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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. The only way you can have avatars follow what they're sitting on is move the root, else, you have to actually have a script move them along with any other child prim movement.
  2. Middle Ages seems to be the farthest north. Phuket seems to be the farthest south. Inca, Packsaddle, Fossil, Beehollow, Duval, Cimarac, Lazonby Pass all seem to be the farthest east. HullaBaloo seems to be the farthest west.
  3. If it is so legit, why did LL remove that post? If I were you, I'd refain from shilling/promoting for such outlets.
  4. You could try asking in the related group's group chat or ask the group owner.
  5. Beaches are like clubs. They come and go with the wind.
  6. Getting sustenance from picking your nose? 👃
  7. As already mentioned above your comment, the hair was located. Did you just skip the comments and read only the first post?
  8. Would help if you could sumit code(preferably a full script) here or to pastebin, else, it is 20 questions or shrugs, heh.
  9. Toast? SL will always have it's faithful, slowly declining, diehard userbase 👴đŸ‘ĩ......until we all finally die from "natural causes"...which isn't far ahead...cough...💀💀
  10. VRChat avatars allow for dynamic bones and colliders, or what they now like to call "physics bones". The content creator community has brought these facets up in the meetings with LL for years only to receive fear from developers at the possibility of offering an equivalent. Many if not most other MMOs use these features now. As long as SL devs wish to remain ignorant, fearful or even skeptical of industry standards and user needs, this platform will continue to be behind the times, growing at a wider margin with each passing year.
  11. I track stats for these ripped avatars along with unique created--for-SL avatars and all I can tell you is, "No one is making a living off or it." or "There's not much money being made." It was different when mesh first came out, but the user dynamic has drastically changed since then with all the similar MMOs that exist now. For all the avatars a particular "creator" offers, only a handful get bought/worn and it is rare for any one avatar sold by a more costly brand to be worn by more than one person. The exception seems to be with game rips that have been modified for the 3D porn industry, having a specific or generic nude body included. Most of the stores that offered those models were shut down by LL years ago and I haven't really seen anyone try to carry that torch again.
  12. IDK, back before everyone was using AOs, a system animation would make your head turn to whoever last chatted. I found that too annoying, even creepy. I was so glad when TPVs came along and allowed us to turn that effect off. Besides, it isn't like a group of people in SL ever communicate in mouselook to begin with. We all leave our cameras in third party perspective, even alt camming on anything but a talker's head/face. The only annoying remnant is alt camming causing your eyes to try to lock on the focus point even it if makes your eyes go half-way back in your head...
  13. There used to be this bug where if you were unsat immediately after sitting your avatar would bounce/fly all over the place as if autopilot status was active, but I haven't seen it in years.
  14. if (llSameGroup(person) && (llList2String(llGetObjectDetails(person,[OBJECT_GROUP_TAG]),0) == "Manager")) { llSay(0,"dance 'till you drop!"); } else { //llSleep(0.5); // not entirely convinced this is required llUnSit(person); }
  15. Yesterday, Signature released new versions of most of their bodies as well as a new head and body, but sadly, did not take the initiative to offer an optional mod version. ☚ī¸ I even reached out to the creator about the possibility almost 3 months prior, but go no reply back. 😕
  16. Just a reminder. The only reason it is called Premium Plus is due to the "survey" on this forum. LL was initially going to call it Premium Elite. Also, why is an image from Pulp Fiction showing up in that link? 🤔
  17. I gave you my answers as well. Don't like it. Deal with it. 😎 Sounds like you're the only one taking the subject personal. I wonder why that is. 🤔
  18. Reed Linden said in yesterday's Web meeting that the effects didn't get rolled out on March 31st like they'd planned and instead went out on Monday, April 4th. The only confusing part is when he talks about "definition" and how that applies to some people and not others.
  19. I like shedding unused mesh links, unused scripts and consolidating mesh to save attach points. I also brought these points up to creators and CSRs to no avail.
  20. I have directly contacted mesh head/body creators, their CSRs and their scripters about what I mentioned only to get excuses in return. From Creators: "Making it mod would cause an increased workload for my CSRs even if we offered an optional mod version with a disclaimer". "My scripter is like family and I trust that they know what they're been doing." "My scripter charges me $5000 per script change. I have to wait 1 or 2 years before I can make enough revenue to afford another change and I have other things I'd want to change by then." From CSRs: "But what if they break it? They'll ask me what they did wrong and I don't want to have to deal with it." "Our creator and/or scripter is too busy." From Scripters: "Yeah, but I've been doing it my way forever and it's been fine and I don't want to change anything now." "IDK anything about it and don't want to bother looking into it. What I have right now works for me." Translation: I'm making money and don't want to rock the boat. I want to stay on this gravy train as long as possible doing as little as possible.
  21. They haven't worked for LL in some time, heh.
  22. I'm calling it Premium Milquetoast from now on. ☚ī¸ I'm no longer looking forward to the official announcement.
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