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Why I will avoid Direct Delivery for as long as possible.

ab Vanmoer

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So it seems that it has been another weekend of Marketplace hiccoughs (a euphemism for terminally broken pile of junk).

Looking at the orders page, I see transactions with the status "Being Delivered". Clicking on "View Order"  the status is shown as "Undelivered" (so much for consistency), payment status is shown as "Not Paid",   Yet, as in the past I have received a delivery notification from the magic box.

So either the customer has received the item and not paid for it -  which I can live with. Or the customer has received the item and LL has pocketed the payment - which is completely unacceptable.

The bottom line is that once the magic boxes are switched off, we have no way of corroborating what has actually been delivered. The magic boxes are the last vestige of a system that worked far more reliably than the Marketplace ever has or ever will, and that is what LL wants to kill, to replace with a system developed by a team that  appears to be lack even the most rudimentary development skills .

And if anyone has any doubt as to the commerce teams complete lack of competence they need only look at https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4587 a nightmare that affects hundreds if not thousands of merchants, yet the commerce team refuses to fix it or even comment on it, clearly something they are completely incapable of!







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DD was designed to avoid this problem. I don't mean to be a LL apologist, but Magic Boxes rely on a lot of very awful communications methods (like llEmail) which leads to long script delays and events falling off of the event queue and being forgotten forever by the simulator.

This is a known bug with magic boxes and it's probably giving your product away for free. I'm using DD and it isn't happening to me and I have scripts that notify me when an object is rezzed out. I know it sucks but you can't rely on an LSL script to handle the amount of data transactions required for interaction from a website. There are scripting limitations as well as network lag, sim lag, etc.

I know SLMP and the grid is in a bad place right now, but you really should get off of the box. I'm not the only one who has seen sales skyrocket since switching and I haven't had a single person message me for a redelivery other than people who didn't know where the received items folder was. With Magic Boxes, I would get them constantly.

A few weeks ago something awful happened to the grid and it's still getting sorted out. Whatever is going on is way beyond a simple SLMP/DD/Box problem. Just grit your teeth and hang in there.

If you are concerned about not being able to track what's been delivered, write or find a script that will notify you when someone rezes out a product. It's far more reliable than ANS, magic boxes, or transaction or order history.

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WEB-4587 brings new meaning to the JIRA status of "Showstopper" making it literal. It's stopping the entire show as in stopping Marketplace. I think they might as well shut down this scrambled mess now.

"So either the customer has received the item and not paid for it -  which I can live with. Or the customer has received the item and LL has pocketed the payment - which is completely unacceptable."

This is just my opinion, but I would think its a certainty LL has pocketed the payment. Payments to Linden are the only thing that works around here anymore, their priority looks pretty clear to me.

After all, us herd animals don't need money. We just want to be safe :catmad:


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Flea Yatsenko wrote:

DD was designed to avoid this problem. I don't mean to be a LL apologist, but Magic Boxes rely on a lot of very awful communications methods (like llEmail) which leads to long script delays and events falling off of the event queue and being forgotten forever by the simulator.

This is a known bug with magic boxes and it's probably giving your product away for free. I'm using DD and it isn't happening to me and I have scripts that notify me when an object is rezzed out. I know it sucks but you can't rely on an LSL script to handle the amount of data transactions required for interaction from a website. There are scripting limitations as well as network lag, sim lag, etc.

I know SLMP and the grid is in a bad place right now, but you really should get off of the box. I'm not the only one who has seen sales skyrocket since switching and I haven't had a single person message me for a redelivery other than people who didn't know where the received items folder was. With Magic Boxes, I would get them constantly.

A few weeks ago something awful happened to the grid and it's still getting sorted out. Whatever is going on is way beyond a simple SLMP/DD/Box problem. Just grit your teeth and hang in there.

If you are concerned about not being able to track what's been delivered, write or find a script that will notify you when someone rezes out a product. It's far more reliable than ANS, magic boxes, or transaction or order history.

Bully for you.  Just because your little corner of the world is all roses doesn't mean that this is not a showstopper issue for many others.  If I were you I'd keep your fingers crossed you won't be effected  - as it could start for you at any time.

The MP DD problems started to occur way before the recent problems with the grid so they are unrelated.  There are a LOT of  merchants who have seen their sales hit rock bottom and/or who aren't being paid and it is severely cutting into income that supports their SL projects and/or tiers or even their real lives.  They have a RIGHT to be on a "soap box" about it.

You advise about getting a delivery script is way off base too.  Knowing a product was delivered to a customer is not the problem here.  The problem is that creators KNOW they have been delivered and they have not been paid.  They not only reported the lack of payment problem on JIRA but have filed tickets on specific incidents when a customer admits directly to the merchant that they got the product and yet the merchant has NOT paid.  That is what is so disturbing.  Why haven't they been paid when the money was deducted from the customers account?  No script in the world is going to correct this, only LL can and they are not.

People have been severely effected by the fact that obviously LL introduced this way before it was ready to be released and now apparently isn't even doing what they can to remedy it even in a small way by at least paying merchants when product was delivered and who have reported the issue  DD is at this point a major FAIL.  Even the CEO has admitted this. 

And lest you think that you are totally immune, many people in SL have heard about this and have told me they have stopped shopping on MP all together and aren't shopping in world either.   So you are probably losing sales yourself.

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I posted yesterday that I had a shutdown weekend with sales being the worst for years.

I have put off DD till the last moment because my sales until now have performed very well for over 3 years

and I have worked on the "if it aint broke" theory and left well alone.

I dreaded the change over and now have a couple of weeks to transfer.I will start today but with no confidence whatsoever.

I see this a the crunch time for me and SL,it's been fun and I made a few bob,but if LL does not pay for itself I will abandon land and walk away.

If LL loses people who have been with them as regulars because of this **bleep** up they only have themselves to blame.

They should never have got involved in competing with their paying customers at all.

I will post on how my transistion to DD goes ......

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We're well aware that LL have long touted DD as being designed to fix all the problems with the magic boxes, and possibly bring peace to the middle east as well.


Or at least that is what they said before they deployed it.  They even told us specific problems would be fixed by DD.  Then when problems started and someone suggested it was a new problem to do with DD, CTL posted to tell us we should not assume it was not the very problem they told us would be impossible with DD.  So while they told us it was designed to solve all manner of problem, it seems behind closed doors they had as much confidence all the problems they blamed on the boxes would be solved by DD as many of us did.


I'd sold dozens of products with my magic box before I got my first failed delivery or borked transaction record.  I have a new account I put some stuff on to learn this DD thing and although it's sold less than a dozen items in total, it already has one borked transaction history and one item that claims to be undelivered (although who knows) and claims to not have been paid for (although who knows) and which I'm certain I'll never see the lindens for.

This is of course an isolated piece of data, but I've certainly no confidence that DD is any more reliable, even CTL immediately after deployment suddenly felt that old problems they said it would fix might not be fixed by it after all, and I'm certain it's much less transparent about what has been sent out.

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Howdy, Ab

I know it's frustrating to see those magic box delivery notices and not see the money for it, so I know how you feel.  Let me tell you what I'VE experienced migrating to direct delivery...

I converted on the day that direct delivery rolled out (along with a million other people LOL!).  Since then, I have had absolutely NO failed deliveries.  I have never missed a payment from my sales.  Items that had never sold even once when I was on the magic box have started selling.  I do not have any cross-linked listings.

I think Flea is correct about the magic boxes silently failing this whole time (sim lag, server lag and or the script being dropped).  The point he's trying to make about his script telling him when something is rezzed out is that he's not getting any messages about items that he can't match to an actual sale.  So we're not getting any silent fails with direct delivery like we did with the magic box system.

No...all the problems going on are NOT the direct delivery system itself.  It's the marketplace and the data tables it uses to match listings with photos, etc.  It's the marketplace and the search engine it uses. 

If you are having so many problems with the magic boxes, why would you not want to migrate over to try to eliminate those magic box problems?

Believe me when I say that I am NOT a Linden Lab apologist and everything, but I think everybody will be much better off once the magic boxes go away.  You could try changing just a couple or three of your listings to direct delivery now just to see and get used to the process of migrating and then sit back and watch how things go. 

In the end though...magic boxes are being deactivated.  On the 1st of June.  Linden Lab has decided to retire the boxes.  It's best to start the conversion process a little ahead of time or you are going to be scrambling to try to get everything done on May 31!  And when you try to hurry, you'll miss something, forget something or do something wrong and get all upset all over again.

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Hi Ab! Good to see you here on the forums again :)

I converted to DD the week it was introduced and as I've said in other places in this forum, I wish I had waited. While my store does not suffer from the scrambled listings bug (yet), I have experienced a host of other issues that I rarely experienced while on Magic Boxes:

~ Orders stuck in "being delivered" where the product is delivered, the customer pays, but the Merchant doesn't receive the funds. LL has indicated they will push through these orders if you post the order numbers in https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4441 .  They have pushed through these orders so far (in my case), but I'm not sure how often they do it (they seem to do it in waves).

~ Failed deliveries - yes, just the problem that DD was supposed to solve. And it's not that people cannot find the item, the item truly is not in their inventory. Just had another one over the weekend. The added problem here is that many of my items are bought as gifts, but there was a bug where redelivering sent the item to the gift-giver not the intended recipient. This may have been corrected, but since I have very little trust right now, I log on and redeliver from inventory to be sure. This is something I never had to do while on Magic Boxes.

~ Transactions recording is all over the board - one screen will show one status, then on another, a different status

~ Transactions that appear on one screen, but do not appear in the CSV download (which should capture the entire history) - yes, I have one of those and have alerted Support about it.

~ Orders stuck in Queue - This one is happening very frequently now. I have a list of orders stuck in Queue since the start of DD. I recommend that Merchants check this status. LL has stated they will not help "push" these orders through. The Merchant must contact the buyer to ask them to reorder. To me, that is senseless - the order is there, it is obvious the buyer wanted the product, but it is stuck in system somewhere. For Merchants to have to bother their customers and ask for reorders is really beyond proper conduct in my opinion. If I order something online from an RL department store and the order is stuck somewhere in the system, I do not expect the store to call me and beg me to "reorder" - if they did that, I'd say "wow, your system is broken, I don't trust it, and no, I 'm not reordering."

Since all of these things have happened (and other issues such as the inbox initialization difficulties), I have stopped listing new items on the Marketplace.  I've expanded the number of inworld stores and am focused on inworld business.  The Marketplace is very much taking a backseat in my Business plans until it is running smoothly and consistently.

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What is this negative poppycock?

I'm absolutely sure that the marketplace will work just fine when it comes out of beta tonight when it launches for the first time in its public release, flawlessly moving millions of objects directly to inventory.

The features are solid, and I can choose to get paid either via game money or real money. I will get notified of every transaction, in whatever currency is available for my region.

Oh wait, I'm thinking of the Diablo 3 auction house that debuts tonight.

Please disregard.

@Phil Rosedale: Baaa-aaaa.

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That is terrible to see the long list of troubles.  And Arwen, when you list and mention them in the forums and how unstable and frustrating it has been for you, then that means a lot since you are always known to be a level-headed poster in the forums. 

So Brooke and company still have no resolution to the DD Fiasco.  The great magical new DD that her and LL promoted all of 2011 and into this year as the SAVIOR to all those MP delivery woes that LL loved to dump on on MB (and brain washed so many Merchants to join the bandwagon on how evil MB's were that it had to be a priority to get rid of MB at all cost). 

In addition to that, Brooke Linden last August at the annual SLCC conference stood up and stated very clearly at one of the sessions how DD was so important and that LL will not rush the migration to DD until DD had been completely tested.  I wish I could remember her exact statement but it was basically to paraphrase she said "because DD involves the handling of financial transaction, we must get this right before we release it".

And yet here we are.... over a month since LL released DD.  All the problems that you mentioned Arwen are still running rampent within DD and its clear that LL's development staff have opened up pandora's box since they cant UNDO DD and they cant FIX DD.  So MP is now left as as un unstable , unreliable, listing & money-stealing system that LL cant seem to fix.

And as the MP Rome burns.... how much have we heard from Brooke and the Commerce Team on ANY status of their ability to fix these serious problems and what their action plan is?   NOTHING!

In fact, you would think the least LL would do after causing all this damage and lost trust in MP is to have Brooke or someone with LL authority make a statement that says:

"in light of all the on-going unresolvable issues with DD, we have decided that MB will not be retired until at least end of year.  We will review this retirement of MB deadline again as we approach this deadline.  We will ONLY retire MB when we are 100% sure that we have finally fixed all the bugs in DD that are plaguing MP".

But in the common immature and irresponsible ways that LL and the Commerce Team always handles their operations and customer relationship management..... all we have heard from LL regarding this serious on-going issue is... CRICKETS!

No one from Rodvik down clearly cares that the Commerce Team continues to destroy MP's reputation and usability.

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Hi Toy :matte-motes-grin:

I'm glad you're taking this a step at a time and protecting your best sellers. Out of almost 400 products, I left one on Magic Box because I knew it would be easier to update it via MB than DD. Every time I see that good old Magic box delivery message from it, I smile.

Trying to stay positive, I have to believe CTL is working on these bugs with DD. Some of them really should be low hanging fruit to fix. Others like the scrambled listings seem much tougher. Each Merchant has their own personal priority for which bug should be fixed first. It appears that two JIRAs were fixed or at least fix pending from the Release Notes:

  • WEB-4574[c] Direct Delivery Products are sent to Buyer instead of Receiver when Item Re-Delivery Occurs
  • WEB-4676[c] ANS/SLM duplicates ItemID field into Location Field but should put Order Line Item ID# in Location

I don't know what the third item is in reference to:

  • Updated/new translations for Direct Delivery


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Toysoldier Thor wrote:

That is terrible to see the long list of troubles.  And Arwen, when you list and mention them in the forums and how unstable and frustrating it has been for you, then that means a lot since you are always known to be a level-headed poster in the forums. 

So Brooke and company still have no resolution to the DD Fiasco.  The great magical new DD that her and LL promoted all of 2011 and into this year as the SAVIOR to all those MP delivery woes that LL loved to dump on on MB (and brain washed so many Merchants to join the bandwagon on how evil MB's were that it had to be a priority to get rid of MB at all cost). 

In addition to that, Brooke Linden last August at the annual SLCC conference stood up and stated very clearly at one of the sessions how DD was so important and that LL will not rush the migration to DD until DD had been completely tested.  I wish I could remember her exact statement but it was basically to paraphrase she said "because DD involves the handling of financial transaction, we must get this right before we release it".

And yet here we are.... over a month since LL released DD.  All the problems that you mentioned Arwen are still running rampent within DD and its clear that LL's development staff have opened up pandora's box since they cant UNDO DD and they cant FIX DD.  So MP is now left as as un unstable , unreliable, listing & money-stealing system that LL cant seem to fix.

And as the MP Rome burns.... how much have we heard from Brooke and the Commerce Team on ANY status of their ability to fix these serious problems and what their action plan is?   NOTHING!

In fact, you would think the least LL would do after causing all this damage and lost trust in MP is to have Brooke or someone with LL authority make a statement that says:

"in light of all the on-going unresolvable issues with DD, we have decided that MB will not be retired until at least end of year.  We will review this retirement of MB deadline again as we approach this deadline.  We will ONLY retire MB when we are 100% sure that we have finally fixed all the bugs in DD that are plaguing MP".

But in the common immature and irresponsible ways that LL and the Commerce Team always handles their operations and customer relationship management..... all we have heard from LL regarding this serious on-going issue is... CRICKETS!

No one from Rodvik down clearly cares that the Commerce Team continues to destroy MP's reputation and usability.

Some good points here and if I could bring up Diablo 3 again, because it's a good timely example.

I get their desire to iterate changes in a live environment, (aside from the fact that this is done very poorly), but it's not a match for SL for more than small bug fixes.

Only harping on Diablo 3 for a few reasons:

1) It relates, especially considering that Diablo 3 will be doing a heck of a lot more volume in items sold, tranactions, payments and direct to inventory delivery in their auction house.

With this kind of social engineering, it's important to realize that these problems are not unsolvable, and that companies that claim to be in the business of virtual goods, are at the very least delivering in terms of stable software.

It isn't that the problems are overly difficult and can't be done, obviously they can and in larger volumes than our marketplace handles on all fronts. Zynga manages it, Blizzard manages it and so on down to real products that get bought and sold and employ an even more "direct delivery" ... delivered around the world to your door step, which is significantly more difficult.

2) I'm excited about the launch. I'm not dreading it. Do you know how long it took for the sequel? 12 years. Why was I willing to wait for 6 years of that in development time? Because the focus was on quality above all else. The goal was that it would not be released until it was ready. Disclaimer that the auction house part of the game didn't take nearly that long.

This should have been the case with SL and in particular the marketplace, back when they decided to re-write it. After some sloppy hacking at an open source (amateur move) shopping cart that got very little use in the field in comparison to other related software choices, it got released about 2 years before it was ready.

It should never have been released unti it was "perfect". More or less. It should have been tested internally and bugs found before ever seeing a production product. Contrary to LL belief, beta testers from the user pool are optional, better to catch more in-house and come across as competent developers than hackers that can't code properly without user hand-holding.

Things like that make the herd feel safe.

I remember the statements that neither the marketplace or direct delivery wouldn't be released until stable. None of these bugs should exist in a production release, period.

@Phil: The herd said moo. Recommend reading Animal Farm again.


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I too will delay as much as possible Ab. I don't trust this new system for a second, but must use it or I can't sell anymore. I think the only part that will work consistently is getting money to Lindens. Also it is verifiably broken & not ready for prime time yet so why is it being dumped on us???

For example, you can't sell transfer-only items anymore (unless you don't mind it spitting out multiple deliveries of the same item) which destroys control over exclusive sets. So with this 'upgrade' we lose functionality, losing control over permissions & instead have permissions dictated to us by Linden Lab.

Also a message to Linden Lab. I can't work within your deadlines. I'm not an employee of Linden Lab, neither do I get a paycheck from Linden Lab, so I do not see why your deadlines apply to me!

I have much more important design work outside SL that must take priority over getting preoccupied with this free labor **** for the next two weeks. Out of respect for us, why can't existing Magic Boxes remain until sometime way into 2013, or even be grandfathered out of respect to your customers!

I don't do scrum. I'm self-employed & I don't really even do deadlines. I'm not part of your system of move fast & break things to impress VCs. Beginning the enormous task of transitioning my 300+ items in the current extremely buggy & broken environment of your platform enrages me to the point I can't even focus on the task, partly because I know with more thought & respect for end user this could have been a laborless task.

It could probably have been reduced to a single click process. That's what other companies everywhere do all the time!

Yet I've heard enough of the 'big guys' nonsense at the top of Linden Lab to know your philosophy is free labor of masses is something to be exploited to avoid doing the work yourself to implement an elegant solution so this **** is what we get. Whatever man we're just herd animals eager to work for free right??? I'm sick of it all & if it wasn't for customers inworld needing my help & my loyalty to them I would quit your platform today.

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Welcome back Ab!

Just wouldn't be a decent migration nightmare without you!

They need to add a notification to the DD delivery, as we asked, and fix the crappy DB, which is in the worst state it's ever been.

If it's any help, I use a IM/Email on-rez notification script so I can see when things have been received which makes life a lot easier (there's a free IM one here - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ArtiZan-Business-Script-IM-Creator-on-Rez-notifies-when-products-are-unpacked/3061369)

And thanks for the heads-up - I just found a stack of undelivereds from the last few hours.

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I transferred all my 340 items to DD on the 11th without any issues - it took only a few minutes (deleting the unassociated items it makes is another story though - takes forever - best to just go off and do something else as you wait for them to be deleted).

I use Firestorm, and from talking to others Firestorm works better than V3 to make the switch.

MP has a lot of issues, and I don't think DD itself is going to fix them - but I think it's best to make the switch before the deadline aproaches. If you wait till then the system is overloaded and perhaps this causes more scrambled listings.


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we dont have any stats from LL but I suspect that the massive surge of migrations happened in the first week after LL released the DD mess.  In fact the surge was so great that it was suspected this was part of the initial corruptions of the DB and the huge MP lag. 

I dont think the MB deadline - whenever this will be - will be that big an onslaught like the first week was.

I am still hoping that LL will come forward and admit they dont have the DD mess under control and that MB will not be retired for another several months as they work out the bugs.

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Yes, sales are bad. They have been bad since April 30th. It has nothing to do with DD itself and it has to do with the fact that the entire marketplace and grid are in really, really bad places right now. I know, I switched to DD as soon as it came out and I saw my sales double the month I did. The next month was a little behind the previous, and last month was a record breaker again, even with sales being very severely affected the last week of my fiscal month (part of the first month was when I figured out how to fix the broken Magic Boxes and I saw sales with Magic Boxes double).

Since the 30th, my daily income has been about 50-75% lower than normal.

I know Second Life is not well right now. Look at some of the threads and JIRAs. Broken listings, teleports not working, objects rubber banding back after moving them in world, failures to login, corrupt product reviews, corrupt images, communcation systems failures.Look in more techincally focused areas and forums. We've seen rollouts have to be pulled back because they were causing massive crashes. A major crash on April 30th that exposed a bug from a routine maintenence procedure. The servers that run everything in datacenters are receiving entire OS upgrades.

I'm not sticking up for LL. What they are putting us through is unacceptable, but it has nothing to do with DD. The software and hardware that runs the SLMP and Grid is where the problem lies. Today, I'm not getting any emails about product deliveries, yet products are getting delivered and I'm getting paid. It's also triggering ANS, when yesterday I was getting emails and no ANS.

My sales are down too. I need this income for real life. But to say that sales are bad solely because of DD at a time when the grid is severely cripped is to view only a tiny sliver of what's wrong. Even if DD was working 100% of the time and was perfectly flawless software, how could you even expect it to work when everything else is so broken?

I know consumer confidence is down. My confidence in the grid is extremely low myself. It's so low that I won't even upload new products, let alone make changes to marketplace listings.

Sales have been bad for me. I know, I'm not immune. I'm not standing here talking down to anyone saying that everything is fine here while you're just having problems. Everyone I know who sells things is having problems. Huge problems. But you know what? Even with sales bad like this, after being on DD since it came out, I'm still on track to match average monthly sales with Magic Boxes. Magic Boxes are a lot less reliable than DD. I've been using DD since it came out a Magic Boxes for years before that, so I have experience with both.

I am not confident in Magic Boxes at all. I had massive problems with them. The month before DD came out, I finally figured out how to fix them, but it involved resetting them up nearly every other day. When DD came out, I saw consistent sales that matched what Magic Boxes would do on a good day. The crappy Magic Boxes would always time out and give me a TRACKER_DEBUG message telling me the box couldn't talk to the website, and my sales would tank. I'd have to reset them up, remove them from the website, and all of that every couple of days.

I know everyone is mad. I am mad too. But to pass judgement on DD (at a time when the entire grid is in chaos) because sales are bad is short sighted. When you had bad sales on a week when 3 out of 7 days were scheduled maintenence and another with an SLMP release which left it closed for several hours it shouldn't be a surprise that your sales are awful, whether you're selling items in world, selling them on SLMP with boxes, or selling on SLMP with DD.

As for migrating now when the grid and SLMP are having these problems, DONT DO IT. When you make the upgrade, you have to edit your listings and you're going to reset or strongly affect your relevancy. With the grid broken like it is, you're not going to get customers to buy your things as fast and it's going to sit at the bottom of the list for a while. We still have about two weeks left for LL to hopefully get the grid back in order. You really should just avoid touching anything on the marketplace until the grid is in a better place (and hopefully not dead). If you are worried about MBs giving away your items for free, just unlist them for now.

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lol, now even the forums seem broken. I subscribed to this thread so I could follow the discussion and am getting spammed with the messages even though I have clicked through and read them. I've gotten Flea's and Luna's posts now multiple times. Not that I don't love to read what you have to say, but this is laughable. is it groundhog day...again?


edited to add: Now I'm getting Toy's posts too, multiple times.

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Very very interesting development:

All, and I mean all the orders that were stuck in "Queued" are now marked "Aborted". Somebody's reading what we are writing. So now, I have no idea if these customers got the items, and the money went to LL not me, or if the transactions were truly cancelled.

Does anyone know how an order becomes "Aborted"?

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Luna, my question was not at all to release information that would make any kind of griefing possible. I never would have even imagined such a thing and I'm sorry it happened to you. It's very sad that we can't even learn the definition of a term for fear that someone will use that information in a destructive way.


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