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Randall Ahren

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Everything posted by Randall Ahren

  1. Why don't you post a photo and see what the hetero-ladies think of your current avatar's appearance? Those threads are usually pretty interesting.
  2. I think teak is a dark color, so the sofa should be a contrasting lighter color. How about red, yellow, or orange? If you want to be safe, go with black. However, black leather in a sofa is pretty boring.
  3. Is thought Facebook did not like avatar names and deleted such accounts. Aren't you worried that Facebook will delete your account?
  4. Try to keep your prims at 1875 as a 8,192 sqm parcel of mainland will support that. The montly tier is $40 USD. If you exceed 8,192 sqm, the montly tier jumps to $75. Tier will be your largest cost.
  5. When stuff doesn't work on my computer, I like to randomly deinstall and re-install software coupled with reboots. That fixes the problem about 90% of the time. Even if it doesn't fix the problem, it makes me feel better because it gives me something to do for awhile.
  6. Try Firestorm. Download it at www.phoenixviewer.com You could also try Singularity. Download it at singularityviewer.org
  7. You downloaded the right thing, but try Firestorm as suggested earlier and see if it will run.
  8. If SL is dead, I have a very important question: Is there life after SL?
  9. Try downloading a third party viewer for Second Life. You might try Firestorm. Download it from phoenixviewer.com
  10. Massive design problem. I also suggest avoiding Macs for your next hardware upgrade.
  11. Get a can of compressed air for cleaning PCs and use the little straw to direct the air into the radiator fins of your computer and blow the dust out. This will usuually solve a problem with overheating in a computer. Also check your fans and make sure they are working and have all their blades (I once had a blade breakoff from a computer fan). Remember to blow the dust away periodically from your computer's radiator fins to avoid problems in the future with overheating. ps: Desktop computers generally have less problems with overheating. Consider a desktop for your next hardware upgrade.
  12. So what you're saying is that unless you want to be an unpaid software quality inspector for LL, don't update until you have to.
  13. Two thumbs way up for third party developers. Evidently, they do it purely out of love for SL because I don't see how they make money with their current operations. A big thumbs up for LL. They get developers to work for them for free! Is that the most brilliant business plan evar or what?
  14. This forum is for important subjects such as how an alien invasion of earth would affect your SL.
  15. I never found a way. If it's all in the same folder it usually goes together, but sometimes you'll get a bunch of stuff from a vendor with a lot of unrelated stuff all in the same folder. I wouldn't worry about it. Just use the search function to find what you want and wear it. It's easier with third party viewers, because they have three inventory tabs, all, recent, and worn. You can also search by type, texture, clothing, body part, object and so forth. For viewers, try Singularity, Phoenix, or Imprudence and see if you have an easier time sorting through your inventory.
  16. Maybe they would be like one of the alien species in Joe Haldeman's Study War No More. The aliens I'm thinking of introduced a virus to make humans more empathetic, so much so that humans could not inflict pain on another without feeling such pain in an equal amount in themselves. The effect was to end war and to turn humans into vegans. It also eliminated most crime.
  17. I wouldn't use the standard SL viewer. Too many quality control control issues. Use a viewer made by a third party. You can try Firestorm. Download it from from phoenixviewer.com and click on the downloads on the right side. You can also use the Phoenix viewer. Download it from the same site. I prefer Phoenix over Firestorm. My personal favorite at the moment is Singularity. Download it from http://www.singularityviewer.org/downloads
  18. The test of a build is the satisfaction it gives you. There is no other test. If the build produces tranquility, it's right. If it disturbs you, it's wrong until either the build or your mind is changed. This build does not disturb me. ps: The typo in the first sentence did disturb me. Hence the edit.
  19. This is me contemplating important subjects at my skybox under an impossibly flawless sky. Even though the sky is constantly changing, it's always beautiful. It's whole, complete, perfect, and always has been. We are but the tiniest of wisps of vapor in a vast and infinite heaven, but together we make a perfect sky (click the images for a larger view).
  20. Star Trek was an abomination and suffered from a severe shortage of imagination. Why would aliens be bipeds? Almost every alien species in Star Trek is biped and able to mate with humans! Completely absurd.
  21. You are also not a science fiction fan. Let me suggest the complete works of Larry Niven to you.
  22. Requirements? You make it sound like a job. Offer a salary to boot and you'll have all the friends money can buy.
  23. Not a science fiction fan are you? According to your scenario, the aliens would just repeat human history on a galaxy-wide scale, planet-by-planet. Why would the aliens repeat human history? Why would they be human like in their actions, thinking, and motivations? They're aliens from a distant solar system. They may not even be carbon-based or oxygen breathers. @The OP: you need to relate this to SL or it is prone to deletion. Perhaps handle it like the US deficit thread, something like: How will an alien invasion of earth affect your SL?
  24. You know, Jacki, the problem isn't what to do, it's how to do. The what is clear. It's like a morbidly obese person asking what to do to lose weight. The answer is obvious: diet and exercise. What's the answer for a degenerate spendthrift that spends every cent they get, maxes out all their credit cards, and never saves for a rainy day? The what is obvious, cut the credit cards up and no spending in excess of income. The how however is a bit like trying to get a junkie off herion.
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