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Aborted Marketplace Orders

Peony Sweetwater

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Hi all - I'm trying to keep up with all that's going on in the marketplace, but I don't know if this has come up before. I've moved pretty much everything to DD, so this applies to to DD transactions. I checked my transaction history today, and on May 13th I had five aborted transactions. Going back through my order history I've not had more than one or two a month that are listed as aborted, and many months (especially last year) with no aborted transactions. I looked up on the knowledge base, and couldn't find anything out about aborted transactions. What's going on?
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I have a few of these today as well. My guess is that it's a new thing that's trying to deal with all of the awful things that are happening with SLMP.

My most pessimistic guess is that it's a new bug that's cropped up and "aborted" has existed for a while, but things have finally exploded to the point where we get to see an illusive new error message.

My most optimistic guess is that it's a new way of handling transactions that would normally fail (like give your product away for free). Maybe, and just maybe, LL is realizing that it's important to verify and have all parts of the system acknowledge each other so things don't malfunction and do things like give products away for free. The fact that merchants are starting to realize that things have been getting given away for free and that Magic Boxes have been silently failing and delivering products probably has LL putting something like that as a top priority. If a Linden came out and admitted that was happening, the rage and anger that would take over on this forum and with content creators would be large enough to seriously cause issues.

Of course, all of this is conjecture. Take it as you like.

If it helps, a customer purchased an item and it failed and they gave up, and another went to order two builders kits, one worked, and the other was aborted twice.

It only shows up as "aborted" in orders->transaction history, Order history just shows it as undelivered.

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>Magic Boxes have been silently failing and delivering products

It's not the boxes failing, but other things connected to them.

If the item delivers, then the box has not failed; it's just doing what the Marketplace tells it to do, much as it used to do what Xstreet used to tell it to do.

If the money does not get collected, that's not the box's fault since the box doesn't collect money anyway; the Marketplace collects the money for what it tells the box to deliver, much as Xstreet used to collect the money for what it used to tell the box to deliver.

Except that Marketplace isn't Xstreet, and it won't collect money correctly even if you get rid of the box, because the box is not the problem.

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Flea Yatsenko wrote:

I have a few of these today as well. My guess is that it's a new thing that's trying to deal with all of the awful things that are happening with SLMP.

My most pessimistic guess is that it's a new bug that's cropped up and "aborted" has existed for a while, but things have finally exploded to the point where we get to see an illusive new error message.

My most optimistic guess is that it's a new way of handling transactions that would normally fail (like give your product away for free). Maybe, and just maybe, LL is realizing that it's important to verify and have all parts of the system acknowledge each other so things don't malfunction and do things like give products away for free. The fact that merchants are starting to realize that things have been getting given away for free and that Magic Boxes have been silently failing and delivering products probably has LL putting something like that as a top priority. If a Linden came out and admitted that was happening, the rage and anger that would take over on this forum and with content creators would be large enough to seriously cause issues.

Of course, all of this is conjecture. Take it as you like.

If it helps, a customer purchased an item and it failed and they gave up, and another went to order two builders kits, one worked, and the other was aborted twice.

It only shows up as "aborted" in orders->transaction history, Order history just shows it as undelivered.

Flea.... why do you keep saying that MB has been giving away free items without sales transactions silently?  Do you have evidence of this?  I do not believe your claim unless you have evidence.

Merchant over the past week have been noticing DD sales transactions have been executing without the Merchant's knowledge or receipt of payment... NOT because DD was somehow hinting of this corruption... it was because of the Merchant's diligence in catching the DD flaw.

The same flaw would have surely been caught by merchants long time ago regarding MB if it was happening.  So unless you can prove otherwise, I dont think we should inject this theory as fact.

I have both MB and DD items - my top sellers are all on MB and all my other items are on DD.  The nice thing at least about MB that DD does not have is a Delivery email notice.  DD has ZERO delivery notice built into the new system.

So... I am very very confused why you believe that MB has secretly been failing sales transactions all these months / years without any merchants noticing?

Did I miss something?

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Thx  for bringing this to our attention. I just had a look and saw that I also have about 15 transactions that were aborted on 13th. Something happened on Sunday that CLT are not fessing up to. That might relate to the  none delivery notes I got yesterday - yes I still get them even though I've been 100% DD since Mid April



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>Did I miss something?

Maybe you missed where Brooke devoted about a month and a half in August/September to doing essentially nothing but trying to convince merchants that all the Marketplace problems were actually Magic Box problems.

Even back then, though, she wouldn't explain where the lost money was going or why that would have anything to do with box function anyway.

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Curious...so not just me then.

Even more curious...the 13th was Mother's Day here in Australia. After the Valentine's Day (don't mention the war) fiasco, I'm starting to doubt all big celebration days :matte-motes-silly:

On a slightly more serious note, though...do the Lab rats work on a Sunday? What would they have done to the Marketplace to cause such a spike of aborted deliveries?

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Ohh...thanks Arwen. That explains why I've suddenly noticed a few aborted from earlier in the year. I thought I must have just been missing them until I had the sudden spike on the 13th.

So "Aborted" basically means that long-queued deliveries have been finally taken out of some queue?

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Since January 1st of this year - of all my order - I have only recorded 4 ABORTED orders.

-  Two of them were on January 16th and 19th. (obviously they were MB orders).

-  Then TODAY I had two of them from the same customer of the same product which was a DD product.

The details from the Aborted Orders today (as well as those two back in January)say "NOT AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY" and Not Delivered - not paid.  Of the 4 aborted orders - 3 of the 4 were the same item - my Free Demo Pack (which is now a DD item).

Before anyone asks, this item succeeded delivery 2 times after the 2 aborts today and it succeeded countless time before today's 2 aborts.




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We can only guess as to what "Aborted" means. There's no definition available in any Merchant resources. It's some kind of failure - the system failed, or the customer cancelled the order - we just don't know.  All we can "guess" is that the item wasn't delivered, the customer wasn't charged, and we weren't paid.  Of course, with what's going on with the inconsistencies in transactions reporting, for all we know, the item was delivered and the money either was or wasn't taken, but clearly not passed on to the Merchant. The only way to know would be to contact the shopper and ask them. I am reluctant to bother shoppers about MP glitches - it just makes it look like we don't know what's going on (which is true) and does not instill confidence of any kind.


I would also recommend checking the other types of order status such as "Being Delivered" and "Delivery Expired". I have one order that is marked "Delivery Expired" but the customer did receive the item and paid for it. The item was placed in the cart on November 6, 2011, my account was credited on May 7, 2012, and the item was delivered on May 12, 2012 (or at least that was the day I received the notification). This order does NOT appear in the CSV download anywhere. Support knows and has forwarded the info to the Developers. They don't know why it doesn't appear in the records either.

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>There's no definition available in any Merchant resources.


It's odd to me that they don't provide definitions for terms they create, while, at the same time, they don't apply obvious terms for things that are easy to define such as "stolen by Linden Labs".

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Have to say, I've been watching the whole MP drama with interest (as I've just started selling myself, on there). Oddly, and somewhat pleasantly, I found myself to be immune, both in terms of a seller (only at it about a week so yeah...we'll ignore this part) and as a buyer (I've NEVER had a product not deliver. Then yesterday... I was sending a 1L item to my alt and BAM! it failed. First time this has ever happened to me. So much for immunity.


In saying that, I'm just glad I do follow these forums... I probably would have freaked, otherwise. As it was, I just shrugged and moved on. I'll try for it again another day, I guess

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I think we'll see both Queued and Aborted, depending on the time from when the order was placed.

I had one sale the 14th that was still sitting Queued on the 15th, but had changed to Aborted by this morning (16th), so both states still appear to exist atm.

The item in question is a DD item, so no magic box issues to blame.

I only found one other previous aborted order, and that was way back in Jan 2011



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I check the status of my orders every morning, so I'll report back if I see "Queued" again.

I had a few orders waiting in "Queued" from pre-DD, and then many more stuck there post-DD (I'm on DD too except for one item out of almost 400). They all changed to "Aborted" on 5/14.

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Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

Something happened with MP on the 13th because I got a ton of aborted orders as well. They are very rare for me normally.

I would agree that its too coincidental that after a couple days of major escalated Merchant frustration and communication how the MP is corrupting some sales transactions and stealing revenue from the sales from the Merchants and some escalations to Rodvik on what the heck his team is doing.... all of a sudden we all are seeing aborted transactions.

Clearly someone in the Commerce Team took some actions yesterday - not sure what the actions were and why they did it.  But I have not had an ABORTED transaction in MP since January and yesterday I get 2 in a row as well as all of you also reporting these same aborted transactions.

What is so utterly frustrating is that all we can do here is guess as to what LL is doing.  How Utterly childish and disrespectful LL Commerce Team has become on their handling of all the issues with MP and the growing DD problems.  They cant send Dakota down from the Ivory Tower and have one posting in the threads to explain what the LL is doing.

pretty sad.


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Niall Braveheart wrote:

I think we'll see both Queued and Aborted, depending on the time from when the order was placed.

I had one sale the 14th that was still sitting Queued on the 15th, but had changed to Aborted by this morning (16th), so both states still appear to exist atm.

The item in question is a DD item, so no magic box issues to blame.

I only found one other previous aborted order, and that was way back in Jan 2011






Niall, you're right. I've got an order stuck in "Queued" as of today. Waiting and watching to see if it turns to "Aborted" or some other status.

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