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Persephone Emerald

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Persephone Emerald last won the day on March 9

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  • Member Title
    a wanderer in liminal space

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  1. Let's say you're wandering around in SL. Would you rather run into a furry bear, a leather bear, a teddy bear, a gummy bear, or a newbie male avatar?
  2. Here's a couple YouTube videos of the free gifts at Access this month.
  3. What would be the purpose of profile picks if we couldn't use them to advertise sims and stores that we like? I have a Pick for the Naked sim, on which I've added that it's a good place to go if you can't get your avatar dressed. I've got one nude picture of my avatar in my Picks too, but all the naughty parts are covered, so that should make it ok for a Moderate rating, right? Do all the pictures and words in our Picks need to be G rated? If so how can we have a Pick for an Adult sim or group? Maybe we could have a way to check a Pick page as General, Moderate or Adult? Then it could show as grayed out to those who don't have their own rating set high enough to see it?
  4. Pun intended? Could you moon your G rated neighbor & still be following the Community guidelines?
  5. They do, but they look like very young children, not like teenagers.
  6. @Prokofy Neva, I think your rentals are cool, reasonably priced, and I recommend them to others. I would not want a boring apartment or skybox rental.
  7. There's nothing wrong with you for posting about this problem. You're not being oversensitive or difficult. Those guys are the problem. It's been about 8 years since I rented a place, which was at a quiet, scenic sim, so maybe those multiscene skybox places have more problems? I don't know. You're avatar is probably attractive, but that's no excuse for their bad behavior. It's too bad we can't have a serious, open discussion about guys like these on the forum, without some people taking the side of these clueless and rude Neanderthals.
  8. When there's an elephant in the room, one good reason for people to be aware of it is so they don't step in the associated poop from said elephant.
  9. Here's a new unisex EvoX compatible head from LOGO too.
  10. I use the River head. It comes with a female neck version & a male neck version, a female shape & a male shape, the same as with the Akeruka unisex heads. Lelutka also has a couple other unisex heads, I think.
  11. You can turn your body shape male or female by clicking on a button on the Edit Shape window, upper right corner, male & female symbols. You can't change the neck size of mesh heads (unless maybe there is some head that can do that). Maybe demo the Akeruka child heads on your body too? I think they're make for younger child bodies, so they might not fit on Tweenster. You should create a new shape for a teen body & face, but save your original adult masculine shape. Shapes take time to get right, so always make copies & name each one appropriately. You can write down your slider numbers on a notecard if you might mess up a shape and then want to return to your earlier dimensions. You might also try a demo of Belleza Jake (unless you already have this body) to see if you can get a teen shape with it. I'm sure it won't go to a child shape though.
  12. If you belong to the Akeruka group ($L 150 to join), they have a $L 1 male and a $L 1 female group gift head available now through June. I suggest getting both of them. Akeruka has been offering $L 1 male & female group gift heads twice/ year, in June & December (or sometimes January). These are very good mesh heads & the more recent ones are EvoX compatible. I think their other heads might be on sale, & they sell EvoX compatible toddler heads too. Lelutka has gift heads in December for the 12 Days of Xmas event. A bunch of skin and hair stores also participate in this event, with free group join, free skins & hair for a limited time (12 days). Genus of course has their free female mesh head and a skin for it, but it's not EvoX compatible. If you want to try a non-human head, BeSpoke has a free one (male & female versions) (with the Fabulously Free group) at the Warehouse event (if that's still going). Some people use the Maitreya Flat Chest to get an androgynous look. You can get a free LucyBody Athenea body from the Midnight Madness board at LucyBody, then buy their Bakes On Mesh applier for $L 250. You might be able to wear the Maitreya Flat Chest add-on with it. Try a demo of both the Athenea body & the Flat Chest add-on to check. I think it's always going to take some work to get a teen or androgynous shape that looks right. Tweensters is probably the easiest body to shape for a teen boy. A more masculine or androgynous female head will probably be the easiest to get a face you like. Look at & demo some of the heads from Lelutka & Akeruka. Lelutka heads have more applier makeup available for them, but Akeruka EvoX compatible heads work fine with all EvoX BOM layers - skin, makeup or tattoos. You might also look on Marketplace for teen shapes, but be sure they are made for the mesh head & body you're using.
  13. Sorry, I'm skipping reading all the previous 17 pages for now. I've created a request for a surfing and boating region just to the east of the Sandbox region of the Welcome HUB. Surfing and sailing are fun activities that I think newbies would enjoy and which could help with retention. There is already a free sailing boat at the Welcome HUB, but if it were in a giver on the edge of the Sandbox beach, people could rez it & use it in an adjacent water region. I think the Senra avatars should come with bathing suits too. You can vote on my feature request here: https://feedback.secondlife.com/ldpw/p/welcome-hub-surfing-region
  14. We could also use an eyeroll or head hitting desk emoji for this.
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