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This forum over SLU

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On the 17th of august I created a thread about the big bang


 at the same time I put the exact copy of it on SLU


I wanted to see the difference between the 2, the replies here were more science based, wheres the replies in SLU were mostly very childish, seems to alter the perceived notion of how the universe is made is some thing people don't like, the replies in SLU have put me off for life as to ever commenting there again, I was taking a months break, mainly to see if I could do it, for that month I had the choice to log every day, but only logged into national papers that I comment in, I am a bit of a star in other places, here I am seen as a fool, but that's OK.


I can't see the appeal of SLU as it has far more bullies than here, I would say that the bullies here are older than those in SLU, I found the same culture of corruption with the owners having special friends that can say any thing, the CEO has really gone down in my estimation, I am beginning to think he is very young, he comments there and not here, could mean he is scared to comment here and finds the kids at SLU more to his level, SLU seemed top be full of people that just want to make silly comments no matter the subject, but when my self imposed exile was up I came here, I can't go near SLU as I really do see it as a kids site.


What do you think of the two, the fact that SLU is more popular shows SL is filling with kids,

some of you may not agree with me, but read the comments of both threads, it does stand out a mile.

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Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. 

However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. 


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I am 49 years old, and even at 20 I would have felt the same way.  I like fun, I like silly things, but I don't like the childish bullying, or the 'one-upmanship' that seems to go on so often - that again is childish.

Do you really worry about no longer fitting in? Better to be a unique person than a sheep who follows the crowd.

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I post on 4 SL centric forums.  Here, SLU, SCMKII, and gV.  I have found over time the more I act like an idiot the more I'm treated like one.  Taking that into consideration, I mostly survive all 4 by being cautious and generally maintain a civil discourse while still maintaining my stance in spite of controversy. (^_^)

SLU has the advantage of not having our Linden overlords watching out words.  I percieve it as no more or less clique'd than here or any other forum.  But, it is a place where people are allowed to voice more openly the topics and opinions they prefer without worrying about being so SL-centric. (^_^)

The fatal flaw I saw in your experiment is that you were testing people.  As you admit here, your intent was to challenge peoples' willingness to debate an extremely contentious topic.  What you got was the result of people who don't like being tested, even if only subcounciously.  In addition, you persisted in button pushing as you found them to the point of pitting people against each other. (=_=)

To me, SLU is simply yet another SL forum.  I have friends there just as I have friends here, and inworld, and on the other forums.  At the same time, I don't expect to get along with everyone nor do I expect to sway their opinions to my way of thinking.  For those, I tune out.  I'm in no need of blocking or muting people.  I'm fully capable of exercizing the ability to maturely look past immaturity while maintaining my own personal degree of immaturity.  =^-^=

Long story short: Don't start none, won't be none. (^_^)y



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All my life I have stood out, being here for the first time in my life I have been like an ordinary person, to escape me is something I have always wanted, to be one of the crowd, in the days when I had patents I was surrounded by people I could not trust, so many wanted to be a friend and some even claimed to be, even a Tory MP said he knew me, I have never met one in my life, but all wanted to jump on the band wagon, they destroyed my life and I didn't want to fit with them but coming to places like this I can be an ordinary person but I do find it hard to fit and the older I get so it gets harder.

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I wouldn't worry about standing out. I'm a star - always have been, and always will. I'm world famous in my street and I wouldn't have it any other way. People try to get close to me, just so they can tell their friends that they know me, and I let them. But I draw the line at blowing my own trumpet, so  you won't find me doing that.

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LOL, you have no idea, but i like you, when it comes to money people do all kinds of things and when you have patent agents in the US and japan that are just out to screw you it gets even worst, i would not wish what i went though on any one, for 5 years i dreamed of diiging a big hole and building a bunker to lock some of these chars in and slowly starve them to death, for 5 years all i could think of was that, like i said it destroyed my life, lol, ignorance is bliss.

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Echo Hermit wrote:

Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. 

However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. 



I have said it before myself. It is a real shame that a CEO of any company would rather socialize with people who are using a third party forum instead of his company's official forum. I'd like to see the forums here become more lively again like they used to be, that can only happen if there is participation from the Lindens. Anybody else miss seeing Torley pop in on our threads from time to time?


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Ceka & some others recommended that i go over to SLU cuz discussion of the Justice League ripping IPs & harassing ppl in RL was censored in this forum but could be discussed freely over there .. so i did .. & read alla bout the JLU scandal .. but i ended up getting banned from SLU .. well not exactly .. i asked to have my account deleted & the dude said he couldnt do that but he could ban me .. so i asked him to do so .. so i was banned @ my own request .. i got banned here too but apparently LL relented cuz after being gone for 3 months i discovered that i can post here again .. to tell you the truth i think that both SLU & this forum sucks .. i wish there was a decent forum where SL could be discussed w/out the cliquishness & censorship that prevades both these fora .. i guess that gamers just tend to be dramatic & its inevitable that all the weirdness on here & on SLU is going to infect any forum devoted to a game like SL


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I have a website that has a forum type blog, I was going to use it for posting script examples for people to make their own scripts to interface with my system, but part of it could be for such things, but the problem is I am known here and not liked much, so a lot could be just personal insults, but I could add a page for opinions on sl and not me.

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Darren Scorpio wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. 

However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. 



I have said it before myself. It is a real shame that a CEO of any company would rather socialize with people who are using a third party forum instead of his company's official forum. I'd like to see the forums here become more lively again like they used to be, that can only happen if there is participation from the Lindens. Anybody else miss seeing Torley pop in on our threads from time to time?


Darren Scorpio wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. 

However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. 



I have said it before myself. It is a real shame that a CEO of any company would rather socialize with people who are using a third party forum instead of his company's official forum. I'd like to see the forums here become more lively again like they used to be, that can only happen if there is participation from the Lindens.
Anybody else miss seeing Torley pop in on our threads from time to time?


Lovely Torley is one of the people I 'stalk' - I do miss him here on the forums, but he's still the butter that holds the Linden-Resident sandwich together, with Oskar, Maestro, Oz, Tommy and a couple of others providing a bit of meat and relish.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/7996904556/in/photostream/   (note how Torley gives credit where credit is due, to a regular SL Forumite, a lassie who does fabulous photos)




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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I have a website that has a forum type blog, I was going to use it for posting script examples for people to make their own scripts to interface with my system, but part of it could be for such things, but the problem is
I am known here and not liked much,
so a lot could be just personal insults, but I could add a page for opinions on sl and not me.


You are liked/disliked as much as the rest of us. We all have our haters, and our fans.

Folks on SLU are allowed to continue to make threads deeply personal sometimes, and this is where I appreciate the Second Life official forums moderation.  Debates and disagreements are great, constructive criticism is great, personal attacks are not.

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Echo Hermit wrote:

Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I have a website that has a forum type blog, I was going to use it for posting script examples for people to make their own scripts to interface with my system, but part of it could be for such things, but the problem is
I am known here and not liked much,
so a lot could be just personal insults, but I could add a page for opinions on sl and not me.


You are liked/disliked as much as the rest of us. We all have our haters, and our fans.

Folks on SLU are allowed to continue to make threads deeply personal sometimes, and this is where I appreciate the Second Life official forums moderation.  Debates and disagreements are great, constructive criticism is great, personal attacks are not.

back in the old days i hung out in yahoo chatrooms quite a bit .. they were completely uncensored .. i liked that! ther were booters & flame wars & personal attacks galore but the 'anything goes' freedom had a charm of its own

here .. where ppl ask questions & others try to help them out .. i can sortuv see the need for some moderation .. but i feel that the censorship on this forum goes way too far .. its like there are entire taboo topics & the thot police delete posts & lock threads in an arbitrary & wanton manner .. SLU is different in what is 'allowed' but it too is arbitrarily censored & is no better .. i personally think that some of the most interesting ppl who use2 post on here have been driven away by the censorship .. @ least in part .. i think that the censors should liten up & even encourage flamboyant rants & indignant replies & stuff like that .. thats what makes a forum fun !!



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Echo Hermit wrote:

I think moderation only goes too far when I can't write the word c0ck or t1t or pen1s with the right spelling without it being bleeped out.

Personal attacks just smack of schoolyard bullying.

how sexist is it that clitoris is ok but pen1s gets **bleep**ed ?!?!

im not saying that i approve of personal attacks .. not real vile ones anyway .. im just saying that its better to tolerate them than to resort to censorship



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i like both of them..

here you have to watch content that you put up ..where there you have a bit more freedom..

and like anything..it all depends on how you approach things..

and also the threads you make or get involved in and if you are super serious or just there for giggles or information and things..

both are good resources for those looking for information..

if you can't find the answer here..it's a good chance you can find it there..

if you want to hang out ..both are fun..

but both can get serious as hell in a heart beat on certain subjects..


you can be a bit more free when talking about content theft over there than you can here..

you can talk about a lot of things there that will break the guidelines here..


forums are not for everyone..but they are a great source for information..

which is about the number one reason someones starts even looking in a forum..


so the main reason..info..they are both great for that..your questions will get answered in record time in most cases in both..

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

the young only know...

the older ones...

This generalising is funny but not helpful. If you truely think that age is the main qualifier for valuable input on either forum, you should provide conclusive evidence.

As it stands I see no evidence of this dividing line; many older people have demonstrated their immaturity on both (and likely, all) forums, and likewise many young people have contributed greatly.

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Simply put, I prefer this forum over SLU.  I can't really cite a specific reason, it's just personal preference.

It's a sad state of affairs that Linden Lab can't figure out how to manage a Forum to it's own advantage, much less the advantage of the Residents.

It's even sadder that the CEO and other LL dignitaries don't see fit to post here, and to really answer our questions and our concerns here in their own Forum.  But of course, SLU doesn't cost a penny for them to manage.

I do understand that this is the official LL forum and because they are a business in the public eye, they do need to maintain a little bit more control over what is posted here.  Regardless, I do think a lot of the censorship is overkill.  After all, I do love my pen1s.

While only LL really sees the number of unique users and can speak authoritatively on it, it is my distinct impression that fewer and fewer people post here on a regular basis.  If someone was trying to get an idea of just how popular Second Life is by looking at the participation in this Forum, they would be left with the distinct impression that the popularity doesn't extend far beyond a few hard core users.

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