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Hi everyone I kind of new to the game and was wondering where do you get clothes from because I really don't 

know I'm also confused do they have missions to do to earn money so anyone reply because I found this game interesting just I don't know what to do.

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Rhonda1000 wrote:

Hi everyone I kind of new to the game and was wondering where do you get clothes from because I really don't 

know I'm also confused do they have missions to do to earn money so anyone reply because I found this game interesting just I don't know what to do.

First off, you have to realize that Second Life is not really a game, in that there are no objectives, no ways to "level up" and no way to "win".  It's a virtual world in which you can do anything that you choose... you might think of it as a sort of sandbox only with the ability to socialize with people from all over the world.

If you want clothes, then you'll want to go shopping at one of the many businesses that sell clothing... a good place to start is the Marketplace.  I also suggest you look up "Second Life fashion" in the search engine of your choice and you should be able to find any number of blogs that can point you to the type of attire in which you would want to adorn yourself.

There are many ways to earn money here, but there are no pre-designed missions to go on in order to get it.  I'm quite sure that there are any number of other posters here that will know much better than I how to be able to direct you as to how to do that, so I shall refrain from even trying to explain.  Basically everything I spend here is out of pocket.

I hope you enjoy your time here.


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As Dresden said, SL isn't really a game, although there are games that can be played withn SL.  (Hunts, roleplaying, combat sims, all sorts of stuff.)  The "missions" you're referring to might be the Linden Realms stuff.  I believe you can win a small amount of linden dollars there.

There are tons of resources for new avatars that are free, or almost free.  Take a look at these sites:



Also, do a search in-world for "Free Dove" and "Fab Free HQ". 

There's a ton of freebies and dollarbies on the Marketplace, of varying quality.  In-world, a lot of designers offer free gifts for group members, Lucky Chairs (where you win the item if the first letter of your name matches the letetr on the chair), and Midnight Mania boards (where, if enough avatars click the board in a given time period, everyone who clicked wins the prize).

Hunts are a great way to explore the grid and outfit a new avatar at the same time.  The Fab Free site has a list of ongoing hunts:


And so does this site:


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Matter of dispute and opinion over whether or not this is a game. I say its harmful to the viability of SL to cling to the idea that it is not. 


Others find the label game so insulting that they could be playing Pac-Man and insist its a virtual world. :P

And then theres the folks who just think game means the things Gary Gygax listed in the intro books to Dungeons and Dragons - or at least things with those qualities - and since SL isn't in there, its not a game. This of course also excludes about 60% of the games children play, and nearly 100% of those female children play. I feels its game like in that it is social play - which is what we all grew up doing in playing dolls, house, tea party, "doctor" ( :D ), and so on. I don't feel a need to limit game to 'things the people with male bits did'. :D



BUT THE REAL ISSUE - is not what it is; but where it can find viable growth - what community is more likely to accept it. Which is why I say; embrace the notion of game, own it, and sell to that market. Or die - which is what SL is doing, dying. Because its embraced a world that rejects it out of hand for being a cartoon.

Everytime this comes up, people want to start fighting over the definition - and no one ever pays attention to the second part of my point; about what terms will be more effective in selling SL. 


This is the cost of trying to claim SL is not a game:

It doesn't matter what it is - if you claim to be something, and look like something else to the masses, you'll get ridicule.




- For some basic advice.


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I  read your post and your blog and couldn't disagree more with you. 

You don't use a game to teach high school and university level classes.  Business don't use a game to bring together clients and staff from all over the world to collaborate on serious projects.  You don't use a game to support people coping or recovering from serious issues like cancer,alcoholism, domestic abuse, or physical and mental disabilities to name just a few. 

Does a game promote a wider understanding between people in the world?  Is it a game to meet people from all over the world and explore their cultures and hear different points of view that expand one's own thinking and maybe even make someone more tolerant? Is it a game to learn a new language and practice it by talking to native speakers who actually use it every day in RL?

I could go on and list a LOT more non game aspects of SL,but that is enough for my point.  If you don't think these things go on in SL every day, then you should remove the blinders from your own eyes.

Your blog is your opinion and I will defend your right to do and say what you want there. Interestingly though I noticed  that all the comments  in response to that blog post disagreed with it.   I tried to post a comment there myself  but it would not let me. I did check to see if I could comment on other posts and could with np.  Apparently you disabled comments for just that one topic. 

I have no objection to marketing SL to a particular target audience such as gamers, but to say that to market it any other way or to call it anything else but a game is damaging SL is narrow minded opinion that has no basis in fact.  Further, to say as you did that doing so is in any way comparative to racism is denigrating a RL serious problem.  Racism and hate have nothing to do with someone's opinion of what SL is or is not and comparing it to that is just playing the race card to promote your own blog through controversy. 

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Matter of dispute and opinion over whether or not this is a game. I say its harmful to the viability of SL to cling to the idea that it is not. 

Others find the label game so insulting that they could be playing Pac-Man and insist its a virtual world.

And then theres the folks who just think game means the things Gary Gygax listed in the intro books to Dungeons and Dragons -
or at least things with those qualities
- and since SL isn't in there, its not a game. This of course also excludes about 60% of the games children play, and nearly 100% of those female children play. I feels its game like in that it is social play - which is what we all grew up doing in playing dolls, house, tea party, "doctor" (
), and so on. I don't feel a need to limit game to 'things the people with male bits did'.



- is not what it is; but where it can find viable growth - what community is more likely to accept it. Which is why I say; embrace the notion of game, own it, and sell to that market. Or die - which is what SL is doing, dying. Because its embraced a world that rejects it out of hand for being a cartoon.

Everytime this comes up, people want to start fighting over the definition - and no one ever pays attention to the second part of my point; about what terms will be more effective in selling SL. 



- For some basic advice.


Have you lost your mind?  I was replying to a person that was obviously coming from the gaming community, where there are rules and strictly defined objectives, and trying to readjust their thinking to this strange world where you can do whatever the hell you want with basically no restraint.  How about pushing your agenda upon someone who knows what the hell you're talking about, instead of praying on newbies?


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Welcome to Second Life and the Forums, Rhonda1000

I see you've already had some great suggestions.  One group that I've found incredibly helpful, and absorbing, has been "Fabulously free in SL".  If you look up "fabulously free" in the inworld Search box, the group should come up.  Join it, and you'll soon be receiving a ton of new landmarks/locations you can visit from where you can pick up some great gear.  This helps you find your feet, and explore Second Life a little, meet some friends, until you settle in a bit.

As for making money in Second Life, there are a lot of ways to do this also, but as Dresden already rightly pointed out, Second Life isn't a game in the conventional sense, you don't score points and pick up bonuses or anything like that.  One way that people make money is by getting inworld employment (I used to write a column in an SL weekly 'newspaper', other people act as land agents, or models, or ... well, if you can think it, you can probably do it in SL).  Other people learn how to make and sell things, from clothing to buildings, or handy gadgets and gizmos.  You can sometimes pick up Linden dollars by winning races, entering competitions (even here on the forums there are occasionally photo contests with L$ prizes).

But a lot of people simply enter Second Life for some type of recreation, and fund it with money from real world that they transfer into Linden dollars. The exchange rate is really excellent; you get a lot for your money, so if you like to shop, the world is your oyster.

You will have entered world, and possibly got a home location, at a busy welcome area.  Browse people's profiles, see how long people have been in Second Life, read their groups and picks; you can often find some very interesting places to visit and things to do from other people's profiles.  And talk to people inworld too.

You say you've found SL interesting so far, but just don't know what to do. If you're really stuck, click on "what is second life" at the top of this screen, and browse the destination guide.  As I said earlier in this post, if you can think it, you can probably find it and do it in Second Life.

Just have fun!

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I can play in my garage.  I can play in my garden.  Neither my garage or garden is a game.

I can play games on my dining room table.  My dining room table is not a game-it is a space that supports game play when I wish to use it that way.

When people come into SL looking for a game, they are expecting a set of rules and objectives.  Instead they log on, get instructed on how to move, use their camera, and chat.  They leave Welcome Island and wonder what the objective of this "game" is since they have reached the point where in a game they would be given an objective.

SL is a space, or if you prefer place.  Like my dining room table it is a space that has many uses, game play being among them. 

I appreciate the posters who gently tell the newbies that SL is not really a game, although there are games that can be played.  Being overly harsh on the point is going to be counter-productive.  But if the newbie keeps searching for ways to score points and level up they are going to be disappointed--best to move them on to something else before they start bad-mouthing SL and chasing away people who would actually enjoy the place. 



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Hi Rhonda & welcome to Second Life!

You may feel free to IM me in world anytime, and I will certainly try to help you find stuff.  You got a lot of suggestions here, which are great! 

I hope you enjoy it!


PS.  Don't let the game / not game debate deter you -- call it whatever you like,  and enjoy it!  =)


/me walks away thinking of Shakespear and his rose.... 

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Hello Rhonda, welcome to SL.  A word of advice to add to all the good suggestions people have given so far:


Please be very careful about accepting "free" skins, hair, shapes or whatever from people.   I was given a whole pile of stuff when I was new, much of which turned out to be stolen (copybotted is the term used in-world) and it was removed from my inventory by the Linden Labs team.  

I was sent a message telling me that the content had been removed, and for some time I was worried that I had somehow stolen stuff without intending to!

I'd suggest your best bet is to join groups where the store owners and content creators give out free stuff, and there have already been a ton of great suggestions for those.

Enjoy your time in SL!  


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Rosie Eun wrote:

Hello Rhonda, welcome to SL.  A word of advice to add to all the good suggestions people have given so far:


Please be very careful about accepting "free" skins, hair, shapes or whatever from people.   I was given a whole pile of stuff when I was new, much of which turned out to be stolen (copybotted is the term used in-world) and it was removed from my inventory by the Linden Labs team.  

I was sent a message telling me that the content had been removed, and for some time I was worried that I had somehow stolen stuff without intending to!

I'd suggest your best bet is to join groups where the store owners and content creators give out free stuff, and there have already been a ton of great suggestions for those.

Enjoy your time in SL!  



Great advice!  I was warned about that too - and also that you should be careful accepting any files from people you do not know.

Can they send you a virus via SL ?  ...    There are so many freebie places that are legit,  it's better to go shopping there, than risk anything.



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Cali Souther wrote:

Rosie Eun wrote:

Hello Rhonda, welcome to SL.  A word of advice to add to all the good suggestions people have given so far:


Please be very careful about accepting "free" skins, hair, shapes or whatever from people.   I was given a whole pile of stuff when I was new, much of which turned out to be stolen (copybotted is the term used in-world) and it was removed from my inventory by the Linden Labs team.  

I was sent a message telling me that the content had been removed, and for some time I was worried that I had somehow stolen stuff without intending to!

I'd suggest your best bet is to join groups where the store owners and content creators give out free stuff, and there have already been a ton of great suggestions for those.

Enjoy your time in SL!  



Great advice!  I was warned about that too - and also that you should be careful accepting any files from people you do not know.

Can they send you a virus via SL ?  ...    There are so many freebie places that are legit,  it's better to go shopping there, than risk anything.



I am going to step on this one. 


While yes there are things that can be given that can be used to grief or annoy you IN SL, they are not viruses.

Yes there are people carrying out phishing schemes in SL.  But for this the same basic advise is the same as for anything on the Internet as well as what we've been taught in Real Life:

"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true"

Sorry Cali, while practicing good computing habits is smart, scaring new folks with misinformation is not.  In my six years here I have yet to see a DOCUMENTED CASE that was not someone falling for a phishing scheme.




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you are in the best seat in the house..so much i wish i was brand new again to get to experience it all over again fresh and new..

game or not a game it's a really awesome experience..

take it all in and enjoy every step.even if you get frustrated with things..they will be things worth learning and you will master them over time..

SL is whatever you make of it..

enjoy the technology that lets us do these things we can in here..because there really isn't many other places that you can..

don't be in a rush to learn everything all at once..just take in what you can handle and breath it in =)

there is a market place  you can shop at or many in world stores using the search option that have lots of freebies as well..try not to overload on those  though at first..

under search just type in free clothes or freebies or anything you are looking for..also you can do the same on marketplace..=)

they can really pile up in your inventory lol like mine..it took like a year just to find and delete all the stuff..

also try to get a system that will keep your inventory organized..because it is really easy for it to get messy to find things..

a good filing system with directories and sub directories are a good way to go..=)


is it a game or is it not a game..it doesn't matter..it's technology that we can enjoy...soak it up..

here is a little skit that  i find really funny for when people get lost and forget that it really doesn't matter what it is..we have access to it and it's cool and awesome and fun and that's the important thing..

enjoy your SL =)

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  • 3 weeks later...

No missions, but I made a suggestion in another topic that there be some sorts of 'quests' or 'games' which could earn people things or teach people things about SL. You're just the latest to think that is the natural way to interface with a virtual world or computer 'game.'

/leapfrogs over the discussion whether SL is a world or a game. It's a floor wax and a dessert topping...

Anyway for now type fabfree in search and you will probably find their in world location. They have freebies from different merchants. Just click and wear them. 


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to expand on your idea a bit..

What if LL gave new avs a small reward ($50L) for completing learning tasks.. IE, walk over here, Fly to this point, buy this free box and open it.. stuff like that. I feel it would help them learn how SL works and possibly get more to stay.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Cali Souther wrote:

Rosie Eun wrote:

Hello Rhonda, welcome to SL.  A word of advice to add to all the good suggestions people have given so far:


Please be very careful about accepting "free" skins, hair, shapes or whatever from people.   I was given a whole pile of stuff when I was new, much of which turned out to be stolen (copybotted is the term used in-world) and it was removed from my inventory by the Linden Labs team.  

I was sent a message telling me that the content had been removed, and for some time I was worried that I had somehow stolen stuff without intending to!

I'd suggest your best bet is to join groups where the store owners and content creators give out free stuff, and there have already been a ton of great suggestions for those.

Enjoy your time in SL!  



Great advice!  I was warned about that too - and also that you should be careful accepting any files from people you do not know.

Can they send you a virus via SL ?  ...    There are so many freebie places that are legit,  it's better to go shopping there, than risk anything.



I am going to step on this one. 


While yes there are things that can be given that can be used to grief or annoy you IN SL, they are not viruses.

Yes there are people carrying out phishing schemes in SL.  But for this the same basic advise is the same as for anything on the Internet as well as what we've been taught in Real Life:

"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true"

Sorry Cali, while practicing good computing habits is smart, scaring new folks with misinformation is not.  In my six years here I have yet to see a DOCUMENTED CASE that was not someone falling for a phishing scheme.





Sorry for the delayed response, I havent made it in here for a bit ...  but let me say, I was NOT trying to scare new people - I would never do that.  It was a question.  I appreciate the answer.  I am still somewhat of a newbie myself,  so I am here to learn and grow.

No need to get testy. :-)

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Cali Souther wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Cali Souther wrote:

Rosie Eun wrote:

Hello Rhonda, welcome to SL.  A word of advice to add to all the good suggestions people have given so far:


Please be very careful about accepting "free" skins, hair, shapes or whatever from people.   I was given a whole pile of stuff when I was new, much of which turned out to be stolen (copybotted is the term used in-world) and it was removed from my inventory by the Linden Labs team.  

I was sent a message telling me that the content had been removed, and for some time I was worried that I had somehow stolen stuff without intending to!

I'd suggest your best bet is to join groups where the store owners and content creators give out free stuff, and there have already been a ton of great suggestions for those.

Enjoy your time in SL!  



Great advice!  I was warned about that too - and also that you should be careful accepting any files from people you do not know.

Can they send you a virus via SL ?  ...    There are so many freebie places that are legit,  it's better to go shopping there, than risk anything.



I am going to step on this one. 


While yes there are things that can be given that can be used to grief or annoy you IN SL, they are not viruses.

Yes there are people carrying out phishing schemes in SL.  But for this the same basic advise is the same as for anything on the Internet as well as what we've been taught in Real Life:

"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true"

Sorry Cali, while practicing good computing habits is smart, scaring new folks with misinformation is not.  In my six years here I have yet to see a DOCUMENTED CASE that was not someone falling for a phishing scheme.





Sorry for the delayed response, I havent made it in here for a bit ...  but let me say, I was NOT trying to scare new people - I would never do that.  It was a question.  I appreciate the answer.  I am still somewhat of a newbie myself,  so I am here to learn and grow.

No need to get testy. :-)

My apology if I sounded testy.  I don't have many pet peeves but false warnings are one of them.  While I am not really a geek I am a 'go to' person among my friends for technical assistance.  They know I stay more up to date on this stuff then most people.  I do virus clean up for my friends but I had to start charging them because it really can be time consuming.  One of the things I see over and over again is people getting 'social engineered' into doing something they knew better.  So it's something I tend to speak up loudly about.  I see false warnings as a part of 'social engineering.'

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

to expand on your idea a bit..

What if LL gave new avs a small reward ($50L) for completing learning tasks.. IE, walk over here, Fly to this point, buy this free box and open it.. stuff like that. I feel it would help them learn how SL works and possibly get more to stay.


Sounds good to me. 

I think Linden Lab used to do that on the welcome islands, but you had to spend it again before you could leave the island. Other residents had made things and you had to buy one of them.


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