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What Defines Someone as a Noob?


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I think it depends on each persons opinion. When I first joined sl, it was quite obvious who "noobs" were to me. The generalized mass that had the generic and awful avatars. Since I've been on sl for a while I think my view has changed. At times I feel much like a "noob". I am not on nearly as much as I used to be and go months and sometimes even years between signing on, everything changes so fast and theres so much always going on in sl, I think it's hard to always have a firm grasp on it. I think for those who spend a lot of time and energy and time in sl a "noob" is someone that doesn't possess the skills they do. I think I will always consider myself a "noob" in sl. ;)

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PinknBlonde wrote:

I'm just wondering what makes someone a noob is all. Is it if they don't spend money for $L?

Well I considered my first Rez Day (first birthday) as my final transition out of Newbdom.


Wiki says:

"Newbie, newb, n00b or noob is a slang term for a novice or newcomer, or somebody inexperienced in any profession or activity. Contemporary use can particularly refer to a beginner or new user of computers, often concerning Internet activity, such as online gaming[1] or Linux use.[2][3] It can have derogatory connotations, but is also often used for descriptive purposes only, without a value judgment.

The term's origin is uncertain. Earliest uses probably date to late twentieth century U.S. military jargon, though possible precursor terms are much earlier. Variant forms of the noun include newby and newbee, while the related term noob (often spelt n00b) is often used in online gaming.

.....it may derive from the British public school slang "new boy" or "new blood."



You can also see a rather strange discussion in the Urban Dictionary.  Which would agree with Imnotgoing's definition.



Some people might consider your question slightly nOObish.




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In my opinion it's more based on how someone acts towards others, how they move through the world and their understanding of SL's social workings. Second to that would be their technical understanding of how things work in SL (building, animations, etc.) and how they appear.

For example: Most people will give other avatars a equal amount of 'personal space' as is expected in their own RL. A 'noob' will typically go barreling into people and stand uncomfortably close.

Most people have an AO with a variety of animations that represents the personality of their avatar. A 'noob' walks like their arms are wooden planks.

Most people know how to carry a conversation. A 'noob' might say "sup" or "hi" and stare blankly.

In my opinion Social grace and conversation skills > appearance and fancy skins/clothes. So I'd say you could not spend a dime and yet be an experienced resident in SL. :)

But yeah, most of it is subjective.

I try to avoid using the slang word and instead say "new resident" or refer to someone as being new to SL with the assumption they will eventually not be new, which seems to make sense to me.

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I think you're going to get different answers and opinions from everyone. I consider a noob to be anyone inexperienced at whatever they are being called a noob for. And really, I don't think of it in as derogatory of a way as many others do. I mean, we've all dealt with the annoying kind, but I also interact with plenty of really fun self-proclaimed noobs. And to be perfectly honest, I found more people who consider themselves to be noob that I would never have guessed based on how they write. but then again, this might be because I make it a point to reach out to them.

here's how I see it. If someone wants to walk and talk at the same time, I'll Im them, "watch your radar. if you go more than 20 meters away, I'll have no idea what you said."

If someone is getting ignored on a parapost sim, then I'll say either, "Take a look at how everyone is talking around you. They're more likely to respond if you post like that. What they really want is a descriptive post." or, if the post was descriptive, but had no reason for me to respond, I'll IM, "Nice post! Just want you to know I saw it, but my avatar wouldn't really see that as something to respond to.If you say something that would affect my character or talk directly to her, I'll be glad to post back!"

The responses I got when I gave this kind of advice to someone i caught doing noobish things has almost always been positive. Usually, they IM'ed back some form of gratitude for helping them get their start. Then they stuck around and got good at what they do :)

then there are the people who call themselves noobs, but actually would fit right in if they didn't go around saying it.  To those peoeple I just say, "I won't tell if YOU don't tell." lol.

Admittedly, I am a noob creator. A couple of builders I know are always willing to answer my questions, thankfully. I've made one outfit so far, and I don't quite like it enough to sell it. And I never would have started if they weren't around to teach me first, that it's fun enough to be worth learning, and two, how to do it!

So, to all noobs, find yourselves a couple of friendly residents, and pass on whatever they teach you to other noobs! That's what makes sl a happy place for me. (That, and the roleplay, and the sim, and now creating, and........)

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solstyse wrote:

If someone is getting ignored on a parapost sim
, then I'll say either, "Take a look at how everyone is talking around you. They're more likely to respond if you post like that. What they really want is a descriptive post." or, if the post was descriptive, but had no reason for me to respond, I'll IM, "Nice post! Just want you to know I saw it, but my avatar wouldn't really see that as something to respond to.If you say something that would affect my character or talk directly to her, I'll be glad to post back!"

 Well, who's a noob now?

What's a parapost sim? And if it was a typo forgive me, it didn't look like one and I wasn't trying to be snarky. I just have no idea what that means, which I think makes me noobish somewhere. Oh, you know what—I just re-read the whole paragraph and it looks as if it has to do with RP, but 'parapost' is still new (or noo) to me and I'd appreciate knowing what it means.


Edited for dumbness (in sentence construction: the question still stands)

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You're actually right. para-post, para-rp.... It means sims where the encouraged method or writing is to type a descriptive paragraph. Something which shows your character's actions as well as telling what they say. Often, there is a hint of what your charcater is thinking. Usually, it's written with the /me command.  The main idea is that the posts are treated like they all add up to a story, and everybody there is a contributing author. A good example of a parapost would be....

/me hears a slighrtly familiar voice behind her, but it's not until she turns around to see that she recognizes _________. "Oh, ______ what are yyou doing here?" she asks, undure whether to consider seeing him right at this moment a good thing or a bad thing. Her eyes deflect slightly away, hinting at a feeling of guilt."

Teh _______ in the example would be the name of the person who had just presumably posted about approaching the female characer.. When his turn in post order comes up, he would then respond to that post with one of his own responding to the guilty look, and using the thoughts described to imagine what the inflection of her voice would be. His post would then go something like this....

/me can't help but notice the guilty look in her eyes, and the slight wavering in her vioce. "What?" He asks, "I can't come here, but ya can? Without even tellin' me? Whatcha up to?" He glares suspiciously.

In this example, the guy would be writing his posts in a way to indicate an accent. The spelling is proper with the exception of what he says, which is spelled more phoenetically.

I hope this explains it. If not, you can ask me anything :)

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Solaria Goldshark wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

PinknBlonde wrote:

I'm just wondering what makes someone a noob is all. Is it if they don't spend money for $L?


Some people might consider your question slightly nOObish.



Some may consider your response a bit SnObbish.


You're right...........they may.

But I did not say that I thought it was.

I just stated a fact.


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I think of it something like Immy's definition.

A newbie is a beginner, a tyro... without experience, but with no real negative connotations. A n00b/noob is someone who can't or won't make the effort to learn. Someone might spend years in SL, spend money, own land, get partnered... and remain a n00b.

We were all newbies once, but we weren't all n00bs!

eta: some people will just shout "noob!" as a generic insult at anyone making a minor mistake, regardless of intent or experience, in much the same way as teenage boys shout "Gaaaay!" at any male showing emotion at anything other than football game or COD victory.

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Well, when you see an avatar with that plastic barbie doll newb skin, half naked with no hair, their bits showing through their clothes that don't even match their skin tone, holding one shoe in their right hand, i'm pretty sure you just ran into a noob.

But my personal definition is just someone who is "new" to the "game, app, program" etc.

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For me, a noob is someone who is already some time a user of a certain program or game. He or she hasn't stayed long yet, but isn't really "new" to the whole thing. But at the same time he or she doesn't behave like they have joined some weeks/months ago and they are unwilling or too lazy to improve their skills. After some time you start questioning yourself what they did all the time before.

It can be anything, from apperance to easy functions to behavior.


I wouldn't tie it on the money. I haven't spend a single real Euro for L$. Your definition would make me a noob...yet I have earned all the money I need to buy me things.

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n00b is an insult, and the term is frequently misapplied. 

Poor behavior, best defines a n00b.

A willingness to learn and grow, may define a Newb, or Newbie.

Most n00bs do not spend money, that would go against their principles.

A n00b is unapologetic, and unaccountable.

A newb, may be overly excited, about something elementary. (they are cute like that).






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I use noob not in the derogatory sense, but just a newbie. I will call out an older avatar though on "noobish" behavior - old enough to know better. There is another class though - the "permanoob" - those older avatars that just look like hell, no AO, generally poor behavior, etc. In a visual medium like SL, with so many amazing content creators and a lot of great free content as well, there is no reason to look like a noob past your first month in SL - especially not for a 5 year old avi.

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It means newbie. Really IRS a name older residents use I remeber when I first came to SL I was called a noob ushally stand out and walk into walls and when they type they make typing movements a lot of older residents tease them forgetting they were noobs too iv been on SL for 5 years now so I'm an oldie lol don't really see that many noobs but I ushally try and help them as I was in their shoes once so know what their going through

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