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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Tari, I absolutely adore this pic. It's so natural and realistic. I can smell the fresh air and feel the summer sunshine, hear the kids playing, hear the cicadas. This one just really struck me!
  2. I know you can't name them, but do any of them make you feel energetic, you know, peppy?
  3. Interesting (?) fact, due to my oddball receptors, I have never smelled a skunk.
  4. https://nutritionfacts.org/2016/12/06/why-some-like-cilantro-and-others-hate-it/
  5. You HAVE to check it out!!! It's said that it's loosely based on Bowie (swoooon) and his glam era. They did ask him to use a couple of his songs in it, but were turned down (he was very particular what he would allow his music to be used for). AWESOME MOVIE!!!
  6. I finally finished a male avie I was putting together for someone! I got him as a system avie and gave him a makeover!
  7. Exactly! This "freeloader" paid $120.00 today for my homestead, a portion of which goes to LL, then this "scrounger" purchased $60.00 worth of Lindens. Gosh, I'm such a drain on the Linden resources, sheesh, why am I even allowed in?
  8. Can someone help me out? I just TPd in and I'm stuck in the wall ( or under the floor).
  9. Wow, I've been away from the forums for a bit, thought I'd do a bit of quick catching up while soaking in a hot bubble bath. Thanks to all of you, I now have very wrinkly toes, thanks a lot. ETA Damn it all, change that from toes to feet, and it feels SO ICKY!!!! lol.
  10. An interesting aside on the topic of secession ( I lived about 2 miles outside for about 5 years) http://civilwarsaga.com/the-alabama-county-that-tried-to-secede-from-the-south/
  11. Not sure if anyone has brought this up, I haven't read forward. Actually, as recently as now! I'm referring to the baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for the gay couple.
  12. It's just like RL, whoever dies with the biggest inventory wins!
  13. What is up with the necro posting lately???? (It was a beautiful OP, though)
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