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Suspended for an hour with no warning or reason

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I was logged out of sl by an administrator.  I thought hmm i wonder if this has anything to do with me downgrading my account from premium to basic.  I called up billing.  they said no but i had been suspended for an hour and that an email went out to me.  Um...no it did not. I am not a seller or reseller on sl. I do not grief, i don't not use homophobic or racial slurs, i do not share private information.  what the heck can i do.

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Well, by the time you do anything, your one hour suspension will be ended, so it's a moot point.  One hour is also a pretty small suspension -- kind of like a parking ticket.  Check your spam filter, though.  Administrative notices from LL have been known to land there for a lot of people. 

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belladonna Wexhome wrote:

I was logged out of sl by an administrator.  I thought hmm i wonder if this has anything to do with me downgrading my account from premium to basic.  I called up billing.  they said no but i had been suspended for an hour and that an email went out to me.  Um...no it did not. I am not a seller or reseller on sl. I do not grief, i don't not use homophobic or racial slurs, i do not share private information.  what the heck can i do.

Wait for an hour.

(Sorry, couldn't help it)

There may have been some sort of flaky administrative thing with your account that meant it needed to be taken off temporarily. Your account may have somehow been associated with a spamming object you know nothing about or something like that. If it was only for an hour you're probably not in trouble for anything. Keep checking your E-mail, including your spam folder. Also, when you DO get on it might be a good idea to change your password just in case.

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belladonna Wexhome wrote:

I was logged out of sl by an administrator.  I thought hmm i wonder if this has anything to do with me downgrading my account from premium to basic.  I called up billing.  they said no but i had been suspended for an hour and that an email went out to me.  Um...no it did not. I am not a seller or reseller on sl. I do not grief, i don't not use homophobic or racial slurs, i do not share private information.  what the heck can i do.

in a one hour ban i would just ride it out.

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belladonna Wexhome wrote:

Oh I did just ride it out, my concern is more why i was suspended. and i did check spam and email. still nada.  I just don't want this counting against me in anyway.  Three years in sl and this is the first time it has happened.

Yeah, I can understand that.  I'd be upset too, and I've been here five and a half years.  Still, it's a pretty tiny slap on the wrist -- not likely to show up on your felony rap sheet.  As others suggested, it's probably something dumb like littering.  A prim with your name on it was found at the bottom of a half a ton of garbage .... 

/me wanders off, whistling Alice's Restaurant .....

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Tex Nasworthy wrote:

We know what you did!

We have proof in the form of 27 8x10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back explaining how each was to be used as evidence against you.


/me waves at Rolig. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

Did they make you pick up the garbage after letting you off the group W bench?   ;)


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Possibilities -

Maybe they had to make some kind of adjustments to your account since it downgraded like check your land and return stuff, edit your account "rights" and whatever else...

Maybe a glitch in the system - it is not unusual for things lke this to happen when SL is acting weird.

Without the email, you can't really know. I would speculate though that it was just to make whatever downgrades to your account and maybe it would not have been possible if you were logged on. Kind of for the same reason that windows refuses to delete programs or files that are in use.


I mean if you had got in trouble, the suspension would have been more than one hour surely.

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In the past I'd be the first to tell you "You will ALWAYS get an email' however it has been maybe 2 years since I have received any email at all from LL like their spam advertising they used to send or things like that. I am now wondering if their email system is having problems or they are just not sending anything to anyone since they can always blame it on the spam settings of your email client.

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Darren Scorpio wrote:

... it has been maybe 2 years since I have received any email at all from LL like their spam advertising they used to send or things like that. I am now wondering if their email system is having problems or they are just not sending anything to anyone since they can always blame it on the spam settings of your email client.

I got an email from LL just today asking me to "pre-order" one of their new games.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Darren Scorpio wrote:

... it has been maybe 2 years since I have received any email at all from LL like their spam advertising they used to send or things like that. I am now wondering if their email system is having problems or they are just not sending anything to anyone since they can always blame it on the spam settings of your email client.

I got an email from LL just today asking me to "pre-order" one of their new games.

Yeah I used to get their spam all the time too, but it has been a while (at least 2 years now that I think of it) since I have received anything from them.


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belladonna Wexhome wrote:

Oh I did just ride it out, my concern is more why i was suspended. and i did check spam and email. still nada.  I just don't want this counting against me in anyway.  Three years in sl and this is the first time it has happened.

3 years in and you have only gotten a 1 hour?

don't spend hours being worried about something that is not going to show on your record..you are  not showing any signs of being a trouble maker if that is all you have gotten in 3 years..

there are people that get ARed for big things over and over that never get perma banned..

they used to show bans on a part of their website that you could  look up..

you would never see 1 hour bans on there..because they don't count against you..


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I once got exactly the same thing with my alt.

The only thing I could possibly  think I did, was visiting an old naturist beach,naked, naturally, and lo.....the sim had closed and it was a residential parcel, not even  a G parcel but an M.   I got a security orb message requesting I leave, but before I could even do so.......and we are talking seconds here .......I got another message saying 'you have been banned for two hours by ***** Linden, please logout'.   No details as to what ban was for, but being naked in a resident parcel was the only thing I could think it was.

The other slightly bizarre thing was, when I landed in the parcel, there was no one else around on my map. Not a soul.  I can only presume the Linden was invisible, but one wonders why on earth they would bother lol.

I took my ban on the chin, and had some tea.  However, it would help enormously if the message had detailed the transgression.  It might have been something else entirely that was not even my fault, or it might have been something I did in ignorance earlier in the day, but it is plain stupid punishing a crime that you are completely unaware of.

No emails were received, either, from LL re. this.

Other than this crime against humanity, I have been squeaky clean on SL.

Annoying, doubtless, to the numerous shills I occasionally douse on the forums.

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belladonna Wexhome wrote:

I was logged out of sl by an administrator.  I thought hmm i wonder if this has anything to do with me downgrading my account from premium to basic.  I called up billing.  they said no but i had been suspended for an hour and that an email went out to me.  Um...no it did not. I am not a seller or reseller on sl. I do not grief, i don't not use homophobic or racial slurs, i do not share private information.  what the heck can i do.

Questioning the decision of the Linden gods is as bad as offending them. So watch yourself, eh?


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Also can happen when you recieve a tip and that money was part of an investigation, suspend the avatar for a "freeze" while doing a follow up 

Happend to me once, tho i recieved an email about it that my account was temporarily suspended for administrative reasons with the follow up about the reason when unsuspended, tho that was years back when they were still polite :-)

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Generally LL will suspend your account if they are checking for things like Stolen Content, running inventory fixes, or bugs on an account, or if they just need to check something related to a TOS breach or something it is a common thing happend to me before. I believe this might be called Account Testing.

Maybe you were wearing an object which was griefing another user in Second Life, or slowing a simulators preformance and LL needed to run a test,  I have no idea of the cause, but sometimes even if you were you wouldn't know until LL tells you especially if you are just in SL to have fun.

See griefers can give you an object even a Freebie Gun, AO, or in general anything that is a prim asset, and that prim can contain a script that spams/griefs another resident with green messages, one common thing that griefers do, generally you would not know about it, and I am sure you would not be meaning to grief someone you never knew but it happens and you might not know about it unless LL or the person getting spam tells you or something for example. Even one cube can effect an entire simulator when it is worn or contains multiple cubes/assets that can disrupt a simulators preformance griefers can give these out as freebies, and trigger them via shout command, or web interface, and you wouldn't even know it, even chatbugs for that matter.

It could also be the money thing as people said to check out things like Money Laundry, or illegal tips or such, sometimes griefers Steal Money where it be from LL permissions, or other illegal practices and will toss it in tip jars to create grief, they get banned they don't care because its a griefer account, but the other person gets suspended and does care. Generally they would suspend to keep you from logging in for like an hour just to check it sometimes less than an hour.

Even if your suspension was only for one hour, I would check your email, and if you really want to know, I would file a ticket with Linden Lab and ask.

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  • 6 months later...

That's exactly what happened.  While i never got an email, i figured it out.  Someone i know was hacked.  HIs entire sl account was drained ( about 500,000L ) and was used to buy bloodlines blood.  At the time I was a bloodlines liaison and i put him into contact with the creator of Bloodlines.  The creators of bloodlines were able to refund his money and to thank me he gave me a VERY generous tip a few thousand linden.  At this point though, he has also reported the hacking to linden labs.  the same day i got suspended, Linden Labs sent this poor guy an email saying his account was to be permenantly closed.  THANK GOD people in the fashion world (he is an sl designer) made a HUGE stink over it, contacting lindens on his behalf and his account was reinstated.

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