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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. Well, mesh isn't a race, but I understand where you're going with it. Those people tend to state that they've put a lot into their avie and don't want to look at a sub par one (in their opinion). I'm like Cindy in that I usually just scroll on by if it's just the mesh thing mentioned. I can't get butthurt over every stupid thing people write. If someone is that picky about what sort of pixels they want to associate with, that's on them. There's too many real issues in the world to worry about, why create more?
  2. because altocumulus formations rarely produce
  3. @Love Zhaoying BE CAREFUL! A couple weeks ago I plopped Jack (my rl kitty) in his carrier and told him we were going for ice cream. (We weren't) he's now walking around with a shaved butt and no bits! (Shave and a haircut, no bits)!!
  4. What about " Soon we will have mirrors with reflections"?
  5. Installs a keylogger on my laptop and begins praying it's not me.
  6. I was accidentally the intruder one time. I somehow double clicked on the map of the sim I lived on, and ended up at the foot of a neighbors bed while he and his wife were doing the horizontal mambo. After much apologizing, and being absolutely mortified, we ended up becoming really good friends
  7. Darn, Love, I thought I had the answer!! Press R1+R2 L1+L1. The console will open up on the top left. Type "testingcheats true" to turn cheats on. Type your desired cheat in the console.
  8. @Clover Jinx @Callum Meriman @Skell Dagger In the end, the only way I could get that line into a conversation was I had to go to France with a cat, a mouse, a monkey, a table and a chair, and wander around heavily wooded areas. “Come on, come on! Someone’s coming, someone’s coming! Quick, positions! Les Positions, maintenant! Boulot boulot! Tout de suite! Vasy! Vasy!
  9. Damn it all, I was going to slap a necro post meme on you, but this was a legitimate resurrection screw it, I love this meme.
  10. /me grabs Cindys GIF, runs away to tuck it into a safe spot for future use.
  11. (Jumping up and down, waving arms in the air) Ooooooo!!! I've got one!! Clearing your cache fixes EVERYTHING!
  12. Personally, I love Curator of Chaos because it goes well with my Mistress of Mischief and Shenanigans, lol!
  13. The current title over my head, and the one I keep most of the time is "Cake or Death"? Oh, and Callum, do you have a flag? (my son and I had Eddie marathons before he moved away)!
  14. That there are ways to hack for free Lindens, still around if you check out YouTube.
  15. which were equipped with bling (oral version for reference)
  16. There are many who falsely believe the heterochromia myth and reflect it in their artwork, also there are many manually manipulated photos made to appear that way.
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