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Aislin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Aislin Ceawlin

  1. I'm almost positive that in the U.S. anyone claiming to be a RL therapist when they aren't could be sued for practicing medicine without a license.
  2. Someone may have said this, as I haven't read further, but the issue is that a majority of the people DID make an intelligent choice, but due to an antiquated, broken system, it didn't matter
  3. Oh, Skell, you're just beautiful as always. You always raise the bar to damned near unreachable heights for the guys, lol!
  4. Omgosh, the Truth VIP group is worth every penny! Truth gives the most beautiful hairs every month as a group gift. That's probably the one group I would never delete to make room for another.
  5. I used to use a service back in the early/mid 90's, can't remember the name of it to save my soul. Seems to me like it was run by an online company. The avatars were little cartoon people, and the world was broken up into areas like a gaming area, a chat area, and the like that you would walk to. I wish to heck I could remember the name of it.
  6. https://www.thecut.com/2016/01/story-behind-david-bowies-unusual-eyes.html Back in the Five Word Story Game there was a post about David Bowie having heterochromatic eyes, which HE DOES NOT HAVE!!!! His left eye is permanently dilated because of a punch to it in his teens by his best friend over a girl! I was so dying to correct it there, but managed to refrain, lol! Remember, I'm not just a fan, I'm a GD DISCIPLE! lol!
  7. is heresy against David Bowie (I'm not a fan, I'm a GD DISCIPLE)!
  8. Sounds familiar, my RL best friend (since 3rd grade, mooons ago) moved from Michigan to Texas. I found SL, and we've hung out and done bestie stuff inworld for over 10 years now.
  9. http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/shake_rule.html This should be of help!!
  10. @Dillon Levenque This prompted me to order some from the Netherlands! Can't wait!! Yummmmmmmm!
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