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Where can i buy a good television

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Well actually i did buy one from in world, it is a very good one, very easy to use, so i went back and bought a second one, but when you buy it does 'nt go right into inventory but a pop up comes up and you have to keep it, well i mistakenly declined it thinking it was a note card.

They do not give refunds and they will not give me one, i have no way of proving i declined it, but as a merchant myself i always give the customer the benefit of the doubt.

Also my partner wants to buy one too, but we will not spend money in that shop again

So this is why i would like the opinion of someone who has one and where they got it from, to save me searching around

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nikita Jefferson wrote:

Can i get a serious answer from someone... 

My answer was serious.  Or, at least, as serious as the General Discusion forum will allow me.  Define serious?

Oh, I get it, you don't seek a discussion--only an answer.  Have you tried the ANSWERS forum above? (see Lithium tabs)

Nvm, you got your answer from others.   Enjoy your television shows.  

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Yes,  many of the viewers are sold no copy so vendors will not redeliver.  This is understandable since it's impossible for them to determine whether the customer actually did decline or is just wanting a two-fer.

As in most things, it's the dishonest element that ruins things for the honest.

Also, I would go to the store in world and try out the media viewer. 

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  • 2 years later...

Do not buy a VEA Television. They too will not help you should an accident happen or you make a mistake. They will just flat out tell you that you're out of luck and they'll expect you to buy another one - which is shady as all get out. VEA, you lost a customer.

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jmlamonico wrote:

Do not buy a VEA Television. They too will not help you should an accident happen or you make a mistake. They will just flat out tell you that you're out of luck and they'll expect you to buy another one - which is shady as all get out. VEA, you lost a customer.

"Help you" how?  If you return the one you messed up, they will replace it.  But my guess is that you dont want a replacment, you want a second copy, even tho what you purchased was one copy.

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With most other things you buy here, if you make a mistake, do something stupid, or an accident happens, you can go back to the vendor and get a redelivery.  Not with this.  If you lose it, you'll have to either do without, or buy another one.


This is why as a general rule, I will never buy anything sold on a no-copy basis.

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jmlamonico wrote:

With most other things you buy here, if you make a mistake, do something stupid, or an accident happens, you can go back to the vendor and get a redelivery.  Not with this.  If you lose it, you'll have to either do without, or buy another one.


This is why as a general rule, I will never buy anything sold on a no-copy basis.

Perhaps consider making another general rule for yourself as follows: DO NOT NECROPOST!

...Dres  (Just a suggestion, sweety.)

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jmlamonico wrote:

With most other things you buy here, if you make a mistake, do something stupid, or an accident happens, you can go back to the vendor and get a redelivery.  Not with this.  If you lose it, you'll have to either do without, or buy another one.


This is why as a general rule, I will never buy anything sold on a no-copy basis.

One of the things that you are showing is a lack of understanding of the permissions systems in SL.

In actuality a TV (and many other Media devices) have certain limitations placed on them by the permissions system.

The Creator can make them full perm (copy/mod/trans)** or limited perms (trans/mod/NO COPY)**.

They can't make them Copy/Mod/NO TRANS** without potentially breaking them.  Why?  Because depending on Land Settings they may require deeding to group to work, and deeding to group in SL constitutes a transfer of ownership.  You can't deed a "no trans" object.

So it's not just some niley wiley reason why many objects in SL are sold NO COPY. 

The Creator here has only two choices.  If they make them full perm then everyone will give them away and sales go bye-bye.  So ruling that out they have only one other choice.

So the creator is not being some greedy assed evil eyed ogre. 


**eta....they can be 'no mod' also.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Perhaps consider making another general rule for yourself as follows: DO NOT NECROPOST!

...Dres  (Just a suggestion, sweety.)

I realized that after I posted the first time, honey =)

And the other person is correct.  I've only been here a couple of months and I don't know everything about everything yet.  And I'm not out to accomplish some nefarious goal either.  I simply want to protect my purchases from accidents.  TV's and other things aren't cheap.  Therefore if I can't back it up, I don't buy it.  My lesson has been learned - at a cost.

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