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Moving away from SL

Tamara Artis

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Webby Merlin wrote:

Clarification on LIGHTSHARE:
Windlight has been in SL for much longer than a year, but you can't set the region defaults for your sim so that everyone else can see the skies you have selected.


Yes you CAN set region defaults in SL for Windlight now and that functions's been around for at least a year, I think.

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I've been in Sl for about 3 years almost daily, without any breaks, ever.

Although of course I'm not online all the time, but at least an hour a day I guess.

And I'm not sick of it yet and find there to be very very few annoying things.

But I've been playing computer games since the early 1980s, I remember having to load a casette tape for about 20 minutes to begin a text adventure... and sometimes it got stuck at 19 minutes.

And I remember having to wait about 5 minutes for an image to appear on my screen.

That all makes me take the problems in SL with a grain of salt.

Not that there aren't any and SL could/should do a lot better, but I just don't get bothered by these problems very much.

Maybe it also has to do something with me running a company in RL and working in film/tv, that is a LOT of hassle and a lot of annoying people, that makes griefers, lag and bad graphics in SL seem like a holiday.

And in a way, to me SL is a holiday, this is where I relax.


When you get bombarded with images every time you've been away for a bit, leave the groups, or better, get the Firestorm viewer that allows you to turn receiving messages from groups off.

Also set your IM's to be send to your email.

This way you get all the important stuff in your email box without getting all the group messages every time you return to SL.


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JeanneAnne wrote:

no shame in having an opinion ... shame accrues from presenting opinion as fact



You really should wash your virtual mouth out with soap for this one. Half the damn posts you make, from scientific discussions to your 'theories' of corporate behavior and responsibility to the ad nauseum attacks on LL and their evil class warfare upon the residents, is stated as fact. No room for argument. Jeanne has spoken. If anyone needs to realize on opinion is just that, it's you.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Money is a big factor; nothing in this life is free.


second life is free !! iv been playing sl for over a year & havent spent a cent on it besides what my computer cost & the electricity to run it .. and .....


FACT: Second Life isn't free, other peope are paying for it and are generously allowing you to use their server space.

Yet you continue to rail against anyone that does that.  You should leave since everyone is being so greedy and nasty by doing that.

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I have stopped making things for a while, mainly due to the way I am treated in this forum, but I don't think most are going for that reason, if the market was bigger in sl then how this forum treats me would not matter, but as the market is getting so small, one looks for reasons to stay, I came to this forum to talk about that and if we could think up ways to improve things, but the replies I got just summed it all up and I though it no longer is worth doing any more stuff in sl.

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Hi, as stated above there are alot other virtual worlds and i tried alot BUT

if people leaving SL because they are bored why whould a "clone" make any better ?

Their main problem is the members. In alot worlds it´s just you and you. A club offered me a DJ job and they where happy happy to have 100 customers .. a week ;)


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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

I looked at that world, there is no building or script, seems every thing they make, so can't see why i or any other creators should go there.

ya there is..and more will be coming with their new client..

also..i wasn't pumping it up for creators..i was just answering the OP


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Tamara Artis wrote:

So.. seems SL is dying and I am seeing people giving advices to move to another online world. I would be happy if some of you had any suggestions or experiences to share:)

Thank you in advance!

I'm not sure I would say SL is dying quite yet. Yes of course people freak when a change happens and oh my god the sky is falling...it's been that way for years and probably will...until SL actually does die out. I however, am loving being in SL, my revenues in my business go up every month and I add new friends to my list...practically daily. It is what it is, and it seems to be working for me pretty good.  That said...other worlds, so far I've tried Avination and InWorldz. Both remind me of SL about 5 or 6 years ago. I've started up a small shop in one of them and haven't seen anything come of it yet. I think the problem is traffic. There just isn't much on either of those grids yet. But who knows, if people keep thinking they need to jump ship then perhaps they will grow. I'd personally love to see those grow because it only helps the community as a whole.


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Empty sims will always be a problem, no matter how many people there are in SL.

My sim has a European 1920s theme, quite a niche.

Yet we have a vibrant and busy community with lots of people and every one of our 70+ apartments has been rentedn fulltime almost since the day we started 3 years ago.

But most of the people interested in 1920s Germany will either be European or America, so there is a moment during the day that Europeans and Americans are either in bed or at work.

Even good running sims with decent traffic can find themselves deserted for hours now and then.

The trick is to find a sim you like with or without people, try and find out if there is a community, if they have events and if so, when the right time is to visit.

We have a daily happy hour, every single day at 2pm pdt, early for Americans, late for Europeans, but we're both awake.

So that is when we all know that at least something is happening in the sim and some of us will be there, a good time to drop in.

If you visit our sim and it is empty, well it isn't all the time and enough people keep coming to keep it going.

My sim is not some charity I run and throw money at :)

BTW, I've looked for Viking roleplay sims as well and Medieval ones, sadly couldn't find any that were even remotely historically accurate and that didn't allow fantasy stuff.

One viking sim I found looked good... but then I saw viking helmets with horns, that made me run away!

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Jo Yardley wrote:

Empty sims will always be a problem, no matter how many people there are in SL.

My sim has a European 1920s theme, quite a niche.

Yet we have a vibrant and busy community with lots of people and every one of our 70+ apartments has been rentedn fulltime almost since the day we started 3 years ago.

But most of the people interested in 1920s Germany will either be European or America, so there is a moment during the day that Europeans and Americans are either in bed or at work.

Even good running sims with decent traffic can find themselves deserted for hours now and then.

The trick is to find a sim you like with or without people, try and find out if there is a community, if they have events and if so, when the right time is to visit.

We have a daily happy hour, every single day at 2pm pdt, early for Americans, late for Europeans, but we're both awake.

So that is when we all know that at least something is happening in the sim and some of us will be there, a good time to drop in.

If you visit our sim and it is empty, well it isn't all the time and enough people keep coming to keep it going.

My sim is not some charity I run and throw money at

BTW, I've looked for Viking roleplay sims as well and Medieval ones, sadly couldn't find any that were even remotely historically accurate and that didn't allow fantasy stuff.

One viking sim I found looked good... but then I saw viking helmets with horns, that made me run away!

iv been meaning to visit your sim Jo .. ill try to drop in some afternoon this week :womanhappy:

i just read an article posted by a SL & FB friend .. it claims that concurrency is down by 12% since Feb & that new accounts are down too .. says that there have been several mass defections from SL to other virtual worlds .. the Elf Clan in particular was a large group that left en mass .. also claims that the upsurge in griefing is due to the move to Steam .. claims that as gamers use2 higher end graphics become exposed to SL some of them will be prone to the 'metagame' of griefing .. & even claims that this isnt necessarily a bad thing !! in that a sense of unexpectancy is better than a locked down game .. i dont know if all this is true but i do know ......

that Riverside Blues Club closed yesterday .. this makes me very sad .. RS was more than just a club .. it was like family .. for weeks & weeks now id been going to RS every sunday morning for Messalinas Gospel & Blues set .. id drink coffee listen to the music & visit w/ my friends ... sundays wont seem the same anymore .. i feel bad for having taken RS for granted .. all too often id be like 'well .. there isnt much going on in SL .. but theres always Riverside .. guess ill go there' .. now i dont have it anymore & neither does the hundreds of very cool music lovers who had become good friends @ RS .. it sucks

& Riverside is only the lastest .. iv only been in SL since Aug 2011 but in that time iv seen many many cool places simply cease to exist .. 1st ther was Papas club .. not the best club but one i hung out in as a newbie .. Pagan Sisters folded .. as did the very cool Pathways sim where i circled on sabbats & esbats .. worst of all was the loss of Seaside Rendezvous where i lived with my sisters & their friends .. that was a wonderful sim !! so gorgeous .. so peaceful .. such fun dance parties w/ fireworks .. such elaborate & beautiful undersea stuff ... just gone .. & on & on .. Riverside is merely the latest

i know what you mean about Viking & Medieval sims not being very authentic .. many that the search brought up as 'viking' were actually gorean .. one of the best is Folkvangr on the Lexicolo sim .. but even there Nightshade & Dizzi have encorporated a lotuv fantasy stuff .. which i dont mind cuz i dont really care about strict historical authenticity .. i dont really care about viking stuff per se .. its just that i worship Freyja & the Vanir .. and so did the old Norse

im glad your sim is thriving Jo .. im sure that many are & whether theyre empty or populated depends on the time of day in some particular partuv the world .. i dont mind being alone on pretty sims .. i only seem to complain about it to make the point that ppl arent very likely to keep paying the exorbitant tier LL extorts from them .. if no1 ever comes around to see their build

Best wishes .. & ill stop by Berlin Project soon



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Tamara Artis wrote:

I don't plan to move, was just curious to see how is it out there lol.

I'm not moving either, but extra locations won't hurt...so long as they are profitable! What we need is more consumers on those other grids. Right now it's like a bunch of dudes hanging out at a party waiting for the girls to show up. Total sausage fest over there!

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

I'm amazed at all the virtual worlds that exist that I've just heard of from this thread.  Looks like I've got some exploring to do.

(Not bored with SL nor do I wish to leave it, even with all the warts.  As long as the lights are on, I'll be here.)

that's all i'm doing really is just looking around at what is out there and  spending enough time in them to give them a chance..


i used to make up my mind right away..but i figured maybe i should be giving them more than a day or two..so i have been..

the Utherveres one is more like a user frienly type of sl in a way..

so it's been good for relaxing..but it doesn't have all the coolness of sl..

there is a lot less cool things there as far as gadgets and building from scratch..

but it's still pretty neat and the people are pretty nice so far hehehe


i'm trying to remember if i have an old there.com avatar or not..


i may have ..but i don't think i ever hit that grid..i know a bunch of sl'ers were there..i may look into that one as well and give it a shot ..  =)



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hey Jo .. i visited your sim !! was goin2 post a pic i took there but its too big .. anyway .. heres some comments ....

i dont much like sims where i cant fly .. you should enable flying

Berlin Project sim wasnt very 'pretty' .. but then i suppose Berlin in the 1920s wasnt a pretty place .. run down old euro city .. i saw some rats running around .. some dumpy places .. some nice stuff too tho :) 

i was goin2 say that the sim was completely deserted but as i wandered around pretty much @ random some other avatars came into my 96 m radar .. so there were @ least 3 or 4 other ppl there .. i didnt approach any cuz i figured theyd boot me for not being in costume .. actually i was goin2 say i was a Gypsy .. or a Bohemian .. if any1 got after me :P

whats w/ "NO NAZIS" !?!?  i expected Nazis .. specially since 'harm' is enabled .. why is harm enabled if there are no Nazis to fite? who do you fite with if not Nazis?  i think you should have Nazis to spy on

the sim was a bit laggy .. which surprised me .. specially w/ no1 else nearby .. im not too use2 lag w/ my new computer .. not unless im in a really crowded place .. the health meter said the reason for the lag was 'images loading' so yeah .. if i stood still it went away .. but then became laggy again when i started moving around

anyhow .. just some impressions off the topuv my head .. good luck with your sim !!




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Thanks for having a look around.

The main goal of our sim is to give people a realistic, authentic experience of what 1920s Berlin was like, as much as SL allows us to anyway.

That is why you can't fly there, our houses are sometimes dirty, streets narrow, apartments small.

And that is why you are also supposed to dress 1920s style.

Why we have no Nazis is explained here; http://1920sberlinproject.wordpress.com/2011/07/21/no-nazis/

We have harm activated because our police carry guns, our criminals can be naughty too and even though hardly anything really bad happens that involves guns, if it does, people need to get hurt.

It is another layer of realism; you may get hurt.

Berlin, like almost all sims, has its peak hours and quiet time, so it is always possible to vind it deserted.

Yes, Berlin can be laggy, we're not sure why and am trying to trace it.

Yes, textures loading takes a lot of bandwith in Berlin because we use custom, detailed textures for almost every building.

Because these need to be detailed for the full historical details to be enjoyed, we often use big textures and because of our narrow streets and small houses, we probabably have more big and slow textures close together then many other sims.

But we also have about 70+ tenants who all rezz stuff and especially in the poor part of town, these people live very close to each other, so more scripted objects there then elsewhere.

All stuff we're working on.

But besides all that, we've been doing great for over 3 years, have a vibrant community and all our apartments have been pretty much fully rented for all that time.

Thanks for your visit and thoughts!

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Monti Messmer wrote:

Pardon 1920 and Nazis ?


19twentIES Monti .. could be 1929 .. there were Nazis by then .. werent there?

i dont really know .. was be4 my time ;)


 EDIT: ok .. sorry .. just read Jo's thingie about Nazis in the sim .. personally .. i HATE Nazis .. im glad that LL doesnt allow neo-Nazis & skinheads & swastikas .. but on a historical sim that strives to be authentic .. its a different story .. if there were Nazis they would be someone to spy on .. not necessarily fight outright .. but they would allow intrigue .. espionage .. would lend a dramatic tension .. could be fun!  if handled right .. ;)


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