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Harley Hynes

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Where do i post about Being harrassed ?


I am getitng tired of loggingin everyday and having random people  IM me and tell me i have Alts . 

This Game is Suppose to be fun and Lately is nothe but Crap Seriously ! 

If LL wont do anything about people who Harrasse Or anything else I think they should Hire People who does something about it ! 


Very Annoyed :smileymad:

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So what if someone has an Alt?   I have an alt and she is like me in almost every way.  We go to the some of the same places, have some of the same friends.   We look almost identical.   But one of us is nice and one of us is evil.   No one seems to know which is which though, including us.  :matte-motes-evil-invert:

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Yes, I agree....I have a whole legion of alts, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There are a pile of reasons why alts are useful to have which have nothing to do with anything malicious or dodgy. Perhaps they got a bad name because a few people used them in the past to create intrigues, but if you aren't doing that then why do you care what people say. I've never had any issues with mine, nor been accused of anything, nor should anyone care.

And the "mute/ban/ignore/move on" advice is very wise. SL is a huge enough world to go and find another place to be.

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Harley Hynes wrote:

I am getitng tired of loggingin everyday and having random people  IM me and tell me i have Alts .

"Random people" ??  you mean complete strangers who for no reason whatsoever take the trouble to IM you out of the blue and tell you they know you have alts ?


There's something not quite right about this complaint...


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I don't understand the thread and what that has to do with harrassment.

Of course I have alt's and why is it a harrassment if someone tells me what I already know? ok, that person is obviously stupid to tell me something they don't know for sure and will be subject to a "block" click. But if that's all - where is the problem?

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Harley Hynes wrote:

Where do i post about Being harrassed ?


I am getitng tired of loggingin everyday and having random people  IM me and tell me i have Alts . 

This Game is Suppose to be fun and Lately is nothe but Crap Seriously ! 

If LL wont do anything about people who Harrasse Or anything else I think they should Hire People who does something about it ! 


Very Annoyed :smileymad:

The problem is Red Zone, CDS, and similar bot systems using media to track peoples alternate accounts by IP address then adding them to databases of known alternate accounts, or ban networks.

There are other systems besides Red Zone, including other systems, which may or may not be sold on the market place, and custom scripts that sometimes people don't give out to everyone, so it might not be obvious. While RZ was removed there are others in its place I am sure.

We all know how easy it is to change IP address imagine you were at a hotel and just happend to be on the same network as me or using the free WI-FI, now imagine I decide hey im going to go grief everyone and steal from creators, well guess what, my IP address gets flagged by the system if i am a stupid griefer, but so does yours because you went to a club such as a lot of clubs in Second Life used Red Zone, and CDS, and now both your IP's are the same and match so you are obviously an alt right?

Some people are just so ignorant they will believe anything they see and can't prove, I called out some of these clubs like a year maybe 2 years ago I asked them why I was being banned and kicked by Red Zone, the result was they just sim banned me because of Red Zone, but funny thing is since they used Red Zone they haven't had as many green dots on their sims now very few. ( I will personally name and shame anyone on every site and spread the word about anyone using such systems to abuse anyone I know.)

Now if you are actually getting griefed, then ban the griefer, if you don't want someone there then I am sure you have the right to remove them, and or call Linden Lab. As of today I know of no way even for Linden Lab to perma ban griefers I have complained a lot for verification of accounts created to decrease the number of griefer attacks on residents but they haven't listen yet.

However the people running such places do not have the right to grief other people by accusing people of being alts, I have been there before got accused of being a griefer, even a bot a few times, and even had uninoformed merchants spreading rumors because of their little anti theft groups they run but see they have been around for years so sometimes one accusation and others will follow. Ask for evidence they are like well this griefer used your name, or X person did this, and no kidding anyone can go grief in another persons name its happend to me its happend to a few others I know.

The way you can avoid this.

1. Keep Media/AutoPlay off.

2. Keep voice off to avoid voice IP checks/hacks.

3. Do not listen to music in SL, if you really want to listen to music get a program like Proxifier, and load the stream through an external browser using a different IP than yours.

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Yet another topic about unimpeded ongoing harassment. 

There really is ver little to be done about it currently.

In my opinion, the 'security staff' of SL needs to be beefed up by LL. People who are able to take time to see patterns and thus can see when harassment or griefing or abuse is ongoing with or to a given avatar.

Things like trying to drive someone off their land, or, get them to leave SL as in some of your cases who posted here...People who show up everywhere the other person goes, continually IM, flood with things so tehir other stuff caps...etc., etc. Even people who threaten to do RL harm.

As the internet changes and becomes more of a 'home' for many people, it isn't just 'pretend' any more. It's impacting people's real lives, even if it's just costing them time, a few dollars or some aggravation. Ignoring it does not help user retention.



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