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Toysoldier Thor

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Everything posted by Toysoldier Thor

  1. LillyBeth Filth wrote: If I am to understand this, I have to transfer 3700 boxed up texture packs into folders... we have about 30 customised versions of the black box containing all of these so we have to rez every single box drag the contents to our manager account (TRU Timeless) Outbox folder? We had to write a program to get them all set up into boxes in an automated manner, placed onto the SLMP with the keywords for each texture collection and now I guess we will have to write another program that will undo all of that and put them back into folders...(?) Great...can't wait. I personally have 400 texture collections all boxed up in my 3 black boxes which I will do manually....cant wait! This direct delivery is not for the benefit of merchants that I can see... it wouldn't be TOO bad if it was optional as in "boxed or folders" Nightmare As conrad already said, you dont HAVE to unbox your packs and in fact as I mentioned earlier in this thread, your business / product would be a perfect example of when a merchant WOULD NOT unbox their products to folders. My packs only have 30 to 40 items in their contents and I am also NOT going to unbox my products to folders. It doesnt make sense. For a builder, its nice to have texture and sculpty map packs kept in a single themed box and only pulled out when they need it. It also makes it easier for me as a Merchant to support my customers with after sales service. I have had several situations where a customer has contacted me with some issue where I needed to send him / her another instance of my pack... all I do is give him the one box. It also keeps things consistent as my inworld store sells and distributes my packs as the exact same boxes that my MP store delivers. So.... you dont have to and I would strongly advise you DONT unbox your texture packs. Keep selling them as boxed packs.
  2. Argus Collingwood wrote: Darrius Gothly wrote: Arwen Serpente wrote: Bump. Keep this thread on top. Update on https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4596 Direct Delivery product purchase orders stuck in the Being Delivered State (Non Unicode products) Please take a look at what's happening on this JIRA - Please set it to "Watch" because the issue is growing and since it deals with the Financial transaction integrity of the MP, it is a serious issue to all of us. Edited to add: This is no longer just a Direct Delivery issue. The reports are also from Magic Box users. ~ Support is directing people to go to the JIRA to request payment for stuck orders (I've had some paid, others are sitting there unpaid). ~ There are now orders stuck "Queued" where Support tells the Merchant to contact the Buyer to file a Support Ticket (even though the Merchant has already filed a Support Ticket). ~ The "Delivery Partially Failed" Message is now (in some cases) being tied to delivery of product + refund for the Buyer (so, essentially the Buyer is getting the item for free). Support is directing the Merchant to contact the Buyer to request direct payment. I have one stuck in Queued, I filed a Support Ticket as instructed .. and got back this response: "I'm sorry that your customer did not receive their item from your establishment. I will be happy to assist you with this issue. Please have the customer submit a support ticket. Once they submit a support ticket, we can honor the request for you." To which I replied: "Your reply makes the assumption that this issue affects only the customer .. and that is not true. A "Queued" order is not delivered to the customer, but it also does not pay the Merchant, thus either one of us (Merchant or Customer) should be able to file a support ticket. In this particular case, because I speak with Brooke Linden routinely and am very familiar with the current problems on the SL Marketplace, I filed the ticket to help them identify orders that are failing with this symptom. Please forward the ticket to Brooke Linden and also Dakota Linden so that they may examine the order to help them fix the error, and then Dakota can push it through to completion. However, in the future, any time either the Merchant or the Customer files a support ticket for an order that is stuck at Queued, remember that the issue affects both and thus should be dealt with in the same fashion no matter who submits the ticket." I then forwarded the email to Brooke and got this response from her: "Thanks, Darrius. I've let the appropriate people know so we can improve this experience." Left hand, right hand ... not talking to each other? LOL When I get those orders I just throw it in a basket and deliver it to them as a gift. Saves trouble;) yes cause most of us do not have direct one-on-one email access with Brooke. So giving up on the order is the most feasible option over expecting LL support to actually deliver and provide acceptable support. I know from my past encounters from LL support including last sundday when I actually got a RARE responses from a LL ticket on a Sunday afteroon only 2 hours after I filed my ticket....... to tell me that as a non-premium account they could not help me about a bug they caused and only they could solve. This is different from all my other LL support tickets with LL where I was entitled to support but got ZERO response back from LL support (or a response about 2 months later). But since most of us do not have direct back door access to Brooke or another linden... not much more we could do.
  3. Brooke Portilo wrote: thanks for all the replies.. Phoenix ?? outdated.. lol i was still on viewer 1 until just 3 weeks ago.. i know i know.. i heard terrible things about firestorm so im not sure if i want to go that route.. ugh.. i love my magic box .. The Phoenix code base is outdated in that it uses the Viewer 1 generation of code. As such, it becomes harder and harder for the Phoenix team to code V2-V3 functions into it vs coding it into the Firestorm viewer that is based on LL's V2-V3 code base. As such Phoenix is basically old generation code that Phoenix team has tried their best (and done a good job to date) to add new generation functions into it. I have had both Phoenix and Firestorm code installed since the early releases of Firestorm. I will tell you that until recently I would force myself to use the firestorm viewer on my laptop but the UI and bugs in the code naturally forced me to return to Phoenix for most of my existence. BUT.... the recent releases of both the Firestorm and Phoenix viewers (to release the DD functions) has seen a change in my habit. The Firestorm viewer UI (although still a bit different than the old classic Pheonix viewer) is very workable for a V2-V3 generation viewer. I must like it and have adopted it because since the recent release, Firestorm has become my main viewer and I have no more desire to use the old Phoenix viewer. I was in the same boat as you about interface - but I think Firestorm has reached the version that almost all Phoenix users should naturally consider it good / close enough to Phoenix to use as their main viewer. Finally, you really need to consider adopting Firestorm sooner than later anyway because the Phoenix code will some day on in the history books as the Phoenix team will slowly stop supporting it - the good example is the DD Merchant Folder Function... Phoenix has not even decided if they will ever provide that function for Phoenix.
  4. Morgaine Christensen wrote: Since you have used this Merchant in the past, have you contacted the SL Merchant and brought up your concerns? I would ask ...maybe, there is a legitimate explanation...maybe not. I believe you can file a complaint against the product(s) sold through MP. I believe it is up to the original artist to file a DMCA. Yes, only the original artist holding the copyright to the image can file the DMCA. LL will not take any actions on suspectect copyright violations - no matter how obvious the violation - because there MIGHT be some legit agreement between this merchant and all the copyright owners she is selling copies of - as much as it sounds highly unlikely. So really - unless the copyright owner comes forward with a complaint, nothing can nor will be done to shut down her store. Anyone's complaint will be ignored. One would hope though that if a potential buyer approaches her - maybe she is completely naive in copyright and didnt realize she cant do this. I have a fellow SL photo artist who thought it was ok to Morph SL avatar faces to famous models / celeb images from google images. When I told her that technically what she is doing is not legal, she was surprised and even angry at the copyright rules. I am shocked how many SL photo studio businesses are out there in-world selling morphs of avatar faces on rl celebs. They are everywhere.
  5. Likely her entire store is 100% stolen images but taking hi-rez images off deviant art and flikr is very easy and this merchant either doesnt know about copyrights or doesnt care. As for your surprise that no one has issued DMCA takedowns on her... its likely that most artists are not aware she is doing this inside SL or in the case you mentioned, since she is offering her images for free to the community... other than frustrating that the SL Merchant is violating her expressed wishes... why would she go through all the hassle to take doen this merchant when she is not making any money herself? Its just a big hassle with ZERO reward for her and most other D.A. artists if they were even aware of it. I am a DA/Flickr artist... maybe IM me her store... I would be interested in seeing if my art is in her store. And likely this merchant will just start up with her images as another alt. Its like tinkling in the ocean. As a potential buyer of this merchant's listings... why dont you contact her and ask her if she is aware that she is selling textures in violation of the D.A. Artist's state copyright and why? Show her the actual DA Artist's link and her store listing. Would be interesting to hear her response.
  6. Czari Zenovka wrote: Deja Letov wrote: Might want to check in here more often and be sure you are set to get notices from SL because we've all gotten plenty of notice about it through emails and definitely in here. Is there something I need to set to receive notices from SL? I thought I had it set and for years received SL updates, but just realized I haven't in awhile. I may not have set something that is needed when LL changed to this forum structure. I did know about DD, having heard about it last year, but at the time it was an indefinite "sometime in the future." I definitely want to make sure I get SL notices, and will be definitely checking in here!!! there no longer is a post sales delivery email notice (sad since I would want this email notice restored). All I get from my DD sold items is the email notice of the sale TX.... not the Delivery notice. With MB I am getting the delivery notice still.
  7. I migrated all my non-big sellers from MB to DD (about 90% of my MP items)... and I have left my top 6 sellers on MB - which generates about 90% of my $ sales in MP. I never had problems with MB in all the years I have used it... and I have not had any problem in the migration nor the current mixed mode state I am in now. I received two partially delivered status's since my DD migration on two of my DD migrated items..... but prior to DD I only had 3 of the same partial failures on MB since Jan 1. So that tells you how much value DD has been for me. It has been extra work with ZERO improvement in any of my service of functionality on MP. In fact, magically, since the DD migration started, my midnight to 5am 1hour+ deliveries on my 6 magicbox items that happened after the sale has now become instant. Funny huh?? So to me.... DD has been extra work with no value.
  8. Two weeks ago (march 20th) - my Community Forums Setting of "immediate email notification for subscribed posts" bagan to be ignored. Even though the setting has been honored and working in the forums for years and even though it is still set to immediate as of right now, the Forums system has switched this mode to Daily Summary. I now do not receive any emails throughout the day and then LL blasts my email service between 5:30am - 7am SLT each day with all the emails it held back throughout the past 24 hours. this is about 150 to 200 emails. This problem is not because of my email provider since I do get emails from LL immediately from several other SL activities like IMs from friends, messages from inworld monitoring boxes/counters, and Marketplace sales transaction notifications. So... it is not a matter of my email provider rejecting or hold back these emails from LL... LL is not sending them. It clearly seems that for my account, the Forum's system has switch my mode to DAILY SUMMARY. I have tried to toggle the mode to daily and weekly summary and then back... didnt work. This problem is extremely frustrating as the 200 email blast from LL fills my mobile device and my email account with messages that I am normally able to manage throughout the day by reading them as they occur and deleting them. I tried to open up a support ticket but LL support instantly posted back that free accounts are not entitled to get support for Forum system bugs (even ones they seemed to have created). I will also create a JIRA but I suspect that will not be actioned. If there are not resolutions from this ANSWERS forum... I will be forced to write a blog and message / tweet the blog to rodvik... maybe he has a way to provide support. RESPONSE TO ANSWERS..... Since the person asking the question cannot respond to this thread... I am putting my response here... Thanks Lindal & Rolig. I tried your advice Lidel and removed ALL my current subscriptions to Merchants and Mesh forums. I delete all past subscriptions that were listed as active. I even toggled to DAILY EMAIL SUMMARY / SAVED / then Returned to IMMEDIATE / SAVED. None of it helped as I can see the Merchant threads are very active and I have not yet received any emails from these trheads. I will likely get blasted tomorrow morning at about 5:30am from LL again. I agree Rolig... this is a bug in the forum and one that needs to be reset by LL Forums Admins. I will open a JIRA and I will also likely poke at Rodvik and the Twitter LL Support Tweet account.... see if I can get support this way? What is so weird is that I have opened several LL Support tickets in the past as a free account and almost NEVER get any response from LL support even on the valid free account topics or a "sorry we cant help you" weeks or months later. But for this ticket I opened yesterday (a Sunday), amazingly LL Support happily responded to my ticket within two hours on a weekend.... just to tell me I am not entitled to be supported for this problem. <sigh>
  9. I did the survey. I will be staying with Boxed items. I think its the more efficient method of managing my product for my customers as would be the case with merchant/creators that sell large packs of textures. My customers are Master Builders / Landscapers that already have very large overwhelming inventories and having MP merchants arbitrarily dumping unboxed folders with 100's or 1000's of new inventory items is not fair. By sending my customers the boxed pack.... if they wish to unbox my pack and expand their inventory or if they leave it boxed and only pull out the sculpty maps they need during building.... I give the power of that decision to them. But unboxing my packs and selling them to my customers as folders with a large number of sculpty maps and textures etc, takes this decision away from the Customer. Merchants that unbox into folders are making decisions on behalf of their customers when their customers may not want it unboxed. Unboxing into folders might be a good idea for clothing or immediate use products but not for what I sell.
  10. Sassy Romano wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Personally i think it is a stupid idea from LL standpoint. Now there is absolutely ZERO reason for a merchant to rent land. I've seen this said so many times and I just don't get it. Merchants never really had to rent land for a magic box. Technically yes but there are places that rent by the prim specifically for this purpose and would cost just a few L$'s per week to rent precisely 1 prim. If the whole of a merchants business plan is around selling via Marketplace then that 1 prim inworld really isn't going to be much of a loss to LL and unless someone wants to build solely in a public sandbox then isn't having their own space to create and leave rezzed "works in progress" somewhat more significant than that 1 prim for the Magic Box? So a merchant can close their mainstore if they wish, if they really want to put all their trust/faith/marketing into one place, Marketplace. That's not the plan for everyone, where MP is only a minor part of the retail solution. Let me add to this myth about how MagicBoxes were bad because you had to rent land to have a magicbox. I started selling on xstreet in june 2008. I never rented my first land in SL until about spring of 2009 when I decided to also have an inworld store presence. So what did I do if I never had any rent or land to speak up until a year later??? Well for the first 8 months I had one friend that had a sim where she ran a club. I asked her if it was OK if I plant my 1 prim magicbox under a tree on her land. It was out of sight to her build and I knew where it was. Whenever I needed to add items to my magicbox or maintain it I walked to the tree and edited my MB. Ocassionally she would IM me asking me to move it to a new location because she was renovating. After that I was asked to set up my stuff with someone that needed help with her mall to market. So I took my magicbox and put it in the corner of her mall. Then I finally rented my own parcel of land where my magicbox has been sitting since 2009. But I have never rented land in SL for the purpose of finding a home for me Magicbox. There might be reasons why the Magicbox was bad but this is one of the more bogus arguments.
  11. What is so sad about this whole official DD Deployment is that all the problems that are being encountered since LL officially released it to the production MP and grid was fully anticipated and predicted by many of us veteran merchants. Not even because we saw flaws of the DD in the various beta releases of DD over the past year since LL started this long road of DD development.... but just because many of us knew so well of LL's 100% consistent and horrible history of immature software development and proper testing of the code they do develop. I was not involved in any of LL's secret Closed Beta team. I did not participate in LL's somewhat public open yet restricted beta in December. I also did not participate in any of the final weeks of open DD beta testing on the Aditi grid. Yet I already knew that LL's DD deployment would not go smoothly and it will be riddled with either one or more catastrophic failures and/or several major / minor problems. Why? Because LL's lack of mature development, testing, and deployment skills ensures that every one of their code releases into production will have many stinkers.... the question was... how bad and how many. That is why I havent converted any of my 6 main MP selling packs to DD. Even this strategy was not a 100% assurance that my MP store and packs were safe - with DD LL's code could still have impacted my MB listings. So far.... knock on wood... my listings have been safe. But it just frustrates me how LL's track record is sooooo sooo predictable and bad. And the larger frustration is Rodvik's complete lack of involvement and "I wash my hands of it" approach to all of HIS Commerce Team's continual development, operational, and poor customer service / communication. I had hope that Rodvik was going to be a CEO that was going to take a new fresh Customer Service driven approach to running LL and the SL business. But he has rammed his head in the sand regarding any of his Commerce Team's terrible business unit operations. It tells you a lot about the future of LL and SL when you see how Rodvik lets the Commerce Team continue with how they manage MP and treat their Merchants and MP customers.
  12. LOL Couldbe... that was my thoughts when I first read a Commerce Team posting on the weekend. There was no real content in the posting - as per ususal - so it seemed to me it was just to show that they ware working on the weekend.
  13. CommerceTeam Linden wrote: Thanks to everyone who has been providing us with details on this issue. We are investigating this as a top priority. We will post more information as soon as we have it. The Commerce Team Will you REALLY post more on the issue when you find something out??? You never have in the past. We have no clue what you are really working nor any problems you have discovered or solved. So lets see if you REALLY DO get back to us. My bet is we wont.
  14. Qie Niangao wrote: A note about permissions: If the object is set to allow the next owner to modify it, there's another whole level of potential confusion. What if they scale it larger? Or, god forbid, accidentally drop a script inside, doubling the land impact, and instantly the whole thing ends up in their Lost+Found? Being legalistic about it, whatever they do to modify something is on their own heads, but that's not going to prevent support calls. (That's certainly not to discourage no-mod items. I try very hard never to end up with anything no-mod in my inventory or on my land. It's just that optimizing for land impact makes it much trickier for novices to modify things.) With so many factors allowing the LI to change dynamically, the only thing a Merchant can do that is fair would be that they mention the LI value buts state "Warning: This is the LI at purchase time and that any changes to the sold item can change the LI value". So if I ever decide to sell Landscape Mesh terrains, I would state "LI on initial rez after purchase is 5" Stating actual Prim Count now really has little meaning as prim count has no more bearing on how many prims are consumed off your parcel of land. So stating it to a customer has NO MEANING or VALUE.
  15. Czari Zenovka wrote: Toysoldier Thor wrote Brooke..... you know yourself that the inworld meeting is nothing but a PR campaign to try to prove that you are willing to communicate. You also know that it will be a waste of everyone's time. Ohhh, I don't know...I'm sure someone could easily script a "Bear Thrower." Could be a good use of time for entertainment purposes. *grins* I do agree with your post, however, Toy! Do you mean like my POPCORN PROTEST of 2009 ? lol We could have a DD Bear Burning 0f 2012 for this meeting.
  16. Czari Zenovka wrote: I'm not sure at this point that CTL relishes the Q&A meetings. At least not until this MP brewhaha mess is fixed. As much as this inworld Q&A from the LCT / Brooke would be entertaining - especially in light of the horrible DD deployment strategy (i.e. the really short deadlines for MB migration) and the near zero forum/blog communictions from the LCT during the DD cutover, and the growing list of DD related bugs which LCT's only open communications has been their basic canned response of "We are aware of the xxx bug and working on it - sorry for the inconvenience".... I think Brooke & company would be very wise if they would avoid the inworld meeting which we all know will be a blast from countless extremely frustrated Merchants (and rightly so) and Brooke basically telling us nothing but the "motherhood and apple-pie" little content information that her team has been providing in the forums. IF Brooke and company had REAL VALUE information to provide the merchants.... she would be much better serving all of us if her team would post a detailed and openly transparent blog of whats going on and what action plan they are working on. Her team should then spend a couple hours actually ANSWERING Questions from the merchants in the corresponding fourum. To date, LCT is not telling us ANYTHING. No real information on whats gone wrong. No real information on what they are trying to resolve or the scope of each of these problems. No valued advice to Merchants on what we should do. AND no answers to our constant questioning to LL team as to why they refuse to push back the MagicBox deadline to something like the Summer or when DD has been proven to be stable. Brooke..... you know yourself that the inworld meeting is nothing but a PR campaign to try to prove that you are willing to communicate. You also know that it will be a waste of everyone's time. Just start communicating in blogs and use some of your time to answer our questions on the blogs and forums.
  17. Marcus Hancroft wrote: I just checked all 37 pages of my store and everything still seems to be correct. I am watching everything like a freaking hawk. FYI - I mentioned my business partner who is in a coma in few days ago. I found out this morning that he passed away overnight. I just hope there was family around him when he died. This is a sad sad day for me. Rotten India: Born 03/02/2009, Died 03/30/2012 Sorry to hear. Yes - hope he did have loved ones around him RL during these last days.
  18. Czari Zenovka wrote: Toysoldier Thor wrote: This is only happening to a few Merchants? MB and DD? I checked all my listing.... DD MB Old New Reactivated.... luckily mine are all ok. Hey Toy! Do you mean are the borked listings only happening to a few merchants or the "fix" not working? The borked listings seem fairly prevalent amongst the merchants on this forum (MB & DD both) but there is no telling how many merchants have borked listings and they either do not post or aren't yet aware. I'm sorry if I misunderstood to which you were referring. No - you answered it. PS I didnt know LL released a fix..... good thing its working. If there is something all us Merchants can take comfort in.... LL Commerce Team did not disappoint us and our predictions. Even after a year of DD development and focused priority on pretty much one deliverable in their team - DD - and all their so called testing and alpha and beta and public beta and public public beta...... we all held onto our butts knowing with pretty much predictable certainty that they would still screw it up. The question was.... how bad and in how many ways. They didnt disappoint. And the funny thing is that even with the growing list of DD related JIRAs and messes.. Brooke has not publicly come out to the Merchant community and said... "In light of all the bugs with the DD migration and system, we cannot fairly expect merchants to migrate all their content to a system that is clearly still not reliable. As such, we have agreed that the MagicBox function shutdown will not happen until July 30." This is what AT MINIMUM should have been the normal cutover - even though Brooke promised TPV vendors that MagicBoxes were not going to be shutdown ("supported indefinitely").
  19. This is only happening to a few Merchants? MB and DD? I checked all my listing.... DD MB Old New Reactivated.... luckily mine are all ok.
  20. Nacy..... This is not about LOVING or HATING a program... is has been about someone calling and defending Blender as being the "EASIEST" program. Are you going to stand there and post that in your opinion Blender is the EASIEST 3D program to use? Have you been involved in the SL Sculpty creation community? If you have then you and a couple other of you sure have been the completely silent minority or majority. In the 3+ years I have been in the SL sculpty community, I have not once run into a fellow Sculpty creator that has said.... "I love blender because it was soooo easy to use and simply to understand". I have run into hmmm lets say.... 100% of any of my fellow sculpty creators in SL that have made statements like..... "Blender is painfully complicated" or "Blender has a steep learning curve" or "I gave up trying to figure it out.....". Lots of SL Sculpty creators do use blender - but not because it is an EASY program to use... it was other factors like ITS FREE. Again.... that doesnt mean Blender is not powerful.... let me repeat myself for about the 100th time.... BLENDER IS A VERY POWERFUL FULL FEATURED FREE PRODUCT. What part of what I am saying is not getting through to you and others. And as for Zbrush.... just because I like using it doesnt mean I am promoting it. Prior to this debate in this thread, show me one of my posts that responded to the OP that "ZBRUSH IS THE BEST PROGRAM" or that "I STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT". I like Zbrush but I get frustrated with a few of this features / terminologies. I have spent a month trying 3DCoat and I almost invested in it but the only thing that held me back from investing in it was that the developer did not YET have a Collada export (they were working on it). I like 3DCoat and Sculptris because of their unqique VOXEL Modeling that Blender and many other programs dont have. And Voxel modeling is of huge interest in the type of SL Mesh development I am doing - i.e. artistic static models and some day in the future mesh landscapes (mesh landscapes are not yet feasible with the current LI penalties on them over scultpies). So... maybe that will get my points across. The person promoting a product here was not me because unlike the poster that called Blender the EASIEST and those that promote Blender to be the best are not correct. The correct answer is the best product for you in creating 3D SL mesh models is the one that fits your needs and fits your comfort in the UI etc. That product is different for everyone.
  21. the thing you and mansani are both reading out of your own imaginations is that I have never promoted Zbrush in this thread. Yes I like Zbrush and I totally think its a much easier interface UI than blender and completely meets my needs for SL Mesh development - as I am sure it would meet a large portion of other SL Sculpty creators that are considering Mesh development. Why? because ALL SL sculpty creators and most SL Mesh creators only plan to create static mesh models which Zbrush is good at doing. But so is mudbox and so is 3DCoat and several others. They all are great tool and most of them easily have a much more friendly and intuitive interface than Blender. This thread debate between mansani and me was not about Zbrush or Blender. It was to Mansani because he seems to think I was promoting Zbrush. Totally went on a tangent. This was about me telling Mansani that although Blender is a lot of good things.... for him to openly state that Blender is the "EASIEST" program is utterly false. Its not ! Blender has a very strong reputation for being one of the most complex, unfriendly, and horrid UIs in the industry. I have never ever ever said (and I have challenged Mansani and I will challenge you as well) that Blender is not a powerful program. It is - i will say it again - it is. And its alsot free which is a great plus. So if you are new to SL Mesh development and have never used a 3D modeling tool, Blender is one of the worse programs to consider cutting your teeth on in learning SL Mesh development. BUT... if you have a ton of patience and FREE is absolutely critical to you - then Blender is your best choice.... but surely not because its the EASIEST. Nacy, you can come up with your own theories behind my postings. Thats great, but I am not going to listen to somoene post to an OP questioner on picking a program to create 3D models and say say "Blender is the Easiest" when most SL sculpty creators have openly criticized Blender for being one of the hardest. That is deception.
  22. Arwen Serpente wrote: lol, Toy, I'm glad the "DD Lucky Gods" are smiling on you. maybe its because I only have about 40 MP listings or my sales volumes are not heavy enough to trigger the DD bugs you all are seeing.
  23. Since last friday when I cut over all but 6 MP products to DD from MB, I have 100% delivery success - both on the summary and the order details. But that was the case before DD deployment. Of all my sale only 8 of my sales were DD - the rest of my sales are on my MB top 6 sellers. But... before and after DD.... 100%. I wished I could say that about my community Forums email notifications which have been screwing up since DD's deploy date. I have immediate email notification set and since last week my forum account has switched to daily summary and i get slammed with about 175 emails every morning then after an hour it goes back to daily summary. Seems its only happening to my account.
  24. Masami Kuramoto wrote: Toysoldier Thor wrote: I installed the latest blender this year. It is not better - it is more complex and worse. The world is run by those who show up. Apparently you were not around when the developers asked for input. But clearly you are biased and a lover of Blender. There will not be any way of changing your mind. I know from my own personal experience and from comments from several fellow 3D builders that Blender is Ogre of 3D UI. Its horridly over complex and non-intuitive. But if it works for geekoids like you - GREAT! Just dont deceive others by telling them its EASIEST. You deceive people by telling them that Zbrush is all they need to create mesh content for Second Life. Blender's UI is the easiest until someone comes up with an easier one without dropping features. Dumbing down is not an option if it keeps us from getting the job done. And get real. I have no intention in investing anything in Blender. Crowdfunding is all about getting others to invest in your idea. But then again, you don't really have an idea how to make Blender's UI easier. All you have is a sense of entitlement: "If I don't grok this, then those who do must be geekoids." I already told you that I have moved on from blender. Yes, you have moved on from rigged mesh to static mesh. What will you do if Zbrush gets more powerful? Move on to prims? Well at least your posts are entertaining if not on target and are putting words in my mouth. No you are right Masami, unlike you that must be one of the Blender open source developer (hence your deep defensive posture on Blender and your skewed promotion of Blender as the "easiest" program), I am not 3D industry guru or professional 3D modeller where anyone would ask for my input... I can safely safe nor would 99% of any other users of 3D modeling tools - even Blender. You are one of the Blessed ones of Blender.. Yeah for you. As for me deceiving everyone about Zbrush.... lets put your money where you mouth is Masami.... show me any one of my posts ANYWHERE that I stated in any way that Zbrush had all the functions of Blender or that Zbrush was the tool all SecondLife user should use? You wont find it - because it was only created in your head. It is a very well known fact and belief among most SL Sculpty creators and now mesh creators that Blender has the worse and most steep learning curve. I have heard countless times from fellow sculpty creators over the years that "blender is free but it has a horrid UI and steep painful learning curve". You can say this is not true but you are just fooling yourself as most SL scuplty creators know the truth. As for Zbrush's limits for SL mesh development. No one would argue that Zbrush does not have all the functions that Blender has to take advantage of ALL the mesh solutions within SL.... but you also forget that most Sculpty and now mesh developers for SecondLife dont need most of Blender's capabilities. Except for the extreme Mesh Geeks, I would safely say that most SecondLife Mesh creators are the previous generation Sculpty creators what only had / used static models.... and now only have a desire to create static Mesh models. As such, most of us would find much easier to use tools like Zbrush more that capable to meet all their needs for SL mesh development since most are not creating mesh avatars etc. Most of us just want to create better static 3D mesh models which sculpties limited us in the past. I am surely one of them and I know there are a lot more of us that will find Zbrush and 3DCoat and other similar 3D tool more than acceptable while at the same time avoiding Blender's horrendous UI and steep learning curve. But Masami - I am glad you are happy with Blender and promoting your tool that you seem to have a bias for. Lets agree that we wont agree.
  25. So my daily update on the SL Community Forums EMAIL NOTIFICATION BLAST I keep getting. After yesterday's blast at about 5:30am SLT of 170~ emails from LL my immediate notifications worked for about 1 hour and once again LL held back my email nofications. This morning at 6:44am SLT LL blasted my email account with about 180 new email notifcations from the past 23 hours. Immediately alerting is still working since but I expect it to qo quiet again. Does anyone know how to open a support ticket to LL on an issue that is related to LL SPAM BLASTING my email account each morning because of a broken Forums configuration setting? I tried to open a ticket but there were no topics in LL ticket creation for SL Communities Forums issues. This broken function has been going on for over a week now.
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