on many occassions. But I'm also just as sure that they give her the same answer they give us ... nothing. Perhaps they chastise her or snap back at her, but more than likely they just ignore her messages as easily (and as frequently) as they ignore ours.

After all, it doesn't take them but a few moments to write in a Forum Post "We have made ________ progress and expect to have a fix by _________" or even "we're all screwed, the ship is sinking and all the rats have fled the rising water" ... or something! But instead, as you rightly point out .. silence is the only answer they provide. Tis a shame that they don't feel it worth their time to even issue a tiny comment. I guess it shows how highly we rate in their continual efforts to bank the next paycheck.

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ok, so here is the answer i sent to Dakota today : 


Hi Dakota


well, firstly, ive well understood that your Customer support service is not the one who can fix my issue and i know you cant do anything for me. There is no worries about this. You have my empathy because, i guess you are often contacted for issues that concern the Dev team and of course you cant do any other answers. 

Things would be more easy if we, customers, would have a way to contact the dev team directly and this  is only what im trying desesperately to find.

I wont rant at you, because you are not the right person.
id just like to know how i can contact the dev team. 

You said they read the merchant forum, but really, from what im seeing, there is no evidence for this. Ive started my thread on the 01/11/13 and we are today the 15th and still no answer. i would add to this, that we are also without any updates from the team about this issue since sept 2012 and the last comment was a copy/past from the one before. 

you can be sure, that if they would have bring at least even a tiny answer, i wouldnt even never contacted you.

Telling me you dont have any knowledge about dev and code job but then stating that for sure such issue can take at least 11 monthes for being fixed wont convice me.

I dont have either a lot of knowledge about this specific job, but i know pp who have great one and i cant tell you for sure that any of them can understand why LL Dev team takes so many time for fixing. I guess you will understand that i prefer to trust the people with such knowlegde.

 well... anyway, if you can give me an email adress for contacting the dev team directly, ill be deeply thanksfull to you. Otherwise, i can also understand someone else forbide this to you firmly. 


Have a good day


Trinity Yazimoto"


indeed, ive understood Dakota is not the person that can fix my issue and its useless to keep annoying her while im suspecting that she is not allowed to give another answers than the ones she already gave me. 

I just think its a really shame that there is no way to contact the Dev team than waiting and hoping they read the merchant forum and eventually comment. Really, i wasnt suspecting such bad organisation from a company like LL but well, we can learn at any age and so i m discovering now that such thing is existing. 

So since, the Dev team are supposed to read this forum section and so this thread , can they come here and give us some updates ? Or is it too much asking ?

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

I just think its a really shame that there is no way to contact the Dev team than waiting and hoping they read the merchant forum and eventually comment.

Dakota IS the right person to contact, it's not normal for a company of any size to publish direct contacts for their software developers when there is a Customer Service contact.

The failure though is when Customer Support suggest to customers that they go and create or add to a JIRA.  THAT is the job of the Customer Support team, they are the customer/developer interface and it is they who are responsible for that process in any other organisation.

The failure here is not with that process though but in the inability for those within LL to empower ther customer facing staff such as Dakota, with the authority to address these failures since LL can see that the item was delivered, they can see that the item transaction occurred to Commerce Linden escrow account but then flat out refuse to reconcile.

How about this...

LL Employee: "Excuse me payroll dept, I didn't get my salary this month, is there a problem?

Payroll: "Well we sent it to the bank, we can show you the transactions that prove it, how about you contact your bank?"

Bank: "Well we agree that it was received from your employer but for some reason we just don't want to send it to you, we suggest you contact your employer and ask them to pay you some other way *shrugs*"

Payroll: "It's not our fault, file a JIRA with the banks payment processing system"

It just doesn't happen does it?

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Sassy Romano wrote:

How about this...

LL Employee: "Excuse me payroll dept, I didn't get my salary this month, is there a problem?

Payroll: "Well we sent it to the bank, we can show you the transactions that prove it, how about you contact your bank?"

Bank: "Well we agree that it was received from your employer but for some reason we just don't want to send it to you, we suggest you contact your employer and ask them to pay you some other way *shrugs*"

Payroll: "It's not our fault, file a JIRA with the banks payment processing system"

It just doesn't happen does it?

Wow Sassy !!!! This happened to me in RL some months ago ! almost exactly the same ! awwwww ! How do you know ? are you working in my administration or my bank ? Its scary !!!!:smileyvery-happy:

and... my bank even billed me for  a payement by a bank transfer that hasnt be possible so. 

but well, at least, i could phone to every of the services involved in the issue and yell (yes.... yell) at every of them. And it took only 3 days for being fixed....

i understand easily nothing is perfect and issues happen. What i cant understand is when they are not fixed after 11 monthes.

another thing i dont understand is how a company can have such disdain for its customers while they need these customers for existing.

And to answer to the first part of your answer. Here is the new answer i m just recieving from Dakota :


Hello Trinity,


I am unable to provide you with any contact information for the Dev Team 






So we can keep discussing if shes or not the right person.  She cant nothing for me, sadly.

And i really think that behind this single sentence there s a lot of meanings. Enough for i stop to annoy her. She cant, she cant . End... No need to spend more energy (mine and hers) for something she wont be able to provide me.

So now ..... where is the Dev team ? Did someone kidnaped them and keep them as hostages ? Have them been kidnapped by alliens ? Or suddenly tped in another dimension ? Maybe we should alert authorities and tell them that a dev team is missing on this earth and they should investigate ? :smileywink: Who knows  ? 


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Sassy Romano wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

I just think its a really shame that there is no way to contact the Dev team than waiting and hoping they read the merchant forum and eventually comment.

Dakota IS the right person to contact, it's not normal for a company of any size to publish direct contacts for their software developers when there is a Customer Service contact.

The failure though is when Customer Support suggest to customers that they go and create or add to a JIRA.  THAT is the job of the Customer Support team, they are the customer/developer interface and it is they who are responsible for that process in any other organisation.

The failure here is not with that process though but in the inability for those within LL to empower ther customer facing staff such as Dakota, with the authority to address these failures since LL can see that the item was delivered, they can see that the item transaction occurred to Commerce Linden escrow account but then flat out refuse to reconcile.

How about this...

LL Employee: "Excuse me payroll dept, I didn't get my salary this month, is there a problem?

Payroll: "Well we sent it to the bank, we can show you the transactions that prove it, how about you contact your bank?"

Bank: "Well we agree that it was received from your employer but for some reason we just don't want to send it to you, we suggest you contact your employer and ask them to pay you some other way *shrugs*"

Payroll: "It's not our fault, file a JIRA with the banks payment processing system"

It just doesn't happen does it?

Agree on many points. Bug reporting is not a customer support tool, it is a function of customer support to pass on issues that can't be handled to the development team or managers of the project.

We did try to bypass people like Dakota who don't have the power, by contacting Rod Humble who DOES have the power to handle marketplace developers..

His response was that they come to work every day thinking of us and that the commerce team does actually read the forums, which doesn't address much of anything.

They accepted some suggestions, said they'd work on some, ignored others and then the work that was done in the last 3 months was to add some new categories. Apparently categories were turned into rocket science because they took 3 months to do while other low hanging fruit hasn't gotten touched.

Dakota mentioned that other software also has bugs that sometimes takes years to fix. Yes Dakota, that's true and that would be understandable on "some" issues especially with server or deeper viewer issues.

On the other hand, it is in no way true with ecommerce sites and especially not true with reseller sites such as yourself that sell other peoples goods. In that case, issues that affect peoples funds, reporting and delivery of goods are given high priority in order to create a trust environment for commerce.

Issues aren't this blatent on other commerce sites or they wouldn't be in business. Indeed you have the entire history of the internet to bear this out. The internet itself didn't take off on a mass level until consumers started trusting it enough to use their credit cards online. Only then did retail and direct sales drive internet usage to the scale we see today.

Years long bugs sometimes yes ... blatent years long user facing bugs on commerce sites? No.

This particular corruption problem may be one of those particularly sticky ones, but in light of all the other nonsense, it's just more of the same.

So Dakota isn't the person to get a fire lit under the team or the developers, if the team is too small Rod isn't interested in throwing more developers at it or replacing them with competent people, who's the point of contact .... the board?

I feel for people like Dakota. On the other hand there are some ineffective and tainted employees that obviously can't handle coding a relatively stable marketplace like most of the other commerce sites on the internet. More of an issue than the actual bugs are the people who keep releasing software with so "many" bugs.

It's almost like you guys are incapable of releasing something that reasonably works the first time around. You release something buggy, fix part of it and live with the rest of the bugs for years.

Years for Direct Delivery, it only partially works, you won't support the old part that people still NEED for no copy items and put off a deadline indefinately, leaving a wake of confusion and misunderstanding of your own product.

Quit it, you're doing it wrong.

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By the way Trinity, just to be clear, I both sympathise and empathise with your issue.  The same happened to me over L$5 and before anyone says "pffft what's L$5 get on with your life", you're right, it wasn't the monetary value that was the issue, it was the sheer point that LL disclaimed any responsibility and can't stand up ONE person to be accountable. 

Nor did they seem to care that this wasn't a "missing L$5" that nobody knew the location of but a clear and documented set of transactions for which they failed to reconcile but had every power to do so!

I did get it paid in the end too, not "because they owed it" but as an exceptional gratuity.

Amazing, I was OWED IT as part of a transaction, it was never an ex-gracia payment.  I only wanted what I was due.

Keep at it, grind them down, it's my nature ;)

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I can top that in the petty, pedantic stakes.  Back in the days when I still really cared I got hit with a rounding *ahem* feature that afflicted group liabilities, so it took too much out of an account for the liabilty and didn't even leave it in credit with the group.  So I whistled up live help and made them repay that 1L to my account.  I thought that it might trigger the devs to revisit it and do it properly.

These days I expect them to rip me off (and of course they do, as we all know) so I try very hard to just shrug and put the blame where it lies - with me, for participating in this farce.

Hey ho ;)

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ok, so some updates about the wrong pics on my market place after the test i made a week ago with a magic box.

Quick remind: as someone suggested, i rerezzed an old magicbox, found the items that had the same name of the one attached to the wrong pics... exactly the clones. but the right ones. 

i relisted and reactived them... well no pics since LL has so better than mine for them. 

And i waited for more than 1 week.. to see if by miracle they relink with the wrong listings.

but no lol...

well not a surprise btw

so i deleted the ones i ve listed last week and derezz the magic box

im still stuck with these wrong pics so...

A sabotage wouldnt look different.

Now... since my land is not anymore listed on the sl search since the last rolling restart in Magnum region. it sounds like LL wants on top to do sabotage on my inworld store....

yeah mp wasnt enough...

well, so im still waiting for some dev of the team come here and give us update about this issue in mp... well if there are still dev in the LL team .....

and sorry Couldbe lol.... you wont be my heroine forever so....:smileywink:

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

ok, so some updates about the wrong pics on my market place after the test i made a week ago with a magic box.

Quick remind: as someone suggested, i rerezzed an old magicbox, found the items that had the same name of the one attached to the wrong pics... exactly the clones. but the right ones. 

i relisted and reactived them... well no pics since LL has so better than mine for them. 

And i waited for more than 1 week.. to see if by miracle they relink with the wrong listings.

but no lol...

well not a surprise btw

so i deleted the ones i ve listed last week and derezz the magic box

im still stuck with these wrong pics so...

A sabotage wouldnt look different.

Now... since my land is not anymore listed on the sl search since the last rolling restart in Magnum region. it sounds like LL wants on top to do sabotage on my inworld store....

yeah mp wasnt enough...

well, so im still waiting for some dev of the team come here and give us update about this issue in mp... well if there are still dev in the LL team .....

and sorry Couldbe lol.... you wont be my heroine forever so....:smileywink:

Thanks for the update, Trinity.  Bleh...was hoping that would work.

ETA:  Ohhh...been meaning to tell you this - I happened onto a MP shop the other day that had been closed and the merchant pulled all their listings.  When that happens and one inputs the merchant or shop name in search, a blank page comes up.  In this case there was one item.  You guessed it - the item was from a different listing, so the answer to taking down the entire MP store and starting over apparently wouldn't help either. :(

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Thanks for the update, Trinity.  Bleh...was hoping that would work.

ETA:  Ohhh...been meaning to tell you this - I happened onto a MP shop the other day that had been closed and the merchant pulled all their listings.  When that happens and one inputs the merchant or shop name in search, a blank page comes up.  In this case there was one item.  You guessed it - the item was from a different listing, so the answer to taking down the entire MP store and starting over apparently wouldn't help either.

ahahhahha yes, not a surprise lol.....

well...i owe to you a big thank you Czari, i was dealing with a bad day today, not only bec of LL, and i saw smth in the forum that put back a smile in my face and went right away deep to my heart... Well you know what im talking about.... Thanks Czari... really....

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Thanks for the update, Trinity.  Bleh...was hoping that would work.

ETA:  Ohhh...been meaning to tell you this - I happened onto a MP shop the other day that had been closed and the merchant pulled all their listings.  When that happens and one inputs the merchant or shop name in search, a blank page comes up.  In this case there was one item.  You guessed it - the item was from a different listing, so the answer to taking down the entire MP store and starting over apparently wouldn't help either.

ahahhahha yes, not a surprise lol.....

well...i owe to you a big thank you Czari, i was dealing with a bad day today, not only bec of LL, and i saw smth in the forum that put back a smile in my face and went right away deep to my heart... Well you know what im talking about.... Thanks Czari... really....

Awwww...you're welcome. :)  Not sure what it was you saw but glad it put a smile on your face. *Hugs*

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  • 1 month later...

ok so now new updates ! Well updates that are non updates indeed.. LL knows how to do them so well....

i was quietly working rl in the library i work, when i saw in my mailbox 2 mail notifications from the Jira. After opening the mail i could notice it was about the jira i sent in january about the wrong pics displayed in my mp. i could feel some excitation and great hope that they will tell me that they fixed.... well, i would have been surprised of course, bec for now the MP is a so big mess because of the late switching to DD that of course i never thought they could fix my prob at the meantime... But well, im incorrigibly optimist...

so then... it was just to say they closed this jira as its a duplicate to the older one (yeah the one that everybody here knows, have already commented, voted and followed)... but well...i thought mine was closed as a duplicate since age.... so it took 3 monthes to do this... *sighs*

they also added this lil sentence : "Please monitor the existing WEB-4587 Jira for updates."

ok, as i said, im an incorrigible optimist... i ran right away to the original jira to see.... there was no updates at all... So on top they have an awesome sense of humor.

So now, im really perplexed....

1- in the middle of the huge mess that the MP is experiencing since friday... while tons of customers are still waiting their items are delivered, and tons of merchants waiting to be paid.... They still have time for closing my JIra....i really dont get their sense of the priority.....:smileyfrustrated:

2. They didnt gave any update about this issue since sept 2012  and they still have the nerve to tell me to monitor the original jira if i want updates...where there is , indeed, no updates at all... :smileyfrustrated:

3- i suspect them to have some sadism, since sometimes, i havent pestered them about this problem anymore and now im quiet they come and move the knife in the wound.....

4- and my main : what is the psychotrop product they are using ?????? whatever is alcohol, pills, powder, or wathever else... i want the same ! Being able, in the middle of the big mess in the MP of this week end  that is IMHO big priority for them, to look at my poor jira (3 monthes later) and to close it, to notify me about this and on top to say there are updates where there is no updates at all ...it is something that somewhat deserve admiration.....

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emo tordu de rire.gif Yes Pam.I know this feeling lol

I think LL should be nominated as a public welfare committee... You see... it should be a great way to fight agaisnt all drugs addictions.... "No need to take any illegal product for getting high... just deal with LL... youll get even more high... Immediate results garanteed..

warning :  it can have "some" damages on your mental health aswell...but your body will be safe"

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  • 1 month later...

So I guess it's not just me. I was in the process of searching the MP for rugs and I finally gave up. The majority of the pages I dug through had the wrong images and regularly went to random pages that weren't even rugs at all, or just the MP front page.

I guess LL is fine with losing a ton of customers...

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