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Pierre Ceriano

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Everything posted by Pierre Ceriano

  1. Bonjour Pierrot et bienvenu sur Second Life ! La recherche évoquée par marcov existe aussi à partir du viewer : clique en haut "Content", développe le menu et choisi "Search". (Racourci : CTRL F) Une fenêtre pop-up s'ouvre dans laquelle tu cliques l'onglet "Websearch". Ici tu peux taper des mots-clés comme "Français", "France", "French" et d'autres. Tu auras alors un choix finalement assez vaste : 1316 résultats pour "France" dans la rubrique "Everything". Pour chaque ligne de résultat, tu cliques sur cette ligne et elle se développera. De là on te propose d'adhérer à des groupes ou de te téléporter, etc. Tu peux aussi ouvrir les profils des francos que tu croises et consulter leurs "Picks". Autres conseils : pense à cocher les niveaux de maturité qui t'intéressent. Je te conseille de mettre quelques infos dans ton profil : beaucoup de résidents ne t'adresseront pas la parole avec un profile vide. Pas obligé de parler de sa vie perso, mais quelques mots sur ce que tu aimes faire sur SL ; ou des picks des endroits que tu aimes bien donnent des pistes à celui qui consulte ton profil. Le profil est un peu une carte de visite que l'on présente aux gens que l'on croise sur SL et qui invitent ces derniers à communiquer avec toi, ou pas Bonne visite de SL !
  2. I searched with "Shadow map" instead of "AO maps" and found that one. It is for Corel x4 but I suppose it will be almost the same for Corel x8. Waiting for the feed back of my friend.
  3. Well my friend is seeking for a tutorial for using the AO Maps like this one for Gimp users. Tried to google but did not find any. Maybe we are not searching with the good tags. I'm French native and he is German and we didn't find any in our own languages too. Thanks again.
  4. Hello the community and thank you in advance ! A friend of mines is using Corel x8 home and student edition and never found how to use the AO and UV maps provided by mesh creators. I googled several sentences and didn't find myself too. Both in English and French. Any helpers around ? Pierre
  5. Thank you here for the help in understanding texture definition for SL use. Kind of existential questions I ask myself since I create assets for SL ^^ I also consider bicubic is "better" than bilinear. Bilinear leads to add a not wanted difference to the "soft" effect of the texture or image. (Sorry for the vocabulary, English is not my native)
  6. Sorry to bother but, for the ones not following that specific project, what an arctan mesh is ? To resume. Thank you the community
  7. I use a specific green for my greebox : HEX 00ff00 ; and set to Full Bright in the Texture tab.
  8. Don't know if it still works but while I was seeking answers for my question Ifound this :
  9. Thank you Chic. I use the Firestorm viewer. Yesterday, I tried a few and the ones that fit my needs the most are : Strawberry Closeups Strawberry Headshots Studio Light [Analu] Neutral Neutral I will certainly adjust Strawberry Closeups, following your link ; thanks again
  10. Hello the community ! I use to shoot the mesh objects I create in a green box. I just shoot them with their AO maps and then remove the green backgroud under Gimp. My question is : which windlight settings are the best ? As of today I use the Midday for the sky and default for the water level (while maybe there is no incidence for the last one) ; but perhaps some are better. Looking forward to reading you, Pierre [Edit] As Chic pointed out, I'm using the Firestorm viewer
  11. Just wondering if I read all the messages in my mailing box ? In the outliner, I hitted the camera icon OFF and then ON and it worked... I don't know how to explain this, I got the idea reading another thread.
  12. Me too ^^ Last time I teached my wife on Blender, it ended I tried to strangle her :))
  13. What you describe here is the main reason I gave up teaching anything (the other ideas are that being a teacher is not enough to play a pedagogical role, and that I'm still learning ). There are two kinds of people asking me help who made me give up very quickly : The ones who are not patient and whant to be masters without learning anything. The first thing I tell them, but they don't listen I guess, is "be humble", "be patient", "learn and learn again", "do and re-do", etc. I started modelling over a year ago and still consider I have things to learn and master. I consider I need to review most of my stuff. Many insist to put the cart before the horse... The ones who take things from external libraries and observe it is difficult to turn them right... So many forum threads I will never give any help ^^ For the other persons : you took the right direction !
  14. Très bonne initiative et tous mes encouragements !
  15. I asked that question myself in the past and when I started to create meshes I needed to formalise with a kind of tutorial : https://bit.ly/2RdlAnb ; the 3 last pictures
  16. Hello there ! I would start from white background, then add a transparent layer on its top, then add some dirt : Filters > Render > Noise > Plasma Colours > Desaturate > Desaturate > Mode average Then use or add some brushes from/to your Paintbrush tool : you have many googling ; I would use those, or those. Optional : colorize a bit ; maybe a kind of brown ? (Html 2e2609 for me) Then play with the opacity till it fits your expectation (I choose 50 %), remove the white layer and export to .png
  17. Bonjour, Je n'ai jamais eu ce souci mais pour savoir si ça vient du viewer de LL, j'essaierai de télécharger l'image avec un autre viewer : Si ça marche, et même si tu as le dernier viewer de LL, élimine le complètement de ton PC et ré-installe le. Si ça ne marche toujours pas avec le viewer de LL: ticket à LL Si ça ne marche pas, il faudrait te remémorer à partir de quand tu as ce problème pour savoir si tu n'aurais pas téléchargé volontairement, ou pas, une application qui vient alourdir le chemin de téléchargement des images : j'ai eu ce problème pour importer des images sur Wordpress et c'était à cause d'une appli de pub qui s'était installée avec un logiciel de dessin. Bonne continuation
  18. 2 methods to my idea : Don't modify anything on the uploaded shape, and don't touch anything on the UVs in Blender, and then upload as it is. You will have to play with the upload window in order to deal with the best land impacts/LOD ratio OR if you want to modify the uploaded asset in Blender, you will need to unwrap the UVs again. If you want to approach the texturing method on prims, maybe use the "Project from view" and "Project from view Bound" methods after you did put the said faces to unwrap in front of you (numpads).
  19. Good point. Here we can reach the philosophical level. I always thought and said that among the years the LL team realized they were running a real business. But it was not the primary philosophy of the Second Life metaverse : it was first created by some hairy nerds who had that brilliant idea to make people meet in a 3D world created by themselve. Then they permitted the folk to sell their stuff on a MP, but that was maybe because they needed to improve the business part of the model... and not to allow anyone to make a living. So now some think they can earn money thanks to a world created by others, they also consider a scandal to be punctured. If LL wants to lower the tiers and increase the transactions fees, it's because a bunch of the "players" don't "play the game" anymore : both sellers and buyers should interact in-game and not off-game. That doesn't happens since years ; so the LL team, which has since hired some skilled business guys, took a decision. Guess it is not the worst if it makes us coming back in-game.
  20. The idea might be internationaly leveled by creating a kind of universal UUID. If one create a virtual asset and market it on a library such as Turbosquid, it would be attached to a unique everywhere usable UUID. If some want to download it to SL, the UUID would be analyzed and see if in the line of code there is the authorization to do so.
  21. That survey is a good idea indeed. Lots of good things I read on that thread. My 3 tops would be : - The ability to check a bunch of files and change in bulk either the price, inworld location, category, or permissions - A new area where to write our Terms of Use, an area that would remain so we don't need to rewrite (or copy/paste) them. An area in addition to the "Extended description one" - (Dreaming mode) A reinforced team that would check the ripped items and ban the IP adresses that insist. Thanks for reading
  22. An other way is : gather all the parts that will have the same diffuse at the end and create those parts with the array modifier. Then unwrape before applying the modifier. You will have to arrange the "arrayed" parts maybe. The deal is to determine if it takes more time to arrange islands or parts...
  23. Indeed I see. I usually arrange by hand then and rescale the whole. But I'm also interested to learn a shortest way. Hope a more skilled person will answer your question. I will follow that thread.
  24. The question is : "Why do you pin the vertices" ? Doesn't it work fine if you just let the duplicated islands together without pinning ?
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