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Pierre Ceriano

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Everything posted by Pierre Ceriano

  1. Once I created the mesh from the svg file and made some improvement, I solidify it and arrange by hand the back joining the vertices that sometimes interweave. Then I unwrape "Project from view" in front or top view, depends the orientation of the object). Then I import the original picture and fix the UV on the the outlines of it.
  2. I'm also interested to know if there is an addon for that ; as I admit I am a lazzy guy ^^ The shortest way I found yet is to turn a nice picture or drawing to a black png vector, then transform that vector to an svg file I import to Blender and make some improvements on it, in order it gets some bump. Then I shamelessly apply the original picture on it...
  3. Hello the community and thank you in advance for your interest. I was baking several materials with success and it suddenly stopped to work ; I mean the Texture bake fonction stands on 0 % progress. As you can see on the picture, I have several objects in my scenery. I already baked with no problem the 18 materials of the pillars, walls, fake doors and windows and one of the balcony. As I want to bake material 049, it stands on 0 % since over 45 minutes. Usually it takes from 5 to 10 minutes for my PC to bake a material. What I did already : I deleted all the objects that are not necessary for the bake process I checked each material is not repeated on an other object I saved all my works, stopped and started again the computer I tried to bake with only Blender working on my PC I tried to bake an other material Still not working. Also there is not the usual sound of the baking process, while it stands on 0 %. Edit 1 : I could bake a material on the roof but it stands on 0% and seems it doesn't end the baking process... Please help ! Following pictures of the scenery and the baking settings. Warm regards, Pierre
  4. Bonjour Océane Je ne vois que deux hypothèses : Un bug du système de location Une limitation de prims alloués, au-delà de laquelle la location est recalculée. Exemple : tu loue une maison + 200 prims, mais une fois les meubles rezzés tu dépasses l'allocation globale de prims et tu passe donc dans la tranche supérieure. En règle générale, une notice explique les choses en détail. Dans les deux cas, il faut te rapprocher du landlord ou bailleur et lui demander de t'expliquer mieux les choses si la notice n'est pas assez claire. Bonne soirée
  5. Bonjour Melysa Je te conseillerais : de supprimer puis de réinstaller Catznip Si le problème persiste, de contacter le support ou le groupe sur le jeu : copie/colle ce lien secondlife:///app/group/0ca3355c-c72c-4db5-d2e2-79127a134d55/about dans ton chat local et rejoins le groupe si ce n'est pas déjà fait. Bon courage et bonne journée !
  6. Bonjour Mathieu et bon retour sur Second Life ! Je ne suis pas versé dans le RP mais pour ce qui est de trouver des francophones sur SL, il me semble qu'on peut : consulter la page du guide qui référence les régions francophones faisant leur promotion sur le site officiel. Rechercher sur Second Life Search avec les termes "Français" dans la section groupes et "Jeu de rôle" dans la section générale. regarder les profiles des personnes que tu rencontres dans le jeu Bonne continuation
  7. Hello Achille Those unwanted shadows might come from the way you marked the unwraping isles but it is difficult to see that on your pictures. So I recommand you check the Falloff of the Gather section of the World tab, with Strengh set to 1 and Samples to 10.
  8. Hello there ! As some of you know I have a (until not so many time) legal background. When this topic is discussed, three things need to be taken into consideration, at least : 1 / What the Linden terms say about it. As said before the section 2.3 of the TOS : "In connection with Content you upload, publish, or submit to any part of the Service, you affirm, represent, and warrant that you own or have all necessary Intellectual Property Rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to use and authorize Linden Lab and users of the Service to use the Content in the manner contemplated by the Service and these Terms." It means that you can upload only assets you own the IP rights... The best solution is to be the Content Creator, from the first vertice to the last one. 2 / What the 3D library and the initial creators say about it*. For CG Trader, you might read this : "Products [ sold with Royalty Free Licenses] published on CGTrader may not be sold, given, or assigned to another person or entity in the form it is downloaded from the site." and "Products with Editorial License [...] can only be used for non-commercial purposes." In other terms, you might upload to Second Life for your personal use only (not selling back). If you need to go beyond these rules you will need to see : 3 / What the initial creator will allow you to do when you will contact her/him : indeed the best is to get, at least, a mail allowing you to resell in Second Live his/her assets with the conditions clearly stated : small transformations needed ? Credits ? Which end user rights ? Then your problem will be to deal with... point 1/... * Some external libraries won't allow you to use their assets (models, textures) especially in Second Life, and this even for personal use : Renderosity, CG Textures,...
  9. Thank you very much ! I created a lower physics shape and decreased the land impact to 5 at a 8 meters diameter (instead of 37^^). Of course I had to struggle with it in order to keep a realistic visual render in-game. But it was worth of doing it. Thank again Pierre
  10. Hello there and thank you in advance for your help Ok, I created a squared pond with physics, of 24 x 24 meters, which weighs 12 land impacts. When I decrease the squale of this item, the land impact also decrease. Then I created a rounded pond from the squared one, also with physics, also weighting 12 li at 24 meters diameter. BUT, when I decrease it, the land impact increase a lot, something like 37 li at 8 meters diameter. It decreases set to convexhull. I did something wrong but what ? As some of you know, I'm an humble craftsman with meshes and Blender, learning things bit by bit. I uploaded with Firestorm and with the official viewer, but I still uncounter the same issue. I seeked Google and the SL forum with tags like "rounded mesh", "round mesh" and "circle mesh" but didn't find anything. Pierre
  11. I'm profundly chocked by what hapenned in my country yesterday. Religions tend to raise the human spirit, protect life, empower the weak. We all must fight the stupid cowards who consider religions as weapons. May God bless the bereaved families.
  12. First, thank you for working on the MP issues and for asking a feedback. I'd not want to be in your shoes at this moment :smileywink: I have always questioned the wisdom of the relevance sorting, so the first thing I did is sorting my shop by relevance and was very surprised. It sounds to be exactly the opposite of what one should expect : the Beta gives as results, on the first page, what I sell the less. As I use the relevance to delete or improve the dunce caps of my store, the good news is I won't have to scroll down and hit the last page number. Then I seeked the general MP with different keywords that are important for my business and, indeed as some said before, I was suggested old creepy things mostly. This is not good for customers because (well) I guess they seek for favorited items (an assumption of mines). Unless you got a sudden tendency to egalitarism, back from the Burning Man with new opinions about birds, clear water and life. Right I tease you but there is a real mess on that point ; sincerely wish you all the best in the process.
  13. Hello the Team In the coming Sansar Project, is a model of clothing like the DRAPE method being studied ? Thank you
  14. As English is not my native, maybe I don't explain things the right way about newcomers (and even old residents) and this project. Where I want to draw technicians attention is the fact that today and in the future users have to manage too many things in order to have a pleasant experience in Second Life. We introduce SL as an easy place to experience, but any user who'd like to be in the swing will have not only to manage a body mesh and everything that goes on, but also to deal with its "complexity weight", this added to the setting of the preference board and other things that don't come immediatly to my mind... Indeed it will have to be as pedagogical as possible. I didn't use a JIRA since a very long time, but with the new management that sounds to be asking users opinion more often, I will certainly do :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  15. @ The Linden Labs and the community of users, Guess this project would not be a bad decision but this is a "technical opinion" at first. On the other hand I wonder if it won't add complexity to the experience, especially, but not only, for the newcomers. In other words : isn't this project going against the Linden Labs latest sights about the newcomers experience in Second Life ? I understand it needs to control the technical sides of the platform, but isn't the cursor going in the bad direction ? Concerning the business side of the project : are you going to add a feature on the MP informing the customers about the complexity of the objects she/he is about to purchase ?
  16. Et tu n'es pas au bout de tes surprise : la langue francaise est pleine de subtilités... nota bene : je constate que le forum Linden est toujours aussi irrespectueux des langues étrangères, en imposant de faire des fautes d'orthographe : "The message body contains c*, which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post." Une entreprise de ce niveau peut se donner les moyens d'un site web performant en terme de langues... [*c cédille, NDLR]
  17. Salut Anselm ! Il existe un lexique des correspondances ici, qui, en plus de donner des traductions, formule des définitions.
  18. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen ! I actually seek for trade events, themed Victorian, or Steampunk, or Gothic (or the three together). I don't seek for a shop but for events such as sales rooms or themed events. Answers in this thread or via IM inworld. Thank you very much for your help and have a good rest of the day :) Pierre
  19. I"m not a forum addict but I could not pass up this unique opportunity :matte-motes-nerdy: Indeed Clivesteel, something incredibly great can be set up using your real you in the real world : it is called "job". I've been trying for over 25 years so far, and it is very efficient as regard to put butter on the bread. And on the other hand, if SL wages are not acceptable to you, well, so don't work in SL. And I guess nobody obliges anyone to work in SL.
  20. Hello amazing scripters ! :) This is not easy for a non English native to find a script in a library just because of its name... I seek for a script that makes an object act like a swing in a park for children (not like the one in a tree). I tried the one given here but it doesn't seam to work for me while I reset the object and also tried with a root. I searched with the tags "Swing", "Balancer" and also "Pendulum" (that last one is not exactly the movement I wish) Thanks in advance for the help :) Pierre
  21. Hello Bogart ! Does this and this answer your question ?
  22. I support 200 % that kind of ask : please Mr Alberg, consider the idea of making land tier cheaper. An other idea would be to create intermediate standalone regions : 7500 prims for less 150 U$ (100 avatars)... And in order to balance the income statement, you could increase the % taken on the fees and commissions on the MarketPlace. Or to pay a refund to merchants who have both a MarketPlace store and at least a sim. Cheaper land = more land owners = more prims to set up = increased trade and investment = more creation = more articles on the MP and inworld... Well I know that no one needs to explain you how it works ; I know it is difficult to find the right solution. But on the other hand this your job to find solutions Good luck ! Pierre Ceriano
  23. Hello Rolig You write "There are changes coming in the permissions system at some point" What are these changes and do you have a source to link us to ? Thank you Pierre
  24. Seeking the Marketplace with ALL those keywords gives a first idea : complete fitted mesh human avatar :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  25. YES ! If by "mesh full-body avatar" you mean a mesh avatar : that is not ripped from a 3D library with minor changes (meaning the creator won't get a DMCA or such) that is sold both on the MP and inworld (meaning the creator is known and doesn't hide) that is fully improved and will benefit future updates (meaning the creator is not a one shot business) The EVE Avatar, by Ginger Chevalier, is certainly what you seek for. And if you want a high valuable customer service, before, during and after the purchase, get in touch with Nana Saenz. For further infos, please read this : End of implants a new generation of avatar is on. Remaining at your disposal, Pierre Ceriano
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